
Seems to me a way to end the use of the 'hack' (for the majority of the hobbyists) might be to almost instantly brick a lot of scanners by coming out with an 'auto update' in Ez-Scan for the use of the program (you know, the 'accept' before install part of the install file not being able to 'uncheck' the software necessary to modify the hardware)... I wonder if the bean counters at Whistler have computed the risk/benefit aspect of this (and decided not to use this avenue, or just don't want to PI55-OFF too many owner/customers)... The avenue to continue to use the legacy hardware (for all of us who purchased the equipment and want to continue to benefit from the investment) has been and always been a good faith effort on Whistlers part, so does Whistler have the right to now either lose a bunch of customers & support only upgraded and current hardware? Either way, I've got the 'official' upgrade (after trying the 'hack' when it first came out to see how well it worked AND to be able to easily continue to upgrade the radio). The discussion, whether or not the time is right for the majority of the people who are using the radios with a hacked software to lose that right, or allow illegal use of their proprietary owned software/hardware.