Sticky Thread For MilAir 2016

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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washington/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))

((Reach/OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0820- ADS-B shows Opec 52 (KC-10A # 84-0188 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI andf heading south.
0826- ADS-B shows Rider 90 (C-17A # 07-7190 436th AMW/3rd AS DOV) departing DOV then heading west at FL170.
0850- SAM 426 (C-20B # 86-0206 99th AS ADW)-land at ADW
0910- Evac 1089 (C-17# 01-0186 436th AMW/3rd AS DOV)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading south.
0920- ADS-B shows GAF 567 (A-310-304MRTT FBSBMVg) departing Dulles and heading northeast.
0927- ADS-B shows Backy 95 (KC-135R # 63-8014 AFRC 916ARW/77ARS Seymour-Johnson AFB NC) at FL250 flying northwards over VA coast. At 1000 lands at WRI. At 1220 depart WRI jeading southwest.
0932- Scary 1 flt (2 X F-16s 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-depart (348.725) then w/ZDC Coyle (254.3) requesting assistance w/entry into W386. NOTE: also showed on ADS-B as AE1E3F DCNG 24 2016-09-23 13:36:13 F-16C-32-CF. First time I've seen DC ANG F-16s showing up on ADS-B.
0935- Wild 1 flt (2 X F-16s 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-depart (348.725) then w/ZDC Coyle (254.3) & ZDC Snow Hill (236.825).
0940- Marine 714 (UC-35 # 166714 MAW-4 ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading south.
0945- ADS-B shows Jumbo 90 (C-5M # 84-0061 436th AMW/9th AS DOV) departing WRI then heading east out over the Atlantic.
0950- Booty 1 & 3/Beauty 1 & 3 (sounds like-unid)-check in w/ZDC Snow Hill (236.825)
0953- ADS-B shows Team 53 (KC-10A # 83-0081 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI then heading east out over Atlantic. Returns to WRI at 1330.
0958- ADS-B shows Jumbo 71 (C-5M # 85-0007 436th AMW/9th AS DOV) departing WRI then heading south then landing at DOV.
1000- ADS-B shows Royal 40 (C-17A # 07-7169 436th AMW/3rd AS DOV) departing WRI then heading south then landing at DOV.
1002- Marine 374 (UC-35 # 166374 MAW-4 ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading east.
1005- ADS-B shows Trek 03 (C-130H # 84-0209 DE ANG 166AW/142AS New Castle DE) departing New Castle then heading west.
1007- ADS-B shows Team 07 flt (2 X KC-10A # 85-0030 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI then heading east out over Atlantic.
1020- ADS-B shows Ascot 5709 (Hercules C4 ZH 878 RAF Brize Norton UK) passing over Harrisburg PA at FL250 heading northeast.
1025- ADS-B shows Baton 51 (EC-130J # 97-1931 193rd SOS PA ANG Harrisburg PA) departing Harrisburg then heading west at FL180. Returns to Harrisburg at 1335.
1030- ADS-B shows Teton 36 (C-130H # 92-1536 187th AS/153rd AW WY-ANG Cheyenne WY) landing at Harrisburg PA.
1130- Navy 375 (C-37 # 166375 VR-1 ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading northeaast crossing NJ coast and heading out over Atlantic at FL400.
1200- Spera 50 (KC-767 M62226 Italian AF)-on PAX test discrete (299.4) working w/Salty Dog 222 (F-18 VX-23 PAX), Salty Dog 211 (prob F-18 VX-23 PAX) & Salty Dog 227 (prob F-18 VX-23 PAX) in AAR test. Spera 50 also w/BW (355.8)
1203- ADS-B shows Venus 92 (C-32A # 98-0002 1st AS ADW) in low level acty in vicnity of Harrisburg PA. Returns to ADW at 1350.
