Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
Interesting on take off, was a flight of 2- Sandy, then 2- Flyer, then 2-Ugly. Flyer turned into Sandy. Before takeoff, Ops was talking to Flyer and discussing receiving text messages, apparently he wasn't receiving them and Ops said get in the air and we'll try it again. At the time I was wondering what the heck that was about but now it all makes sense. I would of loved to hear that operation. No one taped that did they?

All did NVG landings, talking with tower to turn the lights down. After Sandy 1 came in, tower asked if they needed the lights up to taxi, Sandy 1 told tower to hold on bringing up the taxi lights till all WG flights were in.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
Your list is more inclusive than the one I've got probably a dozen aircraft. Many thanks for those. There are none on my list that you don't have. Is 533 (158033) the one that was sent to a museum somewhere?

Thanks, I'll add whatever I don't have. Don't know about 533... One thing says it was SOC in 05. It doesn't come up at AMARC.

- Custom Scanner, Aviation, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
06.14.2007 pm


Yesterday afternoon's logs...


1925Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - VENUS 22 - shooting apps.
1925Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TRAN 01 - deps ADW.
1927Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 8009 (UC-35A 98-0009 DC ArNG Davison) - 5 nms. outside of DAVEY for rwy 32.
1928Z 119.300 Potomac APP - TITUS 01 - 4000' for 3000' for rwy 1R @ Andrews.
1932Z 281.400 ZDC-Calvert - ROPER 41 (C-130H 181st AS TX ANG) - FL210 climbing to FL240 QSY ZDC-Brooke 327.000 then over to ZDC-Montebello 284.700 checking in @ FL240.
1939Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - PAT 286 - deps ADW QSY 118.950 2000' for 5000' then cleared to 17000' QSY 118.675.
1941Z 119.300 Potomac APP - ARMY 1944 (C-37A 97-1944) - @ 3000' for the ILS rwy 1R @ Andrews.
1943Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - ARMY 1944 (C-37A 97-1944) - 10.1 nms. inbound from the SSW for landing rwy 1R.
QTH: 6 nm. S KIAD and mobile around Northern Virginia
Radios: BCD396T, PRO-97, BC3000XLT, PRO-2055
Antennas: Maldol AL-500H, Watson W-901, Watson WSM-1900, Comtelco Mobile
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Nov 3, 2005
Waltz41 said:
Interesting on take off, was a flight of 2- Sandy, then 2- Flyer, then 2-Ugly. Flyer turned into Sandy. Before takeoff, Ops was talking to Flyer and discussing receiving text messages, apparently he wasn't receiving them and Ops said get in the air and we'll try it again. At the time I was wondering what the heck that was about but now it all makes sense. I would of loved to hear that operation. No one taped that did they?

All did NVG landings, talking with tower to turn the lights down. After Sandy 1 came in, tower asked if they needed the lights up to taxi, Sandy 1 told tower to hold on bringing up the taxi lights till all WG flights were in.

The UGLY flight of two was up in the DUKE MOA last night doing simulated laser bomb runs on various targets. They wrapped up about 10:00PM and were using 34.75 FM for A2A. They were the only aircraft working in the DUKE. They did not refuel with a tanker. Also, UGLY 2 had an NVG incident where they fell off his helmet while doing a run on a vehicle and went under his seat. It was kind of funny listening to them, UGLY 1 sure got a kick out of it.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
Well I searched all of the arrivals due into RIC from 1600-1800 on flightaware and there were no Titan Air's or Viking Expresses. I'm also not sure if it was Viking Air because their callsign was just TITAN not TITAN AIR. Would a KC-130 use a 3 number callsign? Oh, by the way, thanks for that link Brian. I must have missed it when Tony posted it. It will definately help me out in the future.


I meant to reply to this yesterday and then forgot about it. You ask if a KC-130(T) would use a 3-number callsign. Yes, but I've never heard it with TITAN. Usually, they'll call themselves something like "Marine 356" and the three digits would be the last three numbers of the aircraft's Bureau Number. That certainly isn't proof they never do it as you heard, just that I've never heard them identify that way.

