new DSP upgrade is available for Pro-96/2096

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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
I think the Pro96 line is done with DSP upgrades... Not sure what you mean about the simulcast situation - that's a function of your antenna and location from this point out, there's not much left to do with the DSP to help.


Aug 10, 2005
P25 Simulcast

xusmarine1979 said:
Is there any new word if and when there will be a new dsp update to help with the simulcast situation?
The simulcast situation he is referring to is when a true P25 system (9600 bps control channel and all digital voice, not a Motorola 3600 bps control channel system with some digital and some analog talkgroups) is run in simulcast fashion (multiple sites transmitting and receiving the exact same traffic at the exact same times on the exact same frequencies). The radio receives multipath from the various sites, and because of the ever-so-slight timing differences, the signal gets garbled and the radio can't decode it properly.

There are several cells of our statewide system here in Indiana that are simulcast, but, since it is a mixed-mode SmartZone and not a true P25 system, the P25 digital voice is modulated differently than in a true P25 system with simulcast, which uses LSM (thanks to scannerfreak for that explanation). From my experience, the 96/2096 will do just fine on a Motorola SmartZone simulcasting P25 digital voice (and analog for that matter), but they tend to suffer with the LSM P25 digital voice modulation present on a true P25 system (9600 bps control channel), such as the one Indianapolis is bringing online.

That said, I doubt it if any further DSP updates will be made to the 96/2096 line. For those who want to listen to a true P25 simulcast system, your best bet is probably a PSR-500 or PSR-600, as they have been reported to be the best with LSM P25 simulcast.


Dec 4, 2005
Arlington, Nebraska
popeye9941 said:
I recently downloaded and installed the DSP 1,3 upgrade in my Pro 96 and 2096 scanners. The difference is like night and day. The loud squelch noise bursts are all but gone. The missed transmissions are all but gone. I can finally use the scanners for the purpose I purchased them for, which was to monitor the Detroit fire System. They work great now.

Question. Would I get any further benefit from installing the DSP 1.4 upgrade. I had seen some negative comments on the 1.4 upgrade, so I only did the 1.3, which seems to have solved my problems.

I would strongly urge anyone having problems monitoring the detroit system, to download and install the DSP 1.3 upgrade, from the Radioshack website. It is free, and only takes a few minutes. You do need to buy the cable to connect your scanner to your computer.
Where do I connect it to? Somewhere in the back of the Tower?
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