1205- ASY 338 (B-737-7DF BBJ Australian AF 34SQN)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading west.
1213- ADS-B shows SPAR 28 (C-37 # 01-0028 6AMW/310AS MacDill AFB FL) heading north along VA/MD/DE coast at FL410. Heads out over Atlantic at 1220. At 1400 ADS-B shows off NJ coast at FL400 heading south.
1215- Mars 21 (AV-8B VMA-203 MCAS Cherry Point, NC)-w/ZDC Calvert (281.4)
1216- Guard 209 (UH-72A #11-72209 A. Co. 1-224th Security and Support Battalion (S&S) Weide AHP )-patterns at Weide (126.2)
1217- Score 25 (poss RQ-4 Global Hawk VX-20 PAX)-w/BW (305.2) w/request to remain at FL490.
1225- Unid 21 flt (call missed-ident as flt of 2)-w/ZNY Modena (335.6). Also w/Millville Radio (255.4) requesting wx for Griffiss International Airport Rome, NY.
1230- ADS-B shows Jesse 93 (C-130H # 90-1793 180TH AS MO ANG ST JOSEPH MO) landing at Harrisburg PA.
1232- Score 32 (unid VX-20 PAX)-w/BW (305.2)
1330- Open Skies 12 Tango (OC-135 # 61-2670 55th Wing/42 ARS Offutt AFB NE)-land at ADW.
1340- Marine 374 (UC-35 # 166374 MAW-4 ADW)-land at ADW.
1344- Score 97 (P-8 Poseidon # 167951, VX-20 PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1345- ADS-B shows Jedi 61 (C-17A # 04-4133 305th AMW/6th AS WRI) departing WRI then heading northwest at FL220.
1403- Guard 275 (UH-72 #13-72275 A. Co. 1-224th Security and Support Battalion (S&S) Weide AHP)-patterns at Weide (126.2). Also on discrete (150.55 FM)
1408- Guard 221 (UH-60A # 90-26221 C/2-224th AVN (ASLT) Weide AHP)-patterns at Weide (126.2)
1410- Score 76 (C-38 # 94-1570 VX-20 PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1414- Guard 016 (prob UH-60A, MD ArNG Weide AHP)-land at Weide (126.2)
1415- Tester 12 (T-38C # 158200 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (256.5)
1422- Raven flt (2 X A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-working on discrete (266.6) & also w/Raven Ops (275.7)
1429- Tester 24 (T-6B # 166060 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (256.5)
1442- Titus 52 (C-12C # 73-01208 USE Dhahran)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows in low level acty in the vicinity of Lancaster, Harrisburg & reading PA. Retuirns to ADW at 1530.
1449- Colt flt (2 X A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-working on discrete (271.4).
1450- Tester 10 (T-38C # 158198 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (256.5)
1456- Wardog flt (2 X A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-w/Raven Ops (275.7 w/inbound msg. Also on discrete (293.3)
1500- Navy 375 (C-37 # 166375 VR-1 ADW)-land at ADW.
1501- Army 112 (C-12J # 96-0112 CARA AVN SECTION Phillips AAF)-land at Phillips (126.15)
1520- SAM 741 (C-37 # 97-0401 99th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1523- Tester 13 (T-38C # 158201 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1525- Navy 400 (C-37 # 166377 VR-1 ADW)-land at ADW.
1530- ADS-B shows Convoy 3164 (KC-130T # 164597 USMCR VMGR-452 Stewart ANGB NY) flying south along MD/VA coast.
1535- SPAR 19 (C-40 # 05-0730 AFRC 932AW/73AS Scott AFB IL)-land at ADW.
1545- Hawk 92 (E-4B NAOC 55WG/1ACCS Offutt AFB NE)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading west
1558- Guard 265 (prob UH-60A MD ArNG Weide AHP)-w/patterns at Weide (126.2)

2. HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

12222.0 1613Z TSC (US Customs Technical Center, Orlando FL) USB/ALE calling RKD (WPB 87320 Manta NRKD Freeport, TX).

Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045 w/Diamond D-130J discone (in attic)
HF: Icom R75 & Sangean ATS 909 w/45-ft PAR EF-SWL (in attic)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Naval Air Station Patuxent River Notification
Blue Angels Announce Cancellation of NAS Patuxent River Air Expo Performance

The Blue Angels recently announced they will not be performing at the NAS Patuxent River Air Expo Oct. 29 and 30.

Following the mishap involving Blue Angel #6 in June of this year, Commander, Naval Air Forces Pacific (CNAP) decided the team would need to take off one weekend every eight weeks during their air show season to combat fatigue. The Air Expo falls on the eighth consecutive week of air shows for the team following their time off in late August. No other cancellations are planned for the Blue Angels this year. Those interested in viewing the Blue Angels will have an opportunity to see them in Baltimore at the Maryland Fleet Week and Air Show Baltimore Oct. 15 and 16.

NAS Patuxent River is currently evaluating the impact of the cancellation to Pax River Air Expo 2016 planning


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

Noticed this morning that C-32 # 99-0003 flew from Andrews to Philadelphia using callsign SAM 499. But when he returned to Andrews in the afternoon he used Air Force 2.

The White House schedule had VPOTUS giving remarks at Drexel Univ in the morning. I'm guessing that VPOTUS was a home in Delaware over the weekend and was driven to Philadelphia from there and then rode 99-0003 back to Wash.

Also looks like several MD ANG A-10Cs were up working in the Duke MOA today. I would hear them as far as Harrisburg then lose them on the radio but ADS-B was showing them going further north
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washington/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))

((Reach/OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0900- SAM 499 (C-32A # 99-0003 1st AS ADW)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading northeast & landing at Philadelphia. Later, returned to ADW using callsign Air Force 2. NOTE: The White House schedule had VPOTUS giving remarks at Drexel Univ in the morning. I'm guessing that VPOTUS was a home in Delaware over the weekend and was driven to Philadelphia from there and then rode 99-0003 back to Wash. 0905- ADS-B shows Opec 76 (KC-10A # 87-0124 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI then heading west at FL240.
0910- Terra 97 (C-32B # 02-4452 150th SOS NJ ANG WRI)-depart ADW then ADS-B shows heading west at FL230. Returns to ADW at 1032.
0935- Musel 13 (UH-1 1st Helo Sqdn ADW)-land at Navy Yard.
0945- Pacer 55 (C-21A # 87-0036 457th AS ADW)-depart ADW.
0950- ADS-B shows Team 21 (84-0190 305th AMW WRI), Team 22 (KC-10A # 79-1711 305th AMW WRI) & Team 23 (KC-10A # 87-0124 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI and heading east out over Atlantic. At 1335 all three return to the vicinity of WRI for low level work.
0958- Raven flt (A-10C 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-depart MTN then on discrete (293.3). At 1039 Raven 1 w/Raven Ops (275.7) advising he is RTB due to landing gear warning light and will be doing straight in landing with Raven 2 as chase.
1000- ADS-B shows Jumbo 95 (C-5M # 87-0036 436th AMW/9th AS DOV) departing DOV and heading north. Returns to DOV at 1345.
1029- Colt flt (A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-check in w/ZNY Phillipsburg (338.3). Also on discrete (266.6)
1031- Unid acft (no call noted- VX-23 PAX)-w/VX-23 Ops (250.7) w/wx PIREP.
1037- ADS-B shows Jinx 31 (C-17A # 04-4131 305th AMW/6th As WRI) departing WRI then heading west.
1041- ADS-B shows Decoy 14 (C-17A # 95-0103 167th AS WVA ANG Martinsburg WVA) departing Martinsburg and heading northeast.
1050- ADS-B shows Boeing 26 (C-17A # 94-0070 167th AS WVA ANG Martinsburg WVA) departing Martinsburg then heading south.
1335- Baton 51 (EC-130J # 97-1931 PA ANG 193SOW/193SOS Harrisburg PA)-w/Baton Ops (395.1) advising they will RTB due to bird strike on left wing--not declaring IFE. Also w/Harrisburg approach (124.65)
1347- Belgian Air Force 644 (C-130H CH-03 20 Sqdn Melbroek BE)-land at ADW.
1458- Titus 26 (C-12D # 83-0495 ADW)-land at ADW.
1509- Axeman 1 flt (A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-check in w/ZNY Joliet (285.65).
1510- SAM 485 (C-20B # 86-0203 99th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1518- Salty Dog 151 (unid-VX-23 PAX)-w/VX-23 Ops (250.7) & also w/PAX approach (250.3 & 362.6).
1521- DeeCee 21 KC-135R # 62-3566 756th ARS ADW)-land at ADW.
1523- Tester 16 (T-38C # 701575 NTPS PAX)-w/PAX approach (120.05)
1524- Score 87 (P-8 Poseidon # 167953 VX-20 PAX)-land at PAX (120.05)
1610- ADS-B showing Cult 45 (MC-130J # 11-5737 USAFE 352SOW/67SOS RAF Mildenhall UK) over Richmond VA at FL230 flying northeast. Checks in w/ZDC Calvert (133.9) at 1619.
1620- Banger flt (3 X F-16s 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-w/Devil Ops (261.0) w/acft status reports. Also w/ZDC Casino (285.4)
1630- Marine 714 (UC-35D # 166714 MAW-4 ADW)-land at ADW.
1634- Devil 11 flt (id as 3 X F-16s 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-w/ZNY Phillipsburg (306.2) & ZNY Modena (335.6).
1636- ADS-B shows Castle 09 (C-130H # 84-0209 DE ANG 166AW/142AS New Castle DE) departing New Castle and heading to Atlantic City.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Also looks like several MD ANG A-10Cs were up working in the Duke MOA today. I would hear them as far as Harrisburg then lose them on the radio but ADS-B was showing them going further north

