Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
DPD1 said:
EA-6B 160434

- Featuring the MilTenna Air Band Antennas -

Dave, thanks very much. That fills in a series. I had SD 534/535/536 all listed for EA-6B types.

Mark said:
Sounds like tanker support for 12 TREND F-16's from 52ndFW that were to continue today on to Nellis AFB...

That's what I figured they were up to. I kind of thought I'd hear those F-16s coming in from Europe but never did.

Well...the storm that just blew through here was sure a bust. The winds blew, thunder and lightning crashed and flashed and there were seven drops of rain (I counted them.) I see the storm moving to the southwest through Montgomery County and into northern Virginia.

1949: JEDI 43 with ZDC-Norfolk at FL 220...133.825
1950-52: EVAC 19141 (C-130H, 91-9141, 96th AS) calling Andrews joy...344.6
1951: EVAC 19141 to Griffin Command reports 15 minutes out, 1 litter patient, needs fleet service...378.1
1952: CRAB 54 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG) up in local area with Crab Ops...385.9

2000: BWI traffic to the west is shut down and no takeoffs are being allowed in that direction. Clearance Delivery controller explains to aircraft that what they call the "Charlie Gate" through Linden, Armel and Gordonsville are shut down...line of storms extends all the way to Indiana. Says a cell is right over Dulles at this time and doesn't think that direction will be open even in an hour. Pilots are reporting uneasy passengers locked aboard their planes that aren't moving.

2010: CRAB 51 (C-130J, 97-1351, 135th AS MD-ANG) also leaving MTN...385.9
2020: I've been listening to a HAWKEYE 55 working the ZDC VHF freqs. I've got that callsign in my database list for Iowa ANG F-16s but I'm fairly sure this is a commercial airliner. Who uses that callsign in the commercial world? I used to use an FAA list for that but they recently removed it from the web and I haven't found a replacement yet.
2044: Willow Grove A-10s up on Ops freq...141.8
2045: Willow Grove A-10s on interflight...142.25
2047: The A-10s are cleared for Slate Run so they're heading to the Duke MOA...142.25 (Only running one radio at the moment so missed any transmission w/Philly or ZDC)
2055: The A-10 flight is with ZNY-Williamsport 338.3 (and I still don't have a callsign)
There it is...the flight is FLYER 1.
2058: The FLYER A-10s are also talking with Bollen Range...say an UGLY flight is ont he way up and they'll talk with the range later (probably upon returning from the Duke)...237.2

2110: The aircraft at the very top of the registration list is flying in this area with TRACON - N1, a Gulfstream IV registered to the FAA of course. [I'm just full of useless info. :)]
2113: I've got another Willow Grove A-10 flight up on interflight must be the UGLY flight that was mentioned by FLYER.
2115: Nope, it's a CADE flight from Willow Grove and they've been handed off to Dover Approach on 257.875 from wherever they were (picked it up from interflight). They're requesting higher altitude to get above wx...going up to 7000 feet.
2118: CADE handed off to ZDC-Kenton and check in at 7000 feet...354.15 (Must be going to Pax)
Sooo...FLYER is at the Duke MOA, UGLY is going to Bollen Range and CADE to Pax.
2121: UGLY flight is with ZNY-Lancaster...239.05
2122: UGLY flight handed off to ZNY-Pottstown and check in at 10,000 feet...cleared to 12,000 feet at 2125...278.3 (they might also be hitting the Duke before Bollen)
2139: CADE leaving Pax...354.8
2140: CADE checking in with Dover Approach...257.875 (taking the eastern route)
2140-42: BLUE 21 [female] calling McGuire CP...x3, no joy...319.4
2143: STEEL 62 (Kc-135R, 58-0074, 171st ARW Pittsburgh) to Steel Control reports 20 minutes out, A-1, arriving with 28K on the fuel, wants bird conditions and will stay in the pattern for about 20 minutes
2144: CADE flight handed off to Philadelphia TRACON and check in at 5000 feet...269.25
2145: BLUE 21 makes contact and report RTB due to a ??? malfunction...wants to know if there's a spare there...drogue will not reset all the way...on the way back, 25 minutes out...319.4
I believe BLUE 21 is a KC-10A, 85-0032, 305th AMW McGuire
2147: CADE handed off to Philly TRACON...317.55
2148: CADE sent back to 269.25 and check in again at 5000 feet.
2149: BLUE 21 [male this time] talking to U/I about the drogue problem on interplane...139.875
2151: DC 32 (KC-135R, 57-1512, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR to report 25 minutes out, A-1, landing with 40K fuel and wants them to call weather and find out if that storm south of the field is moving their way...also request airstairs and fleet service...get Spot 5 for parking...378.1
2154: BLUE 21 says it's safe to land...the drogue is hanging about 8 inches out of the recepticle...319.4
2156: BATON 20 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW, PA-ANG Harrisburg) to BATON Ops to report 20 minutes out, A-1, arriving with 40K on the fuel...395.1
2159: One of the Willow Grove A-10 flights with Phil. TRACON...291.7 (FLYER or UGLY I suppose)

