DonS said:I don't know how I'd name them. Step 1 is getting the required info. If I can get that, I'll certainly write something. I somehow doubt that it will be as simple as Win93.
OK, programming-geek hat on :3
Just out of curiosity, how *does* one get the relevant info (re format used, etc.) to write programming software? Does GRE normally work with programmers in providing the data format used (in exchange for signing NDAs), etc.?
(Yes, I have reasons of personal curiosity for this. I know that one of the pretty much insurmountable stumbling blocks with developing programming software for the Pro-95 on up has been that the data stream from the radio was encrypted (it was plaintext with the Pro-92, hence much easier to reverse-engineer and there are actually open software and freeware Pro-92 programs, whereas ScanCat and the WinXX family of programs are pretty much it as far as the Pro-95 on up goes. I was also under the understanding (and please let me know if I am mistaken on this!) that GRE had shared technical data with you in regards to creating Win96 (in particular with undocumented features).
(One thing I'd *really* like to see with this particular radio is software development--with PRO96COM we got to see more hobbyist software, and with the PSR500 supposedly having an open data stream for all of its trunktracking capabilities (no discriminator tap needed!) there are all sorts of wonderful chances opening up--for example, a possible fork of the Unitrunker code, an enhanced version of Trunker using the data interface (this is in fact one I may be looking at myself!), etc. The one thing the PSR-500 may lack (along with most non-Pro-92/Pro-2067 GRE kit) are non-Windows options for actually programming the frequencies in to begin with--and that's mostly because none of the authors who would be targeting Linux or MacOS X (or cross-OS tools like TK92) have the necessary info from GRE as to how to properly decrypt the data stream (for programming) on the new kit.
(One thing I'd *really* love to see is a Linux-native app to program the PSR-500 (and once it's done in Linux, it should be trivial to port elsewhere--yay GCC and cross-compiling the necessary libraries for each OS). Another thing that exists in the Uniden world, but not so far in the GRE world, is a way to program the scanner via a handheld device like a Windows Mobile PC with a serial-to-mobile adapter (yes, we have the technology now and the GCC libraries to create WM2003+ apps, we just need to know how the data stream works) or even (depending on how much the PSR-500 is computer-controllable in practice) limited computer control such as exists with some PalmOS and Windows Mobile tools to control Uniden scanners. Seeing as the newer Windows Mobile kit outpowers the Windows 98 boxen of even a few years ago, it's quite doable.
(If we could figure out what GRE requires of developers to provide the necessary information (i.e. does GRE charge fees, do they ask for NDAs, do they provide info only to people with a history of prior GRE development, etc.) we know from there just how feasible a lot of this "pie in the sky" stuff is.)