Sarcastic Member
From the CCSO social media page:
As you know, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office strives to share as much information as possible with our community.
However, as a matter of officer safety our public safety radio traffic is now encrypted. This means individuals with police scanners or scanner apps will no longer hear CCSO radio traffic.
I always find this “officer safety” throw down to be complete crap. So I decided to FOIA Collier County Sheriffs Office. I had three specific questions:
ONE1). The number of times an individual was arrested for using a scanner during the commission of a crime during the last 5 years. Particularly 843.167(1)(a) and (b).
2). The number of civilian complaints against Sheriff’s Deputies during the last 5 years.
There have been 601 civilian complaints during this timeframe.
3). The number of internal investigations against Sheriff’s Deputies during the last 5 years that were substantiated and resulted in disciplinary action.
So, where is the transparency ? I would say that the “officer safety” terminology being thrown out is just another way for agencies to give the public the warm and fuzzy. I’ll also bet that if I FOIA the majority of the SO’s in Florida, my data will also be the same.There have been 262 sustained internal investigations during this timeframe.
Now, I’m NOT against encryption. I 100% believe there is a need for encrypted radio traffic, especially for covert operations such as narcotics, SWAT/SRT, etc. But the statistics don’t support regular everyday dispatch going ENC. I believe the Public has a right to know what is going on in their own backyard and the statistics actually show that more oversight is needed.
I don’t live in Collier County. But I’ll bet that someone with half a brain can bring this data to the County Commissioners and ask questions. Put pressure on politicians, one of which is the Sheriff himself.
Or do nothing...
Just my .02