The fighters were up this afternoon...F-16s from the DC-ANG were up during the 1300 and first half of the 1400 hours. WILD/BULLY/RAVAGE flights were all up. The last of them set down on the ADW runway at 1430. Interflight freqs for their work were 143.6 for WILD, 139.15 for BULLY and 143.15 for RAVAGE. I'm glad they're bringing back some of the other callsigns. I was getting tired of WILD/SCARY only.

About the same time the F-16s were landing, up went the MD-ANG A-10s from Martin State. COLT went airborne at 1404, AXEMAN at 1412 and RAVEN flight at 1430. At least a couple of the flights went to Pax. I didn't hear any of the three on VHF interflight as they left - nor on low band but they've got to be real close for those freqs. The A-10s were doing some very low flying. For instance, the RAVEN flight wanted only 2000 feet for their trip to Pax but got shunted up to 3000 because of other traffic in the area. At those altitudes the signal doesn't travel very far.

The usual assortment of transports and tankers were all over the area for most of the day along with the military commuter jets that ferry those "oh so important" people around at huge cost to the taxpayer. Put their fat butts in the security lines for commercial flights and you'll see how fast things change at the airports for the better. Oops...there I go again.

About 0930 this morning an Egyptian Air Force (EGY 1111) came into the area. It was a C-130H with tail 1293/SU-BKS. Regular visitor.

1720: SPAR 049 (C-9C, 73-1681, 73rd AS Scott AFB IL) arriving Andrews...wants to get into Andrews as quickly as possible because he's got some Space A pax that have a 2215Z mission they're trying to meet...then gets parking spot 2A and doesn't sound happy that he's not parking front and center...141.55
1734: SPAR 049 with TRACON (ADW Approach) and is indeed being whisked into ADW...119.3
1735: JOSA 686 (C-21A, 84-0118, 457th AS Andrews) calls ADW CP on both 378.1 and then 141.55 to give arrival message...ETA 2200Z - dumping pax, needs fuel.
JOSA 686 (84-0118 shows in Scramble as belonging to the 458th AS at Scott. However, he announced himself as a "home station C-21" in his arrival message to Andrews which is why I affiliated him with the 457th. OTOH, perhaps he was confused where he was going.
1736: SPAR 049 to ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1737: SPAR 46 (C-37A, 01-0028, 310th AS MacDill AFB FL) zipping overhead at FL 400 with ZDC. (He was in this area earlier in the 1400 hour too but I don't remember if it was an overflight or if he was at Andrews and leaving. They all sound alike after awhile.)
I occasionally try to listen to the ZDC VHF freqs but there's so much activity there it's almost impossible to hear anything else. I can take it for about 10 minutes and then have to turn it off and go back to all the other stuff. I'm not sure how some of you do it.
1738: There's also a REACH 774 (C-17A, 01-0195, 437th AW Charleston) going overhead with ZDC
1744: REACH 774 calling Pope CP ...ETA at Pope 2220Z, has 53 pax and cargo to fuel needed...381.3
1756: JOSA 686 to Approach 119.3 and then ADW Tower 118.4 for landing
1756: ARMY 01052 (UC-35A, 00-1052) to Andrews...arriving in 10 minutes, has an R-3 on board...141.55
1756: JOSA 161 (C-21A, 84-0100, 457th AS Andrews) arriving Andrews w/Approach...119.3 (I think)
1758: EVAC 33118 (C-17A, 03-3118, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) with TRACON leaving Andrews. (Missed freq)

