@mtindor @dave3825
sdrtrunk -> User Preferences -> Decoder -> JMBE Audio Library window ...
Current Version: None. Click Select or Create Library button to setup.
File: (not set)
[Create Library] {Select] [Reset]
[,/] Alert when decoder requires missing JMBE library.
Since I've received no "Alert" should I ignore this? Or, do I need to Create a JMBE library?
Well, it says Current Version: None. So you need to set it up. Pretty easy at least on Windows. I think it's kind of automatic in the latest versions. But in linux I think you have to some manual work to create the library, and then you have to tell SDRTrunk where to find it.
You do need the JMBE library. If you are doing it on Linux you are just going to have to read some documentation.