2200: There are a couple of KC-135Es from the 108th ARW at McGuire flying overhead. That reminds me that I've never found an interflight freq they use for chat. I'd bet they're talking to each other but where? Does anyone have their interflight/interplane? [JerseyMilair (Steve), you've got to have it, right?]
2207: DC 32 with ADW tower for the ILS approach to 19L for the option...(and took the option and around they went)...118.4

Ref Below: Thanks Tony. (I sent an email to the FAA asking them why they took the site down. I got a reply saying they forwarded my email to some department that would supply an answer. Of course that was a month ago and I've heard nothing yet.)
And, yes, that's the list I used to use but you've got it at a different address than I had.

At 2200, the National Weather Service issues a flood watch for coastal area of Maryland. I can assure them that my seven drops of rain will not significantly add to the flood effect.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi Tin,

HAWKEYE (HKI) 55 = CL300 N55HA Wachovia Bank NA/Hawkaire currently routing MMU-CLT.


TinEar said:
2020: I've been listening to a HAWKEYE 55 working the ZDC VHF freqs. I've got that callsign in my database list for Iowa ANG F-16s but I'm fairly sure this is a commercial airliner. Who uses that callsign in the commercial world? I used to use an FAA list for that but they recently removed it from the web and I haven't found a replacement yet.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
DC-95 heard departing 2310z "have a good weekend".I notice DC's with 90+ suffix tend to wander far away.
BLUE 21 rtb McGuire 319.300 due to drogue malfunction,looking for spare 0147z
CADE A-10's headed back home to WG on 269.250,flight split report on 343.000
BLUE A/A 139.8750 reporting problem.

I think you are correct Tin that Andrews CP 378.100 is working better but not perfect yet.
Maybe they rigged a temp fix.

0210z GIANT 8979 N924MC arriving Dover on CP 134.100,req customs as from overseas.
hearing weak AR traffic on 252.800.
0212z DEL ANG Chopper 26169 departing Cecil County airport on Del Guard Ops 46.90 and Cecil 122.800.
Those Del ANG Blackhawks sure love to visit Cecil County Maryland
0225z Harrisburg appch 273.5250 ,unknown down to 5k.
0226z Lehigh Valley 397.900 Flyer 1+2 dropping down.
0227 FLYERS push 263.1250 Philly appch
0228z UGLIES check in on same,push Philly appch 273.575 enr WG.
0231 UGLY 2 "Reading" 263.125 req another freq.
0236z UGLY 2 on 273.575 Philly appch,getting weak radio ,down to 4k feet.

