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Jan 5, 2004
CHECK-65 with ZDC-Montebello 284.7
1554- Handed off to Casanova 282.2 and IDed as a single Hornet. That would make him from VMFA312
1558-Handed off to Linden 319.1 at FL250.
1602- Handed off Hagerstown 227.125
1605- Handed off to ZNY- Harrisburg 270.3
1609- Handed off to 322.4 I think. He said 32244.
1610- Yep, that was it. And handed off to ??6.2 Maybe 306.2 ZNY-Philipsburg.

1615- VEGAS-61 checking in with ZDC-Brooke 327.0
1622- Just missed someone with Swann. 360.7
1624- Its VEGAS-61 as I figured. Handed off to Kenton at FL150. 354.15 Nobody is answering though.

1637- GREYHAWK-61 (VAW120) ZDC-Cofield 323.0 switching to Norfolk 327.8 at FL260
Will deviate west to avoid weather, they're heading to Cherry Point.
1640- ROMAN-61 cleared for Snow Hill. 327.8

What's up with all the 61s?
1649- GREYHAWK I assume with ZDC-Sampson 269.15 Still trying to get around the weather.
1652- HARASS-55 with Cape Charles 256.8 FL230 for 250
1656- HARASS-55 direct Hampton FL250 for 270
1725- ??-11 with Montebello 284.7 approaching Flat Rock. Sounds kind of like RAPTOR. Also a female on this freq, her radio isn't nearly as clear. Sounds like RAPTOR-21.
1731- It's going to be ZAPPER not RAPTOR now with Irons. VAQ130 Navy EA-6Bs. Now all I need is some Army aircraft.

1753- HARASS-56 climbing from FL145 with Cape Charles.
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Mar 22, 2007
Hatboro Pa
Vegas-61 to Overhead 06 At Kwri.
Roman 61 roaming Around At FL 280
Hawk And Gator Heard Earlier Going Up To Kbgm
Gosse 424 Stopped At Knxx For Fuel And Then I Believe To Kbgm As Well So Sounds Like There Going To Have Alot Of Stuff For There Show.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1909: JOSA 256 (C-21A, 84-0100, 457th AS Andrews) gives arrival message...25 minutes out, A-2, has an A4 plus 4 and a Space A passenger...needs trans for everyone...378.1
1927: ROYAL 35 (C-17A, 3rd AS/436th AW Dover) 25 minutes out, picking up a crew (and faded away)...349.4
1928: U/I aircraft with Dover Metro asking for wx at LFI (Langley AFB(...342.9
1929: JOSA 256 with TRACON 119.85 and then TRACON ADW Approach 119.3 at 1933.
1930: HARASS 54 (F-15 Langley) with ZDC-Sea Isle at FL 280
1931: HARASS 54 handed off to ZDC-Salisbury and checks in at FL 280


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
1927: ROYAL 35 (C-17A, 3rd AS/436th AW Dover) 25 minutes out, picking up a crew (and faded away)...349.4

Rgr Alan must be Dover's newest C-17 again 6166. Euro poster had REACH 6165
Dover C-17 into Mildenhall yesterday and departed today as REACH 510.
Probably towards Middle East but who knows..Guess they finally got their first active REACH mission.

REACH 441 with Liberator Ops departed DC 1950z.
I rarely hear DC KC-135's getting REACH assignments.Must be weekend warrior trip overseas.
He said "Have a good Month" Guessing he will be back in July...LOL



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Rgr Alan must be Dover's newest C-17 again 6166. Euro poster had REACH 6165
Dover C-17 into Mildenhall yesterday and departed today as REACH 510.
Probably towards Middle East but who knows..Guess they finally got their first active REACH mission.

REACH 441 with Liberator Ops departed DC 1950z.
I rarely hear DC KC-135's getting REACH assignments.Must be weekend warrior trip overseas.
He said "Have a good Month" Guessing he will be back in July...LOL


Yes, it had to be 6166. Our 6165 craft left the U.K. as you mentioned as REACH 510 today and then was heard in the Netherlands and in Germany later in the Stuttgart (EDDS in the 2200Z hour.) He arrived in the U.K. yesterday as REACH 165. Last heard here at home was on the 25th as RIDER 90.

You're correct about the Andrews KC-135R - REACH 441. He's in Europe and was heard all over the place - the U.K., the Netherlands, and last in Belgium just before 0200Z (about 25 minutes ago from when I'm typing this). I'm not sure yet if he landed at Antwerp (EBAW) or kept going.

2245: HARASS 55 flight (F-15 Langley returning from CAP duty over Kennebunk, Maine) with ZDC-Sea Isle...wants to alter flight route to go from Patuxent to Richmond to Franklin and then into Langley...281.45
2250: HARASS 55 handed to ZDC-Calvert and checks in and requests to alter flight route yet wants Patuxent to Hopewell to Franklin to Langley...281.4
2252: I've got an E-6B (164410, VQ-4) coming into the area and probably going into Pax. Haven't been able to catch the one-time callsign yet. (Currently with Pax Approach...mentions runway 10 (although I'm not sure that was him with the runway 10 part)... 127.95 (Directly over Nottingham at 2254)
Nope...the runway 10 guy wasn't the E-6B...the E-6 is continuing northeasterly and is now running up over the bay at a position just about due east of BWI at 2259.
Nahhh...he just continued northeast on a 45 degree course and flew out of range up into northern Delaware and into New Jersey and is gone...never could catch the callsign...Mr. Mumbles.

