Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Mar 1, 2003
Martin State

This is kinda Mil Air,
I am picking up Martin tower on both 121.3 & 121.8 and 253.4. Nothing on 297.2.
Why the simocast on all 3 freqs? Very strange.
Does anyone know if they are still getting a new tower?



May 6, 2004
Had a nice front yard view of Harrier 31 from Emmitsburg doing an intercept over Thurmont which later ended In Hagerstown.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yeah, that's the second week in a row that ESPN had the wrong graphic for the aircraft doing the flyover.

TANKER 09 came into the CAP as scheduled. He's a KC-135R, 58-0121, 465th ARS Tinker AFB OK.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Been out all afternoon and just got home to hear HARASS 53 and 54 are still in the CAP. TANKER 10 came in a few minutes after 1800. He's a KC-135R, 58-0098, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease. That unit has been hit hard for tanker duty this weekend. This particular aircraft was TANKER 05 earlier in the CAP.

1939: HARASS 53/54 talking about the weather (getting some icing)...360.15 and HARASS 55 just into the picture to take the last shift of the night I presume. He checks in at FL 210...(Haven't heard if 56 is with 55 yet)...260.9
1941: HARASS 53 asks HUNTRESS if he has a wx radar and what's the best way to get home to langley...apparently HUNTRESS can't help him so 53 suggests he call IRON Ops back at Langley and ask them for the best way home...260.9
1943: HARASS 55 asking for BRA to the tanker...260.9
1944: HARASS 53 to Potomac to say they're five minutes from RTB...requesting routing Nottingham, Harcum, Langley...350.25
1947: HARASS 55 and 56 (yes, he's here too) heading to the tanker...55 will go first, and 56 will hang off the left wing...260.9
1954: HARASS 53/54 cleared to RTB and are heading home to Langley...260.9...over to Potomac to announce they're at 21,500 feet and ready to RTB...descending to FL 210...requesting non-standard formation (2 mile trail) at this time...350.25

2005: HARASS 53/54 are on the way back to Langley...Potomac handed them off to ZDC-Calvert and off they went. 55/56 have refueled with TANKER 10 and are on station in the CAP. They are dodging icing condition in the northwest part of the CAP area. This latest pair of fighters are also using 360.15 for interflight.
2030: HARASS 55 trying to call IRON joy to 5 calls (he needs to be way down in the southern portion of the CAP to reach them...or that's been the word from past fighter pairs)...357.1
2032: HARASS 55 calls 56 on interflight 360.15 to tell him he can't reach the Ops biggie he says and sends them both back to 15 Prime which is 260.9

2300: CAP still going strong with HARASS 55/56 and TANKER 10...the fighters got word from HUNTRESS of lightning within 5 miles of Langley which creates a situation where they must divert - to either Richmond or Oceana. They've talked about it on interflight 360.15 and 56 went to IRON Ops on 357.1 to ask about the situation. There is a weather cell heading over the field at Langley now and they are about to shut down the airfield. Anyway, they can stay for about another hour in the CAP if necessary based on fuel load and they can even take more fuel from TANKER 10 if necessary. So...right now they are just going to play it by ear and see where they'll have to go when the time comes to disband the CAP. No indication yet what time that will be. I believe HUNTRESS let everyone know the end time of the CAP tonight but I can't hear HUNTRESS so have no idea what he told the crews.
2330: TANKER 10 setting up his flight route back to Pease with HUNTRESS...(but not released yet)...he also just refueled the two fighters...260.9
2336: TANKER 10 released by HUNTRESS to hit the road...10 tells HARASS 55/56 he hopes they can get home...and leaves ...260.9 (Not following him...color him done.)
2338: HARASS 56 calling IRON joy...again...357.1
2339: 56 gets IRON Ops...says they just took fuel and have an hour left before they hit bingo at 7,000 pounds of fuel remaining...he then asks about the wx at homeplate (Langley)...357.1
2340: 55/56 to Man Prime with what Iron Ops told them...lightning within two miles of the field, heavy rain...however, it's a single smallish cell and they expect clearing in the next 25-30 minutes and expect they'll be able to land from the west on runway 8...360.15 [That means when they get to the Norfolk area, they'll contact Norfolk TRACON (West) on 360.6 rather than the usual 370.925 (East) freq for them.]