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Nov 3, 2005
Hey Tin and All,
Just to elaborate a little more on the FLYERS and UGLYS...
2101: FLYERs working on 142.25
2106: FLYERs switch to 143.25, too much interference on the 142.25
2107: FLYERs headed direct Slate Run. ZNY-338.30
2109: FLYERs switch to 143.75, someone must have been on 143.25 (later on that will be the UGLY Flight).
2110: FLYER 1 contacts STEEL 73. 259.40
2111: FLYERs switch to 353.85, ZOB for clearance into the DUKE.
2115: FLYERs back with STEEL 73 giving location and altitude. 259.40
2116: FLYERs switch to 143.25 for interference issues and the quickly back to 142.25.
2117: FLYERs Pre-AR checks complete.
2119: STEEL 73 and FLYER boom radio check. 259.40. They also coordinate their join-up.
2125: FLYER 1 passes tail number, 80-0250. Confirms the plane is from Boise (ID ANG).
2125: FLYER 2 passes tail number, 80-0276 (Also ID ANG per the Scramble Database).
2126: STEEL and FLYERs begin refuelling work, Flyers want 2000 LBS each. 259.40
2126: FLYERS to UGLY Flight, passes on weather and cloud info. 141.80.
2127: FLYER 1 relays to STEEL 73 that the UGLY flight will be up in around 20 minutes. 259.40.
2130: FLYER 1 to UGLY Flight relaying that STEEL 73 will be at 17,000 feet if they would come in at 16,000 feet the FLYERS will stay below 15,000 feet. 141.80.
2132: FLYERs to do some target practice. 142.25.
2134: UGLY flight with Cleveland Center, 353.85.
2139: FLYERs switch to 141.25. FLYER 1 seems to have some radio issues.
2140: UGLY 1 to STEEL 73. 259.40.
2141: FLYERs passing on target info, 141.25, and UGLY flight is A2A on 143.25.
2146: STEEL/UGLY Boom Radio Check and coordinate join-up. 259.40.
2147: UGLY 1 passes tail number of 78-0692.
2148: FLYERs targeting what looks like a backhoe in a field. 141.25. FLYER 2 will roll in on the target for an attack run.
2152 - UGLY 1 disconnects from the boom on lower limit. His engines were at max, requests STEEL 73 to slow down. UGLY 2 will come in since 1 has fuel on his windshield. UGLY 2 is 80-0275.
2159 - All refuelling is complete. STEEL 73 and UGLY flight say their goodbyes. 259.40.
Side Note - The STEEL 73 crew was top notch, they made this stuff seem easy. Great job by everyone, as usual.
2200: UGLY flight to 353.85, request direct East Texas (ETX VOR) the direct Willow Grove. They are heading out a 16,000 feet.
2201: UGLY to FLYER saying they are at 16,000 and headed direct Slate Run. 141.80.
2202: FLYER 1 checks in as CADE 1 to Cleveland Center, 353.85.
2205: UGLY flight to ZNY on 338.30, they are RTB and at 13,000 feet.
2206: FLYER checks in to ZNY on 338.30.
2206: UGLY relays weather info to FLYER, reccommends 15,000 feet since there is weather at 13,000 feet. 141.80.
2207: FLYER requests 15,000 or 17,000 feet. 338.30. FLYERs were still chatting on 141.25. And with that the FLYERs and UGLYs should be home soon.
2210: STEEL 73 to STEEL CONTROL, report status as A1. Request parking and get spot 27. 311.0
2210: STEEL 73 is working Cleveland Center on 126.725.
2215: STEEL 73 is handed off to Pittsburgh Approach and checks in, 124.15.

And that will do it. Whew! It's been awhile since I did a report like that...Have a great evening everyone. I guess the weather made BOLLEN Range unworkable per info passed from UGLY to FLYER. TIN and MARK, that was a pretty good effort with the FLYERs and UGLYs pretty much from takeoff to landing. Good Show!

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
dparana said:
Hey Tin and All,
Just to elaborate a little more on the FLYERS and UGLYS...


And that will do it. Whew! It's been awhile since I did a report like that...Have a great evening everyone. I guess the weather made BOLLEN Range unworkable per info passed from UGLY to FLYER. TIN and MARK, that was a pretty good effort with the FLYERs and UGLYs pretty much from takeoff to landing. Good Show!


Very nice report Dave. I was hoping you'd be listening and get those guys.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
06.13.2007 pm

A few from yesterday afternoon...