1801: ARMY 01052 cleared to land runway 1L at ADW w/Tower...118.4
There was another Army UC-35A in there (00-1053) and I'm not sure if he was coming into or leaving ADW.
1804: JOSA 161 w/ADW Twr for landing...118.4
1808: Solved...ARMY 01053 coming into Andrews...with Approach...119.3
1812: ARMY 01053 w/ADW Twr for landing...118.4
1813: SAM 1525 (C-37A, 97-0400, 99th AS Andrews) w/TRACON...128.35
1813: U/I reporting airborne from Dover at 10 after the hour to Dover CP...349.4
1815: SAM 1525 w/ADW Twr for landing...cleared to land, gear down, full stop...118.4
1815: SPAR 049 (this guy was in a hurry) already lifting off Andrews...118.95 (He just landed about 1/2 hour ago)

The End...time for dinner.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
06.15.2007 pm


A few on the long drive home, this time via Davison to visit my old stomping grounds...

06.15.2007 pm

1922Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC) - cleared for a low app to rwy 32 QST Davison GCA 118.850.
1923Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR -PAT 208 (C-12T 84-0145 OSACOM Det. 7/DE ArNG) - r downwind for rwy 32. [Departs later @ 1947Z.]
1931Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - MUSSEL 7 - on the TACAN rwy 19L.
1941Z 139.300 Navy PTD Andrews - NAVY CW 010 (C-130T VR-54 NAS JRB New Orleans) - clg "Base Ops" here no joy.
1945Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC) - departs rwy 32 goes straight to Davison GCA 118.850 for another PAR app.
1950Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1268 (C-12T 85-1268 OSACOM VA RFC) - departs rwy 32 QSY 118.950.
1957Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY CW 010 (C-130T VR-54 NAS JRB New Orleans) - 8 nms final for rwy 19L.
1958Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC) - lands rwy 32 then "done for the day".
1959Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops "DAVEY OPS" - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC) - tail #1264 req fuel and fixed-wing parking.

2007Z 292.200 MUSSEL Ops - MUSSEL 6 - 15 mins. out status A1.
2011Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY 1E 118 (TH-57C HT-18 TAW-5 Nas Whiting Field) - lands rwy 19L.
2024Z 119.850 Potomac APP - VENUS 44 (C-37A 99-0404 99th AS Andrews) - @ 10000' req. ILS 19L.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
2230z PAT 44 chopper of some type departing Dover AFB enroute KDAA on departure

This morning 0700 local had WOODEN 11 KC-10 arriving McGuire,many pax and mentioned Alaska.
Prob back from that exercise up there where Langley F-15 crashed the other day.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Available seats (free) to San Francisco...
2054: REACH 231 (C-17A, 06-6154, 60th AMW Travis AFB CA) arriving Andrews...downloading 40 pax, 5 rolling stock and loose cargo...wants a quick turn to get back to Travis and has 50 seats available for that part of the flight...378.1 (He called for about 20 minutes before making contact)

TRAN 01 (C-21A, 84-0118) departed ADW 2036...141.55 (He was JOSA 686 on the inbound flight)
All through the 2000 hour, BLACKJACK 1 and 2 having been doing practice intercepts on 139.7.
A Navy KC-130T (BD 400, 164993) from VR-64 Willow Grove left ADW this hour also

And free seats to Scott AFB IL...(near St. Louis)
2101: JOSA 874 (C-21A, 84-0065, 458th AS Scott) on the way into ADW...will make 5 seats available to Scott on the outbound leg...141.55

2112: RAKE 10 (UC-35C, 03-0726, US Army) to Andrews...141.55 w/CP and then w/TRACON 128.35 at 2118
Edit: I think I'm going to have to take that back. I may have combined two aircraft. The RAKE callsign is also used by T-1A aircraft from Laughlin. And there was a T-1A that arrived at Andrews at the same time the 03-0726 aircraft arrived. I first heard the RAKE callsign on 141.55 and then within a couple of seconds heard a voice give his tail as 30726. They sounded like the same voice but after learning a T-1 came in at the same time, it makes me believe I assigned the RAKE callsign to the wrong aircraft. Oops!

