P25RX-II P25RX-II Firmware Updates / Testing

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
I just loaded 31-1844. The audio seems good, no unusual distortion or clipping compared the the control receiver. I am noticing a deterioation in EVM from 2-4% in the past few releases to 4-6% now in all Models. There is heavy fog today however.
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Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
I just loaded 31-1844. The audio seems good, no unusual distortion or clipping compared the the control receiver. I am noticing a deterioation in EVM from 2-4% in the past few releases to 4-6% now in all Models. There is heavy fog today however.
The change in EVM could be the change to the default value for "EQ enable". It was previously always on. I found that most systems do better with this off. The LSM system I monitor has better EVM with it enabled. I found this very cool site today for looking at previous and forecast tropo maps: https://dxinfocentre.com/tropo_enp.html You might use that to see if it could be related to atmospheric conditions.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
The change in EVM could be the change to the default value for "EQ enable". It was previously always on. I found that most systems do better with this off. The LSM system I monitor has better EVM with it enabled. I found this very cool site today for looking at previous and forecast tropo maps: https://dxinfocentre.com/tropo_enp.html You might use that to see if it could be related to atmospheric conditions.
It was the EQ Enable switch.
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Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
One P25RX-II owner has advised that the 2021-11-24 release is performing great, but all releases since then are not. I've put a link back up to the 11-24 release as (PREVIOUS STABLE). The issues are not due to a weak signal / SNR. I suspect this is being caused by the changes to the ADC sample rates, filters, and NCO. I'll see if I can get a power-on configuration option working that will allow selection between the two configurations. If you have been having performance issues with recent releases, you might want to give 11-24 a try. Please report in this thread (or email me) if you find it performs better.


Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
There is a new version available. If you normally operate with roaming enabled, then you will definitely want to update to the latest version. 2022-01-03_1338. There are changes to frequency correction. Performance is improved regardless of roaming being enabled/disabled. This version will reset the configuration to default. By default, the new ADC Config option (default of 0) uses the ADC sample rate, filters, and NCO from recent versions. ADC Config 1 uses the older rates, filters, etc from version 2021-11-24. In general the differences/trade-offs between the two configuration are this:
config 0 - higher ADC sample rates, lower-order filters, extra filter stage
config 1 - lower ADC sample rates, higher-order filters.
You may find that one works better for you than the other. After changing the ADC Config setting, a power cycle is required.


Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
Feedback from the user having issues with the December releases is still having issues with the latest attempts to re-create the performance of 2021-11-24. ( as of version 2022-01-04_1300). If you are not getting good performance with the latest firmware, please revert back to version 2021-11-24. I will continue to try and get this figured out as soon as I can. The feedback has really slowed down. It is hard to tell which direction things are going until it is too late sometimes. I have been holding off on sales until I can get these issues figured out. I won't be able to do this too much longer. I've started working on adding scanning support again, but keep getting side tracked. I'll see how far I can get with that this week. I may hold off on fixing minor issues during this period until I can get the scanning support in. There is a link to the 2021-11-24 version on the web site. It is a known good performance release for busy simulcast systems, weak/strong signals, and mobile.


Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
I want everyone who has supported this project to know how much it is appreciated. I know that some have accused me of "taking others code" without giving credit. That has not ever been true. I have given credit from the very beginning for projects that helped me to understand how P25, DMR, and NXDN worked. As for OP25 and SDRTrunk, I didn't even look at those projects until after I started selling the P25RX. The trunking code is something I figured out at first by analysis and then later from the standards documentation. I only learned from OP25 after it was apparent that I had to add support for P2/TDMA. I released the code for my port of OP25-P2 after I had it working. As far as I know, it is still the only 'C' implementation available in source form. OP25 relies on various system libraries and languages like C++, Python, and Python math libraries to function. Since all that, I finally tried SDRTrunk last week. I have heard multiple times that the audio quality is better. That was probably true in the early stages, but I honestly think that the P25RX sounds better in its current form. The P25RX definitely reproduces the lower frequencies better. The CPU fan was so loud from the massive hardware requirements from a single tuner and SDRTrunk, that my audio results may have been skewed. It is definitely a CPU hog. My computer is an 8-core, 3.5 GHz. The MCU in the P25RX is 480 MHz, single core, 1 MB of RAM, and 2MB of flash. How is that possible? I know.. kind of amazing. I was surprised when I first did the tests. I'm bringing all this up because all my initial support seems to have disappeared. It might have been something I said on a bad night (I do that sometimes) or it might be something else. In any case, I'm grateful to have made it this far. I'm going to continue to improve the design. Hopefully things will return to normal. If not, I will make a promise. I will release the source code to the firmware and the hardware designs if I end up moving on to another way to pay the bills. You can count on that. I will release the code under the same license I always do. (MIT License). This is the license that the original DSD license was released under (aside from the "torture" language). This license does not require that someone releases their code, but *if* they do, then they are required to give credit in the source code headers. (this is common knowledge). DSD, DSD-DMR, MBE-LIB, LIQUID-DSP are all this type of license.

I will be working on getting scanning profiles, scanning working over the coming days. After that, I will reevaluate if it is time to open-source. Please don't give up on this project. I will make sure it continues one way or the other. Thank you. Todd.


Jul 23, 2018
In any case, I'm grateful to have made it this far. I'm going to continue to improve the design

Please don't give up on this project. I will make sure it continues one way or the other. Thank you. Todd.
Thank YOU for all of your hard work and endless hours of tech support on this forum.
Personally, I truly enjoy owning my P25RX. It continues to provide me with hours of fun experimenting with ideas - only some of which I have posted here.
You have designed wonderful hardware and software! I look forward to seeing what else you bring to life :)


Jun 18, 2003
Puget Sound WA.
I appreciate all the work you have put into this project. The two units I own work very well. If I see issues I speak up. I haven't had many, that's why I don't chime in often. I do read these forums nearly everyday as time permits.
Please don't take the lack of input as a lack of interest. I'm sure others would say the same thing. I use my units stationary on a outside antenna.
I have experimented with indoor antennas with very good results on most systems I can receive. My receivers are on 24/7.

I think the lack of input may be because the project is working very well. I'm a fairly early adopter (I think) and have had the privelage to see its evolution. I also believe some of the issues may not be issues at all, but user error. I know I have had several duh!! moments.
You have pride in your project and it shows. You also have patience. Some people are just negative and look for problems.

"Don't let people make their problems your problem". That is my go to saying in my line of work. That sounds rude but you can only do so much.

My oppinion is the P25RX project has matured to the point of not worrying about doing everybody's wish list now. If you have the parts make the receivers and get some compensation. I know it's easy for me to say behind my keyboard with no risk. Armchair quarterbacking at its best.
The more units in the field will also let you know when a problem is not user error.

There you go Todd. These are my oppinions and I'm sticking to them. Thank you for giving me a boost to my hobby. I have learned some things I didn't know before. Great work.


Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
Thank you for the feedback sir. I appreciate all the great input you have contributed. I love the Display View. That is all due to your great input! I will take your advice and try to concentrate more on making this small business successful.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 26, 2006
Aurora, OH
Running 01-04_1359 tonight and very pleased with the sound and reception. I have it roaming between 6 different sites from four systems.

When I first got the P25RX about a year ago now, I got it knowing that I could monitor a single simulcast site through my Bluetooth speaker. That was huge! ...and I was satisfied! I wanted to get a second but waited so others could get one, too. When the P25RX-II came out, I justified getting the second unit I wanted.

In that year, roaming multiple sites, discovering secondaries, neighbors & site info, RIDs & RID Aliases, editable displays, Button configuration options, TGs in groups that can be toggled on or off, and numerous audio improvements occurred. My original unit's capabilities increased ten-fold! Not only that, I could communicate with the developer and get a reply in the same day (if not hour). Nobody should be able to ***** about anything! I was happy just to know that one of my requests were considered in the far future. I never expected it to come the same day!

