Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
1246 - 1250 -- HOG 01 (that's what it sounded like) calling command, no response - 370.1

I'm getting HAWK 01 calling Griffin Command at Andrews on that freq Brian. I have no idea who belongs to that freq but it would appear he's on the wrong freq.
He's still calling on that freq as of 1259.
Looking back at my notes, I've had that callsign (HAWK 1 and HAWK 01) used in the past 5/12/06, 12/11/06 and 12/22/06 by C-21A aircraft.

1304: HAWK 01 landing at Andrews w/Tower...118.4
It is a C-21A, tail 84-0127. That was still a real good catch on that 370.1 freq. I wonder why he had it set in his radio though and who it belongs to?
Maybe he just set the third number wheel in the wrong position since he should have been on 378.1

While I was listening for HAWK 01 to maybe come up on 378.1, at 1258 I heard SAM 1575 (C-37A, 97-0401, 99th AS Andrews) reporting to Andrews that his takeoff time was 1647Z and ETB (Estimated Time in Blocks) is 1900Z...378.1

A few minutes earlier I heard that big, lumbering Russian Antonov 124 coming into the area again. Tail was RA-82079 and flight number was VDA 4686.

1320: CHOSEN 1 flight of F-16s off from Andrews...TRACON Departure 348.725 > ZDC-Calvert 281.4 > ZDC-Franklin 290.425 where they check in at FL 220 as a CHOSEN flight callsign at 1331.
Interflight 139.15 is active but I'm only hearing a BULLY flight there. It appears to be the same flight. This one really has me confused.
There doesn't appear to be a second interflight freq active for a CHOSEN flight.
1334: CHOSEN flight leader tells ZDC-Franklin they're going to 5314 (R-5314 is Dare County Range in North Carolina)...290.425
1335: Belgian Air Force, BAF 617 (A-310, tail CA-01, 21 Squadron) climbing out from Andrews...TRACON
1337: CHOSEN flight was handed off to another controller by ZDC-Franklin but I couldn't hear the freq and now can't find them again.

1344: BULLY flight is still working on interflight 139.15 and still within range so it's obviously not the same flight as CHOSEN. Strange that there wasn't another interflight active in the 138-144 range. Could they possibly have a new freq in the 148-150.6 range to go along with the new callsign? I'll have to start checking.
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Jan 5, 2004
SPORT-1 flying around with ZDC. Irons and now Montebello 284.7 Sounds like a fighter, maybe multiple since he keeps saying 'we'. Changing their destination to LSF, Lawson Army Airfield at Ft Benning. I made five flights out of there in October 2000, a few in a C-130 and the rest in a C-141. Never landed inside the plane though.

1818- Handed off to South Boston 352.0

A little earlier about 1700 I think there was some A/A on 233.525 and BULLY flight was wrapping up on 139.15 and then with TRACON back to Andrews.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
SPORT-1 flying around with ZDC. Irons and now Montebello 284.7 Sounds like a fighter, maybe multiple since he keeps saying 'we'. Changing their destination to LSF, Lawson Army Airfield at Ft Benning.
1818- Handed off to South Boston 352.0

Nice catch on the SPORT flight. They should be MD-ANG A-10s since that's their transit callsign.

freqhopping said:
I made five flights out of there in October 2000, a few in a C-130 and the rest in a C-141. Never landed inside the plane though.

Travis, I flew those same aircraft but I never could find a good reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. It just didn't make sense to me. Kidding aside, I salute you for your service - the tough kind.


I'm not sure who's going to get the CAP* (Combat Air Patrol) duty starting tomorrow but will be on the lookout for them if our friends from Shaw get picked again. There are two CAPS listed. One is over Newport RI for a few hours and then it moves to Pease NH for the President's arrival and then shifts to the Kennebunk/Kennebunkport area from tomorrow evening until July 2nd. It's going to be a very long weekend for those pilots.
Location : Newport, Rhode Island
Beginning Date and Time : June 28, 2007 at 1405 UTC (1005 EDT)
Ending Date and Time : June 28, 2007 at 1930 UTC (1530 EDT)

Location : Kennebunkport, Maine
Beginning Date and Time : June 28, 2007 at 1910 UTC
Ending Date and Time : July 02, 2007 at 1910 UTC