2303: HARASS 55 handed off to ZDC-Franklin and checks in there...290.425
2308: HARASS 55 requesting a turn toward Langley and a lower altitude...gets them both...290.425
2314: HARASS 62 flight (heading toward the CAP) with ZDC-Cape Charles at FL 230...requests higher...gets 270...256.8
2321: HARASS 62 handed to ZDC-Sea Isle and checks in at FL 270...281.45
2321: REACH 9058 Heavy (C-17A, 99-0058, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA) with ZDC-Sea Isle...133.125
2322: The E-6B has turned south and is currently up in New Jersey just southeast of Philly. He's been at FL 260 for the entire flight so far. Heading toward Sea Isle.
2325: TEAM 55 (KC-10A, 85-0033, 305th AMW McGuire) to McGuire CP with arrival message...A-1, landing with 30K on the fuel, needs parking...319.4
2329: E-6B overhead Sea Isle on 133.125, turned to 220 degrees, handed off to ZDC-Salisbury 120.975 and checks in there. Suffix is 70. Female spits out the callsign so fast I just can't copy it. If he (she) stays on this course, she'll go directly to Pax. Descending now and down to FL 180 at 2336...probably heading into Pax.
2334: REACH 9058 w/ZDC-Salisbury at FL 360...120.975
2342: Our E-6B continues his descent...down to 12K and right over Vienna MD at this time heading into Pax.
Couldn't copy his final descent and approach into Pax...just too low and weak from here. Had him on 310.15 at Pax for about half a transmission talking about the weather.
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Jan 5, 2004
GUARD-21678 UH-1 DC-NG just landed at Leeburg to pickup an IFR plan and is now departing to the northeast. Female pilot. It looks to be the one I've seen out here before.
0936- Climbing to 6,000 direct Morgantown. 126.1
0948- Handed off to ZNY-133.675

1647- HARASS-72 flight of 2, ZDC-Salisbury 257.7
1650- Handed off to Sea Isle 281.45
1844- HARASS-35 almost home. Descending from 12 to 10. 370.925
1903- ROMAN-95 descending with ZDC-Swann 360.7
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Jan 5, 2004
HARASS-53 heading north. 256.8>257.7 at FL270

VICTORY-11 with Calvert 281.4
1734- TALON-20 FL220 looking for 360 ZNY-Middletown>ZDC-Hagerstown
1740- FL220 for 320 ZDC-Moorefield. Heard two different voices, so maybe a flight of 2 or more.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 07022007

1258 - NIGHTHAWK 11 inbound to Martinsburg airport, twr freq - 124.3
1259 - Martinsburg tower to civilian traffic, flight of 3 helos inbound to the airport - 124.3
1313 - DECOY 52 cleared to Stewart airport, direct Hagerstown >Harrisburg>Wilkes Barre twr freq - 124.3
1317 - NIGHTHAWK 11 to MRB tower, heading back to the airport - 124.3
1318 - visual of the NIGHTHAWK flight (2 helos seen) southbound to Martinsburg airport (don't know where the 3rd went)
1320 - NIGHTHAWK flight clear of the airspace, twr freq - 124.3
1331 - DECOY 52, engine start approved, 167th OPS freq - 297.0
1334 - SPEEDBIRD 217 (British Airways) calling Washington Center on VHF guard - 121.5
1355 - DECOY 52 reporting off the ground at 55 past the hour, 167th OPS freq - 297.0
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1315: Flight of four F-16s off from Andrews on interflight 143.6. Callsign CHOSEN. TRACON departure 348.725 to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 to ZDC-Franklin 290.425. Headed to Dare County Range (R-5314) NC.
1325: Flight of two F-16s off from Andrews on interflight 139.15. Callsign BULLY. TRACON departure 348.725 to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 to Patuxent Check-In 305.2 to BayWatch 354.8 at 1331. Subsequently, they perform ground attack maneuvers with bomb drops and then "buddy lase" attacks on ground targets.

Earlier, in the last half of the 1100 hour, I had an unknown on 142.425. It didn't sound military though. He identified as REVERE but I couldn't understand who he was calling. At one point it sounded like D.A.U. but I"m not at all sure of that one. At the end, he mentioned RTB and told the other party that he was held up by ATC from exiting his orbit point but is now flying east along the southern edge. (Southern edge of what? Didn't say.)

Lots of Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force LBE (Lard Butt Express) flights into/out of Andrews and many tankers and transports moving around the area. Had several KC-135E types out of the 108th ARW at McGuire - a couple of which were HOSER 11 and 12 along with ROCCO 80 and one or two others.