Rgr Ron rumor has it that the 104th FS may depart as soon as this coming weekend on deployment to replace the Idaho ANG A-10C's overseas..
Last time over there was back in 2012.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2003
Rgr Ron rumor has it that the 104th FS may depart as soon as this coming weekend on deployment to replace the Idaho ANG A-10C's overseas..
Last time over there was back in 2012.

if thats the case, their should be some C130 traffic into MTN soon.


Feb 20, 2012
Rgr Ron rumor has it that the 104th FS may depart as soon as this coming weekend on deployment to replace the Idaho ANG A-10C's overseas..
Last time over there was back in 2012.

Word is the MD Hogs will move upto Barnes on Friday, Plus reports over here in UK is the Idaho hogs are returning via Lajers once replaced by the MD's in the Sandpit



Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
09/28/16 @ 1709 local:
Unknown A/C calling "Condor Base" on 273.00 (an old Willow Grove freq) "20 minutes out"


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
09/28/16 @ 1709 local:
Unknown A/C calling "Condor Base" on 273.00 (an old Willow Grove freq) "20 minutes out"


Found this online:


The Condors of VR-64 are part of a team that is entrusted
to safely execute effective, responsive C-130 Hercules air
logistics missions in direct support of Fleet and Combatant
Commanders worldwide.

VR-64 is based at Joint Base McGuire


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
Interesting. Thanks Ron.

09/29/16 @ 1215 local- Just caught VENUS 97 (09-0017) and (98-0002) on ADB-S going NE over NYC at FL350 and chatting on 292.8......thought I heard a mention of Shanwick.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
10/04/16 @ 1900 local- ADS-B showing an E-3A AWACS orbiting off the MD coast as ALLEN 03.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
10/04/16 @ 1900 local- ADS-B showing an E-3A AWACS orbiting off the MD coast as ALLEN 03.


That's one of the NATO AWACS LX-N90459. Usually they use a NATO ## for their callsign.

1910 EDT-- Just heard them as Allen 03 on 233.85 which is a PAX test discrete freq. Not sure what they are doing out there in W386. I'm not hearing any of the W386 discretes or Langley F-22 freqs active
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Jan 5, 2004
Some new unknown using AE0542 showing ARIUS21 in central VA.
In the past it was used by C-5A 70-0449 which is now in the Boneyard.

2233- E-3 ALLEN03 inbound to Patuxent. 126.4
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
1519 EDT Crook 40 (EMARSS-V) working w/Bay Watch (119.275)

10/06/16- Had CROOK 47 doing patterns all day around Lakehurst NAS (MC-12W Liberty) 255.7

2100 local- TOI Fighter (thought I heard WILD?) training on 142.45 and 339.725 (142.45 a new one for me. Had it as AR interplane)
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