One of those (4949 or 5209) could be Cumberland County Sheriff Dept. sense they went silent on the VHF just recently.
Has anyone heard Jeffstat air operations on the listed talk group?
I still hear them on their VHF analog frequency and no patch ect on that talk group.
Yes I know about the REMCS talk group and the daily roll calls. What I am asking is about a talk group that is listed for JeffStat flight following. ThanksOn the Medevac Operations TG I assume you're referring to? I believe REMCS does a daily check in each morning with all services, I hear it when I'm in early but don't truly listen to each unit. I believe Jeffstat is one they check with.
They do use it, not a ton though. You can listen to it on Broadcastify Calls. They tell REMCS what they are doing (in regards to availability, if they are on an assignment), then they give flight info to Ops (souls on board, fuel level, etc). I believe most Medevacs have similar setups.Yes I know about the REMCS talk group and the daily roll calls. What I am asking is about a talk group that is listed for JeffStat flight following. Thanks
They do use it, not a ton though. You can listen to it on Broadcastify Calls. They tell REMCS what they are doing (in regards to availability, if they are on an assignment), then they give flight info to Ops (souls on board, fuel level, etc). I believe most Medevacs have similar setups.
They seem to be on Berlin Simulcast, at least that is what site is sending calls to Broadcastify.
Yes, TG 5089.Thanks Lynchy!
Is that the talk group 5089 ?
That’s listed as JeffStat Operations
FYI this particular thread's purpose is to discuss municipal agencies that are migrating or have migrated to the NJICS. Broader discussions about the system, including talk of state agencies or medevacs, belong in the main NJICS thread.
New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (NJICS)
System ID: 39A WACN: BEE00 NAC: 394 Site: 104 Ch# 01-1970 774.31875 Control Channel Ch# 01-1850 773.56875 Ch# 01-1306 770.16875 Ch# 01-1266 769.91875 Ch# 01-1230 769.69375 This site is currently in "Site Trunking" mode and it appears to be a Project-25 X2-TDMA system. On 07/30/
No worries, wasn't picking on you, just a general reminder.Sorry..
My mistake.
Good catch. I saw the update in the database. I'm also keep noticing these new County fire channels popping up in the database under Cape May County. Are any of them regularly active yet?Cape May PD is now utilizing NJICS talkgroup 5217 as their new dispatch channel. I arrived at our place here Friday night and even though things were quite busy in town I wasn't hearing anything on their 155.70 frequency. I suspected they had made the jump to the NJICS so I did a search for unidentified talkgroups and found them on 5217. 155,70 has remained silent.
It actually wasn't hard to find Cape May's talkgroup. There aren't many agencies on the Cape May Simulcast so I just set my SDS100 to ID search, locked out the State Agencies and known local PD's and just looked for an unidentified talkgroup. I found Avalon last year by the same method. Cape May was even easier to identify as we have a place in Cape May so I know all of the locations they mentioned on the radio.Good catch. I saw the update in the database. I'm also keep noticing these new County fire channels popping up in the database under Cape May County. Are any of them regularly active yet?
Considering Roseland FD is still on a simplex channel, not the worst thing - for us buffs... if they keep it clear.There will be changes coming to the Caldwell area of Essex county in the near future.
Currently West Caldwell also dispatches Caldwell. That agreement was not renewed and will end at the end of this year. Caldwell is currently on VHF but has been approved for “upgrades” to their system. The rumor is that they will join NJICS and have dispatch services from North Caldwell, who also dispatches for Essex Fells.
West Caldwell has entered into an agreement with Roseland, who are presently VHF, to provide dispatch services. Roseland has also allocated money to upgrade their communication system before making this switch.
So we may yet see 2 more West Essex towns go with NJICS.
As usual stay tuned.
Getting a lot of activity last couple days on tg 3711 not in the DB, Seems to be Cape May county but can't catch the department.