1346: JINX 32 (C-17A, possibly 04-4132 from the 6th AS McGuire) just called in to "Any Radio" on FSS freq 255.4 to announce a single C-17 entering VR-?705? at Point A, exiting at Point H, flying at 230 knots (First time I've heard a C-17 into a low level route)

1354: SAM 93 (C-32A, 99-0003, 1st AS Andrews) into the area...should indicate AF 1 is not far behind. (seems to be early though)
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 02 JUL 19:55 2007 UNTIL 02 JUL 20:25 2007
BM82557/Brian said:
1331 - DECOY 52, engine start approved, 167th OPS freq
1355 - DECOY 52 reporting off the ground at 55 past the hour, 167th OPS freq

Is the 167th OPS freq a secret or can we all know what it is? :)
Late 1500 hour I have a Russian IL-96 going overhead at FL 340. Tail RA-96012. Here's a picture of that aircraft...
(Not long after the IL-96 came through, there were two Russian IL-62s coming through...RA-86540 and RA-86559...guess they're all fleeing Kennebunk now. I believe RA-86540 is going into Dulles and RA-86559 is heading south along the coast - at 1600 he's off the eastern shore of Virginia about halfway between Snow Hill and Cape Charles at FL 320.)


  • IL96 RA96012.jpg
    IL96 RA96012.jpg
    3.9 KB · Views: 125
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1603: HARASS 63 (Langley F-15) with ZBW-Hampton...299.7
The CAP should be done now and the flight is returning to Langley.
1605-08: REACH 238T (C-17A, 03-3127, 6th AS McGuire) calling McGuire CP...319.4
1609: HARASS 63 with ZDC-Sea Isle at FL 230...cleared to FL 240...281.45
1612: HARASS 63 handed to ZDC-Salisbury and checks in at FL 240...257.7
1615: Air Force 1 and SAM 93 on SAM Interplane freq...136.725
1616: HARASS 63 handed to ZDC-Cape Charles and checks in at FL 240...cleared down to 220...256.8
1620: HARASS 63 flight cleared down to 10,000 feet...256.8
1623: HARASS 63 handed off to Norfolk TRACON (East) and checks in at 10,000 feet....370.925
1624: HARASS 63 cleared down to 5,000 feet and on his way into Langley...370.925
1625: Air Force One with Andrews Tower for landing runway 1R, full stop...cleared to land 1R...118.4

Ref below: Thanks Brian. Doesn't the 396 have a mode where you can show both alpha tag and freq at the same time?
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
167th Airlift Wing WV-ANG

TinEar said:
Is the 167th OPS freq a secret or can we all know what it is? :)

Getting even lazier in my old age, couldn't remember it off the top of my head and didn't walk over at the time to switch from alpha tag mode. Freq is 297.0.



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TinEar said:
Ref below: Thanks Brian. Doesn't the 396 have a mode where you can show both alpha tag and freq at the same time?

For a trunked system both are displayed. For conventional you have to press Func then 5 to toggle between frequencies and alpha tags.



Mar 22, 2007
Hatboro Pa
1700 Roman 81 Direct Ceater Lake Lookin For 1 Par Runway 33 At Knxx.
1733 Roman 81 Departed Knxx For Kntu Final Alt 16,000.


Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
TinEar said:
Late 1500 hour I have a Russian IL-96 going overhead at FL 340. Tail RA-96012. Here's a picture of that aircraft...
(Not long after the IL-96 came through, there were two Russian IL-62s coming through...RA-86540 and RA-86559...guess they're all fleeing Kennebunk now. I believe RA-86540 is going into Dulles and RA-86559 is heading south along the coast - at 1600 he's off the eastern shore of Virginia about halfway between Snow Hill and Cape Charles at FL 320.)
1 IL-62 went to Andrews. 2 IL-62s and the IL-96 are headed for Guatemala City. Musta been quite a sight at Portsmouth!

MUSSEL 06 and 07 were both working on the same track, headed WNW of IAD. 06 was 69-6633 and 07 was 69-7536, seen as they flew over Dulles. They were coordinating with Dulles Tower West and East on 128.45 and 120.1, respectively, for the crossover.


Jun 3, 2002
leaving maine

they ran out of lobsters
Mateo said:
1 IL-62 went to Andrews. 2 IL-62s and the IL-96 are headed for Guatemala City. Musta been quite a sight at Portsmouth!

MUSSEL 06 and 07 were both working on the same track, headed WNW of IAD. 06 was 69-6633 and 07 was 69-7536, seen as they flew over Dulles. They were coordinating with Dulles Tower West and East on 128.45 and 120.1, respectively, for the crossover.


Jan 5, 2004
BOBCAT-45 with ZDC-Montebello 284.7, not getting an answer.
2007- Using a second radio he gets an answer and thinks that was the problem. Nope, sounds the same to me.
2014- Handed off to Brooke 327.0. And I heard a controller respond this time.
2017-Requests VHF freq so 126.875.
2019- Descending 270 to 240. Will be direct to Nottingham, then Sea Isle and some other stuff.
2023- Now to Swann 134.5 and down to 200
2030- Descending some more and that will be the end of him.

2043- ROMAN-05 and 07 descending with ZDC-Irons
2048- ROMAN-85 too
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