I am so grateful to the RR Forums! I sent my beloved Pro-668 in for Legacy upgrade. Sent it off on a Wednesday and got it back the following Saturday. They even called me to see if I wanted a minor repair on something. Great service for only $60! I highly recommend it. When I got it back it was updated and worked way better than when I sent it off. The Legacy version needs to run on EZScan of course so I loaded that and in the check for updates process I bricked the scanner. Got the screen that says I had no Up App Version..Worked through things with help from a couple of the locked threads on the subject, plus the Update Driver article on Whistler FAQ page and after about a half an hour of stress, panic and frustration the CPU update worked. Final key move was holding down Menu button while plugging USB cord into laptop. Now for foreseeable future I can update everything on the great scanner through the EZScan software. Those years between when RS stopped all updates and Whistler created the Legacy Upgrade were sad years indeed!!!