Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 06162007

1844 - unid ac active on 358.85
1845 - probable DC-ANG active on 139.9
1847 - somebody talking about the target area - 143.6
1850 - 1852 - multiple ac active with one reporting "ten minutes out, code 1", another was "106 is code 1", somebody else was "code 2 for radar' - 357.1
1854 - 143.6 is still active
1856 - DRAGO 1 & 2 going to give the SOF a call concerning their problems getting a response from POTOMAC - 143.6
1857 - going over their problem with DC-ANG SOF concerning POTOMAC - 139.9
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
I'll take Tony's log and add callsigns used as they were either departing or repositioning from the Museum to the Landmark FBO.

58-0117 KC-135T 171st ARW PA ANG "Steel City Pride" [didn't hear]
65-10429 T-38A 9th RW BB -[ROPER 45]
80-0141 A-10A 357th FS DM -[WARTHOG 1]
87-0278 F-16C 115th FW WI ANG -[both as ANIMAL 1, Tower called out ANIMAL 16 at one point, but the response was just 'ANIMAL']
87-0300 F-16C 115th OG/115th FW WI ANG
91-0099 T-1A 84th FTS RA -[TONTO 34]
93-0599 C-17A 97th AMW AETC Altus -[TRIBE 59]
05-3804 T-6A 84th FTS XL c/n PT-358 -[PACO 20 (TACO?)]
166391 MV-22B VMX-22 -[STORM 11]

+ 69-6637/37 UH-1N 1st HS [MUSSEL 02]


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 06182007

1327 - 1328 -- DEMI (sounded like that to me) 04 HEAVY calling HUNTRESS - 364.2
1329 - DEMI 04 HEAVY to HUNTRESS stating squawking 1324, at 27000' 15 miles SE of Sea Isle - 364.2


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
today's tape log...

REACH 119T C-17 arrive Andrews 0900z
REACH 365 depart Andrews 1125z
REACH 5003 depart Dover at 1220z
HOIST 98 KC-10 #86-0028 arrive McGuire 1720z
DC-95 KC-135 arrive Andrews 1745z,req c/ag.
VADER 08 C-130 Youngstown arrive Dover 1850z.
REACH 480 C-5 #87-0043 arrive Dover 2130z,thru and uploads.
REACH 507 C-5 arrive Dover 2140z,alpha 3,req c/ag.
WOODEN 71 KC-10 arrive McGuire 2150z.
I think the Wooden's Are support tankers from Alaska exercises.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
today's tape log...

REACH 119T C-17 arrive Andrews 0900z
REACH 365 depart Andrews 1125z
REACH 5003 depart Dover at 1220z
HOIST 98 KC-10 #86-0028 arrive McGuire 1720z
DC-95 KC-135 arrive Andrews 1745z,req c/ag.
VADER 08 C-130 Youngstown arrive Dover 1850z.


DC 95 (59-1469) back from the tough duty of an airshow in the Netherlands. I'm awaiting a report from a spectator or two and am curious what the tanker did while there.

I don't know if it was the same aircraft but I had a REACH 199T leaving Andrews around 0820 local. This one was a C-17A, 97-0046 from the 437th AW at Charleston and don't know if it matches your 119T Mark with just another outbound number.

It's been a fairly busy day today after a quiet weekend. Yesterday was not bad though. I had more flights logged yesterday by noon than I had all day Saturday. That was a strange day considering the weather was good.

1538: WOODEN 61 (KC-10A, 85-0033, 305th AMW McGuire) to McGuire CP...30 minutes out, A-2, no pax or drogue has a problem...319.4
1540: VADER 08 (C-130H, 90-9108, 757th AS) off from Dover....REACH 5003 (C-5B, 85-0003, 436th AW Dover) returned to Dover a little earlier in the hour.

1619: Pair of fighters to Andrews...callsign was constantly garbled due to overmodulation on the flight leader's transmitter but it sounded like VANDAL 01 (earlier I thought it was BANJO but neither computes in my callsign database. They were w/Potomac TRACON (ADW Approach) 335.5 and then changed to ADW Tower 349.0 at 1622 for landing on runway 1R. Their interflight freq was 140.425. Both reported "base, gear, stop, right" at 1625 and were on the tarmac a minute later. They told tower they were going to the Air Force side.
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Jan 5, 2004
Got some guy inbound to Andrews on TRACON 335.5. Suffix is -01. His voice is too muffled to make out the callsign. It's two syllables and sounds like it begins with a 'B'.

