• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

never seen it this good.... unbelievable


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
just a few months ago I was thinking CB was dead.... mostly because 19 was taken over by one idiot in the desert....
and not too much talk on the other channels.....
but the last couple months??? it's been fantastic! once a week I go shopping or out for supper in my pick-up truck with my mobile CB..... ( no CB in my plumbing van that I use daily) ....lately I always find someone to talk to on my mobile.... on my base I always hear people talking... lot of skip, but also a few locals to chit chat with...... tonight I came up with a crazy antenna experiment for one of my handheld CB's and thought I would take it out and see how far it could go.... so I was looking for a clear station to transmit on....... I looked for a 1/2 hour...... and EVERY SINGLE channel had several people talking???? I was listening to channel 4 and they sounded like they were in my back yard... talking about some cancer treatments and so forth, I didn't want to break in.... I kept looking but just gave up.... how many people using CB on a Thursday night at 9:18 PM ????? I was so surprised I recorded it.


Temporarily Banned
Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Now you know why DSP is the game-changer.

The high fidelity speaker gives data for the trained ear as to who’s near and who’s far.

Just wait till they’re all within the county, and one over. I can deal with 2, maybe 3 conversations, but after that it’s too much. I have to back off the RF Gain and add a spot of SQ.

Thanks for posting vid!

I’ll be sending out links as to “why” one wants a modern radio.

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Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
Earlier this evening I was getting some strong skip as late as 8:30 PM
Solar cycle 25 is intensifying so you are likely to hear a lot of CB.
So, that tiny president bill with the little wil antenna should have you chatting DX.


May 10, 2024
Similar experience yesterday. Not on the quantity, but on the quality. Several conversations with locals coming in crystal clear. Makes it a lot more enjoyable for all parties when you're actually communicating. That keeps the riff raff choaked back too it seems.


Temporarily Banned
Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Similar experience yesterday. Not on the quantity, but on the quality. Several conversations with locals coming in crystal clear. Makes it a lot more enjoyable for all parties when you're actually communicating. That keeps the riff raff choaked back too it seems.

Yes, it does. Strange as it may seem. I’ve made this point before.


Dec 22, 2013
Must have been 200 people on side band talking and probably 200 on am talking.... I didn't know 400 people in the country talked on CB anymore
Even without a band opening, I have found that sometimes you can sweep the 11 meter band with a shortwave receiver and see distinct rise in noise floor on each of the 40 channels. If you have a spectrum/bandscope versus S meter it is pretty noticeable. .


Temporarily Banned
Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
just a few months ago I was thinking CB was dead.... mostly because 19 was taken over by one idiot in the desert....
and not too much talk on the other channels.....
but the last couple months??? it's been fantastic! once a week I go shopping or out for supper in my pick-up truck with my mobile CB..... ( no CB in my plumbing van that I use daily) ....lately I always find someone to talk to on my mobile.... on my base I always hear people talking... lot of skip, but also a few locals to chit chat with...... tonight I came up with a crazy antenna experiment for one of my handheld CB's and thought I would take it out and see how far it could go.... so I was looking for a clear station to transmit on....... I looked for a 1/2 hour...... and EVERY SINGLE channel had several people talking???? I was listening to channel 4 and they sounded like they were in my back yard... talking about some cancer treatments and so forth, I didn't want to break in.... I kept looking but just gave up.... how many people using CB on a Thursday night at 9:18 PM ????? I was so surprised I recorded it.

Are we listening across the DX-901 speaker in that video?



Temporarily Banned
Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
that's all I listen to now, thanks to you

One can review quite a lot of video about both DSP & NRC and the audio never shows up this clearly.

I realized it might have been an effect of the recording gear & process, so had to get clarification.

Impressive, ain’t it?

Joe Average needs to set up his Cobra 29 and Lil Wil and compare his results to this.

When things just went from weird to, Oh, s%#^, out on the road is when we wished we had this clarity miles back as it wasn’t at all clear what the commotion on AM-19 was about (and got ignored).

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
The 901 is a very nice speaker, before I got rid of the surge I didn't notice too much difference... That Quad 5 is pretty good on its own and my hearing is shot. But after I got rid of the surge, I found that speaker is crystal clear


May 10, 2024
Finally made it a point to cruise the LSB yesterday evening. Ho.Re. Sheet.

**Scuttles back into hole**

I must have heard the entire US population talking. Some couldn't have sounded clearer if they had been sitting in the cab with me. Still plenty of noise, but we dialed the bulk of it out.

Didn't sound like more than a handful were having conversations. Of the ones actually communicating, nothing discussed was of any particular usefulness. Most seemed to be shooting in the dark looking for a contact.

I noted that almost all had a "call sign" that consisted of their state followed by a three digit number (I.E. Nebraska 393, Arizona 101, New York 112). I assume that's an area code?

I finally broke in on channel 1 in the same manner I had heard from the more professional sounding fellows. I waited about 10 seconds or so and tried again. With no luck I moved on. I made it through the lower half of the band before the wife's Yukon pulled into view.

