1744: BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with Patuxent to enter area and work for about 40 minutes. (Appears to be a single ship flight since there's no associated interflight freq active.)...354.8
1747: U/I aircraft (missed callsign) calling Oceana Command Post...284.9 (I believe that's the first time I've heard this freq active.)
1800: CACTI 31 (KC-10A, 84-0185, 60th AMW Travis AFB CA) to ACY Approach descending from 11,100 to 8,000 feet...cleared direct Coyle, direct McGuire...continuing descent to 7,000...124.6
1802: CACTI 31 trying to call McGuire Command Post...349.4 (Most McGuire aircraft are still using 134.1 rather than 319.4...not sure why this guy is using 349.4)
1805: CACTI 31 leaving 7,000 for 5,000...124.6
1809: BICEP 11 reports RTB at this time...direct Sea Isle and then Atlantic City...354.8
1809: REACH 4131 (C-17A, 04-4131, 6th AS McGuire) reports airborne (from Andrews) at this time...378.1
1813: BICEP 11 again reports to Pax Approach he's ready to RTB at this time...354.8
1817: REACH 4131 calling McGuire CP...no joy, x2...319.4
1819: BICEP 11 finally cleared out of Pax airspace...354.8
1819: BICEP 11 to ZDC-Kenton and checks in there...354.15
1828: BICEP 11 over to Atlantic City Approach...wants high key and then a couple of ILS approaches and then full stop...327.125
1830: Canadian Air Force CC-144, tail 144614 from 412 Squadron into the area...ZDC VHF
Last half of 1800 hour has several LBEs moving around including JOSA 916 (84-0119) and 445 (84-0077) into Andrews...some KC-10As (86-0028/84-0188/84-0192) into McGuire, a C-5A (70-0460), a couple of KC-135s (NJ 57-1507) and (PA 58-0099) and various C-17As overhead.
1917: CACTI 41 (KC-10A McGuire) calling McGuire CP on 319.4, 349.4 and w/ACY Approach 124.6 where he's descending into McGuire...down to 5000 feet at 1923.
Had a CACTI 21 earlier also.
Flying above my corner of the world from approximately 1700-1900 (when many foreign flag flights leave for Europe to be there in the morning).
PlaneSpotters Corner:
Country, Flight number, Tail, ICAO Type
Germany: DLH 417, D-AIFA, A343
Germany: DLH 445, D-AIGD, A343
Germany: DLH 463, D-ABVE, B744
Sweden: SAS 296, SE-REF, A333
France: AFR 039, F-GSPX, B772
Germany: DLH 414, D-AIKJ, A333
Netherlands: KLM 622, PH-AOI, A332
Germany: DLH 429, D-AIKI, A333
South AFrica: SAA 208, ZS-SNI, A346
Mexico: MX 003, XA-UBV, A318
Netherlands, KLM 652, PH-BQP, B772
Germany: DLH 419, D-ABVO, B744
Qatar: QTR 051, A7-AGB, A346
Spain: IB 6188, EC-GUQ, A343
Ireland: AZ 63R, EI-CRO, B763
Ireland:: AMX 403, EI-DRB, B758
United KIngdom: VIR 22, G-VSEA, A343
Germany: LTU 909, D-ALPE, A332
Austria: AUA 94, OE-LPD, B772
Iceland: ICE 643, TF-FIR, B752
Germany: LTU 415, D-ALPH, A332
France: AFR 025, F-GNII, A343
Mexico: ---, XA-JBC, B762
United Kingdom: BAW 6W, G-BNLO, B744
United Kingdom: MYT 028, G-MDBD, A332
It's not MilAir...BUT...
1838: Distress call from a boat taking on water (in English that's sinking)...location under the Key Bridge...Coast Guard units on the way to help...first on Marine Channel 16 - 156.8 and then to channel 22A -157.1 but CG not making contact with the vessel on that second freq so goes back to the emergency channel 156.8 and tries there - no response on either channel now. CG asks how many children on board...no response. Boat is called Passion Wind. Coast Guard Baltimore issues a pon-pon urgent message about the boat in distress.
Sailing vessel Priority heading toward the bridge to help.
1848: Coast Guard Baltimore continues to call the "vessel in distress" but gets no replies to many calls...156.8
1857: Baltimore County Helo (Air 3) (N808CP) to Coast Guard Baltimore asking for the Coast Guard vessels going to the Key Bridge scene switch to Channel 16 because he doesn't have Channel 22 in his radio...156.8
1859: CG Vessel 25567 to Baltimore County Helo asking what he wants...helo says his info is that a boat with six people is sinking in the area of the Key Bridge near the Administration building...CG vessel confirms that's all he has.
1900: Sailing Vessel Priority on channel 16 to say he's in the area of the Key Bridge and sees nothing...156.8
Various Police boats and Coast Guard boats all operating on Channel 22...157.1 (Many of the boats difficult to hear from here.)
1903: TROOPER 8 (MD State Police Helo) also on Channel 22 reporting he sees nothing...157.1
1905: Fire Rescue Boat #1 on scene...157.1
Baltimore County and City police boats on scene along with helo and no one sees anything...157.1
1916: One of the police boats mentions there's 3 helos up, several fire boats and Coast Guard boats in the vicinity of Key Bridge and no one sees anything.
Maybe one of you boaters can explain something...Every time one of these things happens, the boat always seems to be found a long way from where they think they are. Why don't boaters ever have a clue where they actually are in the water? I'm not a boat person so maybe there's something that's disorienting about floating around the water. Can anyone explain it?