1824- Visual on a VH-3D heading towards Mt Weather.
1834- Going to be NIGHTHAWK-11 now calling Bluegrass Advisory 241.0
NIGHTHAWK says they're breaking up, switching to the alternate freq, whatever that is. Never came up on VHF if that's what he meant.
1837- Seven miles out, both are reading each other broken. I hear Bluegrass fine, NIGHTHAWK on the weak side. Will be landing on Hotel-4. 241.0
1841- One mile final and I'm hearing NIGHTHAWK-11 better.
1848-Must be departing, all I heard was Bluegrass saying to have a nice flight.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Let me revise this: how about BAMA who use 140.425 as an interflight freq.?

TinEar said:
1619: Pair of fighters to Andrews...callsign was constantly garbled due to overmodulation on the flight leader's transmitter but it sounded like VANDAL 01 (earlier I thought it was BANJO but neither computes in my callsign database. They were w/Potomac TRACON (ADW Approach) 335.5 and then changed to ADW Tower 349.0 at 1622 for landing on runway 1R. Their interflight freq was 140.425. Both reported "base, gear, stop, right" at 1625 and were on the tarmac a minute later. They told tower they were going to the Air Force side.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Let me revise this: how about BAMA who use 140.425 as an interflight freq.?

I won't argue with any suggestion Tony. He was just too "mushy" sounding. I think BAMA is too short for the callsign though. Yes, that's also two syllables but it was a longer two syllables....I think. :roll:

Maybe we'll get them when they leave. They both sounded fine on the interflight freq but they didn't use the callsign there. It was the flight leader's UHF radio on 335.5 and 349.0 that had the problem.
2040: Langley F-22A activity in W-386 with Giant Killer...249.8
2043: AR-206 primary freq callsigns heard...235.1
2045: REACH 3114 (C-17A, 03-3114, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) heading into Andrews...w/TRACON...119.85
2052: WOLF 11 flight (F-22A, Langley) with Giant Killer...looking to RTB through Snow Hill and then Langley...249.8
2052: COWBOY flight (F-22A, Langley) also w/Giant Killer...letting him know WOLF is calling...249.8

2109: Langley F-22A activity on Giant Killer's tactical freq...312.3
2111: Langley F-22A activity on interflight freq...233.525
2112: BLACKJACK 1 (HH-65, USCG) w/HUNTRESS...mentions no contact on Uniform freq...139.7
2114: BLACKJACK on Marine Channel 21A...says he's going to try to get approval for the 2-4000 foot block...157.05
2116: BLACKJACK asking if they can maintain contact on HUNTRESS Victor (freq)...157.05 (not sure who he's talking to on this freq)
2117: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 now working together on HUNTRESS freq...they're going to be doing practice intercepts on each other...139.7
2119: BLACKJACK 1/2..."fight's on"...2500 feet and screaming along at 120 knots...139.7
2123: BLACKJACK 1 says he's going to "anchor at FedEx" while setting up the next exercise...139.7
2124: That contract cargo coming up from Virginia yet again...It's an MD-11, registration N277WA using callsign REACH 0284
2125: WOLF 1 and 2 want to RTB as reported to Giant Killer...249.8
2125: COWBOY 11 flight wants to RTB also...249.8
2126: BOBCAT 21 flight (F-22A Langley)to Giant Killer to work in W-386...249.8
2127: WOLF 1 is RTB non-standard...says he'll be skirting the western border on the way to HEELS...249.8
2127: COWBOY 11 flight would like to RTB through HEELS...249.8
2133: WOLF to Norfolk TRACON (East) to report he's heading for a full stop on runway 8 (at LFI)...370.925
2135: BLACKJACK 1/2 changing positions...2 was the interceptor for the first few runs and now 1 is chasing 2 around the sky...139.7 (these guys sure do a lot of practicing - almost every day)
2137: There are a couple of NG helos working the National Guard interplane freq...they've been chatting off and on for about 20 minutes...246.8 (One of those helos is IDing as 746 and is also working with Phillips AAF on 126.15)
2143: PAT 467 to McGuire CP to report ETA in 25-30 minutes...IDs as a C-12. (Believe this is the same guy I heard a few minutes ago on the PTD freq 372.2 saying he had an R-6 to drop off and would RON because of a late start.)
2148: Langley F-22A activity on interflight freq (should be the BOBCAT flight since they're the only ones up right now that I've heard)...257.075 (Confirm BOBCATs at 2152 on this freq)
Guess there's no A-10 night flights this week...Martin State flew every night for a week and then Willow Grove did the same...nothing tonight.
2150: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 making noises like they're done for now with the practice intercepts...139.7
2153: BLACKJACK 1 just came up with HUNTRESS on 260.9, made contact and said, "Switching back to primary," which should be the 139.7 freq. (And is)
2156: That NG helo is now working with Wiede AAF...126.2
2158: REACH 1025 (C-17A, 00-0177, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA) through the area toward the northeast at FL 350...(ZDC VHF freq but I forgot which one)

