SDS100/SDS200: SDS100 Firmware 1.05.00M/1.01.05S Open Beta

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Feb 24, 2001
Great news.. Went hiking about 5:15am this morning till 10 am 2 miles in and BOY my home location sucks... Wonder if its also an in home electronic... router 40 ft away from scanner Laptop 10 ft away led tv 3 ft as my antenna feed comes inside behind tv unfortunately...Also Dirctv wirleless Genie mini client about 5 ft away... any separation minimums maybe I should use to maybe help with some of my issue? TV being 2ft away with wifi is making me think even though its not Wireless connected is causing my 800 interference? Wish smart devices could turn off the darned wifi.. Oh on top of that an aluminum sided home... Dont know if thats interfering or not and houses breaker box is 7ft away from scanner.. But it does work flawlessly 1.5 miles away from home... also found out there is a darned 96.3mhz radio translator for NPR .010KW only 400 ft from here on the schools roof Blaring through everything on fm broadcast band any filter ideas that are not to awfully expensive for fm rejection?... Also p25 convetional with uid is also working (away from home) and less analogue being missed on VHF hi
Digital sounded perfect and its seeming to scan faster and not miss 1/2 com when away from home....
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More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
With aluminum siding on the house, and all that stuff inside, you're basically giving your scanner a RFI "dutch oven" whenever you run it with the antenna in the house. You should really look into an outdoor antenna.


Feb 24, 2001
With aluminum siding on the house, and all that stuff inside, you're basically giving your scanner a RFI "dutch oven" whenever you run it with the antenna in the house. You should really look into an outdoor antenna.

Sorry left that part out. Have a larson triband hooked up magmount to metal flat roof with grounded lightning arrestor and then comes inside to the mca204m multicoupler.. But direct entenna feed yields same issue... I made sure the siding is indeed grounded to our new copper groundrod near our phones network interface box is at.. So thinking of what to do to eliminate the rf inside...


Feb 24, 2001
Anyone have this issue since update? Search 440-450Mhz and look for ham repeaters, when it stops on a
DMR repeater it doesn't decode (yes I bought the DMR and NXDN update and scanner says so) .
I hear the digital buzz instead or whatever you want to call it. Search forward and reverse and it comes in sometimes then goes back to buzz with little to no decode. DMR repeater 1 town away. k2mak is what I want to listen to.447.225mhz FM DMR. Nyc.


Feb 24, 2001
Is there a place to make this so we are not interrupting the official uniden forum or maybe u could pm me jon with any info that might help... TY


Feb 24, 2001
Hydro build you a Faraday Box and put the scanner in it and see if that helps.

Awesome idea. I have an old aluminum ammo crate... Perhaps that could be modifies in something about 12x4x6 inches.. Take hinge pin out and make a hole for antenna feed and ground the aluminum and try it out.

A spedctrum analyzer shows 860mhz to 890 with alot of high RF signal. possible VZW tower? Looke like its bleeding into 760mhz also...

also i believe my major offender is 96.3 fm

Note the shadow at 93-95mhz and at about 97-100 mhz.. rtl8232 with R820T2 from nooelec no antenna


  • Scan 88.0-108.0MHz fm band on 96.25 mhz note how 98.9 woko is not hearable due to intermod and s.jpg
    Scan 88.0-108.0MHz fm band on 96.25 mhz note how 98.9 woko is not hearable due to intermod and s.jpg
    35.2 KB · Views: 784


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2003
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I believe it belongs here since it's happening in this firmware release still. There is an ongoing issue with VHF bleeding over various frequencies in the VHF band including under this latest public/beta firmware release as well.

I have linked three videos here that highlight this issue; none of the transmitters here are close to my location so it's not traditional intermod and in the case of the 146.680 MHz repeater bleeding over, that repeater is generally weak at my location with a rubber duck that it makes no sense how it's even causing interference to the other frequency; no band opening either. As for the fire dispatches in the video, first, the one showing up on 146.520 is actually being transmitted on 154.010 and the actual DCS being sent is 047 not the 023 shown. I'm just highlighting a few frequencies here but it's happening all across the VHF spectrum from 118-174 MHz at various times; Uniden please look into this issue A.S.A.P. I know others have reported it but during censorship on the site, it seems those posts are getting deleted over and over again.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

I was trying to figure out how to embed this, but I didn't have the time and I have been trying to get this issue reported for about a month now. If anyone can help embed them in the post, that would be awesome; I can provide additional examples of this issue as well.