06.13.2007 pm

1915Z 128.350 Potomac APP - TITUS 01 - @ 12000' with information D @ ADW.
1920Z 128.350 Potomac APP - RODD 22 - @ 12000' descending on the app. to ADW.
1926Z 128.350 Potomac APP - VENUS 92 - @ 12000' dir OTT req. rwy 1R @ ADW.
1929Z 128.350 Potomac APP - SPAR 72 - @ 12000' also requesting rwy 1R.
1939Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - ARMY 01052 - clg here no joy x 4.
1946Z 119.300 Potomac APP - ARMY 01052 - @ 4000' cleared to 2000' QSY TWR 118.400 on the right downwind for rwy 1R.
1952Z 235.625 ZDC-Blackstone - REAPER 1 (B-1B 9th BS Dyess) - checking in @ FL230 for FL220...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Latest story on the replacement tanker for the KC-135...,15240,139075,00.html?
We've gone absolutely insane if we even consider awarding this contract to anyone but Boeing.

1142: That LEAPER 1 has left Andrews and is currently with ZDC-Montebello climbing to FL 270...284.7 (Today it sounds like REAPER 1 which would make it a B-1B from Dyess AFB TX.)
1143: LEAPER/REAPER 1 handed to ZDC-Gordonsville and cleared to FL 290...heading 225...cleared direct Lynchburg...351.9 (Wow...he's loud)
1149: LEAPER/REAPER 1 cleared to FL 330...351.9
1150: LEAPER/REAPER 1 handed off to ZDC-Tech...checks in at FL 330 and is cleared to FL 400...says he can climb to 410 but that's the best he can do...377.2
Apparently, that was the last I'm going to hear from him...nothing over the next 15 minutes. Flying in the high altitude sectors, he won't be handed off very often. Last heard he was still extremely loud and climbing to 40,000 feet. After all was said and done, I'm leaning toward REAPER as the callsign.

1200: OMAHA 43 (Customs Eurocopter, N4043L) lifts off BWI and says he'll be setting down in College Park...went up to 1100 feet for the trip...with BWI Tower...119.4
1209: AXEMAN flight of MD-ANG A-10s reports 10 minutes out, two Code 1s...347.2
A RAVEN flight came back to MTN about 1125.

1317: CRAB 51 (C-130J, 97-1351, 135th AS MD-ANG) is working with Phillips AAF doing drops (probably at the Swan Creek Drop Zone). Says after this next drop he's heading over to Dover...126.15
I'm fairly sure CRAB 54 (97-1354) is also up in the area.

R.I.P. Colonel Jack Sims
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
HuubRoem said:
261.675 Mhz FLTSATCOM8 was relaying UHF AM fightercontrol traffic of 12B (unknown UHF setting). The USAFE formations were fully armed and training in Italy-Albania area, but also supporting as backup and CAP flight for the Air Force One. A/R frequency is unknown but called channel 11A.

Some audio files can be found on my website NCA log. Logging is in Dutch... sorry for that!

Huub, I checked your website and was very impressed with your coverage. Although it was in Dutch as you mentioned, I know enough German to have had no trouble understanding all that was there.

Your recordings were excellent and I especially enjoyed listening to the BUZZARD training intercept of the C-12U from the 6-52 Aviation Regiment (Serial 84-0180.)

I also noticed a huge difference in the way ATC warned away that one one aircraft that was in violation in Albanian airspace. Unlike here in "[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]de Verenigde Staten," the controller wasn't just firm and polite but told the aircraft to turn or he'd be fired upon. Direct and to the point. I liked that.

Thanks for providing that link to your site.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
DC-95 heard departing 2310z "have a good weekend".I notice DC's with 90+ suffix tend to wander far away.


Far away indeed! DC 95 (59-1469) landed at Volkel in the Netherlands this morning. There's an airshow there for the next two days. I have a friend there to cover the show. :lol:
DC 95 was heard over the UK in the 0500Z hour, then in Belgium and finally landed in the Netherlands in the 0600Z hour this morning.

P.S. Huub, if you're also attending the airshow, give us your impressions when you return. And say hello to Albert vB for me.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Where has everyone gone?