2205: VENUS 94 (C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews) landing at ADW with Tower...cleared to land, standby for gear, full stop 19L..118.4
2207: VENUS 94 reports gear down...118.4
2220: MOVER 16 (KC-10A, 79-0433, 305th AMW McGuire) w/ZDC-Blackstone at FL 250...wants to know about wx ahead of him...127.75
2221: MOVER 16 cleared to Nottingham, Sea Isle and then direct McGuire...127.75
2235: MOVER 16 now with ZDC-Swann at FL 230 and 2238 controller reports him at 16 miles west of Sea Isle and cleared to flight level 15000...134.5
2239: DC 12 (KC-135R, 62-3556, 756th AS Andrews) w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4 (didn't hear him contact LIBERATOR or TRACON on the way in)
There was a DC 11 and 12 that left Andrews earlier around 2020 this evening. Shorter flights than normal - unless he stays in the pattern for 90 minutes.
2239: MOVER 16 handed off to ZDC-Casino and checks in at 16,300 feet heading for 15,000...127.7
2248: MOCER 16 [female] calling McGuire CP...x2, no joy...319.4
2248: DC 11 (KC-135R, 756th ARS Andrews) calling LIBERATOR...x2, joy...378.1
2249: DC 11 to LIBERATOR reports 15 minutes out, A-1, will land with about 30K fuel...378.1
2249: MOVER 16 to McGuire CP talking same time as DC 11 and I missed her msg...319.4
2252: MOVER 16 with Atlantic City Approach checks in at 10,000 feet...124.6
2252: ARMY 1944 (C-37A, 97-1944, PAT) with ADW Tower for landing...reports gear down...118.4
2258: DC 11 Heavy with ADW Tower for one touch and go before quitting for the night...118.4 (This one not heard w/TRACON either...hmmmm)

2303: DC 11 Heavy comes around and reports full stop this time...118.4

That's enough. End of log.
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
2115: JEDI 23 (C-17) working WG GCA 128.675 for several approaches. Making his turn right over the house. Even in the dark it looks awesome.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 06192007

1000 - ongoing == 2 flights of DC-ANG active, 139.15 & 143.15
1010 -- ongoing == 2 unid ac talking about north point, south point etc - 139.7 (never heard anything before on this freq except HUNTRESS & BLACKJACK helos)
1018 - BRAVE 62, cleared to north point - 139.7 (clear id)
1021 - HUNTRESS calling BRAVE 61 with a radio check - 228.9
1022 - unid active on 143.8
1027 - "this is BRAVE 61" - 139.7
1035 - somebody entering R705 at 500', 300knts - 255.4
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
BM82557 said:
1327 - 1328 -- DEMI (sounded like that to me) 04 HEAVY calling HUNTRESS - 364.2
1329 - DEMI 04 HEAVY to HUNTRESS stating squawking 1324, at 27000' 15 miles SE of Sea Isle - 364.2

Anybody hear him or have an id on the callsign?



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
06.19.2007 am

1301Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 885 (UC-12B NAS Oceana NFD shuttle) - QSY Davison AAF TWR 126.300.
1302Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 885 (UC-12B NAS Oceana NFD shuttle) - 3 nms. from DAVEY for the ILS rwy 32.
1305Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - VENUS 44 - cleared for the option rwy 19L.
1309Z 139.150 121st FS IF - BULLY 1/2 up throughout the drive to work, good operational comms, targeting, etc.
1312Z 118.400 BOXER 32 - LOC 19L option.
1318Z 139.700 HUNTRESS - BLACKJACK 2 - squawking company.
1322Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 879 - QSY 126.650.
1327Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - PAT 879 - dir CSN to 16000'.
1336Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - BOXER 41 - left base for rwy 19L.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
Anybody hear him or have an id on the callsign?


Neither. I guess it could have been something like the E-4 that rolls through this area fairly often that changes his callsign with almost every flight. Last time it was HANK and before that EDGE and before those came TOWN, DARE, SIMMS and ANEEL - all from the same aircraft 75-0125. Never know what you're going to hear from those guys. Oh yeah...I almost forgot GRIM and ADEL.
A couple of those, like ANEEL and ADEL, aren't even words - at least not in my dictionary.
1428: Martin State A-10s are active on interflight 140.025 and at Bollen Range 237.2
1433: And another Martin State flight of A-10s on interflight 142.3
1433: AXEMAN flight of MTN A-10s w/Dover Approach...257.875
1434: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, MD-ANG) w/Potomac TRACON...climbing out of MTN...282.275

1450: U/I activity...342.95 (new freq for me)

1454: DC 22 (KC-135R, 62-3556, 756th ARS AFRC Andrews) landing at ADW w/tower...(and might be doing touch and goes to get in his time)...118.4
There are several aircraft taking off from and landing at Andrews but I'm not logging them. I've got all scanners searching the MilAir bands today. So, anything I log is due to a find while searching rather than scanning the known freqs in the scan rotation.

