So, you're saying to just unzip the 0.6.1 (Beta) file, reboot, and that should update my 0.6.0 install?
When I have undated versions it usually just replaces the old with the new and keeps your settings.
Yes, RPi. It uses the aarch64 .zip file.On the Raspberry Pi or Windows? OP said he had the Pi, but I am not sure if there is an update image for it or what since I use windows.
UPDATE: On second look - 0.6.1 (Beta) didn't completely stall, like 0.6.0 - The waterfall stalled but I was still able to negotiate the GUI menu. That's an improvement.OK. Unzipping the 0.6.1 (Beta) opens a second version rather than over-writing the first. It appears to make better use of Allocated Memory but CPU resources are still slammed. (This is all per the GUI display.)
It did use the SDRTrunk files set up in 0.6.0
Selecting User Preferences causes the use of Allocated Memory to slam full and everything to slow - and, eventually, freeze - same as 0.6.0
In Audio -> Output/Tones none of the tests for any of the Audio Output Device generated any sound.
It seems that someone who is familiar with java and JMBE needs to provide instructions as to how to solve the "java heap space" problem by increasing the Allocated Memory setting.
Note 1: In RPi aarch64 Desktop - with JMBE installed by sdr-trunk, it doesn't recognize java commands.
Note 2: Hardware is a RPi 4b with 8g ram.
You adjusted the "Stack paramenters" in the 0.6.1 (Beta) code, or after you loaded it?I would not trust the GUI CPU figure, Task Manager (or something similar in Pi) would be best to look at the Java process. I adjusted the Stack parameters which keeps memory usage to around 700 mb of mem for a busy system without hurting performance.
You adjusted the "Stack paramenters" in the 0.6.1 (Beta) code, or after you loaded it?
If afterwards, can you share how that is done, please?
OK re. not trusting the GUI display. Task Manager is showing 91-95% CPU usage without opening a menu window. Also, GPU 6-7% and Memory 2582-2586 of 7810.
When I clicked on User Preferences the waterfall froze, and CPU usage dropped then swung up and down from 2 - 97% - memory usage remained stable. GPU dropped to 0%.
UPDATE: Audio is not getting to the HDMI monitor. If I plug into the RPi a small amplified speaker I can hear (very low) the Test sounds. I observed that if I change the volume level in the GUI it causes the audio to stop working there. Note: I'm not hearing any sound at all from the scanning activity.
The existing line begins "eval set" and yours begins "set" - is that a difference that matters?I never run the waterfall when just listening.
Adjusting the stack will limit the amount of memory usage for the process.
In the sdrtrunk.bat file, look for DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS and add after it: -Xss5M -Xms512M -Xmx512M. This limits memory usage to about 700 mb for the actual java process. Should look like this (you can copy and paste to test):
@rem Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and SDR_TRUNK_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=-Xss5M -Xms512M -Xmx512M "--add-exports=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED" "--add-exports=java.desktop/com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows=ALL-UNNAMED" "--add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector" "--enable-preview" "--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED" "-Djava.library.path=c:\Program Files\SDRplay\API\x64"
Not sure whats going on with the CPU at this point.
vnightly won't accept the change. It errors "-classpath: not found Could not find or load main class DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=-Xss5M Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=-Xss5M" The same change was accepted by 0.6.1 (Beta). Very odd ... it's apparently not accepting the parameter modifications any more.I copied it right from the sdr-trunk.bat file. I looked for eval but could not find any reference to it. It just adds the parameters for memory to that OPTS line, no other changes to the file.
Thanks for your reply. I have nightly loaded, waterfall and spectrum disabled, and 6 channels - 2 are control channels TS:1, TS:2, the other 4 are two Police TS:1, TS:2, and two Fire TS:1. TS:2 Should the TS numbers repeat like that? I'm unfamiliar with DMR. (We have a P25 Phase 2 system near us, this is for a friend.) Running only that it's using 96% CPU and the GUI froze. (Note: GPU jumps to 33% and 45% when I reposition the sdrtrunk window, then settles back to 0-2%. The only other thing tht's open is Task Manager. I'm still getting the "java heap error" - it looks like it's first triggered at ChannelProcessingManager - No Tuner Available [61MB/69MB 91%] ... the first java out of memory error immediately follows.Have been using the latest nightly build for several weeks now with no issues. Yes I used to get the out of memory locking up the program error too with the version you are using. But has been fine with the newest non-official release builds.
I do however always have the spectrum/waterfall disabled unless I need to be using it, it does use a bit of extra resources. I have also limited the amount of audio recording in it, down to only those TGs that I want to record. Also only ever have the one playlist channel playing at any one time too.
Just tried 0.6.1 (Beta) again and same java error. I'm not sure why it worked before and not now Perhaps something was changed when I unzipped and ran the nightly? I changed it back to stock - and 0.6.1 (Beta) works fine (or, as poorly as before).vnightly won't accept the change. It errors "-classpath: not found Could not find or load main class DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=-Xss5M Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=-Xss5M" The same change was accepted by 0.6.1 (Beta). Very odd ... it's apparently not accepting the parameter modifications any more.
Question: Is a LCN required for a DMR system? I see a reference to "Connect Plus and Tier-III". (DMR is kind of an oddball system around here.)Is this correct?