New releases at Hamvention


Premium Subscriber
Jan 31, 2020
I spent $3200 on a VP8000. Quality costs money. It does P25 trunking/TDMA, all encryption, DMR conventional, and soon enough- NXDN including type C trunking. Full spectrum VHF, UHF, and 700/800. Built to survive harsh service life. Clean RF on all commercial digital modes and analog. Does ham and LMR like a champ (and true part 90 certification).

The D75 is the amateur answer to quality. Crybaby hams who expect stake and ale for pizza and beer prices need to grow up. I can remember when a 2 meter mobile rig was $400 in 1985 prices, which, with inflation, is $1165 in today's money. That radio usually had 10-20 memory channels if that, CTCSS was usually optional, and you bought once and cried once.

There are those who care about quality, putting out a quality signal that isn't full of hash and trash spurs, and solid audio not muffled and muddy, than there are the bottom feeders from the 22 channel GMRS army with their Bandoleros of Baoturds who wonder why their kerchunks and attempted calls are IGNORED on local repeaters.
Boast much? Some of us aren't that fortunate. No wonder I won't get a license. Proud CCR bottom feeder here. CCR breaks or gets lost I won't cry.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Boast much? Some of us aren't that fortunate. No wonder I won't get a license. Proud CCR bottom feeder here. CCR breaks or gets lost I won't cry.
Nothing fortunate about hard work. I bust my butt and have since I was 17 to pay for what I want, honestly and with integrity. That's the key to being able to afford quality gear versus garbage that sounds like a bag of smashed buttholes and doesn't last.

All about priorities. Some folks spend their earnings on cigarettes, beer, video games and cheap strip clubs. Others save their money and spend wisely. All depends on what is important to one. My preference is quality radios that last and perform. I do LMR for a living and practice what I preach when off the clock.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
Nothing fortunate about hard work. I bust my butt and have since I was 17 to pay for what I want, honestly and with integrity. That's the key to being able to afford quality gear versus garbage that sounds like a bag of smashed buttholes and doesn't last.

All about priorities. Some folks spend their earnings on cigarettes, beer, video games and cheap strip clubs. Others save their money and spend wisely. All depends on what is important to one. My preference is quality radios that last and perform. I do LMR for a living and practice what I preach when off the clock.
Hey hey hey, don’t knock high quality radios. Or cheap strip clubs. Or being successful enough to afford either.