As long as nobody holds these government employee's fingers to the fire then nothing will happen. Once the dust settles in the community and people get use to not having airwaves anymore than business goes back to usual. Keep in mind that there was a reason from the beginning to encrypt everything. But all you can do is hold these Fire Chiefs to their promises, but promises can be broken. The Twitter feed put out by The OCFA Fire Chief can always be changed. You just never know.
Keep in mind you have not heard a peep out of the chief since that Tweet was tweeted by him almost 90 days ago. I guess its no priority since the system must be running fine. Good for them not for the general public anymore.
Keep in mind you have not heard a peep out of the chief since that Tweet was tweeted by him almost 90 days ago. I guess its no priority since the system must be running fine. Good for them not for the general public anymore.