SDS100/SDS200: SDS100 Firmware 1.05.00M/1.01.05S Open Beta

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Apr 15, 2009
Are you getting any interference from the military base's right across the lake? and being close to US/CAN border AND University of Vermont. I have a sense being on flat farmland you might be picking up alot from far away.


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
?? flagrantly stupid ?? me?

IM that one your post is about... Well fedex just picked the junk up and back to amazon

No. I was referring to people who "don't bother to troubleshoot their problems and just assume it's a terrible product, and return and badmouth the product as having crappy reception. In some cases they do so without ever having even seen one." If you truly think that quote applies to you, feel free to be offended.

and had the par filters I already dave..
VHFSYM152HT tuned by par to 152.48mhz
VHFSYM158HT tuned by par to 157.74mhz
now the fm trap and the antenuator from scanner master
and a VHF BandPass Filter
noone give me greif

a vhf passband is actually all i need to rid the FM broadcast station and cell signals.. Direct from Dale over at PARELECTRONICS

Stop telling me to buy a $$1100.00 usd microwave filter to filter out cell signals.

Nobody is recommending you spend more on filters than you did on the scanner. And nobody said anything about microwave filters. Also, if you already had the PAR notch filters, was your high signal reading with or without them installed? If with, then either the filters are defective or the signal is so strong that no radio is going to perform well in that area.

the VHF Bandpass filters are all i need

Then why didn't you get one, instead of a filter that passes everything up to 1600MHz? All your linked filter does is block FM broadcast. It does nothing to address cell interference.

and either way he SDS100 is worse for me then the bcd436hp reception wise.. done. just bought a ws1098

Prepare to be disappointed. Whistler scanners have more issues with receiver overload than Unidens.

and sent back to amazon the SDS 100 $500.00 in filters later the junk still did not work...

Oh yes moral of the story 890.00 on filters dont do the trick jon The SDS is overloaded internally

Which is it? $500, or $890? And where are you looking to find those prices? I don't see how you'd need to spend more than about $200.


Feb 24, 2001
No. I was referring to people who "don't bother to troubleshoot their problems and just assume it's a terrible product, and return and badmouth the product as having crappy reception. In some cases they do so without ever having even seen one." If you truly think that quote applies to you, feel free to be offended.

Nobody is recommending you spend more on filters than you did on the scanner. And nobody said anything about microwave filters. Also, if you already had the PAR notch filters, was your high signal reading with or without them installed? If with, then either the filters are defective or the signal is so strong that no radio is going to perform well in that area.

Then why didn't you get one, instead of a filter that passes everything up to 1600MHz? All your linked filter does is block FM broadcast. It does nothing to address cell interference.

Prepare to be disappointed. Whistler scanners have more issues with receiver overload than Unidens.

Which is it? $500, or $890? And where are you looking to find those prices? I don't see how you'd need to spend more than about $200.

120 for each par filter 240 plus the 162mhz noaa band = 360.00
vhf bandpass 120 after shipping so upto 480.00 doesnt stop cellular interference???????????? didnt know cellular is in VHF HIGH BAND

now ad the fm filter 72.00 shipping and product price 552.00

plus the Par custom made channel UHF channel 23 filter 180.00

so that is an estimated total of 732.00 (sorry thats not including my multicoupler)

So over the years i have bought the par filters.. Jon didnt make me buy anything he made a sugjestion...After rereading your post Jon you are correct I was not directly called stupid but seeing your post was applying to my specific case of RF hell i directly attributed you Blatantly stupid comment to the rest of your post..

NOTE these filters were all in place working perfectly on everything only interference 96.3fm which is super strength without even an antenna on the sds100

so only new items are fm trap and antenuator....

