Thats a odd one for me.Never heard repeated same numbers,letters like that before..Guys,
888800 // 18183 1AAEE GGKKN NXXZZ 8888
I've never heard an EAM/FDM like this in my 20+ years of milair monitoring.
I'm curious is any of you guys heard this msg from one of the E-6Bs we see in our area?
Sorry, I just read the title and thought it was a good document. Seems it was a exercise developed document and not real world.
0910- Deed 190 (C-130J # 15-5796) looks to be inbound to ADW. Departed from Little Rock AFB. Usually see Deed callsign assoc with POTUS support C-17 flts. At 0930 he's descending & appears to be going to Quantico.
0930- Deed 201 (C-17 # 03-3125 6th AS) off McGuire heading due east. Going to pick up left over stuff from POTUS visit?
Sorry, I just read the title and thought it was a good document. Seems it was a exercise developed document and not real world.
DISCLAIMER: This fictitious plan was created by junior military officers undergoing training related to the Department of Defense's Joint Operational Planning and Execution System (JOPES), the formalized process by which the Department conducts all contingency planning and execution. In an effort to learn the JOPES process, and to do so in a more interesting way, the students were assigned this completely fictitious scenario and directed to use JOPES to develop a written contingency plan. Using this fictitious scenario avoided concerns over the use of classified information, it resolved sensitivity to using real-world nations or scenarios, and it better engaged the students.
(U) CONPLAN 8888 DISCLAIMER: This plan was not actually designed as a joke. During the summers of 2009 and 2010, while training augmentees from a local training squadron about the JOPP, members of a USSTRATCOM component found out (by accident) that the hyperbole involved in writing a "zombie survival plan" actually provided a very useful and effective training tool. Planners who attended JPME II at the Joint Combined Warfighting School also realized that training examples for plans must accommodate the political fallout that occurs if the general public mistakenly believes that a fictional training scenario is actually a real plan. Rather than risk such an outcome by teaching our augmentees using the fictional 'Tunisia" or "Nigeria" scenarios used at JCWS, we elected to use a completely-impossible scenario that could never be mistaken as a real plan.
'2. (U) Purpose:' This plan fulfills fictional Contingency Planning Guidance (CPG) tasking for USSTRATCOM to develop a comprehensive JOPES Level 3 plan to undertake military operations to preserve "non-zombie" humans from the threats posed by a zombie horde. Because zombies pose a threat to all "non-zombie" human life (hereafter referred to as "humans"), USSTRATCOM will be prepared to preserve the sanctity of human life and conduct operations in support of any human population-including traditional adversaries.
MarkI thought this weekend was a drill weekend?????McGuire Space A yesterday and today show flights to Nantuckett... Maybe someone spending Turkey day weekend up there.
RAF C-130J seems to be avoiding Maine US airspace or maybe just the Buffalo area wx?
Lot of Civ traffic up that way today so maybe easier.
View attachment 131355
Saturday Ron.. Guess the ANG folks around here have the week off? Usually busy Sat mornings.
I think ASCOT-5704 was just dodging headwinds up that way.. His speed picked up 30-40 knots afterMarkI thought this weekend was a drill weekend?????
Ascot 5704 still chugging along--he's over northern Michigan (1130)
1230- Saw KC-46A VOLVO 80 (17-46037) doing low level flights over central NJ. Looks like part of the ADSB track got messed up so never saw him go into Queens, NY. He circled over NWS Earl, then down the NJ coast, circled back over Cape May now going back up the NJ coast.KC-46 flyover in Queens, NY on 11/19/2022 at 12:00 PM for the memorial service of 1st Lt. John J. Heffernan Jr. of the USAAF. More info here:
1st Lt JOHN JOSEPH HEFFERNAN - Service Member Profile
As part of its mission to provide the fullest possible accounting to their families and the nation, DPAA publishes brief profiles of lost service
Ron see my post yesterday about A/A on VMGR-252 .Belongs to them.1238- Hearing some A2A chat on 348.1 which I have as an AAR freq.
MarkRon see my post yesterday about A/A on VMGR-252 .Belongs to them.
1230- Saw KC-46A VOLVO 80 (17-46037) doing low level flights over central NJ. Looks like part of the ADSB track got messed up so never saw him go into Queens, NY. He circled over NWS Earl, then down the NJ coast, circled back over Cape May now going back up the NJ coast.
1254- They must have told him to kill some time. He now heading for Queens at 2k ft. Over Monmouth County right now. Going towards Hudson River at 2k ft.
I was out did DEED-180 make Nantucket? DEED-201 C-17 off Nantucket back to McGuire.1200- Deed 180 is off Quantico and heading northeast at FL270.
I just found a reference in the FAA's TWR.TXT document for 236.6 as a Langley Tower secondary.Mark......I have 236.6 listed as a McGuire tower alternate