Driver held in chase, 9 crashes on turnpike
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Of The Patriot-News
A truck driver was in custody last night after police said he hit at least nine vehicles on the Pennsylvania Turnpike in a high-speed chase with officers spanning four counties.
Police used spikes to flatten his tires on the turnpike westbound about two miles past the Harrisburg East interchange, near the Susquehanna River bridge. After his vehicle, the cab of a tractor-trailer, was stopped, the driver fled into the woods, police said.
Officers from Dauphin, Lebanon, York and Cumberland counties, including some with dogs, searched about an hour for the driver before he was arrested near the bridge.
Police were unable to use search helicopters because of windy conditions.
The driver was being interviewed by police at press time for this edition of The Patriot-News. Police did not announce charges or identify the man.
No one in the vehicles that were hit by the rig was injured, police said.
The vehicle had a New Jersey license plate, and police said they believe the rig belongs to a New Jersey business.
Police said they were alerted to the driver in Chester County. Motorists called police around 9:30 p.m. about an erratic driver weaving in and out of traffic on the turnpike, nearly hitting vehicles.
After police began the chase, the driver hit nine vehicles while traveling up to 80 mph, police said.
Police decided to use spikes to stop the vehicle. The spikes were set up on the west side of the Susquehanna River bridge. When the rig ran over the spikes, at least one of its tires went flat, police said.
The rig slammed into the median barrier. The driver got out of the rig, jumped over the concrete structure into the eastbound lanes and ran into a wooded area, police said.
Police limited traffic to one lane near the wrecked rig as they attempted to find the driver.
The driver was found and arrested around 10:30 p.m., police said.