1506: Pair of F-16s from NJ-ANG Atlantic City up on interflight...138.425
1532: AXEMAN flight landing at MTN w/Tower...297.2 (TRACON, knowing the routine, sent AXEMAN to "button 3" rather than a freq)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
2247z REACH 319 Dover C-5 from Alabama is coming home but had problems on departure down there (thanks to Mike in Alabama) as gear cover door and some rubber found on runway upon departure.
Just arrived Dover area and will be holding at TIDY over middle of Delaware Bay East of Base for some gear down tests on CP 349.400. Dover appch 132.425.
Has 25 POB and 4 hours of fuel and mentions will do tower flyby inspection as well.
TIN have you got a tail on this?
HUSKY 55 and 57 DEL ANG C-130's also in pattern at Dover and offers eyeball help if needed.
2304z REACH 319 asks CP for C-5 engineer eyes with binoculars in tower.
2315z REACH 319 # 3 B-2 tire is shredded and probably leave debris will be on runway.
eta to land time-30-40 minutes.
2326z REACH 319 with Dover tower weak 126.350 mentions damage from Redstone departure.
mentioned earlier has 70k cargo aboard as well.
2328z REACH 319 asks Tower to turn up lights and going to do overhead inspection run at 500 feet.
2333z mentions inbound runway 19 full stop and IFE declared on 132.425
2335z 319 mentions to CP 349.400 "on ground in 10-15 minutes".
2338z REACH 319 with tower 126.350 inbound fullstop at end of runway.
2347 still silence an all Dover area air freqs.Guess he landed or is landing.


ref below,I did also catch that HUMET 10 req also from VQ-4.You are probably right in one time E-6 callsign.
2143 local,yes real slow Tin and T-storms are popping up and time to unplug scanners..
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
2247z REACH 319 Dover C-5 from Alabama is coming home but had problems on departure down there (thanks to Mike in Alabama) as gear cover door and some rubber found on runway upon departure.
Just arrived Dover area and will be holding at TIDY over middle of Delaware Bay East of Base for some gear down tests on CP 349.400. Dover appch 132.425.
Has 25 POB and 4 hours of fuel and mentions will do tower flyby inspection as well.
TIN have you got a tail on this?
HUSKY 55 and 57 DEL ANG C-130's also in pattern at Dover and offers eyeball help if needed.
2304z REACH 319 asks CP for C-5 engineer eyes with binoculars in tower.


Nope, I sure don't Mark. Sorry I can't help with that one. The only C-5 I've got is a HEFTY 33 (C-5B, 86-0016, 60th AMW Travis) in the area. I did just hear your REACH 319 tell Dover CP that landing gear 3B2 has a tire shredded. That was at 1916. I'm working on the ID but nothing yet.

I do have an OPEC 29 (KC-10A, 85-0032, 305th AMW McGuire) talking to Norfolk CP on 349.5 asking about his receiver. He says it's from VQ-4 at Tinker (which must make it an E-6B) and the callsign is HUMET 10 - and he spelled it out. (Adding HUMET to my callsign list but we may well never see it again.) He gave the DSN at Tinker 339-xxxx for Norfolk to call to check if it's airborne yet. This is at 1910. OPEC 29 says the refueling is to take place "overhead" - I guess meaning overhead Norfolk.
[I never did hear him refuel anybody. He came back up through this area around 2030.]

1924: REACH 5009 (C-5B, 85-0009, 337th AS Westover) asking for upload info from Dover...349.4 (Still not the right C-5 unfortunately)
By the way, Dover's new C-17A (06-6165) was up about an hour ago using RIDER 85 for a callsign.