I jumped back to AM19 and chatted with the "Gypsy Wildflower" for a few minutes. Hearing herself on the radio had her giggling like a schoolgirl. Honestly, I think she's hooked already. The way she talks on the radio sounds awfully sultry though, borderline slutty. (Don't tell her I said that, lol). Not that I'm bothered in the least, but I don't know that she fully appreciates that it's a wide open communication tool. It was definitely a fun chat with a good contact.


Mar 12, 2014
I'm not really into CB anymore but sometimes I take one on long driving trips. A few years ago, On my trip up the western U.S. coast I heard one conversation during my entire trip. During that same trip just a few months ago the band was a traffic jam during the day, dying away as the sun set. I don't think I'd ever heard that much traffic even during its heyday. For those that are interested, now would be a good time to break out a CB and give it a try.


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Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Ones’ handle is of his choosing.

One fellow of whom I’m aware of in Texas is:

Lone Star State

I might be in Iowa, but might use:

Texas Mobile

There are no rules, just some accepted practice.
Same as with geniuses gifting us with ghetto slang.

Sideband is a good way to test & tune-up a mobile radio rig as the antenna is marginal compared to an 18’ base set-up. With VNA, try something or another, and use SSB to get feedback (keeping all else constant).

Use AM to see if that helped, but at least didn’t hurt.

You’ll note that there are some whom you’ll be able to hear & converse with more easily than others on a semi-regular basis. AM or SSB.

I “tend” to run RF Gain wide open, but that’s actually backed off just a tad. I look for S-Meter to back off a little. I’d rather adjust SQ to control what I hear (that’s not advice), and I just barely move that as maximum distance is what I’m shooting to get.

I make these adjustments on a quiet channel. Then move back to AM-19, or LSB-38.

There’ll be that I can hear but not easily decipher. I’d rather keep those which are truly distant and difficult off the speaker when it’s crowded.

Experience will make this more clear. And remembering that about 3X per hour is a minimum to check for changes.

After awhile — with trained ears — the daylong radio changes will reflect knowing good from bad becoming automatic. I don’t even know I’m doing it.

As you’re on familiar roads on familiar compass headings, this’ll become aitomagic in the same way. (Just rounded Johnson Mtn on the Interstate headed E, knows he can crank it as it gets quiet for XX miles).

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Temporarily Banned
Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
For those that are interested, now would be a good time to break out a CB and give it a try.

CB radio is a really good idea, as “best” isn’t expensive given increased safe operation margin while driving:

Antenna: LARSEN NMO34b base + WD640b whip + spring-b at roof-center, w/coax upgrade — and use of a NANO-VNA to check all components as the final piece — would mean RX/TX performance superior to the day just passed that it wasn’t available without prohibitive expense. (2024 is a quantum leap past 1989-spec).

— Tallest antenna possible = best performance. Use of a coil base as above to reach 7’ (closest) to mimic what a 108” whip could do.

— An NRC dual-final AM/FM/SSB radio such as RadiOddity QT60 + DX-901 speaker is the other part.

This radio performance level is that which 99% don’t understand could exist. A Cobra 29 radio with a 350W Texas Star is a joke whose time has passed.


Belief that emergency services will be available, or that vehicle design lowers injury-risk (and loss of vehicle) is playing with fire. The roads are more dangerous today than ever.


“Pile-ups” are now the norm. Miles before you see it, it will be sending waves of behavior changes back up the road towards you.

The lie is that cell phone use caused this in the next image. It was following too close as a rule which has risk precedence.

Can’t fix stupid.

Same with the ones who slow to take pics/video (get an extra-loud horn; try to keep from being rear-ended by another of the stupid/selfish).


Sideband is also a way to get real-time info a state or two away as Dot.Gov doesn’t have your interests at heart any more than MSM weather. Wants you to obey.

Ask a citizen. A man. Not one of the sheep.
A modern radio rig can do that which was only hypothetical a few years ago.

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Temporarily Banned
Timeout for bad behavior
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth
Use this and it helps deflate the paid interference:


5-6 of these still heard regularly. Can be increased. Use, and repeat words


“Break 1-9 for a 10-32. 1-9 Break, Radio Check, anyone”.

“We have you 10-2, hand, you’re getting out good at Mike-Mike 118, India-Hotel Six-Four, southbound in The Bluegrass”.

The 10-code has faded in use. But it’ll help others that clarity is always the game. Work these in.

A few regulars in a region doing such will up the game for everyone. Encourage better use.


You have a modern radio rig. . . they already want that clarity arising from a background of silence. They’ll adopt your better habits.

The days of catering to the stoopid are over.
That Marxist s#%^ stinks. Time to bury it.

Tattoo tee-shirt with baby ball cap backwards will try to make fun of it. Ignoring the 9-yr olds fixes that “problem”.

Or, can start with the 10-73 & 10-33 list of what you passed, MM & Time Since.

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