email_subject = [d] Page Received at [t] #MVTTD
Is anyone having issues with changing the subject, saving encrypted file, uploading encrypted file, and then the change in subject missing?
Before the basics are asked:
*have done this several times now.
*The saved tones.cfg shows the subject as modified. I also added an email for good measure to ensure the new file is getting downloaded.
*deleted the local and remote encrypted files to ensure everything was fresh.
**saved the local encrypted file
**uploaded the encrypted file
*deleted the local tones.cfg after uploading the encrypted file. (after making a renamed copy of course)
*ran TTD70 and it downloads the file and extracts to tones.cfg
**the new email I added is in the tones.cfg file but the changed subject is at default and missing #MVTTD in the subject for both tones.