1957: EVAC 33126 (C-17A, 03-3126, 6th AS McGuire) climbing out from Andrews...118.95
1959: SPAR 28 (C-37A, 01-0028, 310th AS MacDill AFB FL) arriving Andrews...119.85 (I think...maybe it was 128.35)

2045: Langley F-22A flight working interflight...233.525
2047: More F-22A types with Giant Killer...249.8 [May or may not be same guys from 233.525]

Logging is next to impossible tonight. Site will just not load. It's taking several minutes after an edit to upload the page. Hopefully, version 3.0 of this site will work better once implemented on the 20th. (And it may take until then to get that last edit at 2047 uploaded...been waiting 7 minutes now.)
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 06202007

1130 - DECOY 59 HEAVY, cleared to taxi by MRB tower - 124.3
1135 - DECOY 59 HEAVY, held for release, MRB tower - 124.3
1139 - DECOY 59 HEAVY, cleared for takeoff, MRB tower - 124.3
1140 - DECOY 59 HEAVY, contact departure, good day, MRB tower - 124.3
1458 - DECOY 59 HEAVY (female this afternoon), cleared to land rwy 26, MRB tower - 124.3

EDIT - This was C5-A 70-0459 of the 167th Airlift Wing WV-ANG. Comms after it cleared the runway stated that a bus was to meet the ac.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1202: KING 79 (a C-130 of some flavor) landing at BWI w/Tower...119.4
1203: And, while listening to BWI Tower...JENA 13 taking off (Cessna 206, N831EM, FBI surveillance aircraft)...119.4
1209: CRAB 57 (C-130J, 98-1357, 135th AS MD-ANG Martin State) climbing out from MTN...w/CRAB Ops...385.9
1210: BOXER 363 (C-38A, 94-1569, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews) climbing out of ADW w/TRACON...118.95
1211: HANK 25 (E-4B, 75-0125, 1st ACCS) through the area...ZDC VHF freqs
1212: TOPCAT 2 (KC-135E, 59-1456, 108th ARW McGuire) in the area..the tanker is still climbing after leaving McGuire...ZDC VHF freqs
1240: DC 31 (KC-135R, 57-1512, 756th ARS Andrews) landing ADW w/Tower...118.4 (left ADW around 1015) (doing pattern work to get time chits)
1248: BACKY 77 (weak but sounded like) (KC-135R, 62-3509, 77th ARS Seymour Johnson) to McGuire Metro asking for wx at GSB (Seymour Johnson) and ADW (Andrews)...239.8
1251: Royal Air Force ASCOT 2128 (VC-10, XV109, 101 Squadron Brize Norton) through the area at FL 360...ZDC VHF freqs
1252: JENA 59 (another FBI aircraft) w/TRACON switching to "Washington Tower"...128.35
1258: REACH 2107 (C-17A, 02-1107, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA) w/ZDC-Coyle...121.05

1303: KING 79 (C-130) just took off from BWI...119.4 (There for an hour...guess I can't run out there and get his tail and affiliation)
1305: Kiletta 399 at FL 260 w/ZDC-Casanova...133.2 (Special DOD flight flying KIA servicemen to their home towns)
1307: Have some very weak activity (for now at least) on NORAD freq...288.4
1308: FENDY 49 (C-20H, 90-0300, 76th AS USAFE) descending into the Andrews (I think) flight path...TRACON (missed freq...didn't hear him w/Approach or Tower at ADW so he probably landed elsewhere)
1311: HANK 25 back in the area (see 1211 item above)...ZDC VHF
1319: Kiletta 54 w/TRACON at FL 190...128.35 (bowing my head yet again)
1323: U/I aircraft giving arrival message to Westover ARB Command Post...252.1 (only mention this because it's a hell of a long shot)
1325: U/I aircraft working at Bollen Range...237.2 (no doubt A-10s...nothing showing up in the 138-144 interflight band so they're probably working low band for interflight)
1330: It's a FLYER flight of two A-10s from Willow Grove working at Bollen...just checked onto the range with mission plan...237.2
1331: The 288.4 freq active again but no callsigns being heard to identify the flight performing ACM activity.
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Apr 19, 2004
southern md
Mil-Air Guide

You know what I think would be neat ?

For one, or more, of you guys to do a write-up about how to follow mil-air trans.

I'm not talking about how someone post's about how they heard c/s 1 on freq A but what happens from when a plane on the runway talks to whoever, his "tower", then get's to a certain altitude or direction & who tells him that info & so on & so on.

It seem's that the mil-air "sticky" has three or four guys that really know what's happening & stuff that sounds simple to you guys is not that simple to others.

Then again maybe the mil-air world is alot more complicated & it would not be so easy to write up a one size fits all ?

It seem's to me that a plane goes through alot of different freqs to end up back at his/her base.

I don't know if a "guide" to mil-air spotting could be written here but it sure would be neat if it could. I've looked at the wiki but ,while it helps, just does not get the job done.

Be nice if all the info was in one place to be able to look at while listening. Then again maybe one is there & I haven't found it ?
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