The portion overhead Pease for his arrival is scheduled for:
From June 28, 2007 at 1910 UTC (June 28, 2007 at 1510 EDT)
To June 28, 2007 at 2015 UTC (June 28, 2007 at 1615 EDT)

And then over Pease for departure:
From July 02, 2007 at 1805 UTC (July 02, 2007 at 1405 EDT)
To July 02, 2007 at 1910 UTC (July 02, 2007 at 1510 EDT)

*I defined CAP this time because the last time I mentioned it someone asked me why the Civil Air Patrol was involved. :)

Have you heard about the lucky bunch of guys from one of the MilAir groups that went to the airshow last week at Quonset Ri? They got to ride aboard a KC-135E - ROCCO 61 from McGuire - while it refueled an F-22A overhead the show. One of the guys brought along his camera and took some film. He posted it at Youtube at this address:
I'm extremely envious. What a stroke of luck!
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
Have you heard about the lucky bunch of guys from one of the MilAir groups that went to the airshow last week at Quonset Ri? They got to ride aboard a KC-135E - ROCCO 61 from McGuire - while it refueled an F-22A overhead the show!

Lucky guys indeed Tin.Have seen Ed Langworthy's posts from Maine before.
Long time Milcom guy for sure.
Maybe we need to get something like that here for Maryland Milair gang.
Got my cameras ready whenever you are!

Rgr on that SPORT 1 heard climbing here to 14k at 2140z direct Pax River

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
06.27.2007 pm

Made a few nice intercepts this afternoon...

1940Z 128.350 Potomac APP - FENDY 47 - 3000' for 2000' req. vis. rwy 19L @ ADW.
1945Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - FENDY 47 - 8 nms. final for rwy 19L.

2006Z 354.800 BayWatch - N161NG (BAC 1-11 NG BWI) - 18 ms. N of Patuxent @ 10000' req. 12000' to 15000', will be with you for the next two hours or so.
2009Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 688 - deps DAA 700' for 3000' then cleared to 5000'.
2022Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 455 - dest. is FLV QSY Potomac APP 123.825 where he gets a 250 kt. speed restriction, then dir BUFFR-J518 QSY ZDC-Hagerstown 134.150.
2027Z 249.800 Giant Killer - GOLIATH (E-3B/C 552nd ACW) - AW701 W386 for Langley ORE will QSY again in 10-20 mins for airspace coord.
2032Z 354.800 BayWatch - BULLY 2 - checking out then heard up on IF 139.150 heading home.
2037Z 238.100 Giant Killer - GOLIATH (E-3B/C 552nd ACW) - req. correlation check W386 from Langley eastbound FL230.
2044Z 238.100 Giant Killer - GOLIATH (E-3B/C 552nd ACW) - req. three blocks for the wingman for the exercise - correlation check OK.
2046Z 238.100 Giant Killer - ROGUE 71 (F-22A 1st FW) - wkg GOLIATH and Giant Killer. with exercise coordination.
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Jan 5, 2004
TinEar said:
Travis, I flew those same aircraft but I never could find a good reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. It just didn't make sense to me. Kidding aside, I salute you for your service - the tough kind.

More pay so why not? Not that I had much choice.:D

315.85 is active with Langley fighters.
Also someone came up on on the AR328 freq 235.1 briefly.
I'm currently hearing a TRACON controller on 350.2 like it's being transmitted from the FAA site in Leesburg. Earlier I heard the 125.65 controller on 135.525. Doesn't sound like same sector this time. And I don't hear it on the other scanners.
It is the 126.65 controller I hear. Odd, I hear him just fine on VHF with the other scanners.

