Also hearing one unit on old Sheriff dispatch 16016 talking about being at the Moore Lot. Anyone know who this might be? I thought all Sheriff units were moved over to MARCS.
I have searched on the internet and can't find an explanation ...
Can anyone please satisfy my curiosity with your explanation of what that % number means in attached pic? When I do an ANALZ on these (3) WS1065 scanners (PROG MAN softkey F2 F3 ), the scanner that gives the least TSYS transmissions/basically dead, always shows a low percent. Usually anywhere from blank __% to as much as 38%.. The other 2 scanners are usually over 50% and as high as 86%. They get some hits.
My guess this has something to do with signal strength and that scanner has a sucky part inside of it that is not as good as the part in the other 2 scanners. <<< LOL .. I have not clue !!No smarts in electronics field...
If you had a chance to send that"dead" sucky scanner into Whistler at their cost ( I pay for shipping) to have them tweak it, would you? Note that "dead" scanner still pics up the old conventional system. Perry FD and North Lawrence FD with a grunt here and there on the new TSYS..
Thank you folks for helping me with my questions. You are all so kind!
That's just fabulous. Now all the friends I have programmed radios for are gonna lose North Canton.Looks like North Canton Fire Dispatch has switched from 45009 to 45135, and in the process their radio IDs have changed from 769xxxx (state issued) to 761xxxx (county issued) radio IDs.
45137 is either going to be NCFD 2 / NCFD TAC 1 / NC FD-PD interop.
And my guess is that North Canton Police will be having the same thing occur in the near future.
Just talked with a crew from NCFD here at the hospital and they are operating on UHF radios while their MARCS radios are being reprogrammed.Looks like North Canton Fire Dispatch has switched from 45009 to 45135, and in the process their radio IDs have changed from 769xxxx (state issued) to 761xxxx (county issued) radio IDs.
45137 is either going to be NCFD 2 / NCFD TAC 1 / NC FD-PD interop.
And my guess is that North Canton Police will be having the same thing occur in the near future.
Just talked with a crew from NCFD here at the hospital and they are operating on UHF radios while their MARCS radios are being reprogrammed.
Sent from my SM-J327V using Tapatalk
Thanks for that info. I was puzzled and wondering where the hell they were talking . I heard dispatch dispatching on 45135, and no response on 45009 or 45135.
Yea, early this morning someone keyed up on Greentown dispatch and said "testing Uniontown Fire" they quickly got corrected.There was testing activity on 45175 today.
45175 Uniontown Fire Dispatch
Radio ID 7602020 was CenCom dispatch. Unsure if it was an actual bonafide dispatch console, or somebody at CenCom with a handheld helping with testing.
I wonder if that's for paging purposes?
I wonder if the majority of the VFD's will do the same. I think Louisville did that when they were briefly on the old 800 system.