Sticky Thread For Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2022

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Premium Subscriber
Feb 13, 2007

2025Z- 7ZT on 16309 with 30 character message.

DOOM 71 on 8891 ETA 48N50W 2107Z contact Gander at 50W on 133.150

2050Z- DOOM 72 calling SKYMASTER on 11175, 1 message with 30 items
2054Z- BUNT 31 calling SKYMASTER on 11175
2058Z- SAND CRAB calling TOMMY GUN on 11175, "going to Zulu frequency 120"
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1855 local DOOM-72 with SKYMASTER for multi character message on 11175.

1900 Sounded like BERNADINE with multi message DBYQKF on11175 but much weaker than DOOM 72 which was booming.
1910 TOMMYGUN on 11175 for DBYQKF also multi character message.Stronger signal than BERNADINE.
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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 3, 2004
Near Louisville, Kentucky
Good E-4B article.. E-4B may be overall com/command plane but only the Navy E-6B from the air can carry out order for launches using the codes.

One of the TACAMO pilots I used to work with told me that he had the codes accessible, so they could correct any errors prior to relaying the message.

From Rachel Cohen's article cited above:

Experts who spoke with Air Force Times suggested the military combine the E-4B and its close counterpart, the Navy’s E-6B Mercury, onto a single airframe for more flexibility if things go south.

While the E-4B is a flying command center for civilian leadership and can talk to nuclear bombers, missiles and submarines, only the E-6B can order those weapons to launch.

“Why wouldn’t you want to add that to your E-4? It makes perfect sense,” Harrison said of nuclear launch capabilities. “If you’ve got a key element of your command authority on the plane, who would be giving the orders, then why not have the physical means of distributing those orders on that plane?”

Is this a legacy of the LOOKING GLASS mission combined with the TACAMO mission? Does the E-6 have a military LOOKING GLASS crew including a flag Airborne Emergency Action Officer on constant alert while the E-4 is on alert to carry a civilian-led National Command Authority crew if tasked?

Does this imply that both planes can carry a National Command Authority staff but the E-4 lacks the comm gear to directly communicate with the nuke forces on the unit level i.e. the subs, bombers and silos?

Cohen Tweet.jpg


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Had several sets of suspected B52's check in with ZDC over North Carolina under SKULL call signs this morning.

Does anyone have an idea of what call sign "DROID" belongs to? Checked back in with ZDC35 Wilimington High Direct Pope then mentioned they would be requesting FL 50,000
Sounds like a Army or USAF Drone with the local ATC. They pop up on regular ATC freqs from time to time.
DROID is good callsign that lets controller know he is dealing with a UAV.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Bit off topic but sure seems Boeing Company is in a heap of trouble this past year.
Notice the KC-46 production line shut again due to covid? No test flights seen in a while in Seattle.
Took a bath on the new AF-1 contract,Star Liner Space capsule has been a software mech boondoggle.
The B-777X release pushed back again another couple years and part shortages etc.
Stock price for past year really tumbling.. Course Airbus has its problems too.

Why Boeing Stock Keeps Going Down | The Motley Fool
Boeing aircraft orders, deliveries slipped in April (
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 3, 2004
Near Louisville, Kentucky
Some Martha's Vineyard milair news:


“An abuse of government assets” Five Hurricane Hunters disciplined for stop in Martha’s Vineyard
403rd Wing aircrew receive discipline for misuse of WC-130J aircraft

By WLOX Staff
Published: May. 11, 2022 at 2:31 PM EDT| Updated: 10 hours ago
BILOXI, Miss. (WLOX) - A five-member crew from Keesler’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron is being disciplined for adding a personal stop to a flight itinerary in order to pick up a crewmember’s motorcycle.

On March 24, the crew left Keesler Air Force Base and landed at Quonset Air National Guard Base in Rhode Island. The next day, unbeknownst to 403rd leadership, the crew added Martha’s Vineyard Airport to the itinerary to retrieve a crewmember’s 1970 BMW R75/5 motorcycle. The crew then continued their mission onto Mather, California, to pick up 403rd Wing equipment that was staged there for atmospheric river mission support.

On March 27, leadership was notified of the stop and they immediately grounded the crew at Mather. Another crew was sent to pick up the aircraft and crew the next day. The motorcycle remains in California.

“Air Force Reserve crews must put in flight training time each month to keep their qualifications, and off-station training achieves valid training requirements,” said Col. Stuart M. Rubio, 403rd Wing commander. “This personal stop was an abuse of government assets. We hold our reservists to the highest standards of conduct and these actions are not tolerated.”

All aircrew members were downgraded on crew qualifications and administrative actions have been served.

Better known as the “Hurricane Hunters,” the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, 403rd Wing, is the only unit in the Department of Defense that flies into tropical storms to gather weather data for National Hurricane Center forecasts, data that satellites can’t collect. During the winter months, they fly winter storms on the East Coast and atmospheric rivers, massive bands of moisture that cause huge amounts of rainfall and flooding, on the West Coast to improve forecasts.

To accomplish these missions, the unit deploys to various locations to get closer to these weather systems; thus, aircrews go to various locations to train and operate and these locations are chosen based on training value.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Had several sets of suspected B52's check in with ZDC over North Carolina under SKULL call signs this morning.
Does anyone have an idea of what call sign "DROID" belongs to? Checked back in with ZDC35 Wilimington High Direct Pope then mentioned they would be requesting FL 50,000
Speaking of drones seems NY ANG is flying there MQ-9 Reaper from one Commercial airport to another.
With new software what can go wrrronggg? LOL
New MQ-9 Reaper capabilities unveiled at at Griffiss International Airport - YouTube

NY Air Guard tests new MQ-9 remote landing and takeoff capability > National Guard > Guard News - The National Guard
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Premium Subscriber
Oct 13, 2006
Reading, PA
2025Z- 7ZT on 16309 with 30 character message.

DOOM 71 on 8891 ETA 48N50W 2107Z contact Gander at 50W on 133.150

2050Z- DOOM 72 calling SKYMASTER on 11175, 1 message with 30 items
2054Z- BUNT 31 calling SKYMASTER on 11175
2058Z- SAND CRAB calling TOMMY GUN on 11175, "going to Zulu frequency 120"
The old Zulu freq from years back was 3275.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 13, 2007
Anyone know what they have over Ft. Drum? Most likely a UAV, but not sure which type, HEX: AE5B96

Post here. I could hear SLAYER 58 yesterday working BRUTAL on 226.900, but so far nothing today. Frequency ? I've seen 6 of them in the area over the last few months - KGTB Drones.

VTANG F35s are up this morning as well, STOUT 11 (x4) working Viper, 314.400. R5202 is active from 1030-1130 and again from 1300-1400, maybe the INANG A-10s again ?
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Apr 4, 2022
Serial:051151(is hexcode: AE5B96)
CountryUnited States
Remarks- Source: callsign 051151
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