0003: HUNTRESS tells HARASS 55/56 they're 5 minutes from RTB...260.9....over to Potomac (which he still calls Washington Center) to get clearance back to Langley...350.25
0005: HARASS 56 to IRON Ops to inquire about weather at homeplate...after he gets the wx, 56 tells IRON Ops he thinks they should hold for another 10 minutes up the plan is to just take it easy but start heading back as soon as released...357.1
0007: 56 to 55 with wx report, the "take it slow" instruction, everything ok by the time they get there, etc...260.9
0009: HARASS 55/56 released by HUNTRESS to RTB...56 takes the flight lead and off they go after telling HUNTRESS they would "see you tomorrow" Potomac to report they're ready to exit Guard Dog, flight route Nottingham, Harcum, Langley...350.25....from there to interflight 360.15 for chat on the way home.
Let's call this the end of the CAP. They should be back at 0600.

Ref Below:
Mark said:
ASCOT 4827 C-130 req wx from McGuire metro 239.800 up to 2300z
at CYFC and CYHZ. 1845z

Nice catch Mark. That was tail ZH882, a C-130/C5 (aka C-130J) from RAF Lyneham - the Lyneham Transport Wing.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
0217z REACH 4137 C-17 305th AMW on FSS Altoona Radio Pa 255.400 asking about McGuire..

Also earlier tonite..

ASCOT 4827 C-130 req wx from McGuire metro 239.800 up to 2300z
at CYFC and CYHZ. 1845z

ELVIS 17 C-5A Tennesee ANG arrive Dover 1850z.

EVAC 6160 C-17 arrive Andrews 2000z,offload many patients.

REACH 9489 arrive Andrews 2025z,req customs/ag.

REACH 8223 C-5A arrive Dover 2215z,req customs/ag.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Typical slow Monday except CAP up and running again...
A few heavies this evening..

REACH 7043 depart Dover 2210z

REACH 294 arrive Dover 0025z,alpha 3 and thruloads.

REACH 293T arriving Dover 0030z,crew of 6 so assume C-17.



Jan 5, 2004
MARINE-2 flight with DCA tower. Just had a MUSSELL flight of one fly by my place, likely RTB from Mt WX. Showed #52 on the nose.
Must be MUSSELL-3 now with DCA tower, planning on Route 1>4>3>ADW.
The CAP is breaking up now too.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
They broke down the Guard Dog CAP a few minutes early. It was scheduled to end at 1555 local and they sent everyone home at 1530. I tried to keep a record of the fighters and tankers used during this CAP. My fighter list is scattered all over several pages of notes. However, this is what I have for the tankers used and, if anyone can fill in the couple of blanks, I'd sure appreciate it:

Guard Dog CAP August 03-07, 2007
All KC-135R models except TANKER 17, an E model
President's guest was Afghan President Hamid Karzai

TANKER 01...-----------. 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease (Friday Aug 03)
TANKER 02...62-0298, 126th ARS WI-ANG Milwaukee (Friday Aug 03)
TANKER 03...Not Used (break in CAP - President to Minneapolis for bridge collapse) (Scheduled Aug 04)
TANKER 04...Not Used (break in CAP - President to Minneapolis for bridge collapse) (Scheduled Aug 04)
TANKER 05...58-0098, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease (Aug 04)
TANKER 06...63-8038, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease (Aug 04)
TANKER 07...61-0295, 91st ARS MacDill AFB FL (Aug 04)
TANKER 08...Didn't arrive...avionics problem...RTB WI-ANG Milwaukee (Aug 05)
SKATER 07...--------------, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh (filled in for TANKER 08) (Aug 05)
TANKER 09...58-0121, 465th ARS Tinker AFB OK (Sunday Aug 05)
TANKER 10...58-0098, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease (Sunday Aug 05)
TANKER 11...61-0295, 91st ARS MacDill AFB FL (Aug 06)
TANKER 12...????????????? Departed CAP to Morgantown WV (Aug 06)
TANKER 13...62-3577, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson AFB NC (Aug 06)
TANKER 14...63-8038, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease (Aug 06)
TANKER 15...60-0315, 126th ARS WI-ANG Milwaukee (Aug 07)
TANKER 16...62-3526, 173rd ARS NE-ANG Lincoln (Aug 07)
TANKER 17...57-1497, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor (Aug 07)

Yesterday morning in the 1000 hour, I had a FAST 61 flight of four F-16s from the NY-ANG at Syracuse come out of Cleveland Center (363.075) and then through Washington Center freqs. Learned later they were on the way to the Avon Park Bomb Range in Florida. When done there, they spent the night at MacDill AFB. They returned to Syracuse today and another four-ship Syracuse F-16 flight went south to the Avon Park Range - FAST 71. Both flights. although heading in opposite directions, met up somewhere around Savannah GA and refueled from STEEL 71 (KC-135R, 58-0045, 171st ARW PA-ANG). When done down that way, STEEL 71 came back to Andrews and landed at 1540. No reason heard for his landing at Andrews rather than going back to Pittsburgh.

