I've picked up a lot of new radios today on the Bordentown site mostly in the 47xxx and 48xxx range on TG 3133, did anyone else see the same on the other sites? any testing heard?
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Highpockets - Same here. I wanted a list for Parsippany PD (my home town). I didn't spend all that much time on it though. If it were simple to assemble a list that would last it would be cool to have. But that doesn't seem to be the case.
Can someone reconfirm site 124 as Netcong? I'm getting it full bars between Newark and Paramus along the GSP and NJTP on a PSR-800 inside the car with no external antenna. Seems to be too good to be true coverage. Especially since I can see the West Orange site a good portion of the drive. It does change over to West Orange as well, but 124 is beating everyone else out for that area.
Ok thanks guys...time to do a little more exploring. Either it's part of a simulcast system or they are using the same frequency over in the east. I thought the 800 TRS had a site up on the Empire State Building...I wonder if what I'm hearing on the PSIC is coming off there? If not, then I want to put my repeater up on that tower for the coverage it's putting out !