VintageJon said:
Tom, WA8PYR-
Glad to see GRE doing somthing- but how about the dread RE-BANDING?
(Being GRE I assume they have it covered...) Any mention of this in your meeting with them?
As others have noted:
a) The Pro-96 (which is the immediate predecessor to the PSR-500) does have the capacity to reprogram trunking tables using Win96; it's been posted here previously that the PSR-500 will have a similar trunking table reprogramming capacity (whilst I have not heard this officially confirmed, I'd also expect it to have a higher capacity than with the Pro-96).
b) As noted, apparently the firmware covering frequencies outside of the cell band is programmable (so it's entirely possible that once rebanding hits, there will be a firmware upgrade for the trunking tables); the Uniden BC996T has a similar functionality due to rebanding anyways.
c) Depending on frequencies used, there may be a firmware patch for the low 700MHz band and/or there may be a "testing" hack (the Pro-96 can be opened up in much of the 700MHz and mil-air bands using Win96, though not trunkable and not as well as the Pro-97 as it was not explicitly designed with sensitivity in those bands). I would not count out Don Starr's software to enable a few other undocumented features with the PSR-500 as well.
d) Depending on where you live, it may be a while before we have to worry about rebanding in practice--many areas where I live were supposed to have switched over already (notably, the SAFE-T system which is *definitely* going to be affected by rebanding), but Nextel has been dragging its feet (in that it is not wanting to pay the actual costs to public safety groups in regards to rebanding) and I frankly expect it to be delayed for some time--in the western US in particular, I'll personally be pleasantly surprised if rebanding actually occurs before the successor model to the PSR-500 comes out.
In other words, we probably have quite some time before it becomes a pressing concern outside of a few areas, and there will almost certainly be a firmware upgrade for those areas when it becomes a problem. (Within maybe a month or two of the Pro-96 coming out--which originally did *not* trunk-track CPQSK-modulated APCO-25 systems--there was a DSP firmware upgrade fixing that issue due to several major systems being affected. )
I also think part of why GRE is going to firmware upgrades for both CPU firmware and DSP firmware is because there *have* been about four versions each of the Pro-92 and Pro-96 CPUs and it's less problematic to simply upgrade the CPU firmware than it is to send out the scanner to get a new CPU soldered in. Rebanding is also part of it as well--that's why the BC996T is firmware-upgradable (and was in itself a sort of "proof of concept" that a firmware upgradable scanner *could* be FCC type approved--there was worry that one couldn't be due to the risk of opening up the cellular band) in order to work with rebanding, and the PRS-500 is probably going to actually be *easier* to reband (especially as everything seems to be object oriented; if the trunking tables are treated as an object (along with frequencies, talkgroup tables, etc.) then it would be remarkably simple to update these in a firmware upgrade).