You have two distinct searches with the XT models.
The first is the preset Service Searches, which include Public Safety, Ham, Marine and Railroad just to name a few. The frequencies searched for within each of those groups is locked into the scanner, you can't modify them. You can, however, assign a System Quick Key to each service so that you can very easily turn them on/off just like any other system.
The second is the Custom Search, of which there are 10 ranges you can program a lower and upper limit for, as well as modify the delay, step, modulation, etc. for each one individually. Those can also be assigned a System Quick Key per range.
If you're using FreeSCAN to program the scanner, you'll find those options on the Scanner > Setup Scanner Options page under the Custom Search and Service Search tabs.
As far as directly operating the scanner, while I can understand the learning curve in the beginning, they're really not all that intimidating once you get in there and get your hands dirty. Relying on software to do all the work will only ensure that the manual operation of the scanner will always remain a mysterious dark force to be reckoned with. Don't let the Uniden DMA fool you, it's not as complicated as it's made out to be once you spend a few days getting used to it by exploring all the menus and features. Those Easier-to-Read guides are great, don't get me wrong, however the opening line "This scanner is exceptionally harder to program for many (even seasoned programmers)" almost begs people to throw their hands up and give up in frustration before they've even taken the scanner out of the box!