Looks great. Are you actually doing that much photo editing?
Since I didn't have most of the tools, a radio shop helped me out but we both did it and got it all done in one day. I did all of the planning and we just knocked it out once I had all the pieces of the puzzle put together.
How do you find the laptop holds up in the car, I notice it looks like a regular laptop and not a toughbook.
Yes, I have to do all of my editing. From a typical 800ish images from the average assignment, I'll pare it down to a dozen or so, crop them and color correct them and send them off to NY or DC. I archive all of my pictures, "keepers" or not. It's a pretty detailed workflow.
Wow, is this your sole form of income?
In this mobile installs, I'm seeing the black metal material used. Where do you get this? Is it pre-cut, you cut it yourself?