He probably wasn't selling any before you published a link to his sale, since it was listed under computer, not radio equipment.. Most "eBay challenged"( as you put it) probably wouldn't think of looking under computer equipment for a radio.
This sale sure is a head scratcher - the seller looks to have a perfect record and has been at the eBay game a long time, so the risk sure looks nil. I guess he hasn't caught on that the retail business is based on "buy low, sell for as high as the traffic will bear" (OK , I changed it a little bit). With the rest of the HP1's going for about $475.00 or above, this guy could have bumped his price for another $50-100 and still cornered the market..Since he's sold at least 30, based on the record, that's $1500-3000 that he gave up. Must have wanted to get rid of 'em quick.....:roll:
No kidding. I think they would have gone just as quick at $350 or $375. I wonder where he got all the scanners?