2207- 233.525 is active again.
2211- As is 228.45. Fight's on.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2206: HOSER 52 (KC-135E, 57-1431, 108th ARW McGuire) to Torch Control (108th Wing Ops) with a Blackjack report...
T- Kilo
U- 24.0 (fuel remainder in thousands of pounds)
V- 0230Z (ETA at McGuire)
W- Sierra

2208: HOSER 51 (KC-135E, 108th ARW Mcguire) to Torch Control with a Blackjack report...
T- Kilo
U- 36.0
V- 0232Z
W- Sierra

2212: JEDI flight (F-22A Langley) RTB through HEELS as reported to Norfolk TRACON...370.925
2218: PAT 688 to Phillips AAF Tower...7 out for runway 22..."We haven't been handed off yet so I'll get back to you."...126.15
2219: TOPCAT 5 (KC-135E, 58-0078, 108th ARW McGuire) calling Foxtrot (108th ARW Maintenance?)...303.0
2230: TEAM 35 (KC-10A, 85-0031, 305th AMW McGuire) calling McGuire CP...arriving with 45K on the gas, need parking...319.4
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 06282007

0756 - someone's active on 138.
0804 - HUNTRESS calling REACH 4129 - 364.2
1146 - BATON 20 (EC-130J, 193rd Special Operations Group, PA-ANG Harrisburg) reporting level at 8000', squawking 2644 -- 295.8
1223- faint activity, unid 34 calling HUNTRESS with "35 miles southwest" - 364.2
1225 - unid 34 active again, can't quite pull out the callsign - 364.2

Anybody have an id on REACH 4129? I don't have that one.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
There's a ton of fighter and transport acitivty up this morning.

Dave, AXEMAN flight from MTN is just about at the Duke. By the way, I heard AXEMAN talking to the Duke controller on 301.6 when he was 70 miles out. Unfortunately, I came upon that in the middle of the converstion. It reminded me that I don't have a callsign for the Duke MOA. Who do they normally call when they show up there?

The CAP is in place over Newport, Rhode Island on 260.9. If I open squelch I can tell they're talking there but it isn't loud enough to understand.

Lots of F-22 activity out in W-72 and W-386 with Giant Killer also this morning.
There is a CHALICE E-3 AWACS working with them out there. Look for SENTRY 3x call for front end.

Just prior to 1300 and there is still lots of activity across the band today. However, it's not much fun listening today due to static - heavy static - especially across the VHF band. From my location, it's about as heavy as I've ever heard it and is blocking anything below about an S-3 reading (which is meaningless, I know, but is about halfway up the signal level scale on my radios.)

Early in the 1200 hour I had another E-6B that apparently took off from Patuxent, went east over to Salsibury and then turned northeast toward Sea Isle which is about where I lost him to the noise. I believe his callsign was ERNIE 64 this time because I heard that aircraft calling HUNTRESS on 364.2 which seems to be one of the things these E-6Bs do. I couldn't pick out his callsign on the ZDC VHF freqs at all other than suffix 64. So, it's somewhere around the area.

Giant Killer still has a full plate out in the offshore areas with F-22A fighters all over the place. GK's tactical freqs 292.3, 373.1, 391.2 are all busy in addition to the entry/exit freqs. Heard interflight 257.075 active a few minutes ago

Early 1300 hour, CRAB 56 and 57, C-130J types (98-1356/98-1357) from the MD-ANG at MTN are flying around the area. They are using 385.9 with Crab Ops, 148.925 for Crab Ops and a drop controller and 126.15 with Phillips AAF.

Late 1400 hour: There's a VICTORY 41 flight of two F/A-18s (US Navy VF-103, CVW-17 NAS Ocena) entering VR-705 at Point Alpha at 1453. They were with ZNY-Modena 335.6 at the jumpoff point. Prior to that, they were with ZNY-Westminster 323.3 and ZDC-Potomac 307.025. AT 1456, they just jumped over to FSS freq 255.4 to announce their intentions and got the latest altimeter reading for Harrisburg from Leesburg Radio.

Just before the VICTORY 41 flight showed up, there was a DEMO 1 flight moving around the ZNY freqs.

The CAP in New England is currently being manned by HARRASS fighters from Langley. The VT-ANG F-16s had the shift before that using callsign DIAL. Although most of us in this area can't listen to the CAP due to distance, the fighters are moving through this area on the ZDC/ZNY freqs.

