Official DMR Upgrade for PRO-18 and PRO-668 by Whistler

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Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia

The link is source code in the C# language. It is not a complete program, but rather a function that could be used in a C# program. You can use Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition to compile.

The code implements RC4, a stream cipher.

73 Eric

Thank you for your response but its worse than being completely Greek to me. I couldn't understand it much less do it if someone held a gun to my head. LOL

Oh and that's if it was a complete program. Now if I just had to double click it to make everything work then maybe. :)


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
I'd like to reply to a couple of recent posts which, while not naming me directly, point to part of the exact things which I said, of course leaving out other important things said.

First and foremost I was not attacking or disparaging Eric.

I made a point in my posts to once again thank Eric for the work he put into making the fixes and for making them available. I was and am immensely grateful for him doing that. It made my scanners much better all around than they were. Not just DMR but in lots of other ways as well.

All I said was that I was disappointed to see he was not going to continue it and I also made a point of saying that was his right to make that decision.

That is, once again, not an attack or disparagement upon him.

I also did not ask otherS to keep going but referenced one person who did the last one and said I hoped he'd step up again.

Finally I said I'd rather spend the 120 plus 50 shipping towards buying a TRX 2 which is another Whistler product since the upgraded 668 already does what Whistler is offering to do for a price.

Now as I've seen on here a lot of people seem to have copious amounts of money to spend on whatever they want but I live on a very limited income and don't. So for me, $170.00 is a lot of money which I don't have to blow on upgrades which I already have.

Hope that clarifies things a bit.


Dec 19, 2002
Spotsylvania County, Va
I think everything is cool Ron. For me, I don't think any clarification is needed. I for one understand where people are coming from on this. While I may have the money to spend, and could buy a TRX-1 or 2, I simply don't want to as this is not my primary hobby. Whereas the next person may simply not have the money to either do the upgrade or even consider buying another scanner. Then in your case you prefer to save the price of the upgrade to pay for a new and improved model. There is no right or wrong there, and all reasoning is valid. I think the perception was that in a few cases some were maligning those that do plan to go forward with the upgrade for some reason. Like anything else it all comes down to each taking the path that works for them, regardless of what the next person does.

Actually I've not seen anyone disparage Eric, nor would I expect that to happen. He was the one who got us where we are and I think everyone who took advantage of his work is most appreciative.


Dec 19, 2002
Spotsylvania County, Va
Eric has already said he never heard from them, and I have no reason not to believe him. Of course they are well aware of what has has been done, but have chosen to remain silent on it. I suspect because they had already planned to roll out the update program, which they apparently told someone at Dayton they had been working on for the past year. By all means, anyone can certainly ltfao to their heart's content. On the other hand, since I don't need any more scanners but would like the Pro-668 to have continual update capability without having to wait for someone to tweak something, as well as access to factory service if ever needed. I didn't pay full price for mine anyway, so not like I am losing anything.


Mar 23, 2013
Mudhole, IN
After much deliberation, I decided to go ahead and post this, knowing that it is likely to send me down in flames. But I think a little dose of reality is appropriate at this point.

If you are going to be in this (or any) hobby, you had better have a few extra coins to rub together. No one has the "right" to do any such activity; you earn that right by saving your nickels and dimes so that you can indulge. I've spent many years of my life either broke or the next thing to it. Thankfully, that situation no longer pertains, but I can certainly relate to those who don't want to spend $60 + shipping to keep one of these orphaned scanners up to date. Thanks to Eric and a couple of others, you have the option to decode DMR, plus other additional capabilities. That won't go away. And if you're content with that, fine, leave things as they are, and be content with no future upgrades and support. That's your choice. But never forget that you didn't have to pay for it, nor condemn those who choose to get the upgrade, legitimize their scanner's capabilities, and secure future support. Nor does Whistler deserve to be condemned for this. They could have walked away from these scanners. They chose to step up and offer support, not only for the 668's the made for RS, but for the 18's and 800's that were made by GRE. I personally applaud that and in no way do I disparage their wanting to get paid for the work they did, and will do, to make this happen. They are in business to make a profit; if they don't make one, they'll be out of business sooner or later and we won't have their products to choose from.

Okay, flame away.:(


Dec 19, 2002
Spotsylvania County, Va
After much deliberation, I decided to go ahead and post this, knowing that it is likely to send me down in flames. But I think a little dose of reality is appropriate at this point.

