Sticky Thread For MilAir 2016

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland

1130 EDT--Blue 85 (KC-10 # 85-0028) departed McGuire and is heading south over DE/MD/VA eastern coast.
1200 EDT- Looks like two Pakistani AF C-130s (PAAF 232 & PAAF 234) departed Dover AFB and are heading west. Currently passing over Baltimore at FL170.

Red Flag 16-4 Nellis finished up yesterday so some Pakistan assets and RAF Lakenheath
F-15Es from 492FS heading East prob by Monday.Another McGuire KC-10 84-0186 into Nellis 1805z showing as TEAM45 but prob also a BLUE tanker.A dozen LN F-15E's at Red Flag so will be a few more BLUE tankers involved..
Israeli tankers went West as well the last couple days.
Also a half dozen Spanish AF F/18's or EF/18Ms as they call them and some UAE F-16's as well.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
Red Flag 16-4 Nellis finished up yesterday so some Pakistan assets and RAF Lakenheath
F-15Es from 492FS heading East prob by Monday.Another McGuire KC-10 84-0186 into Nellis 1805z showing as TEAM45 but prob also a BLUE tanker.A dozen LN F-15E's at Red Flag so will be a few more BLUE tankers involved..
Israeli tankers went West as well the last couple days.
Also a half dozen Spanish AF F/18's or EF/18Ms as they call them and some UAE F-16's as well.
Spanish aircrews train with U.S. at Red Flag 16-4 > Nellis Air Force Base > News

TEAM 45/46 ID'ed as BLUE yesterday on KWRI tower and approach freqs (Can't recall the BLUE digits) although they were showing TEAM on ADS-B


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

Looks like Crook 40 is up again today. ADS-B showing him orbiting at FL160 east of Chambersburg PA

Also looks like CG is doing some sort of search in the Delaware Bay. ADS-B showing CG 2003 (C-130J # 2003) has been circling over the Delaware Bay at around 9-10,000 ft for most of the morning. Also have seen a CG MH-65 active out of CGAS Atlantic City.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TEAM 45/46 ID'ed as BLUE yesterday on KWRI tower and approach freqs (Can't recall the BLUE digits) although they were showing TEAM on ADS-B

BLUE 85 back to McGuire late this afternoon,dragged someone off to slight Southeast
so assume LN F-15E's to Seymour Johnson or Shaw F-16's.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

Looks like GA ANG C130 (Dawg 48) went into Martin State this morning then made quick turn around and has departed Martin State and is heading northeast off the NJ coast.

Maybe this acft is supporting the upcoming deployment of A-10s from Martin State?


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
08/30/16 @ 1215 local
Had WARLOCK 2 go over my location at 1,600 ft. (USN P3 Orion 1589120) No comms heard but had him on ADS-B. Then went north up the Hudson River. Looks like he came out of PAX.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
1240 EDT- CG Sector Maryland-w/CG Barque Eagle (WIX 327 New London, CT) on CG discrete (157.05) establishing radio guard.

Note: The Eagle is undergoing a multi-year project to extend Eagle's service life. So as a result America's Tall Ship, along with its crew and their families, are based in the Baltimore area while we perform this work.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
4 Fighters reportedly went into Chambers/Oceana?

Yup! They were Spain F/18's from Red Flag.. Back off again today 0915am this morning
meeting BLUE 85 85-0028.. Hard to copy that accent but were AME 1217-1220 flight of 4.
BLUE 85 last logged Nova Scotia 1438z so not sure they crossed or just got to Bangor.
Still a couple more F/18's I believe coming from Red Flag sometime.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Yup! They were Spain F/18's from Red Flag.. Back off again today 0915am this morning
meeting BLUE 85 85-0028.. Hard to copy that accent but were AME 1217-1220 flight of 4.
BLUE 85 last logged Nova Scotia 1438z so not sure they crossed or just got to Bangor.
Still a couple more F/18's I believe coming from Red Flag sometime.