1510: FAST 61 flight of two (F-16, 138th Fighter Squadron, NY-ANG Syracuse) lifting off from Andrews...w/TRACON 257.2 and on interflight freq 141.75...pointing out the sights in DC.
1515: FAST 61 handed off to TRACON freq 254.25 and climbing to 17,000 feet.
1516: FAST 61 handed off to on 141.75 whether it's ZDC or ZNY and wind up calling New York Center as they try to check in with ZDC-Hagerstown...they get an answer and are cleared to FL in standard formation...then cleared to FL 200...227.125
1519: FAST 61 handed off to ZNY-Middletown and check in at FL 200...cleared to 210 and say they'd like to climb over some weather...would like FL direct Syracuse...cleared to FL 250...322.4 (They chat on 141.75 about whether 270 will get them over the weather)
1521: FAST 61 handed off to ZNY-Harrisburg...check in passing FL 230 for 250...270.3 (On 141.75 they say they're not going to clear the weather at that altitude...wingman says to ask for a deviance once they get up there)
1522: FAST 61 cleared to FL 270...ask for wx deviations in another 20 miles or so...apparently are cleared to dodge the wx....270.3
1523: FAST 61 handed to ZNY-Philipsburg and call NY joy...get them on third try...repeat the request for wx deviations...currently on a course of 360...306.2
1525: Another pair of aircraft working interflight 140.025 talking about getting around wx...good MD-ANG A-10 freq
1526: FAST 61 handed off to ZNY-Milton...check in at FL 270...request to maintain 270 for another 10 miles...turning direct Syracuse...269.1
The 141.75 freq with the FAST 61 pair is getting difficult to copy due to VHF noise level - no problem so far on UHF with the Center.
1529: RAVEN 1 flight (MD-ANG A-10s) check in with ZNY-Milton in the block 270-280...269.1 (Bet they're coming back - or going to - Ft. Drum)
1530: FAST 61 tells controller they can take lower now and are cleared down to FL 230...269.1
1532: FAST 61 says they've dodged the wx...269.1
1532: WARPIG 1 (A-10) flight w/ZDC-Irons...360.85
1532: AXEMAN flight to Raven Ops...143.8
And then the phone rang and I lost track of FAST 61...believe they were handed off again but this is where I normally lose them anyway. Guess I lost WARPIG also during that phone call.
1537: Believe it's the RAVEN flight that says they're 40 miles north of Harrisburg at FL 180...269.1
1540: RAVEN 1 flight now with ZNY-Williamsport...338.3
1541: RAVEN 1 flight of two handed off to ZNY-Middletown...check in in non-standard formation at FL 180...322.4
1543: WARPIG 1 flight still with ZDC-Irons...requesting 15,000 feet...360.85
1554: WARPIG 1 contacts Raven Ops and says he's coming in from the depot...will be there at about 1630 local...347.2 (he gave a 3 digit tail number that I blocked out when I hit the "hold" button on the was 69x. (seems a long time to fly from DC to Baltimore)
1545: WARPIG 1 flight handed to Potomac TRACON...checks in and says he's going to "Martin"...on the Nottingham 6 and headed down to 11,000 feet...then cleared to 9000...335.5
1545: RAVEN flight tells ZNY controller they're going to R-5802 (Bollen Range) and are switching to that freq...322.4 (lo and behold, they come up on 237.2 with BALKY)
1552: WARPIG 1 handed off to TRACON freq in the BWI area and checks in...cleared down to 6000...announces intention of going to MTN...cleared down to 4000...290.475
1557: WARPIG 1 cleared down to 3000 feet on the approach to MTN...290.475
1558: WARPIG 1 reports field in sight so is handed off to MTN Tower on 297.2 where he checks and and asks for a reminder of approach for landing instructions

1602: WARPIG 1 reports gear down, full stop...297.2
1605: Raven Ops talking with WARPIG 1 on the deck at MTN giving instructions...347.2
1606: RAVEN flight to Raven SOF at MTN to report 10 minutes out, both Code 1...347.2

And now I'm in full stop mode also with gear down...back later.
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Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
Dave, AXEMAN flight from MTN is just about at the Duke. By the way, I heard AXEMAN talking to the Duke controller on 301.6 when he was 70 miles out. Unfortunately, I came upon that in the middle of the converstion. It reminded me that I don't have a callsign for the Duke MOA. Who do they normally call when they show up there?