rest were previously used except for when doing a test as john recommended..
dont believe my prices ask Dale over at parelectronics what thier prices were 1 year ago... filters are very expensive...
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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2003
He won't be disappointed, the SDS100 has major frontend issues... I live in rural Michigan and the SDS100 is getting wiped out at times (mostly on VHF and UHF) even on the stock rubber duck; also affects UHF EDACS trunk system less than 13 miles away from me. That said, I have the Uniden SDS100 and a Whistler TRX-1 that sit side-by-side on the same antenna and the Whistler never gets wiped out whereas the Uniden SDS100 is having all sorts of trouble; see my earlier posts and videos in this thread. That said, I tend to agree that the Whistler's generally have a wide open frontend, but they are nowhere near as bad as what is happening with the SDS100 right now; it has serious issues that need addressing A.S.A.P. Issues that do not exist with the BCD436, BC-125, ICOM IC-R30, AirSpy2, and RTL dongles. With that said, if I hadn't purchased my SDS100 back in June AND hadn't purchased all three license key upgrades; the radio would have already been returned; but such as luck would have it, I was burned once again by being an earlier adopter to another Uniden product; for the absolute last time as well. I've decided that a better scanner can be made using SDR's of higher quality and have since begun moving that direction as it seems Uniden has remained silent on ongoing issues with the SDS100. Very sad as in general, I like the overall radio but if it cannot hear and can't be selective; it's a POS receiver and I might as well just have a cheap Chinese dongle instead of a near $900 scanner that doesn't work. For now, it sits turned off and I monitor with the ICOM R30 and Whistler TRX-1; for the money both cannot be beat... End of rant, sorry but it's the truth, the SDS100 has a sickness!


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
now ad the fm filter 72.00 shipping and product price 552.00

The FM broadcast blocking filter you linked is $49.95 + shipping, not $552.

so only new items are fm trap and antenuator....

rest were previously used except for when doing a test as john recommended..

So isn't it a bit disingenuous to claim them as expenses related to trying to get the SDS100 to work in your location? If you already had the other filters before you purchased the SDS100, that strongly implies you needed them to eliminate interference with other radios.

Going to shut my mouth before someone comes after me with a pocket pistol next... Now i see where your Personal issue comes from.... Now im feeling threatened so goodbye i unblocked you on your non bipolar day... so reblocking as was just sugjested creep

Please quote the post where I threatened you, either directly or by implication.


Jun 10, 2003
Sunny Florida

Good Afternoon,

The SDS100 does seem to miss some EDACS transmissions with the latest Firmware
The BCD436HP gets more in ID Searching and Holding on one Talkgroup
The SDS100 also gets more EDACS data bursts when the BCD436 does not
on the same external antenna. Logs attached are during ID Search and Hold.

Logs and HPE file:


Thank you for you continued work on the scanner


Feb 24, 2001
Is this a place to a post your issues negative or positive about current now public firmware?

Thanks to all the trash talking posts people have done I sent my sds100 back..

Sorry Paul this issue on uhf vhf should have been resolved...

Did UPMan even see this list I posted before all the trash talkers jumped me?

UPMan Sorry but I thought particular this forum was created to let you KNOW ABOUT ISSUES... did you even see the issues people have posted about weather railroad p25 vhf/uhf analog showing LINK on NOAA NWS? guess you didnt or you ignored that the problem exists... I'm assuming with the trash talking about it being a perfect radio got in the way..

I posted how crappy the sds100 is on vhf uhf recommended fixes and nothing was addressed even though several now are complaining not just 2 or 3 as FANBOY says... theres atleast 30 complaints by different people in THIS TOPIC about the same issue im having..... Imagine the rvers that DONT come on radioreference? truckers? hams? 30 people with identical issues and 30 people who sit back and cause your company UNIDEN to lose customers like myself now as we feel IGNORED by Uniden America... And trash talkers keep fighting us... same with the battery...

I was happy with the time the battery gave me.. Im not the one asking wheres the battery... Its the club... I want reception with 5 hour battery life instead of no reception or barely any reception with 8 hours of battery life

Im not being an ******* to noone just trying to let UPMan know my issues without the community usual's attacking me,

Bug 1 was my local weather saying LINK and going mute
Bug 2 weather overpowers RAILROAD band
Bug 3 FM Radio and vhf pagers wipe front end out with filtering in place.
Bug 4 Why does it seem after leaving VALID REVIEWS The club of the same few People attack me for a product that is all over the internet and sds100 facebook page and on radioreference itself... Stop denying these issues exist and maybe moderate the ones who start the crap.....

All im doing is what UPMan asked for in this version of beta... I know about filters and have been around alot longer then people think in the scanner hobby... before he released it publicly... But do to the CLUB of FANS that say everythings perfect are the true a's as someone called me..