I should note, I have numerous other receivers here on the same antenna and going through the Stridgeberg distribution panel that aren't having this issue and never have; this is completely isolated to the SDS100 whether on the distribution panel or not; additionally, I have several AirSpy and other SDR's that also do not exhibit this issue either.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2013
Dallas, Georgia
Try a base antenna with a coaxial ground. And run it straight to the scanner without the multi-coupler. Troubleshoot from there.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2003
Try a base antenna with a coaxial ground. And run it straight to the scanner without the multi-coupler. Troubleshoot from there.

Sorry I should have been more descriptive, I have tried it without the multicoupler, it does it connected directly to the discone antenna, a Larsen Tri Band scanner antenna on a 3/4" NMO hole mount directly on the top of the Ford F-350 as well as the stock OEM antenna; this is not isolated to my immediate local location either; it is fully replicable all over Michigan and Ohio but at different frequencies. There is also a Facebook group where others are complaining about the same issues and it's not isolated to just VHF as I've highlighted but on UHF it acts slightly different. On UHF, the received signal with good signal strength gets periodically wiped out and comes and goes at times; this has caused a tremendous amount of havoc with the neighboring UHF EDACS system that's less than 15 clear airline miles from our QTH. It's almost like the receiver has zero filtering; open like a barn door.


Feb 24, 2001
Sorry I should have been more descriptive, I have tried it without the multicoupler, it does it connected directly to the discone antenna, a Larsen Tri Band scanner antenna on a 3/4" NMO hole mount directly on the top of the Ford F-350 as well as the stock OEM antenna; this is not isolated to my immediate local location either; it is fully replicable all over Michigan and Ohio but at different frequencies. There is also a Facebook group where others are complaining about the same issues and it's not isolated to just VHF as I've highlighted but on UHF it acts slightly different. On UHF, the received signal with good signal strength gets periodically wiped out and comes and goes at times; this has caused a tremendous amount of havoc with the neighboring UHF EDACS system that's less than 15 clear airline miles from our QTH. It's almost like the receiver has zero filtering; open like a barn door.

Thus the reason the r836 should have a user selectable gain setting for different problematic locations.... Instead of using the automatic r836's auto gain control... If the .3-2vdc (pin 16 would allow adjustable gain from 1-47 db manual gain (thus diabling the r836 automatic gain which is set for Terestrial TV Reception and any high power frequency on a given HDTV SIGNAL CHANNEL will auto drop gain in the whole spectrum) .3vdc-2vdc figure out your voltages and maybe turn it down if its doable by the ic and regulator circuit that should be connected to it)If adjustment voltage was not used (pin 16 IF Automatic Gain Control Input) for a manual agc then thats a BIG shame on uniden..If it is used and fully Firmware customizable maybe a open beta test can be done to let users come up with a gain setting for individual areas as the antenuator does nothing at all for the vagc over gain.. Thank you UPMAN.
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Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Pin 16 are only for adjusting the IF gain. The tuner RF front end gain are automatic and not adjustable. Probably a perfect solution for a sat receiver where all in band signals have almost the same signal strenght.



Feb 24, 2001
Pin 16 are only for adjusting the IF gain. The tuner RF front end gain are automatic and not adjustable. Probably a perfect solution for a sat receiver where all in band signals have almost the same signal strength.


Unfortunately because of the auto gain which defaults at 49 db gain because its searching for 2-8mhz wide channels when a vhf pops up close by say about 155 mhz and full signal the agc onboard tuner reduces gain on the whole 8mhz spectrum so 151-159mhz reducing IF gain and decreases sensitivity on say 151-157.4mhz common vhf public safety frequencies.. the 158-162mhz band to.And the agc changes everytime the frequency changes throughout its 42mhz-1004mhz frequency range. thus affecting VHF UHF which we all used to watch on analog tv channels 2-69 not cable or satelite... Thats all these tunors are meant to recieve for channels but on a digital signal.... Auto sets the lowest gain when anything above the agc threshold on tuner of -20db is then set to 2-12 db gain from 49db gain losing all those control channels and signal rssi drops and raises...

this is only fixable by replacing the tuner with a PROPER tuner that will allow for sgc in only a set about of say 25 khz which is considered wideband in scannerland.. not the 2-8mhz that the tuner is designed for.. and Upman isnt commenting but i see he probly has to find a narrow band tuner manufacturer or pay Rphael Micro to make a specific firmware update to the TUNERS design... which would more then likely mean a redesign of the tuner circuits. and a NEW PHYSICAL TUNER with narrower bandwidth...Uniden should just get it over with and call a loss on this and Reacall all the unites and pun and AGC thats adjustable on the antenna feed or replace the tuner IC... Man up uniden.. This products got a fatal FLAW including front end filtering.... conventional scanner filtering wont do it...sdr is a big step and hate to have to see a recall but hopefully UPmans silence is due to redesign of the tuner circuits.............
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 8, 2005
Dupage County, Illinois
Unfortunately because of the auto gain which defaults at 49 db gain because its searching for 2-8mhz wide channels when a vhf pops up close by say about 155 mhz and full signal the agc onboard tuner reduces gain on the whole 8mhz spectrum so 151-159mhz reducing IF gain and decreases sensitivity on say 151-157.4mhz common vhf public safety frequencies.. the 158-162mhz band to.And the agc changes everytime the frequency changes throughout its 42mhz-1004mhz frequency range. thus affecting VHF UHF which we all used to watch on analog tv channels 2-69 not cable or satelite... Thats all these tunors are meant to recieve for channels but on a digital signal.... Auto sets the lowest gain when anything above the agc threshold on tuner of -20db is then set to 2-12 db gain from 49db gain losing all those control channels and signal rssi drops and raises...

