But he is showing 78-0640 or 80-0640 on mode s. Prob more accurate then the listed number.
They swap modes around a lot those A-10's.
Vermont ANG night flying schedule for the coming days.16:02 - HELLCAT 11, F-35 off BTV heading to VIPER. SKIER 94 after pattern work BTV RTB to SCH (not showing on ADSB-X).
Let me know what it ends up being, I have football practice starting at 10am so I won't be able to know unless it flies over us.McGuire space A has flight to Griffiss Intl airport Weds around 10am local.Unknown type so far.
But he is showing 78-0640 or 80-0640 on mode s. Prob more accurate then the listed number.
They swap modes around a lot those A-10's.
Someone yakking A/A 228.100
Maryland A-10's yakking A/A on 271.400...Heading out I think. Said looking for Higher.
McGuire space A has flight to Griffiss Intl airport Weds around 10am local.Unknown type so far.
Heard SCAN 04,05 out in W-386 South enter on 249.800 then 312.400 talking with 3rd flight and
seems on mode s working with a P-8A out there doing racetracks. Asked him Scans are going higher to FL250 will
that interfere with you? P-8A 169333 is up at 37k so no problem.
16:02 - HELLCAT 11, 4 F-35s off BTV heading to VIPER. SKIER 94 after pattern work BTV RTB to SCH (not showing on ADSB-X).
I picked up a little at the start of their training but I haven't heard anything until now (1647). It's mostly low and broken and I cannot make out much.314.4 is currently active. A2A comms. S3 here in Montreal.
Comms just a little better. Confirmed VIPER
314.4 is currently active. A2A comms. S3 here in Montreal.
I picked up a little at the start of their training but I haven't heard anything until now (1647). I
I live approximately 10 miles south of Griffiss and I have the Uniden BC125AT w/ Diamond RH77CA antenna.GS I'm surprised you don't get them clearer as you should be the closest if you are near Griffiss ? What sort of radio/antenna are you using ?
Just got cleared to AR-206 123.875 (ZBW UCA09)
SPUR-65 inbound report complained aircraft rolled 5 degrees left to right a couple times with1700- Spur 65 (KC-10 # 83-0079 AE0216) working Brickyard CP (134.1) w/write ups and inbound msg. Had gone down to the Gulf of Mexico, then the FL Panhandle before working way back to McGuire. also working ACY approach (124.6) on way in.
From this past Friday's post seems RCH-426 C-5M #84-0061 done shuttling between Guatemala and Cecil Jacksonville Fla.Dover sent a C-5M to Panama today #84-0061 RCH426.
Airport icao is MPPA and has 8500 foot runway.
Bet the C-5M turns some heads landing there
MC426 (RCH426) Air Mobility Command Flight Tracking and History 02-Apr-2021 (KDOV-BLB / MPPA) - FlightAware
I live approximately 10 miles south of Griffiss and I have the Uniden BC125AT w/ Diamond RH77CA antenna.
There are lots of hills and mountains in between me and in the VIPER complex so that's the main source of blockage. In some directions, I can get 100+ miles (ex. AR-631 comms on the western half of AR-631).I've tried the RH77CA on airband. I compared it with 4 different antennas (on the same handheld) and it was by far the worst, pretty well useless. I never bothered to return it but figure it might have been faulty ? Is there anything blocking your reception in that direction, terrain, buildings ?