I agree with @freqseeker. This awesome product is way more than it started out to be and any further tweaking should be secondary to sales and manufacturing! Save the tweaking to down times when you are waiting for parts.


Jul 23, 2021
"Don't let people make their problems your problem". That is my go to saying in my line of work. That sounds rude but you can only do so much.

My oppinion is the P25RX project has matured to the point of not worrying about doing everybody's wish list now.
Well said!
Todd has created TWO high performance simulcast receivers. That alone is missed by many.

Great RF design work is not easy folks.

Even if the software is released open source, none of the ‘keyboard toughguys‘ will do anything to improve the project.

Thanks Todd for a world class design.


Feed Provider *York Pa.*
Premium Subscriber
Feb 28, 2005
Delta, Pa
Keep your head up !!.. You have created a FIRST class radio that this hobby has needed for a long time..
SCREW the nah say'ers.. Stay the course and keep going..
You have NOTHING to be ashamed of or even worry about..
I do agree with others though, stop improving and concentrate on building more units..
You have had a constant waiting list for units as long as I can remember.. That in itself should be enough to keep you going let alone the performance of the units..
My offer still stands..


Radio and electronics enthusiast since the ‘70’s
Premium Subscriber
Feb 28, 2021

I hope that you can keep this business going for the long haul. It is amazing what you have accomplished here, and it is definitely a unique product that performs wonderfully and continues to improve and mature. I intend to purchase another P25RX-II in the near future and always remember to keep your spirits up and ignore any folks that might want to stir up trouble, as the internet seems to sometimes bring the worst out in people.

I am a true believer of your product and I always recommend your product whenever I can to others. USA built and engineered hardware and software -- it's hard to find that these days and with the unheard-of support that we receive here, we are all spoilt by your passion to constantly improve and mature the P25RX line of products.

I'm thinking I might need to send a nice bottle of bourbon over your way to help cheer you up. :)

Anyway, I am a very happy, repeat customer and I will support you in any way that I can. I used to chime in a bit more on these forums to offer my observations on firmware/product performance updates, but my time has been very limited recently due to an extended holiday vacation, my work and trying to keep up with my 2-year old and I must admit, I might go a couple weeks or more without even turning on my P25RX :) I expect to be able to offer more feedback on software/firmware releases in the near future.


Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
Thank you for all the support and words of encouragement to keep this going. I will be working on getting more hardware ready to sell. I'm snowed in right now and probably won't be able to ship until it warms up. Looks like will be sometime next week.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 1, 2020
Ferndale, MI
I'd offer to come help you shovel or dig out except it looks like a 32 hour drive to your location. LOL

Thank you for all the support and words of encouragement to keep this going. I will be working on getting more hardware ready to sell. I'm snowed in right now and probably won't be able to ship until it warms up. Looks like that will be sometime next week.
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Jew lover
Mar 11, 2020
Wa State
I'd offer to come help you shovel or dig out except it looks like a 32 hour drive to your location. LOL
It might not be as bad as I thought. It looked worse this morning in the dark when I let the dog out. If I can make it to the main road, should be fine. WA DOT has been really busy making sure the main roads are clear. Their new mixed P1/P2 system is working good here!


Dec 19, 2002
Vista, CA

I'll throw my 2 cents in the support ring here - I was one of the first to buy the model 1 and it remains my main monitoring rig to this day. As others have said, your support and effort are practically second-to-none these days! The latest new features are wonderfull and the audio (on the original model, I don't yet have a P25RXII) is the best it has ever been! The only reason I don't rush out to get the P25RX2 is purely one of monetary priorities for me. These days that's a big issue for me. Me financially a couple decades plus ago - I would probably already own 2 of each model by now! Anyway, keep up the fantastic work (as long as the benefits outweigh the costs for you, of course) - we all appreciate it and enjoy the fruits of your labor!

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