Around 1700 there's some strange activity on 143.8. I have two C-130J aircraft from MD-ANG at MTN except they are working the A-10 Ops freq. They are CRAB 11 and 12 (97-1351 and 98-1357) which would normally be CRAB 51 and 57. They are working with a RAVEN aircraft but it's not an A-10 as would be expected - at least I don't think it is based on the transmitter sound. (I was wrong on that one...RAVEN is A-10) One of the CRABs IDs as CRAB 1 when he talks to RAVEN 1. They are concerned about the cloud tops. I seem to remember the Army's Golden Knights parachute team is dropping somewhere this evening - for the Orioles game maybe? This could be associated with that event.
1722: CRAB asking RAVEN to pull up behind him now...143.8
1726: CRAB says the photographer wants a "scissors" maneuver...1 to break to the right and 2 to the left..."CRAB flight 3, 2 1, BREAK!"...143.8
The MTN A-10s on 142.3 somehow are sounding like they're involved in this too...142.3...yes, they definitely are involved...somehow the CRABs and RAVENs are working together...and on 143.8 whoever is directing this show mentions he wants the A-10s on the right which proves they're working together.
1731: The C-130Js and A-10s are doing that maneuver again...142.3 and 143.8
So, the primary freq for the show/maneuvers is 143.8. The two A-10s are chatting on their interflight freq 142.3. If the C-130s are using an interflight freq, I can't find it. It isn't their 148.925 or 385.9 Ops freqs.
They're all close enough to Baltimore that the helos on the helo common freq 123.025 are talking about them.
They're practicing whatever show they're going to do later (tonight?) It sure sounds like they're making it up as they go. They're moving the A-10s in increments as small as a few feet one direction or another. That's a small move for an A-10.
1740: Second A-10 is to break to the right on the count....3-2-1-BREAK!...143.8 (And over and over these little moves go according to the director on 143.8)
1742: A-10s ask if they're done...director say, no, they're going to do the paratroop doors next..."A-10s make a slow 180 degree turn to the left"...143.8
It appears the director is aboard one of the C-130s - CRAB 11. Sometimes the maneuvers are for just one C-130 and the two A-10s and for other things both C-130s are involved.
1746: Director says they're closing the cargo door and slowing to 150 knots...143.8
This whole thing would have been much more coherent had I waited until it was done to recap it instead of reporting it live.
1752: Director apologizes...says the aircraft pitched over when they moved the flaps...143.8 (over on 142.3 one of the A-10 pilots laughs and says he hates when that happens)

Early 1700 hour there are also flights of DC-ANG F-16s (WILD and BULLY) working interflight 139.15 and 143.15. Also have A-10s from MD-ANG on 142.3
1724: WILD flight w/ZDC-Calvert 281.4
1744: ROCCO 01 (KC-135E 108th ARW McGuire) calling STEEL 01 (KC-135R, 171st ARW Pittsburgh)...311.0 (no contact made...strange they both have a suffix of 01)
1755: STEEL 01 calling JEDI 52 "on Command Post freq"...319.4 (no contact)
1756: HANK 25 (E-4B, 75-0125, 1st ACCS) back in the area from Europe...ZDC VHF freqs

