Awesome catches.. Now who's the genius that wants to go add MS to the military comms pages on the wiki?
No genius required, but being a raging madman helps, hi
I've created an anchor article for this topic - just for the milcom stuff to start, someone can easily create a fed article in the same way. Here's the anchor;
Gulf States Milcom - The RadioReference Wiki
Editing in the wiki is really very easy. Our quick guide will give you most of what you will need for very simple stuff, and so far, that's what we have - simple freq lists and so on...
Quick guide to editing pages - The RadioReference Wiki
and if you find you want to pull something from the database onto the wiki, just use the extensions...
RR Wiki Extensions - The RadioReference Wiki
What is fair game? Darn near anything milcom related in your area. That includes links to websites for various fighter groups (Global Security is usually a good choice for this), maps, frequency lists, callsigns - as much or as little as you like. Just remember to add a category link like has been done at the bottom of the gulf states milcom page for any and all page(s) you create.
Many folks stumble over the 2 basic types of links in a wiki - those that link to another page inside our wiki (interwiki links) or those that reference something outside the wiki environment (external). Edit the Arkansas section and you will see an example of both. The first is an interwiki link - the next is external
Bob and I can help out with the rough spots. You've got a good start here; now's the time to start gathering all this stuff in one place, otherwise as the thread grows, it will get harder to find something specific that happened on a past page in the thread. Send me private mail here on RR if you need something; my ISP has been giving me nightmares and has royally screwed up my email, and my contact list. What a royal pain in the afterburners!
The rest, as they say, is up to you.
73 Mike