I swear, the more and more posts in this thread, the more brain cells I lose.....
Following known RIDs is the best way to identify encrypted talkgroups.
The only "known RIDs" on this system are the radio techs.....
They wouldn't. On systems that are partially encrypted, or part-time encrypted, my comment stands.
True. Except, If you had been following this specific system or read the other messages in the thread, you would know that the only traffic on this system is multicasted from the UHF conv counterparts. On this system, specifically when multicasted traffic is heard, DSD+ (which I use) displays an EXTERNAL RID for each transmission, regardless of whether it's a dispatcher or a field unit. Because it is a straight multicasted patch, units are
natively operating on UHF, not this system.
However, one of the previous posters said that the talkgroup was previously in the clear, so there was an opportunity to identify RIDs before encryption.
Yes, I did mention that. But I heard the multicasted traffic and matched it with UHF audio to identify it, not through RIDs, because, as I mentioned, they all say EXTERNAL. The Talkgroup was clear and then went encrypted right before It was submitted.