1747: U/I aircraft (missed callsign) calling Oceana Command Post...284.9 (I believe that's the first time I've heard this freq active.)
1800: CACTI 31 (KC-10A, 84-0185, 60th AMW Travis AFB CA) to ACY Approach descending from 11,100 to 8,000 feet...cleared direct Coyle, direct McGuire...continuing descent to 7,000...124.6
1802: CACTI 31 trying to call McGuire Command Post...349.4 (Most McGuire aircraft are still using 134.1 rather than 319.4...not sure why this guy is using 349.4)
1805: CACTI 31 leaving 7,000 for 5,000...124.6
1809: BICEP 11 reports RTB at this time...direct Sea Isle and then Atlantic City...354.8
1809: REACH 4131 (C-17A, 04-4131, 6th AS McGuire) reports airborne (from Andrews) at this time...378.1
1813: BICEP 11 again reports to Pax Approach he's ready to RTB at this time...354.8
1817: REACH 4131 calling McGuire CP...no joy, x2...319.4
1819: BICEP 11 finally cleared out of Pax airspace...354.8
1819: BICEP 11 to ZDC-Kenton and checks in there...354.15
1828: BICEP 11 over to Atlantic City Approach...wants high key and then a couple of ILS approaches and then full stop...327.125
1830: Canadian Air Force CC-144, tail 144614 from 412 Squadron into the area...ZDC VHF
Last half of 1800 hour has several LBEs moving around including JOSA 916 (84-0119) and 445 (84-0077) into Andrews...some KC-10As (86-0028/84-0188/84-0192) into McGuire, a C-5A (70-0460), a couple of KC-135s (NJ 57-1507) and (PA 58-0099) and various C-17As overhead.
1917: CACTI 41 (KC-10A McGuire) calling McGuire CP on 319.4, 349.4 and w/ACY Approach 124.6 where he's descending into McGuire...down to 5000 feet at 1923.
Had a CACTI 21 earlier also.
Flying above my corner of the world from approximately 1700-1900 (when many foreign flag flights leave for Europe to be there in the morning).
PlaneSpotters Corner:
Country, Flight number, Tail, ICAO Type
Germany: DLH 417, D-AIFA, A343
Germany: DLH 445, D-AIGD, A343
Germany: DLH 463, D-ABVE, B744
Sweden: SAS 296, SE-REF, A333
France: AFR 039, F-GSPX, B772
Germany: DLH 414, D-AIKJ, A333
Netherlands: KLM 622, PH-AOI, A332
Germany: DLH 429, D-AIKI, A333
South AFrica: SAA 208, ZS-SNI, A346
Mexico: MX 003, XA-UBV, A318
Netherlands, KLM 652, PH-BQP, B772
Germany: DLH 419, D-ABVO, B744
Qatar: QTR 051, A7-AGB, A346
Spain: IB 6188, EC-GUQ, A343
Ireland: AZ 63R, EI-CRO, B763
Ireland:: AMX 403, EI-DRB, B758
United KIngdom: VIR 22, G-VSEA, A343
Germany: LTU 909, D-ALPE, A332
Austria: AUA 94, OE-LPD, B772
Iceland: ICE 643, TF-FIR, B752
Germany: LTU 415, D-ALPH, A332
France: AFR 025, F-GNII, A343
Mexico: ---, XA-JBC, B762
United Kingdom: BAW 6W, G-BNLO, B744
United Kingdom: MYT 028, G-MDBD, A332
It's not MilAir...BUT...
1838: Distress call from a boat taking on water (in English that's sinking)...location under the Key Bridge...Coast Guard units on the way to help...first on Marine Channel 16 - 156.8 and then to channel 22A -157.1 but CG not making contact with the vessel on that second freq so goes back to the emergency channel 156.8 and tries there - no response on either channel now. CG asks how many children on board...no response. Boat is called Passion Wind. Coast Guard Baltimore issues a pon-pon urgent message about the boat in distress.
Sailing vessel Priority heading toward the bridge to help.
1848: Coast Guard Baltimore continues to call the "vessel in distress" but gets no replies to many calls...156.8
1857: Baltimore County Helo (Air 3) (N808CP) to Coast Guard Baltimore asking for the Coast Guard vessels going to the Key Bridge scene switch to Channel 16 because he doesn't have Channel 22 in his radio...156.8
1859: CG Vessel 25567 to Baltimore County Helo asking what he wants...helo says his info is that a boat with six people is sinking in the area of the Key Bridge near the Administration building...CG vessel confirms that's all he has.
1900: Sailing Vessel Priority on channel 16 to say he's in the area of the Key Bridge and sees nothing...156.8
Various Police boats and Coast Guard boats all operating on Channel 22...157.1 (Many of the boats difficult to hear from here.)
1903: TROOPER 8 (MD State Police Helo) also on Channel 22 reporting he sees nothing...157.1
1905: Fire Rescue Boat #1 on scene...157.1
Baltimore County and City police boats on scene along with helo and no one sees anything...157.1
1916: One of the police boats mentions there's 3 helos up, several fire boats and Coast Guard boats in the vicinity of Key Bridge and no one sees anything.
Maybe one of you boaters can explain something...Every time one of these things happens, the boat always seems to be found a long way from where they think they are. Why don't boaters ever have a clue where they actually are in the water? I'm not a boat person so maybe there's something that's disorienting about floating around the water. Can anyone explain it?
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