I'm not sure if there has been a change made or if I've just gone deaf, however, the best tip for arriving aircraft to Andrews (like all bases) is to listen to their arrival messages on the Command Post freq (141.55/378.1 for Andrews.) I just haven't been hearing much on those freqs the past few days but suddenly hear aircraft landing at Andrews on the tower freq 118.4 that would normally have reported to the CP first. Anyone else noticed this? The few aircraft I've heard have used 141.55 and there has been nothing on 378.1 at all.

That reminds me...the McGuire CP freq 319.4 seems to still be down. Aircraft are using 134.1.

1648: 386 calling's an E-6B, 164386 from VQ-4 calling SHADOW Maintenance at Pax to say he's about 25 minutes out...310.15
1654: 386 now asking maintenance to make a deer sweep for him before he lands...310.15
Also had another E-6B - 164410 - leaving Pax at 1645. He took off to the south and made a big, sweeping right hand turn to the northwest to a heading of 310 degrees and climbing to FL 250....then FL 280.

Early 1700 hour, BANK 51 and NACHO 41 flights of F-22As from Langley into W-386 with Giant Killer...249.8 (Add a VIKING 41 F-22A flight)
Langley interflight 252.775 active with F-22A types at 1742.

1749: CRAB 57 (C-130J, 98-1357, 135th As MD-ANG) with CRAB Ops giving arrival message...385.9 (not sure where he went but was heard a couple of states to our west an hour or so ago)
CRAB 56 (98-1356) took off from Martin State a few minutes earlier....their other Ops freq 148.925 was active just before I heard CRAB 57 on 385.9 but was too weak to copy so I don't know which of them used it.
1755: SPAR 63 (C-37A, 01-0176, 309th AS) landing at Andrews w/Tower...118.4
1758: CRAB 57 landing Martin State w/Tower...121.3

1803: DC 24 (KC-135R, 57-1512, 756th ARS Andrews) reports to LIBERATOR he's airborne at 2200Z...378.1
1805: JOSA 528 (C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews) landing ADW w/Tower...118.4 (Good report to CP which they've always done in the past...showed up on TRACON and then Tower and that was it.)
1806: CRAB 54 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG) with arrival message to CRAB Ops...landing w/12K on the fuel, A-2 for an APU that won't start...385.9 (This aircraft was also heard with CRAB 57 out to our west)
1823: DC 24 is working AR - probably in AR-636 ...238.9
1834: RIDER 85 (C-17A, 06-6166, 436 AW Dover) to Dover CP asking status of their tanker...349.4
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
A little late to the party, but this is what I have additionally noted from this weekend's CAP. First of all, thanks to Tin for defining the boundaries of the airspace - I didn't know it went that far south. Now I'll have to keep an eye and ear out the window on weekends from my post 30-odd blocks NW of the White House (slightly over 3 mi).

Saturday, August 4.
1430: -118.67 (Potomac App)- AIR FORCE 1 (VC-25) with vectors to cross ELDEE. To 119.85 and 119.3.
1444: -125.8 (Potomac App)- GERMAN AIR FORCE 229 (C-160 50+57 seen) vectors for approach to 1R at IAD.
~1452: -121.9 (IAD Ground E)- "German Air Force, where are you arriving from, I don't recognize this one." "Ve are coming from Key West Naval - Kilo November.." "Oh, OK, just curious." [Luftwaffe C160 50+37 was on the ramp as well]
1519: -126.1 (Potomac App)- MARINE 1, gliders reported in the vicinity of Frederick Airport to 7000.'
1520: -126.1- GUARD 084, radar contact, contact 126.75 for your route of flight (off MRB??).
1705: -ADW CP [didn't note V or U]- "..C-21 40077 will be in at 1730 local, A-2, no pax, arrived IND 2035, departed 2046, complete for the day"
1740: -119.85- PAT 753 vectors to ADW

