I upgraded my Pro 96 from version 1.3 to 1.4 and have noticed some improvement. I monitor Howard Co. and Carroll Co., MD FD's. Howard's is a Motorolla Type II SmartZone with both analog and digital TGs while Carroll's is a Motorolla Type II SmartNet that's all analog. I still get some "motorboating", but mostly when picking up on a digital TG immediately after the end of an analog transmission. For example, I'll get it when I lock on to Howard Co. digital TG immediately after the end of a Carroll analog transmission. Howard also simulcasts its dispatches on Alpha 1 (primary dispatch) which is digital and Alpha 10 (mutual aid) which is analog. The "motorboating" is especially noticable when I lock on to a transmission on Alpha 10, then the sender pauses long enough to exceed the delay, and I pick up on the transmission again on Alpha 1.
I'm not sure if there's a whole lot that can be done about that short of locking out Alpha 10, which I would not like to do and certainly won't lock out the Carroll Co. trunk. Anyway, those are my observations, but on the whole it is better than previous versions.