CitationJet said:
Let me revise this: how about BAMA who use 140.425 as an interflight freq.?
I won't argue with any suggestion Tony. He was just too "mushy" sounding. I think BAMA is too short for the callsign though. Yes, that's also two syllables but it was a longer two syllables....I think. :roll:
Maybe we'll get them when they leave. They both sounded fine on the interflight freq but they didn't use the callsign there. It was the flight leader's UHF radio on 335.5 and 349.0 that had the problem.
2040: Langley F-22A activity in W-386 with Giant Killer...249.8
2043: AR-206 primary freq callsigns heard...235.1
2045: REACH 3114 (C-17A, 03-3114, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) heading into Andrews...w/TRACON...119.85
2052: WOLF 11 flight (F-22A, Langley) with Giant Killer...looking to RTB through Snow Hill and then Langley...249.8
2052: COWBOY flight (F-22A, Langley) also w/Giant Killer...letting him know WOLF is calling...249.8
2109: Langley F-22A activity on Giant Killer's tactical freq...312.3
2111: Langley F-22A activity on interflight freq...233.525
2112: BLACKJACK 1 (HH-65, USCG) w/HUNTRESS...mentions no contact on Uniform freq...139.7
2114: BLACKJACK on Marine Channel 21A...says he's going to try to get approval for the 2-4000 foot block...157.05
2116: BLACKJACK asking if they can maintain contact on HUNTRESS Victor (freq)...157.05 (not sure who he's talking to on this freq)
2117: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 now working together on HUNTRESS freq...they're going to be doing practice intercepts on each other...139.7
2119: BLACKJACK 1/2..."fight's on"...2500 feet and screaming along at 120 knots...139.7
2123: BLACKJACK 1 says he's going to "anchor at FedEx" while setting up the next exercise...139.7
2124: That contract cargo coming up from Virginia yet again...It's an MD-11, registration N277WA using callsign REACH 0284
2125: WOLF 1 and 2 want to RTB as reported to Giant Killer...249.8
2125: COWBOY 11 flight wants to RTB also...249.8
2126: BOBCAT 21 flight (F-22A Langley)to Giant Killer to work in W-386...249.8
2127: WOLF 1 is RTB non-standard...says he'll be skirting the western border on the way to HEELS...249.8
2127: COWBOY 11 flight would like to RTB through HEELS...249.8
2133: WOLF to Norfolk TRACON (East) to report he's heading for a full stop on runway 8 (at LFI)...370.925
2135: BLACKJACK 1/2 changing positions...2 was the interceptor for the first few runs and now 1 is chasing 2 around the sky...139.7 (these guys sure do a lot of practicing - almost every day)
2137: There are a couple of NG helos working the National Guard interplane freq...they've been chatting off and on for about 20 minutes...246.8 (One of those helos is IDing as 746 and is also working with Phillips AAF on 126.15)
2143: PAT 467 to McGuire CP to report ETA in 25-30 minutes...IDs as a C-12. (Believe this is the same guy I heard a few minutes ago on the PTD freq 372.2 saying he had an R-6 to drop off and would RON because of a late start.)
2148: Langley F-22A activity on interflight freq (should be the BOBCAT flight since they're the only ones up right now that I've heard)...257.075 (Confirm BOBCATs at 2152 on this freq)
Guess there's no A-10 night flights this week...Martin State flew every night for a week and then Willow Grove did the same...nothing tonight.
2150: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 making noises like they're done for now with the practice intercepts...139.7
2153: BLACKJACK 1 just came up with HUNTRESS on 260.9, made contact and said, "Switching back to primary," which should be the 139.7 freq. (And is)
2156: That NG helo is now working with Wiede AAF...126.2
2158: REACH 1025 (C-17A, 00-0177, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA) through the area toward the northeast at FL 350...(ZDC VHF freq but I forgot which one)
2205: VENUS 94 (C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews) landing at ADW with Tower...cleared to land, standby for gear, full stop 19L..118.4
2207: VENUS 94 reports gear down...118.4
2220: MOVER 16 (KC-10A, 79-0433, 305th AMW McGuire) w/ZDC-Blackstone at FL 250...wants to know about wx ahead of him...127.75
2221: MOVER 16 cleared to Nottingham, Sea Isle and then direct McGuire...127.75
2235: MOVER 16 now with ZDC-Swann at FL 230 and 2238 controller reports him at 16 miles west of Sea Isle and cleared to flight level 15000...134.5
2239: DC 12 (KC-135R, 62-3556, 756th AS Andrews) w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4 (didn't hear him contact LIBERATOR or TRACON on the way in)
There was a DC 11 and 12 that left Andrews earlier around 2020 this evening. Shorter flights than normal - unless he stays in the pattern for 90 minutes.
2239: MOVER 16 handed off to ZDC-Casino and checks in at 16,300 feet heading for 15,000...127.7
2248: MOCER 16 [female] calling McGuire CP...x2, no joy...319.4
2248: DC 11 (KC-135R, 756th ARS Andrews) calling LIBERATOR...x2, joy...378.1
2249: DC 11 to LIBERATOR reports 15 minutes out, A-1, will land with about 30K fuel...378.1
2249: MOVER 16 to McGuire CP talking same time as DC 11 and I missed her msg...319.4
2252: MOVER 16 with Atlantic City Approach checks in at 10,000 feet...124.6
2252: ARMY 1944 (C-37A, 97-1944, PAT) with ADW Tower for landing...reports gear down...118.4
2258: DC 11 Heavy with ADW Tower for one touch and go before quitting for the night...118.4 (This one not heard w/TRACON either...hmmmm)
2303: DC 11 Heavy comes around and reports full stop this time...118.4
That's enough. End of log.