Clifton Police switch to NJICS is imminent!!!
Start looking and monitoring for new talk groups or the testing talk groups on NJICS West Orange site with radio IDs starting with 1602xxxx. They can be testing already, however I have not monitored activity yet. The more "ears" on this the better chance of getting this information.
They have recently been issued Harris XL multi band portable radios and a few cars have Harris mobiles. Since these radios are multi band they can be using the new radios on their current VHF channels.
When the switch is indeed made to the NJICS all law enforcement communications will be "E". (I am in a position to know this).
Remaining services are staying where they are VHF/UHF for FD, EMS. OEM & Public Works. The police VHF channels will be for back up of NJICS and local use.
However, a clue Clifton may be using the new Harris radios. Clifton MDC numbers normally have been running in upper 800s thru 1010.
Today I noticed much lower MDC numbers of 0164, 0167, 0173. (New batch of radios starting with low MDC numbers?)
So as stated earlier, perhaps they are using their new multi-band radios on their current VHF allocations. When the time comes they merely have to switch!!!