They were talking with SLUFF 61 (KC-135 Rickenbacker AFB, OH). I have heard tankers and F-16s in the past call out to BRUMBLE (or BUMBLE) Control on 301.60. Now this BRUMBLE is no longer active because I remember a flight leader from Willow Grove tell that to a tanker. Now Cleveland Center coordinates the activities in the DUKE on 353.85 for the fighters and 124.325 (I believe) for tankers.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
dparana said:
They were talking with SLUFF 61 (KC-135 Rickenbacker AFB, OH). I have heard tankers and F-16s in the past call out to BRUMBLE (or BUMBLE) Control on 301.60. Now this BRUMBLE is no longer active because I remember a flight leader from Willow Grove tell that to a tanker. Now Cleveland Center coordinates the activities in the DUKE on 353.85 for the fighters and 124.325 (I believe) for tankers.


Excellent. Thanks Dave. Appreciate that info. It dawned on me this morning that I was drawing a blank on a callsign up there. I don't usually hear traffic on 301.6 anyway. I think this was maybe only the third time.


1610: DIAL 05 flight of two F-16s from VT-ANG Langley Detachment (CAP callsign) working interflight 138.0 and at 1612 calling ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8...check in as two F-16s in standard formation (on 138.0 one of them mentions they're using their SADL callsign. Not sure of the significance of that)
1616: DIAL 05 flight cleared direct Langley.
At the same time, there is a MAPLE 38 flight w/Norfolk TRACON and then over to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 that IDs as a single ship flight.
DIAL going south and MAPLE north.
1618: DIAL 05 and MAPLE 38 chatting on interflight 138.0 as they cross paths.
1619: MAPLE 38 flight handed to ZDC-Sea Isle and checks in at FL 230...281.45
Okay...both flights are I'm leaving.

Popping in long enough to say there's another VICTORY flight of two F/A-18s from Oceana going through the area on the ZDC freqs. At 1649, they're with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45...female pilot doing the talking. VICTORY 91.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
2230z OPEC 48 KC-10 out of McGuire with Langley says to "call McGhee-Tyson
and cancel their planned hookup with SODA 91 due to incoming weather".

2300z MILLER 1 heard on 228.450 and 391.200,Langley fighters offshore.
My old list shows as F-15 callsign but could be F-22 now.
2335z SPADS 3+4 on Langley A/A 315.850 announce clearing off.
Probably were playing with the MILLERS.Guessing 4 on 4 intercept training.

2315z Getting Motorola type control channel buzz on 381.5600-381.5650 range.
Not sure who is but maybe Aberdeen Proving ground which is closest to me finally getting
a new system to replace their old 400MHZ system.
Some weak broken dig voice coms on following.Can barely get 1 bar on 785D scanner.

2344z OPEC 48 with GK 118.125 going direct Snow Hill,Sea Isle and back to McGuire from Norfolk area.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2056-58: REACH 040 (C-17A, 02-1110, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA) calling Pope Command...x3, no joy...381.3 (this aircraft left Andrews about 20 minutes ago)
2102: REACH 040 makes contact with Pope...30 minutes out, has 35 pax, 1 rolling stock and 4 pallets to hot cargo...needs passenger bus...gets parking in Tango-1 spot...381.3
2109: MOVER 45 (KC-10A, 86-0030, 305th AMW McGuire AFB) to Dover Command Post...IDs as a McGuire KC-10 and asks them to call down to Charleston to check on the status of their receiver - a C-17, callsign GRITS 18. DSN is 673-xxxx.
2112: MOVER 45 gets word his receiver is "in the green"...349.4
And here come the thunderstorms. Gotta close this mess down and unhook antennas.
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Jan 5, 2004
Mark said:
2315z Getting Motorola type control channel buzz on 381.5600-381.5650 range.
Not sure who is but maybe Aberdeen Proving ground which is closest to me finally getting
a new system to replace their old 400MHZ system.
Some weak broken dig voice coms on following.Can barely get 1 bar on 785D scanner.

Change to a 12.5khz step and you might hear comms.
380.8375 is the JNCR Ft Meade site 007-0101
381.1625 , 381.1125, 381.875 are DOD Ft Meade site 001-0202.