1800: The show continues with the CRAB C-130/RAVEN A-10 flights...director is moving them around in different formations...It almost sounds like they're shooting movie scenes rather than something happening tonight...143.8
1800: There is a slew of tankers and transports around the area...pick a freq, any freq.
Shortly after 1800, the WILD and BULLY flights are returning to Andrews...335.5/349.0
1809: RAVEN to Raven Ops on U-1 (347.2) mention the Golden Knights so they are indeed involved with that...want to know if the Golden Knights will be in by 20 before the hour since that's the latest they (the Ravens) can stay around. They also tell Ops the Knights work 123.475 for a freq.
1811: RAVEN flight is done with the director for now and will hold out around Swann until needed again...they say that'll get them out of the way...142.3/143.8/347.2
1812: Golden Knights team is working 123.475 (have both Golden Knight ground and Golden Knight air working there)
1815: GK air says they understand there's no target on the ground...123.475 (hell...use second base for a target)
1818: Golden Knight air coming in for a dry run..want winds on the ground and up top...light on ground , 5-7 on top...123.475
1820: Golden KNight air reports going around...123.475
1820: CRAB 11 reports he's 80 miles east of Swann at 3000 feet
1822: Golden Knights coming in for another dry run...123.475
1822: RAVENs mention doing a pass over Annapolis and then the stadium and then go home...decide to start it over the Bay Bridge, then Annapolis, etc...143.8/142.3
1825: Director says the photographer doesn't like the lighting (poor baby)...143.8
1826: Golden Knight air turning for another dry run...123.475
Meanwhile, the crew of C-130s and A-10s are heading down to 1500 feet...Golden Knight air says the target is over by the first base line and they're moving the "box" to center field in a couple of minutes.
I guess I should have turned on MASN and watched this dog and pony show.
1833: Golden Knights will hit the target 30 seconds earlier than planned...they say it doesn't matter...jump in 8 minutes from now....123.475
Meanwhile, the C-130/A-10 flight is in formation for their run in...143.8/142.3
1836: Director moving aircraft closer together and directing slight movements of the C-130...A-10s are getting closer together too (wingman tells flight leader he's going to be in the cockpit with him if he gets closer) The director tells the A-10s they won't be able to get Camden Yards in the film...they are apparently shooting over different landmarks in Maryland and now decide to shoot over Martin State....A-10s have to be somewhere else at 1900 which is why they don't have time to do the ballpark. The Golden Knights aircraft continues to make dry runs to the target...he's now on a hot hold at 1840...inbound.
1840:55 Golden Knights starts his inbound run hot...123.475
1841:45 Golden Knights reports jumpers away and he'll be in orbit...123.475
Meanwhile, the director is having the A-10s and C-130s overfly Martin State and then will cut them loose...143.8
1843: RAVEN tells Raven Ops to look out the window and will be able to see them...347.2
1846: Golden Knights air asks ground if all jumpers are on the ground safe...they are and he says he's returning to the airport and will see him at the game...123.475
1848: RAVENs pitch away from the formation and are free to go...wingman first, then flight leader does the pitch and they're done...cleared off by the director...143.8
1849: Director tells CRAB they'll drag him over the airfield one more time and then they're free to land...143.8
And the RAVEN flight goes back to ATC control w/TRACON 282.275
1855: Director says "Excellent job guys...time to wrap it up" ...and it is done...143.8
1855: RAVEN 1 calling GROUNDHOG on 142.3 (that's been heard in the past as the ground controller when they do a flyby and is apparently associated for their next appearance they mentioned for contact with GROUNDHOG though...RAVEN says he has Fort McHenry over his shoulder....142.3
1858: RAVEN tells Raven Ops no contact w/GROUNDHOG but they're starting from the IP...11 seconds late...143.8 (sounds like they're going over Camden Yards anyway)
RAVENs still with ATC TRACON 282.275 who's pointing out other aircraft in their way
RAVENs report two miles to go...nice size flag, nice size crowd...142.3

1900: RAVEN done with the flyby (they call it partial stadium flyby)...142.3
In retrospect, all that stuff with the CRABs and the director was for the purpose of a film shoot over MD landmarks...the Golden Knights did their jump and now the A-10s did a flyby of Camden Yards.
RAVENs with MTN Tower 297.2
CRABs with Crab Ops 385.9
1904: RAVEN cleared to land...both report left base, full stop, gear down, cleared to land...and down they go and done...297.2
Too funny...I turned on MASN and saw it was the Washington Nationals station...couldn't find the Orioles MASN 2 station so turned it off....forgetting that the Nationals were playing the Orioles tonight and so I had the right channel to begin with. Oh well, I heard them - didn't need to see them too.

To recap all that crap I typed above...the Golden Knights did a jump at Camden Yards using 123.475 at 1841...the RAVENS did a flyby there using 142.3 at was shot of MD-ANG C-130J and A-10 aircraft flying over various Maryland landmarks while using 143.8. The end. There's something to be said for not typing live action and just providing a recap.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
Dave, thanks very much. That fills in a series. I had SD 534/535/536 all listed for EA-6B types.

There's a 535? Do you have the buno for that one, and what the last time it was sighted/heard was? Ah, I see now... I had one as 158804 but didn't have the side number. That's it. I also have that there was a 533 as late as 4/06.

If you like, take a look at the SD roster page and see if there's any activity dates or anything that can be updated/added.

- Custom Scanner, Aviation, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -


Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Had one interesting log for Richmond today.