If you are going to be in this (or any) hobby, you had better have a few extra coins to rub together. No one has the "right" to do any such activity; you earn that right by saving your nickels and dimes so that you can indulge. I've spent many years of my life either broke or the next thing to it. Thankfully, that situation no longer pertains, but I can certainly relate to those who don't want to spend $60 + shipping to keep one of these orphaned scanners up to date. Thanks to Eric and a couple of others, you have the option to decode DMR, plus other additional capabilities. That won't go away. And if you're content with that, fine, leave things as they are, and be content with no future upgrades and support. That's your choice. But never forget that you didn't have to pay for it, nor condemn those who choose to get the upgrade, legitimize their scanner's capabilities, and secure future support. Nor does Whistler deserve to be condemned for this. They could have walked away from these scanners. They chose to step up and offer support, not only for the 668's the made for RS, but for the 18's and 800's that were made by GRE. I personally applaud that and in no way do I disparage their wanting to get paid for the work they did, and will do, to make this happen. They are in business to make a profit; if they don't make one, they'll be out of business sooner or later and we won't have their products to choose from.

Okay, flame away.:(

No flames here! I think most of us have been in a position of paycheck to paycheck (I know I have) or even worse. But yeah, it wasn't that long ago people were lamenting the lack of support for these things. Now there is that opportunity. So let people make their choice to either do it or not, without knocking them or the company that is giving them an out.


Feed Provider
Mar 19, 2007
Virginia/West Virginia
Echoing the four previous posts, there's nothing wrong with a business making some money from the products and services it provides.


Premium Subscriber
May 23, 2006
Clifton Forge Virginia
I think everything is cool Ron. For me, I don't think any clarification is needed. I for one understand where people are coming from on this. While I may have the money to spend, and could buy a TRX-1 or 2, I simply don't want to as this is not my primary hobby. Whereas the next person may simply not have the money to either do the upgrade or even consider buying another scanner. Then in your case you prefer to save the price of the upgrade to pay for a new and improved model. There is no right or wrong there, and all reasoning is valid. I think the perception was that in a few cases some were maligning those that do plan to go forward with the upgrade for some reason. Like anything else it all comes down to each taking the path that works for them, regardless of what the next person does.

Actually I've not seen anyone disparage Eric, nor would I expect that to happen. He was the one who got us where we are and I think everyone who took advantage of his work is most appreciative.

No problem I just didn't want people to think I said something negative about Eric. He's been a lot of help on this as well as other things on this forum and that help is greatly appreciated by me over the years even if it wasn't directly to me.

I don't have a problem with Whistler doing this or charging for it by any means. It has pluses and if I had spare change to spend I'd probably do it for the reasons others have said.

There is just so much I'd love to get but can't. As my grandmother used to say I have "Champagne tastes and a beer budget" not that I have enough to buy even that anymore. LOL

So saving pennies is becoming an art form for me. A few here and a few there adds up over time. :)

The problem is so many things to get and so little money to get them. I won't be alive long enough to save up that many pennies. LOL

So decided to save them for the TRX rather than this. Hey maybe Whistler can do a "Turn in" and give credit on old radios to buy a new one. :)

Anyway enough of this, have a good holiday all.


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
Staff member
Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
After much deliberation, I decided to go ahead and post this, knowing that it is likely to send me down in flames. But I think a little dose of reality is appropriate at this point.

If you are going to be in this (or any) hobby, you had better have a few extra coins to rub together. No one has the "right" to do any such activity; you earn that right by saving your nickels and dimes so that you can indulge. I've spent many years of my life either broke or the next thing to it. Thankfully, that situation no longer pertains, but I can certainly relate to those who don't want to spend $60 + shipping to keep one of these orphaned scanners up to date. Thanks to Eric and a couple of others, you have the option to decode DMR, plus other additional capabilities. That won't go away. And if you're content with that, fine, leave things as they are, and be content with no future upgrades and support. That's your choice. But never forget that you didn't have to pay for it, nor condemn those who choose to get the upgrade, legitimize their scanner's capabilities, and secure future support. Nor does Whistler deserve to be condemned for this. They could have walked away from these scanners. They chose to step up and offer support, not only for the 668's the made for RS, but for the 18's and 800's that were made by GRE. I personally applaud that and in no way do I disparage their wanting to get paid for the work they did, and will do, to make this happen. They are in business to make a profit; if they don't make one, they'll be out of business sooner or later and we won't have their products to choose from.

Okay, flame away.:(

No flames needed or justified. You're spot on; Whistler would have been justified in walking away, but chose not to, which in my mind is an excellent example of superior customer service. It's perfectly reasonable for them to charge a minimal fee to cover the costs of development and upgrade time.
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