2126: JOSA 874 w/ADW Twr for landing...118.4
2130: RAKE 10 w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4

Late this afternoon (1629 local), a Royal Air Force Vickers VC-10 was in the area. ASCOT 2101, tail XV108 from the 101 Squadron at Brize Norton was the info for him. I forgot to log that one in my last post.

At 2143, I heard someone talking with Willow Grove Ops on 306.8. Can one of you guys near Willow Grove tell me if a KC-135R landed there tonight. At 2143 he said he was about 10 minutes out. He has 25 pax to drop off. Callsign might have been RHETT 32. If so, it would be fantastic to have his tail number. Don't know if he's going to RON or leave tonight.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Some Heavies heard tonite..

REACH 625 C-5 arrive Dover 2330z,thruloads,uploads,crew of 19 but 1 crew member getting off needs ride back to Travis.

HOIST 91 KC-10 arrive McGuire 0025z

REACH 516 with Norfolk Ops 349.500 self id as McGuire C-17 arriving for uploads
of 100k fuel and cargo uploads.0115z



Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
TinEar said:
At 2143, I heard someone talking with Willow Grove Ops on 306.8. Can one of you guys near Willow Grove tell me if a KC-135R landed there tonight. At 2143 he said he was about 10 minutes out. He has 25 pax to drop off. Callsign might have been RHETT 32. If so, it would be fantastic to have his tail number. Don't know if he's going to RON or leave tonight.

I was out of the area till about 2230, so I don't know. If someone has something on it, post it and I'll see if I can't get up there and get a pic or two and the tail # if it's possible.


Jul 10, 2004
Bloomingdale, NJ
Waltz41 said:
2200: There are a couple of KC-135Es from the 108th ARW at McGuire flying overhead. That reminds me that I've never found an interflight freq they use for chat. I'd bet they're talking to each other but where? Does anyone have their interflight/interplane? [JerseyMilair (Steve), you've got to have it, right?]
Sorry for the long delay, saw this post this morning before work. Anyway, here's what I have for the McGuire KC-135's & KC-10's interplane freq.:
139.875 (most active here)
143.825 (KC-10's)
293.600 (last heard on 05/30/07)
341.750 (last heard on 02/01/07)
6.761.0 USB
11.217.0 USB (McGuire KC-135's)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
jerseymilair said:
Sorry for the long delay, saw this post this morning before work. Anyway, here's what I have for the McGuire KC-135's & KC-10's interplane freq.:
139.875 (most active here)
143.825 (KC-10's)
293.600 (last heard on 05/30/07)
341.750 (last heard on 02/01/07)
6.761.0 USB
11.217.0 USB (McGuire KC-135's)

Thanks Steve. I have IDs on some of those and others are interesting to take a look at. The 139.3 is a Pilot-To-Dispatch (PTD) freq around a lot of the country (including Andrews). Of course 139.875 and 143.825 are the McGuire KC-10A interplane freqs that we hear constantly. The 288.0 freq is used for AR by tankers from many units in that funny track that seems to run from around Patuxent up to the W-107 area and is not listed in the FLIP. I don't know whether it's an ad hoc type AR track freq or if there's a fixed AR track for that area but the couple of dozen times I've heard it used for AR, that was the area they were located in. The 341.75 is a fixed AR track in New England (can't remember the AR track number off the top of my head). The two HF freqs I'm not sure about and they deserve a listen although aren't what I'm looking for.

Then we come to the 293.6 and 299.5 freqs you listed that might very well be the ones I'm searching for. I don't have either listed in my AR freq lineup but will add them today and see what turns up. Something is telling me though that 299.5 is a Coronet refueling freq but I'm not sure of that. I know the 108th ARW must have at least one and probably more interplane freqs in their three comm radios. Other than working AR freqs, I've never heard them anywhere but on their unit freq of 303.0 (and ATC freqs of course.) They may even have separate interplane freqs for the two squadrons that make up the 108th.

I appreciate the help Steve. Thank you.