Sunday, August 5
0714: -260.9- HARASS 45 and 46 with HUNTRESS, setting up.
0845: -260.9- TANKER 7, HUNTRESS, be advised your replacement is airborne at this time.
By 0920, TANKER 7 was doing the calculations with HUNTRESS figuring how long she could remain on station. Without a diversion, she could offload the most if she topped off the fighters right then and RTBed, but HUNTRESS wouldn't let the CAP stay without a tanker for an hour. Around 0945, TANKER 7 was calling ADW CP on 141.55 with increasing urgency, but I never caught them establishing contact.
1020: Saw a C-130 departing MRB. Black band, script writing, turned E on course via EMI. Probably a CRAB heading back to MTN, but I never caught a call to be certain.
1040: HARASS 46 to the replacement, "The north 25% of the airspace is unusable between FL200 and 260 due to clouds and icing."
1100: -260.9- Confirm working with <muffled> on 288.35.
Interestingly, I was hearing very well travelling up the VA-7/I-81 corridors from Leesburg to Winchester to Martinsburg. Once north of MRB, especially in the area around Hagerstown, listening conditions turned blechy.
1435: -124.8 (Harrisburg/MDT Tower)- BATON 54 (EC-130J 00-1934 seen), wants a left 360 for spacing, then a left overhead break to the option. He did as such, with a touch and go, and then a full stop landing. Tower thanked him for the work. This was also the EC-130 that did the flyover at Pocono, as photographed by a race attendee on another board.
1825: -121.3 (MTN Tower)- TROOPER 6 (Dauphin N79MD seen) inbound for landing at the Point.
2008: -357.1 (LFI Ops)- End of shift message, reporting the little squawks like fuel imbalances and such. The wingman reported as aircraft 4022 (84-0022).
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Been listening to HF radio last couple days..Humid conditions making for excellent
As posted to MT blog and other boards appears to be a Worldwide USSTRATCOM exercise going on.
Early this morning at 0430 locally had RACETRACK on 311.000 UHF doing simulcast
125 character EAM also on 8992 HF.
311.000 UHF was loud and clear so probably Looking Glass E-6B in the area,Probably out of Pax River.
Always a good freq to keep in your rotation.

Last hour had SENTRY 05 E-3 with Trenton Military HF 11232 with phone patch to Offutt.
2022 local ROCCO 70 KC-135 NJ ANG with Torch Ops Home base McGuire on HF 6761 saying we will be 25 minutes late home due to reciever was late.
ROCCO 70 says at first "Hey this thing actually works"
Like I said Hot humid conditions really helping HF radio tonite.

2040 local GOLD 11 12 and GOLD 01 GOLD 2 A/A 139.875 and HF 6761 A/A
Possibly West towards Hill AFB and mentions dragging aircraft farther.
Probably Tankers out of McGuire but one GOLD group could be Travis KC-10's or KC-135's.
Almost seemed from conversation one GOLD group didn't know about the other GOLD group.

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Mark, our current humid conditions have nothing to do with HF propagation - but we have been hit with a solar wind stream which made things more than a little disturbed. As things settle back down, you can expect short term improvements - but they won't last more than a day or two.

I think I saw some traffic on Milcom re the GOLD groups - something's definitely up. 73s Mike


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 08082007

0843 - ROMAN 15 with ZDC-Gordonsville -- 351.9
1004 - faint activity -- 138.3
1010 - talking about "you can drop a GB31 at a 85 degree angle" signal stronger - 138.3
1011 - "is the shuttle supposed to launch tonight, we might be able to see it" "the last one I saw was Challenger" -- signal really strong - 138.3
1020 - still active talking about an arming delay of 22 seconds - 138.3
1022 - talking about "we're flying halfway across the country to drop IN's and GBU's, don't you think we should be able to drop at somewhere other than 10000 feet?" signal weaker - 138.3
1203 - DEVIL 01 with ZDC-Potomac - 307.025
1402 - RAVAGE (??) 1 - 139.15

Been on vacation for a week to western Ohio about 2 miles from the Indiana state line. Could only pick up the local trunked system. Bad case of milair withdrawal.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


Not much time at all since last week to listen, and just a few since then...


1208Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 788 (UC-12B NAS Oceana NFD DAA_PHF am shuttle) - deps DAA 1000' for 2000' dir GRUBY then cleared to 5000'.


1054Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PAT 838 (C-12T 84-0172 OSACOM Det. 6/CT ArNG) - 20 mins. out for a pickup tail #84-0172 a C-12, 3A parking.

1906Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - PAT 50 (UH-60 12th Aviation Battalion Davison AAF) - single H-60 9 mis. to the E for landing Fairfax County Police Academy for a pax pickup. Departed back to Davison @ 1913Z.