Yea--they were hard to hear clearly. They were on 236.825 (Snow Hill) looking for Blue 85.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washington/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))

((Reach/OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0830- Tester 11 (T-38C # 618158 NTPS PAX) & Tester 13 (T-38C #158201 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (256.5) & Tester 00 (F-18 NTPS PAX) in ACM evaluation testing.
0831- ADS-B shows Bank 99 (KC-135R # 108th ARW/141st ARS NJ ANG WRI) departing WRI and heading west at FL380.
0855- Wild 1 flt (F-16s 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW (348.725) then w/ZDC Calvert (281.4). Also w/BW (305.2)
0903- Boxer 31 (C-40C # 02-0201 201st AS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW then w/PAX approach (120.05) for some pattern work at Wallops Island.
0904- ADS-B shows Hoist 98 (KC-10A # 84-0189 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI then heading south.
0910- ADS-B shows Team 23 (KC-10A # 87-0124 305th AMW WRI) in low level acty in vicinity of WRI.
0915- SAM 289 (C-20B # 86-0204 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW then heading north.
0917- Score 13 (C-2A # 162142 VX-20 PAX)-on test discrete (275.2)
0920- Valor 37 (C-37 # 01-0076 86AW/309AS Chierves Belgium)-depart ADW then heading east.
0925- ADS-B shows Blue 85 (KC-10A # 85-0028 305th AMW) over MD coast at FL200 heading north. Also w/ZDC Snow Hill (132.55) reserving block FL200-220. Also foreign accented pilot w/ZDC Snow Hill (236.825) advising they will rendezvous w/Blue 85.
0930- Tester 09 (T-38C # 610925 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (355.8)
0933- ADS-B shows Jumbo 90 (C-5M # 86-0025 436th AMW/9th AS DOV) departing WRI then heading east out over Atlantic. Returns to WRI at 1230.
0935- Marine 702 (UC-35D # 166374 MAW-04 ASDW)-depart ADW then heading northeast.
0937- Scan 84 (Dash-8 N984HA NGTF)-working on Northrop discrete (123.225). Also w/PAX approach (135.625)
0940- ADS-B shows C-32A #02-0445 (150th SOS NJ ANG WRI) departing WRI.
0945- Boxer 42 (C-40C # 02-0202 201st AS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW.
0949- Tester 20 (T-6B # 166020 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (355.8). Does afternoon sortie at 1452.
0950- Apple Pie (sounds like-E-6B TACAMO VQ-4 Det PAX)-on discrete (323.8) w/EAM 5LKIBA
1000- ADS-B shows Rider 71 (C-17A # 07-7170 436th AMW/3rd AS DOV) departing DOV then heading south.
1005- Juvat 80 (C-37 # 02-0042 86AW/76AS Ramstein AB GE)-land at ADW
1125- Spera 50 (KC-767A MM62226 Italian Air Force)-working w/Salty Dog 402 (F-18E/F #165533 VX-23 PAX) & Salty Dog 223 (prob F-18 VX-23 PAX) on PAX test discrete (353.425).
1126- Raven Flt (4 X A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-working on discretes (266.6 & 271.4) in PAX restricted areas. Also w/Raven Ops (275.7)