Edit: I knew that 293.6 freq sounded familiar. Someone just reminded me it's a NORAD freq and, sure enough, I have had that programmed forever in the bank with the HUNTRESS freqs. So, that's one more off the list. Maybe the 299.5 will hit paydirt.
This has got to be the quietest day I've ever heard in the MilAir listening area. Nothing is flying. I haven't logged more than about 10 aircraft today and should probably have 50 by now on a Saurday with decent weather like today. All I've heard are a couple of Navy small VIP transports, a JOSA flight into and out of ADW and a couple of REACH flights. And there's an Army transport as I type (1305) - good old Army 1778 just leaving ADW. That's it. Almost seems to be a stand down. Haven't heard a single tanker and they're normally all over the place - even on the weekend.

1457: ARMY 24375 to Willow Grove Ops...15 minutes out...going to the Reserve ramp for fuel..wants them notified so they'll be standing by (wishful thinking)...306.8
1502: REACH 233T (C-17A, 04-4137, 6th AS McGuire) w/ZDC-Swann...134.5 (Believe it's airborne from Andrews...thought I heard it w/TRACON a few minutes ago but wasn't sure)
1511: REACH 233T calling McGuire CP...30 minutes out, no pax or cargo, needs crew bus and parking spot...319.4
15100: Have to report this one...heard a United Airlines plane with ZDC-Norfolk tell the controller..."It's United, a cattle class flight."...133.825
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Mar 22, 2007
Hatboro Pa
Yesterday Around 3ish or so Gray Hawk 05 C-2 Landed And Got Fuel Up Here At The Grove And Got Clearence To Kpit Witch Is Weard For Them To Land Here They Never Land Hear They Usually Use The Base For The GCA Pattern And Go Back To Kngu.


Jan 5, 2004
ROPER-45 again. Departing via Montebello <284.7> direct to Pulaski. Heard him yesterday evening too.
1700- Handed off to ???.35, probably 270.35.
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Jun 3, 2002
sat non milair

the only thing going on in pa is ground troops doing live fire at ft indaintown reach 709 on 133.475 headding west handed off to clv 121.075.456pm might be going to wright-pat.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
ROPER-45 again. Departing via Montebello <284.7> direct to Pulaski. Heard him yesterday evening too.
1700- Handed off to ???.35, probably 270.35.

He was a T-38A, tail 65-10429 from the 9th Recon Wing at Beale AFB CA - must have arrived at Dulles yesterday for some kind of static display that was held today and didn't wait around when it was done apparently. There was a KC-135R from the 171st ARW at Pittsburgh that left Dulles a few minutes later.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
IAD Become A Pilot Day At Udvar-Hazy 06.16.2007


Of interest to me at the Become A Pilot Day event held at the Udvar-Hazy Center earlier this morning...

58-0117 KC-135T 171st ARW PA ANG "Steel City Pride"
65-10429 T-38A 9th RW BB
80-0141 A-10A 357th FS DM
87-0278 F-16C 115th FW WI ANG
87-0300 F-16C 115th OG/115th FW WI ANG
91-0099 T-1A 84th FTS RA
93-0599 C-17A 97th AMW AETC Altus
05-3804 T-6A 84th FTS XL c/n PT-358
166391 MV-22B VMX-22

+ 69-6637/37 UH-1N 1st HS

There were some warbirds and some other stuff present but none were of interest to me.

Best regards,



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
BCD396T problem in milair freqs?

Things were slow today milair wise so I was manually going through my milair system. I found that 381.1, 382.7, 385.0, 386.0, 387.0 & 393.5 had NFM on the 396's display. Checked the 396's manual and it said that 225 through 399.95 would default as AM with 50khz steps. I then checked ARC's software bandplan and it was setup the same as the manual. I had the mode for these freqs AUTO in ARC so I changed it to AM and reloaded my milair system. I'm a firm believer of the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" philosophy so I'm pretty sure that I didn't change the modes manually for those freqs since I last downloaded the milair system.
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