I use a Uniden BC950XLT analog scanner on a daily basis to monitor my local police, fire and EMS agencies that are still using analog here in southeastern Massachusetts. The BC950XLT is circa late 1980s and sill works fine after 30+ years of use. The only thing I have done to it is solder in a new back light incandescent bulb which has burned out a few times over the years.
The BC950XLT model was sold by Scanner World in Albany, NY and is the same model scanner as the Uniden BC760XLT that was sold by other Uniden dealers at the time. My BC950XLT has the PL tone board installed which I believe made it one of the first scanners to scan PL (if not THE first). The only drawback for me with this scanner is that a few of my local public safety agencies on analog use a digital PL so I have to monitor those in carrier squelch. Audio volume with a Uniden ESP 25 external speaker (non-amplified speaker circa 1980s) is more than sufficient even with the narrow banding that has occurred over the years.

The BC950XLT model was sold by Scanner World in Albany, NY and is the same model scanner as the Uniden BC760XLT that was sold by other Uniden dealers at the time. My BC950XLT has the PL tone board installed which I believe made it one of the first scanners to scan PL (if not THE first). The only drawback for me with this scanner is that a few of my local public safety agencies on analog use a digital PL so I have to monitor those in carrier squelch. Audio volume with a Uniden ESP 25 external speaker (non-amplified speaker circa 1980s) is more than sufficient even with the narrow banding that has occurred over the years.