1651: TITAN 530 (I'm pretty sure on the numbers...didn't write them down so not 100%) cleared for the visual RWY 2 approach. <134.7>
I'm not sure if this is a KC-130 from Cherry Point or not. Are there any commercial or general aviation a/c that use the TITAN c/s?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
DPD1 said:
There's a 535? Do you have the buno for that one, and what the last time it was sighted/heard was? Ah, I see now... I had one as 158804 but didn't have the side number. That's it. I also have that there was a 533 as late as 4/06.

If you like, take a look at the SD roster page and see if there's any activity dates or anything that can be updated/added.

- Custom Scanner, Aviation, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -

Yes, you've got the same info for SD-535 that I have...except Jan 07 for last heard.
  1. 158804 SD-535 EA-6B P-34 VX-23 act jan07 jan07
Your list is more inclusive than the one I've got probably a dozen aircraft. Many thanks for those. There are none on my list that you don't have. Is 533 (158033) the one that was sent to a museum somewhere? Several of what I do have show later "last heard" dates than you show though. Let me try to print my entire list....
The dates at the end of each line are first heard/last heard.

  1. 156481 SD-534 EA-6B P-4 VX-23 act aug02 jan07
  2. 158033 EA-6B P-10 VX-23 wfu mar05 jan06 for museum
  3. 158804 SD-535 EA-6B P-34 VX-23 act jan07 jan07 ex SD-.../VX-23
  4. 159909 SD-536 EA-6B P-56 VX-23 act oct02 jan07
  5. 161704 SD-320 F/A-18B 49/B012 VX-23 act may04 jan07
  6. 161723 SD-324 F/A-18B 73/B022 VX-23 act oct02 jan07
  7. 161938 SD-322 F/A-18B 143/B034 VX-23 act may04 jan07
  8. 161947 SD-323 F/A-18B 155/B036 VX-23 act sep02 jan06
  9. 162408 SD-325 F/A-18B 239/B049 VX-23 act may04 jan07
  10. 162419 SD-321 F/A-18B 256/B051 VX-23 act may04 jan07
  11. 162788 SD-202 T-45A T002 VX-23 act nov04 jan07
  12. 163093 SD-405 F/A-18A 475/A391 VX-23 act oct04 jan07
  13. 163148 SD-410 F/A-18A 570/A477 VX-23 act oct04 oct04
  14. 163434 SD-420 NF/A-18D 633/D001 VX-23 act oct04 jan07
  15. 163476 SD-400 NF/A-18C 703/C037 VX-23 act sep04 jan07
  16. 163635 SD-205 T-45A A037 VX-23 act sep05 jan07 'Cockpit-21'
  17. 163706 SD-402 F/A-18C 768/C068 VX-23 act oct04 jun06
  18. 163985 SD-401 NF/A-18C 867/C138 VX-23 act oct04 jan07
  19. 163986 SD-422 NF/A-18D 868/D032 VX-23 act oct04 jan07
  20. 163987 SD-403 F/A-18C 869/C139 VX-23 act jan06 jan07
  21. 164040 SD-423 F/A-18D 928/D051 VX-23 act sep04 jan07
  22. 164869 SD-404 F/A-18C 1201/C340 VX-23 act oct04 jan07
  23. 165164 SD-211 F/A-18E 1285/E001 VX-23 act jan06 jan07
  24. 165165 SD-212 F/A-18E 1293/E002 VX-23 act jan06 jan07
  25. 165166 F/A-18F 1313/F001 VX-23 act jan07 jan07 EA-18G test aircraft
  26. 165167 SD-213 F/A-18E 1324/E003 VX-23 act jan06 jan07
  27. 165170 SD-222 F/A-18F 1354/F002 VX-23 act jan06 jan07
  28. 165537 SD-100 F/A-18E 1474/E010 VX-23 act oct04 jan07
  29. 165779 SD-101 F/A-18E 1519/E022 VX-23 act oct04 jan07
  30. 165875 SD-120 F/A-18F ..../F035 VX-23 act oct04 jan07
  31. 166421 SD-102 F/A-18E ..../E066 VX-23 act oct04 jan07
  32. 166449 SD-121 F/A-18F ..../F084 VX-23 act oct04 jan07
  33. 166642 522 EA-18G ..../F135/EA-2 VX-23 act jan07 jan07
  34. 166643 SD-103 F/A-18E ..../E106 VX-23 act sep05 jan07
  35. 166666 SD-122 F/A-18F ..../F144 VX-23 act jan06 jan07