1133- Salty Dog 205 (T-45A # 163635 VX-23 PAX)-w/PAX departure requesting flight following to destination Richmond VA.
1135- ADS-B shows Baton 52 (EC-130J # 98-1932 194th SOS PA ANG Harrisburg PA) operating off MD/DE coast in W386. At 1410 Baton 52 crosses over southern NJ returning from W386. Also w/Baton Ops (395.1) w/inbound msg.
1140- Apple Pie (E-6B TACAMO VQ-4 Det PAX)-on 311.0 w/rebroadcast of 5LKIBA
1145- Score 73 (P-3C # 158912 VX-20 PAX)-w/ZDC Snow Hill (132.55)
1228- ADS-B shows Hoser 12 (KC-135R # 63-8003 108th ARW/141st ARS NJ ANG WRI) in low level acty in vicinity of WRI.
1230- Marine 374 (UC-35D # 166374 MAW-4 ADW)-land at ADW.
1235- ADS-B shows Crook 29 (C-12 EMARSS, Sierra Nevada Corp Hagerstown MD) operating in the Martinsburg WVA area at FL160.
1240- CG Sector Maryland-w/CG Barque Eagle (WIX 327 New London, CT) on CG discrete (157.05) establishing radio guard. Note: The Eagle is undergoing a multi-year project to extend Eagle's service life. So America's Tall Ship, along with its crew and their families, are based in the Baltimore area while work underway.
1407- DeeCee 21 (KC-135R # 61-0307 756th ARS ADW)-patterns at ADW prior to landing.
1413- Colt flt (A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-check in w/ZNY Joliet (285.65) then w/Kiowa MOA Range (233.45). Also w/Harrisburg approach (281.525)
1415- Axeman Flt (4 X A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-w/BW (305.2 & 354.8) for entry into PAX restricted areas. Also w/PAX approach (281.8)
1418- Venus 31 (C-40C # 01-0041 99th AS ADW)-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/inbound msg.
1420- ADS-B shows CGNR6571 (USCG MH-65D # 6571 CGAS Atlantic City NJ) operating in the Atlantic City area.
1422- Tester 22 (T-6B # 166042 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1431- Tester 11 (T-38C # 618158 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8) reporting supersonic speed run, Mach 1.02 at FL320.
1445- ADS-B shows Jinx 31 (C-17A # 04-4134 305th AMW/6th AS WRI) in low level acty in vicinity of WRI.
1448- ADS-B shows Castle 06 (C-130H # 84-0206 143rd AS DE ANG New Castle DE) departing New Castle then in low level acty in vicinity of Atlantic City.
1450- Venus 92 (C-32A # 98-0002 1st AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1456- Guard 210 (UH-72A Lakota #11-72210 A. Co. 1-224th Security and Support Battalion (S&S) Weide AHP)-w/Weide (126.2). ADS-B shows operating south of York PA
1503- Tester 24 (T-6B # 166060 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (354.8) for entry into North Spin area.
1508- ADS-B shows Pelican 33 (P-8 Poseidon # 168859 VP-45 NAS Jacksonville FL) passing over PAX at FL330 heading northeast.
1545- ADS-B shows Thug 11 (C-17A # 88-0265 437th AW Charleston AFB, SC) landing at WRI.

2. HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

12222.0 1405Z SHBNG (Indiana ArNG AASF #1, Shelbyville MAP, Shelbyville, IN) USB/ALE sounding.

12222.0 1530Z TSC (US Customs Technical Service Center, Orlando FL) USB/ALE calling PAL (USCGC Kingfisher WPB 87322 Mayport, FL)

15867.0 1800Z 07Z (USCG District 7 "Miami Ops" Miami FL) USB/ALE w/N12 (USCG HC-144A ATC Mobile AL).

15867.0 2130Z R26068 (unid ArNG helo) USB/ALE sounding.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Both are still on the ramp at MRB. I was on base today and inquired about them. They are not new additions to the 167th but are in from McChord for maintenance.

Here's a picture of 95-0103 from this morning -

95-0103 AE07E6 off at 17:25 UTC as REACH332

17:45 UTC descending into Dover
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1315z This morning AME-1221 proceeding Snow Hill sounded like single looking for BLUE 75..
Should have been the last two Spanish F/18's headed home.. BLUE 75 showing as TEAM45.
BLUE 75 last logged Nova Scotia 1430z


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washington/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))

((Reach/OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0930- Air Force 2 (C-32A # 98-0002 1st AS ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading northwest.
0950- Wild flt (F-16s 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW (348.725)
0952- Crook 29 (MC-12S EMARSS V, Sierra Nevada Corp Hagerstown MD)-w/ZDC Snow Hill (132.5) requesting deviation for wx. Also working on Northrop discrete (123.225)
0955- ADS-B shows UAF 1224 (C-17A #224 United Arab Emirates Air Force) passing over WRI at FL340 heading west.
0957- Colt flt (A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-depart MTN. Then w/Harrisburg approach (281.525) w/request for several patterns.
0959- Marine 129 (UC-35D # 166374 MAW-4 ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading west at FL340. Returns to ADW at 1515.
1000- ADS-B shows Jinx 51 (C-17A # 04-4132) & Jedi 52 (C-17A # 04-4134) both from 305th AMW/6th AS at WRI in low level acty in WRI/Atlantic City areas.
1008- ADS-B shows Royal 50 (C-17A # 06-6167 436th AMW/3rd AS DOV) departing DOV and heading northeast out over the Atlantic at FL240. At 1330 ADS-B shows back in the Atlantic City area for low level acty.
1012- ADS-B shows Team 42 (KC-10A # 83-0081 305th AMW WRI) at FL280 flying south along MD/VA coast.
1014- Score 22 (C-2A # 162142 VX-20 PAX)-working on PAX test discrete (375.6)
1020- BAF 663 (C-130H # CH-13 20th SQDN Belgian Air Force)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading northeast probably heading back home.
1030- CG 6571 (MH-65D # 6571 CGAS Wash)-w/Pit Boss (157.05) w/inbound landing msg.
1031- Tester 24 (T-6B #166060 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1032- Tester 20 (T-6B # 166016 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (305.2) w/wx PIREP.
1033- DeeCee 41 (KC-135R # 57-1487 756th ARS ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading northeast off the NJ coast in W107/108 at FL480. Returns to ADW at 1340 for some patterns prior to landing.
1140- Marine 714 (UC-35D # 166714 MAW-4 ADW)-land at ADW. Departs from ADW at 1530.
1150- Navy 997 (C-130T # 164997 VR-53 ADW)-depart ADW.
1340- Navy 378 (C-37B # 166378 VR-1 ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading north for patterns at Harrisburg (124.1).
1355- Titus 26 (C-12C # 73-1208 ADW)-depart ADW then in maintenance check flt in PAX areas.
1355- ADS-B shows Topcat 5 (KC-135R # 62-3544 108th ARW/141st ARS NJ ANG WRI) in low level acty in vicinity of WRI.
1445- ADS-B shows Castle 06 (C-130H # 84-0206 DE ANG 166AW/142AS New Castle DE) departing New Castle & low level acty in vicinity of Atlantic City.
1507- Mighty 22 (sounds like)-w/ZNY Millville (323.3) checking in at FL280. NOTE: Thanks to Mark for help with callsign.
1510- ADS-B shows Cabal 91 (KC-10A # 84-0189 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI & heading west.
1515- ADS-B shows KC-130R # 164181 (USMCR VMGR-452 Stewart ANGB NY) at FL190 along NJ coast heading northeast.
1555- Army 112 (C-12 # 96-00112 CARA Avn Sec Phillips AAF)-land at Phillips (126.15)
1557- Spera 50 (KC-767A MM62226 Italian AF))-w/BW (270.8) requesting block FL300-310 for several test runs. Also on test discrete (353.425) w/another unid acft.
1605- Havoc 71 (C-130J # 08-5675 317AG Dyess AFB TX)-land at ADW.
1611- ADS-B shows Petro 01 (KC-10A # 79-1951 60AMW Travis AFB CA) passing over Harrisburg PA at FL200 heading east. Also w/WRI CP (134.1) w/inbound msg. Lands at WRI at 1635.
1615- SPAR 204 (C-21A # 84-0142 MI ANG 110FW/172AS Battle Creek MI)-land at ADW.
1621- Salty Dog 420 (F-18C # 163434 VX-23 PAX)-w/BW (270.8 & 256.5)
1630- ADS-B shows Lobo 715 (UC-35D # 166715 MCAS Cherry Pt NC) off NJ coast heading south at FL400.
1631- Score 57 (unid VX-20 PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1633- CG Sector Maryland/National Capitol Region-on CG 23A (157.15) w/USCGC James Rankin (WLM-555 CG Stn Curtis Bay) securing radio guard.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
With TS Hermine headed this way we may get some TEAL WC-130J flights offshore up
this way come the weekend. Maybe they will TDY at Harrisburg or KILG?
They are standing down today but may be back soon..
Check for them under Plan of the Day.
NHC Aircraft Reconnaissance
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