I imported my existing profile into PPS V4 and wrote it to my G5. Everything seemed to go well, no errors, and the G5 appeared to program OK. I didn't have a lot of time to test the radio to verify everything right away, but I did discover what appears to be the same error others have discussed here.
I have a knob position to monitor a single P25 Trunking talk group for all traffic, and on the next position it monitors the same talk group, but with the binding feature set to "sub-group feature" and the sub-group to monitor for the "warble" tones, which makes the pager alert and then monitor that talk group for a period of time and record. It also monitors for the "channel marker" tones and monitors the talk group as long as the channel marker is being transmitted. The nice feature about this I can listen to everything on that talk group, and if don't want to hear everything and only monitor for emergency traffic, I set it to the second position. It has been working great for years.
However, after programming with V4, on the second knob position, all traffic is heard on that talk group, even though the P25 Sub Group "alternatives" is disabled. It still alerts to the tones, but all traffic is passed all the time, instead of remaining silent until the tones are heard. So that alerting feature is somehow broken with V4.
I also have some conventional VHF 2-tone paging settings, and will test those over the weekend to see if similar settings (Monitor Mode and Selective Call) are working correctly.
In the meantime, fortunately the previous PPS V3 was still installed, so I use it to reprogram the G5 and go back in time a week, and all is normal.
Hopefully that's a bug that can be easily fixed by changing a 1 to a 0 or 0 to a 1 in the coding.