DO NOT ASSUME PEOPLE KNOW NOTHING... Yes advice is good but if your advice doesnt help fix a problem then DONT stick your nose in my food plate everytime i type about a product.issue unless you are surrounded By the adirondack and know how the Essex county NY p25 system OPERATES... Ask details... We are surrounded by mountains... We are in the mountains... Thus a repeater on terry and on wells hill which if from the area is a STRAIGHT shot to PERU NY.. I have indicated other scanners dont have this uhf vhf wipe and bleedover. I have a bcd996t, 996xt bc350d pro18 bcd996p2 bcd325p2 and none of these scanners have the vhf/uhf wipe.. also they dont have the bleedover... Sorry if some think im an ahole but just Putting information of my experiences with beta 1.05.00m 1.01.05s are...

I believe this is what Paul asked for not fanclubs to debunk an issue that exists.................
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No longer interested in living
Aug 2, 2013
I am confused about your environment with your contradictions:
We are surrounded by mountains... We are in the mountains... Thus a repeater on terry and on wells hill which if from the area is a STRAIGHT shot to PERU NY..

Unfortunately I dont live in Kenne Anymore I live in PERU NY,, small and flat farmlands... Right accross from the lake....Literally
Could this have an effect on your overload? If it is mountainous, you may have an array of towers causing issues.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 21, 2002
Planet Earth
Funny! I live about 20 miles southeast of Los Angeles, CA, which is probably one of the most RF-dense environments on the planet and I only have very minor issues with images and overload. Not much difference from my 436. Definitely no where near enough for me to take my ball and go home!


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May 20, 2003
I just feel like something is being held over my head by the fanboys/girls club that repeatedly shame a consumer like myself... I have since removed that from the post. Apology NOO as I am being treated like Im dumb on these forums.. Has Jon offered people help? YES Has Jon helped me? Jon Tried his best. Did he make me feel stupid when i already had a vhf bandpass in place? YES..

Why would one need an FM filter if using a Bandpass Filter for vhf Hi band?

WHy would one assume its a filter issue and multicoupler issue when 4 scanners other then the sds100 did not have an overload problem? Therefore multicoupler and coax's are FINE....

He shouldnt belittle people who know perhaps just as much as him. He also doesnt realize the complexity of the radio system Here in my Essex County New York........ Had he been around when system was built then yes i would take his advice but for all i know he could be half a world away... If I said something to offend him personally I am sorry. But he has repeatedly torn all my posts out of proportion..and Made me to look like im a NOOB to scanners and the hobby.. And this forum should have been closed after UPMAN stated he released this as public and nolonger beta

You should only need these filters in poor quality receivers and if you QTH is somewhere where strong signals are close in frequency or have harmonics that cause issues to specific frequencies; I use to live in New Jersey, near lots of FM broadcast transmitters and a NOAA Weather Radio transmitter; it was a requirement to run a notch filter for the FM broadcast band on ALL Whistler and Uniden scanners; however, drive away from my location and they were no longer required. The SDS100 has issues, the fanboys don't want anyone bashing the product that "supposedly passed beta testing"; which means the consumers (you, me and others) should have received a radio that was at least equal to or better than the previous model (i.e. BCD436HP); well we did not; in-fact, except for simulcast performance, the SDS100 is a huge step backwards in receiver performance overall. When a Whistler TRX-1 or for that matter ANY Whistler or other cheap receiver outperforms the SDS100 at it's price point; there's clearly an issue. I've posted videos, tried troubleshooting and even using filters to no avail; the problem has exited in ever firmware release and Uniden remains silent on these issues. EDACS trunking on this scanner sucks; it constantly cuts out, misses countless traffic, and the data bursts basically make it unusable at least on UHF EDACS. VHF is a joke as well as previously noted. I am very saddened to see Uniden fanboys continue to standby this company; especially after the previous B.S. that surrounded the BCDx36 series radios as well. It is what it is, Uniden will continue to do what it does and we the consumers have a choice; mine is to no longer purchase Uniden products as an earlier adopter (if ever) moving forward. I got burned with the BCDx36 line and now against with the SDS100; I'm done... All the filters in the world aren't going to fix the root cause of these issues in the SDS100 scanner.


Forums Manager/Global DB Admin
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Forums Manager
Jun 26, 2001
Oot and Aboot
Since the beta is over, I don't think this thread needs to continue.

Seems we're into name calling, taking cheap shots at other members and commenting on Uniden fanboys instead of discussing firmware issues.
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