I monitor system 10 (San Bernardino City, CA Police) 800MhZ Motorola Smartnet type II with my portable Pro 97... (I have all MOT'S blocked but 20784 CH 1 primary) I also have a Pro 2025 with the same system exact freq's programmed into it as my Pro 97. On my Pro 97, every other tx I receive (50% of traffic) is completely garbled' to the point where you CANNOT understand what either the officer or the dispatcher's are saying.. I've gone into the PGM menu and switched the trunking mode to MOTOROLA TGID and its not chainging anything. I'm certain that they haven't switched to any type of encryption because I never have a problem with the Pro 2025's rx on system 10. Any ideas on what this could be? Its driving me insane!
Yes I've gone over checked (and) re-checked all the frequencies and they're exactly in the same order as on FON...
Yes I've gone over checked (and) re-checked all the frequencies and they're exactly in the same order as on FON...