I'm getting better reception for the 380mhz to the south of me now, currently receiving the control channel for Dahlgren and AP Hill which are the furtherest from me. The storms always cause this.

While I was messing around with the 380mhz system I caught EMPIRE-41 working his way through the area with ZDC-Montebello sometime before 2200.
2217-HARASS-41 with ZDC-Blackstone 235.625. 'Looking to go direct Kennebunk as soon as possible.' I guess that's who has the CAP tonight.
2229- Now with Brooke 327.0, can kind of hear the controller, too much static. 41 is trying to work his way around the weather.
2234- Turning to 090 to go south of a cell. That should put him across Montgomery Co.
2243- Handed off to ZDC-Woodtown 363.0
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
freqhopping said:
Change to a 12.5khz step and you might hear comms.
380.8375 is the JNCR Ft Meade site 007-0101
381.1625 , 381.1125, 381.875 are DOD Ft Meade site 001-0202.

I'm getting better reception for the 380mhz to the south of me now, currently receiving the control channel for Dahlgren and AP Hill which are the furtherest from me. The storms always cause this.

Thanks! Must be some warm wx prop as seemed way to weak reception to be nearby Aberdeen.
Ft Meade makes sense.
I do FM search of that band from time to time to see if anything new pops up.

2350z REACH 8050 C-17 McChord 62AW with McGuire CP meeting tanker ETHYL 76 in Northeast.
0110z MOVER 45 McGuire KC-10 with Dover CP 349.400 req ppr to KCHS as for status of our reciever GRITS 18.
"Copies reciever in the Green".

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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
LIBERATOR is still alive and well on 378.1.
1717: -378.1- LIBERATOR to REACH 126 (on ground), something about a problem with meals.
1734: -378.1- LIBERATOR to REACH 126 (still on the ground), "the patch won't work, Major Somebody requests you reach him on 351.2. We've also been coordinating with the FAA, and you'll be released in 15 minutes.

Not seen, but heard on the standard suite of VHF frequencies were JOSAs 667 and 708 departing (C-21s), ARMY 23128 (C-12 78-23128) departing, and VENUS 23 (C-20 86-0203) in the pattern. One that I was able to pick off was Phoenix Air (big DoD contractor) Lear 35 544PA operating as a Lifeguard flight.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mateo said:
LIBERATOR is still alive and well on 378.1.

Yup...that's where he has lived since going silent on 351.2 which they now seem to use as an interplane freq only. It's kind of unusual for him to be dealing with REACH aircraft though. That will bear watching.

A 37 second thunderstorm blew through here and was gone. Awaiting the next one.

I was just reading a story in Defense Tech Review about the F-35C (the Navy variant) and was surprised to see the story finish this way...

Although the Navy variant is heavier than the Air Force variant, it'll be flown by Navy pilots and therefore be able to kick the F-35A's booty in any 1-v-1 scenarios.

Bring it . . .

The hell you say!!! :mad:

F-35A is Air Force, B is Marines STOVL version and C is Navy with larger wing area and stronger landing gear for carrier landings/catapult assisted takeoffs.
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
TinEar said:
Yup...that's where he has lived since going silent on 351.2 which they now seem to use as an interplane freq only. It's kind of unusual for him to be dealing with REACH aircraft though. That will bear watching.
LIBERATOR sounded rather chatty - not the businesslike comms usually heard between GRIFFIN and transients. I had assumed it was a 459th machine about to depart on a REACH mission.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 06292007

1435- MUSSEL 03 flight reporting 10 minutes out, requesting clearance into P40 (the prohibited zone around Camp David) - 141.7
1436 - MUSSEL 06 & 03 talking about the low cloud deck, their current altitude is only 150' above the elevation of the landing site - 141.7
1440 - somebody is active on 357.1
1445 - MUSSEL 06 flight calling MUSSEL CONTROL - 141.7
1448 - MUSSEL 06 flight to MUSSEL CONTROL, they are going to try WHEELHOUSE on the second radio - 141.7
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
NOTAM 7/6620 for Martinsburg WV on 07042007

Notam was just issued at 1433 local - effective for (0855 LOCAL 07/04/07) UNTIL (1145 LOCAL 07/04/07).

Maybe WV is going to have a visitor?
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