this is only fixable by replacing the tuner with a PROPER tuner that will allow for sgc in only a set about of say 25 khz which is considered wideband in scannerland.. not the 2-8mhz that the tuner is designed for.. and Upman isnt commenting but i see he probly has to find a narrow band tuner manufacturer or pay Rphael Micro to make a specific firmware update to the TUNERS design... which would more then likely mean a redesign of the tuner circuits. and a NEW PHYSICAL TUNER with narrower bandwidth...Uniden should just get it over with and call a loss on this and Reacall all the unites and pun and AGC thats adjustable on the antenna feed or replace the tuner IC... Man up uniden.. This products got a fatal FLAW including front end filtering.... conventional scanner filtering wont do it...sdr is a big step and hate to have to see a recall but hopefully UPmans silence is due to redesign of the tuner circuits.............
UPMans silence has had me worried we will all be sending our radios in for service sooner or later. I remember a similar silence around the X36HP before the repair campaign. I sure hope that this can all be fixed via firmware but I'm not so sure any more after reading some of these posts about the tuner used in the SDS. I really hope this isn't a recall situation and I wish UPMan would comment on the situation and let us know what we're looking at. Also it's also the end of August and nobody has heard of any replacement batteries yet. It really seems like this radio wasn't ready for market when originally sold I just hope it can be fixed via firmware vs another repair campaign.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk


Feb 24, 2001
UPMans silence has had me worried we will all be sending our radios in for service sooner or later. I remember a similar silence around the X36HP before the repair campaign. I sure hope that this can all be fixed via firmware but I'm not so sure any more after reading some of these posts about the tuner used in the SDS. I really hope this isn't a recall situation and I wish UPMan would comment on the situation and let us know what we're looking at. Also it's also the end of August and nobody has heard of any replacement batteries yet. It really seems like this radio wasn't ready for market when originally sold I just hope it can be fixed via firmware vs another repair campaign.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

I just printed up my return to send back to Amazon... thank god for buyer protection... wish i did that with the 436hp..... they are both garbage in heavy RF Environments


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
North Pole, Alaska
UPMans silence has had me worried we will all be sending our radios in for service sooner or later.I really hope this isn't a recall situation and I wish UPMan would comment on the situation and let us know what we're looking at.

What’s so wrong if we end up having to send our radios back to Uniden? Especially if they will perform even better after any fixes. We will survive without them for a few weeks... I know I will :lol:


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
UPMans silence has had me worried we will all be sending our radios in for service sooner or later. I remember a similar silence around the X36HP before the repair campaign.

I doubt that, as the SDS100 is working as advertised for most users. And determining why some users are having issues when many others are not takes time to research and investigate. It's unreasonable to expect official comment while things are still being investigated.


Feb 24, 2001
If other bands worked as good as 700 and 800 MHz, this scanner would be off the hook.
The decode is better for 700 MHz simulcast, that's for sure.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 26, 2006
Stow, Ohio
VHF for me depends on the antenna, it could be better but I don't think a recall is necessary

Sent from my iPhone 8 using Tapatalk Pro
Jason WX4JCW
XPR7550 - SDS100


Feed Provider
Jan 7, 2010
Southern, IN
When I first heard that this was an SDR based design/receiver, I was like......uh oh..... It's a great scanner, don't get me wrong but having followed the whole SDR dongle thing and it's issues with frequency drift and dialing in the PPM for the less expensive dongles and then came the Airspy which is pretty much dead on frequency......makes me wonder of the quality of the tuner and frequency drift and bleedover which this morning I was hearing a NOAA weather broadcast on a regular VHF police frequency and why it seems like in a few posts I've seen recommended using FM instead of NFM, etc. I have seen myself where FM works better on DMR systems than the default NFM settings on RRDB......I dunno????, new to this type of scanner I guess as we all are and time will tell how it's best handled. My .02

Love the SDS-100 display!!! and all the Uniden patented technologies too numerous to mention for me and it's awesome on 800Mhz trunking systems and P25 decode.
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