Ryan and acarsnut, you both need to learn some things about how conflict resolution is achieved on a message forum. It's not through posting 'new' threads continuing previously-closed ones, or posting in open forum to rant about "Why Was My Thread Deleted!!!!!?!1".
If peoples' feelings are hurt by the way Lou closes threads, perhaps people should both a) get thicker skin, and 2) re-evaluate how they are behaving in those threads to begin with.
No sympathy here. I wouldn't be very polite either if you kept on ranting about why I did my job and closed a thread that was out of hand.
And while we're whipping it out and saying "but I'm a webmaster/moderator/etc too", I've been using and moderating message forums since before the advent of the world wide web. In the mid 80s I was managing EchoMail forums on FidoNet and FN-technology networks.
Carry on... (or, preferably, don't)