2028: BULLY flight of four F-16s lifting off Andrews....TRACON...348.725
2029: BULLY flight on interflight freq...calling the mission "another field grade night sortie"...143.6
2033: BULLY flight handed to ZDC-Calvert and check in at 17000 feet direct Cofield...then cleared direct Harcum...cleared to FL 200...281.4
2037: BULLY flight cleared to FL 220...281.4 (They're sure not going to Pax...perhaps to the Dare County Range in NC?)
2044: BULLY flight handed off to ZDC-Franklin...290.425 (But I don't hear them check in there)
2049: CLAW 60 calling McGuire CP...since 2004 there has been CLAW 58, 59 and now 60 all headed for McGuire...319.4
CLAW callsign is used by the C-17A equipped 6th Airlift Squadron at McGuire.
2055: Sounds like A-10s heading for Slate Run...w/ZNY-Pottstown...278.3 (It's an UGLY flight from Willow Grove)
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
trainman111 said:
Had one interesting log for Richmond today.

1651: TITAN 530 (I'm pretty sure on the numbers...didn't write them down so not 100%) cleared for the visual RWY 2 approach. <134.7>
I'm not sure if this is a KC-130 from Cherry Point or not. Are there any commercial or general aviation a/c that use the TITAN c/s?

Found this --


-- in this link that Tony posted.

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Earlier this evening..

BUNCH 22 (spelled out) with McGuire Guard Ops 303.000 req status of Tanker Ethyl 16.
I don't have that callsign.


ref below. Yeah was listening to that rescue scenario drill also.Thought was maybe rescue chopper involved
but think you are correct as A-10 drill.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Earlier this evening..

BUNCH 22 (spelled out) with McGuire Guard Ops 303.000 req status of Tanker Ethyl 16.
I don't have that callsign.


Nothing here Mark for BUNCH 22.

Somehow that reminds me of a Belgian Air Force 654 flight from the 0900 hour this morning. It was a Falcon 900B, tail CD-01 from 21 Squadron. First heard at 0947 (1347Z) and then heard in the UK at 2033Z and in Belgium at 2140Z so he was obviously on his way home when I had him this morning. A mere 8 hour flight for him,

2115: Go to 237.2, the Bollen Range freq...strange happenings...a flight leader telling someone to answer his questions with mic click for yes, two for no. it. It's a SANDY flight (A-10 Willow Grove)...talking to a FAC or someone on the ground who was "shot down" and to not give away his position by talking, he's being asked to use mic clicks to respond. The guy on the ground is called CUJO. Then he has the guy on the ground sending text messages to him.
2145: That is one interesting exercise to listen to from Bollen Range...the A-10 is still trying to pin down the position of the "downed pilot" without any voice comms from the ground...237.2
2200: And the SANDY flight got help to the downed pilot without using a single word on the radios...just clicks, using his IR device and some thoughtful means and methods by the pilot. Friendlies have reached the downed airman and are going to move him out of his positon. SANDY tells wingmen they'll cover in case the "technicals" attack. (Somalia revisited). By the way, SANDY is a flight of three A-10s.
2201: The SANDY flight tells range controller BALKY they're done and about to leave the range. This was one of the most interesting exercises I think I've ever heard on the radio. At 2002, they head for the hills and go to interflight 143.25 (they worked 142.25 during the work at Bollen)
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Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
BM82557 said:
Found this --


-- in this link that Tony posted.


Well I searched all of the arrivals due into RIC from 1600-1800 on flightaware and there were no Titan Air's or Viking Expresses. I'm also not sure if it was Viking Air because their callsign was just TITAN not TITAN AIR. Would a KC-130 use a 3 number callsign? Oh, by the way, thanks for that link Brian. I must have missed it when Tony posted it. It will definately help me out in the future.

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