NFM but you can adjust the band width.
I'm thinking less than 1000 frequencies. Does the frequency manager sort the frequencies from lowest to highest or are they just left in the order they are entered?
Which of the FM modes should be used for a FM frequency that has a 25Khz spacing,NFM or WFM? In SDRsharp there is no FM option.
Changed: Further tweaking to the Telerik UI detection and controls handling.
Fix: 'Start scan' button
- If plug-in control window (side panel) was closed when started radio in SDR#, the 'Start scan' button
would stay disabled when window was shown again. 'Play' stop/start was required to enable again (with window visible).
Changed: Limit SDR# 'Step size' to a minimum of 5 KHz when using the 'Screen' range.
Changed: Logging improvements
Fix: If log file path was removed while scanner was running it would cause crash.
- When the defined log path cannot be found, it will default back to the SDR# root folder.
Changed: If the "Use audio mute" is enabled, the SDR# squelch will be disable for AM/FM while scanning.
Fix: Small spectrum view
- Reset buffer on scan start and check for out of bounds values when large BW used (>50000).
These higher BW saw a glitch present when returned to using smaller BW.
Added: Indicate when the active frequency is not in the 'Frequency Manager' database.
- For scan modes 'Scan all with save new', 'Scan all without save new' and 'Scan only new - exclude memorized'
- In the channel analyser, the horizontal line under the active frequency label will be thicker and will be coloured 'OrangeRed'.
Change/Fix: Frequency activity list when double clicked
- This did not store the detector type and therefore would not switch detector type from what it currently is (if different).
Fix: 'Edit scan ranges'
- If edits where made and then decided not to keep them and then clicked 'Cancel'. The changes where not undone which may have
caused unexpected behaviour or crash in the set-up of scanning.
Added: 'Edit scan ranges' - option to format displayed frequency values
- NOTE: When editing 'Start', 'End', 'Bandwidth' or 'Step size', using a value in Hz is still required.
Change: 'Debug info' formatting to stop text moving all over the place when variables changed length.
Changed/Fix: 'Channel bandwidth for signal level detection'
- This was not functioning as expected because of an incorrect calculation.
- This option will now only be available for 'Static noise floor'.
'Static noise floor' should see an improvement when this is used.
'Dynamic noise floor' was made less effective when this option was used at same time.
Updated: PDF Documentation
- Please read it
see changelog.txt for more details
Added: Display 8.33 KHz 'channel name' on the main spectrum (Top center)
- Maps VFO frequency to a 8.33 KHz channel name.
- Enable option in 'Configure' > 'General' tab.
Only works when tuned to 118-137 MHz and when enable 'Use 8.33 KHz selector' and set the SDR# step size to 8.33 KHz.
- Tracks with VFO changes
- Works also when scanning (when above options set)
The 8.33 KHz 'channel name' looks like a frequency value but it's not use as one.
The real frequency is shown in the SDR# VFO.
In a region that is using 8.33 KHz frequency allocation (i.e. EU), If controller says go to 118.105, they mean the channel not the frequency.
Updated: PDF Documentation
- Please read it
see changelog.txt for more details
Isn't that on the bottom?V2.2.1.0
Added: Display 8.33 KHz 'channel name' on the main spectrum (Top center)
Might be worth noting that this display will only work if that part of the screen is not occupied by the bandplan display
Possible bug:
Number of hits during the session is no longer showing in the analyser window
It's working here for me.Related to previous:
Shut down scanner and 2020_12_20_session_activity_hits.txt is empty apart from start and stop time info.
It can be placed top, bottom or whole area. Bottom is the default. Your display works with all three but is obscured if the bandplan is at the top.Isn't that on the bottom?
It's working here for me.
Are you sure both options are enabled in 'Configure' - 'Channel Analyser' tab?
How about this for 8.33 KHz channel label, an offset![]()
Probably? If it's at top, FreqMan labels don't go that high in frequency spectrum.I thought mentioning it in the docs would be sufficientI don't need the channel name
For users of the 'FreqMan' frequency manager would this affect display of labels on the spectrum? That seems to be one of the features people use that for?
Not everyone uses FreqMan, that's why it's optional.
Use it, don't use it. User choice based on setup used.
Can you turn ON option in Configure > Channel Analyser > "Show debug info" and try again.sdrsharp 1784, scanner plugin, airspy R2
Search range set as before, 117500000 136975000 AM 6000 25000
Search run for approximately five minutes and almost constant activity picked up due to the location. Full search range is being covered correctly, audio from detected transmissions is fine, frequency is shown
No csv file was created.
session hits text file:
20/12/2020 13:44:54 Session started
Scan mode: Scan all without save new
Selected ranges: Airband - Civil
20/12/2020 13:49:48 Session ended
Same setup but with with scanner plugin shows number of hits in the analyser window when running, creates the csv and shows frequencies with number of hits in the session txt summary.