1100Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - COAST GUARD 101 (C-37A 01 CGAS Washington) - deps DCA.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Late 1100 hour...that FAST 71 flight of four F-16s from the NY-ANG at Syracuse are on their way home from yesterday's work at the Avon Park Range in Florida and their overnight stay at MacDill. They came up through the ZDC area at FL 270 with the last ZDC check-in at ZDC-Hagerstown 227.125. From there it was ZNY-Harrisburg 270.3, ZNY-Philipsburg 306.2, ZNY-Milton 269.1 where they began descending from FL 270 to 230. Because of that descent, their next handoff was to low level sector ZNY-Binghamton 372.0 rather than ZNY-Elmira 298.9 which we usualy hear. By now, it was 1222 and they got out of listening range. When they came into range, they were using 138.175 for interflight but then changed to Victor-14 (141.75) about the time they changed from ZDC to ZNY control and stayed there the rest of the way.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
1004 - faint activity -- 138.3
1010 - talking about "you can drop a GB31 at a 85 degree angle" signal stronger - 138.3
1011 - "is the shuttle supposed to launch tonight, we might be able to see it" "the last one I saw was Challenger" -- signal really strong - 138.3
1020 - still active talking about an arming delay of 22 seconds - 138.3
1022 - talking about "we're flying halfway across the country to drop IN's and GBU's, don't you think we should be able to drop at somewhere other than 10000 feet?" signal weaker - 138.3

Been on vacation for a week to western Ohio about 2 miles from the Indiana state line. Could only pick up the local trunked system. Bad case of milair withdrawal.

Brian, I suspect that was another FAST F-16 flight going down to the Avon Park Range. That's one of their known interflight freqs. Guess the entire unit is getting similar training opportunities.

Had three flights of F-16s from Andrews up in the 1000-1100 time frame (RAVAGE/BULLY/SCARY). At least two of them were working at Patuxent. The three interflight freqs were 139.15/143.15/143.6. They came up again in the 1400-1500 time frame with RAVAGE and BULLY to Patuxent and SCARY to the Bollen Range and worked 237.2 while there with BALKY, the range controller. It was a little unusual to hear F-16s at Bollen. The same three interflight freqs were used for the afternoon flights. The SCARY flight used different ATC freqs than the Martin State A-10s use for going there. The A-10s usually go to Harrisburg A/D for the jump off to Bollen. The F-16s used a couple of ZNY freqs - Middletown and Modena on 322.4 and 335.6.

The MD-ANG A-10s were up a couple of times today also - COLT/RAVEN/AXEMAN flights heard. One of the flights used a couple of interflight freqs not normally heard by them - 140.0 and 140.15. Again, they just seem to manually tune any freq they wish to use rather than relying on assigned freqs.

Had another E-6B flight from 164386. He took off from Patuxent around 1500 and headed west. No telling where he was off to. They've sure been busy recently.

Foreign Flag Air Force today...
1057: Had a German Air Force C-160D, tail 50+37 take off from Dulles I think.
1256: German Air Force A-310, tail 10+22 into the area.
1352: Royal Air Force C-130/C3, callsign ASCOT 5220, tail XV177 from RAF Lyneham also in the area.
1542: Italian Air Force C-130J, tail MM62181 also around the area.
All were noted bouncing around the Potomac TRACON freqs.

There has been a huge LBE* flotilla in the air today - C-21/C-12/C-9/C-20/UC-35/C-37/C-32/C-40 types all over the place. Transport and tanker activity has been steady but not overwhelming.
* LBE=Lard Butt Express

EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT (C-40B, 01-0041, 1st AS Andrews) heard at 1018 on 378.1 reporting he was airborne at 1416Z and his ETA for destination would be 1537Z. Then at 1025, he again called on 378.1 to announce he was "in the green" and so they could release the backup crew/aircraft.

By the way, the 378.1 Andrews Command Post freq seems to be back to normal today. I still haven't heard any McGuire CP activity on 319.4 though.

1741-44: VADER 03 (C-130H, 89-9103, 758th AS/911th AW AFRC Pittsburgh) calling SHORTSTOP at Willow joy...351.75
1745: VADER 03 finally makes contact with Willow Grove Ops...says he'll be on the Air Force side...306.8
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Mar 1, 2003
shuttle on 259.7

Excellent comms on 259.7 Loud and clear north of Baltimore.The signal seemed to be alot stronger this time around. Also watched in Hi Def...WOW!!!



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JackTV said:
Excellent comms on 259.7 Loud and clear north of Baltimore.The signal seemed to be alot stronger this time around. Also watched in Hi Def...WOW!!!


Didn't hear it here Jack. Guess I was a little late - didn't turn it on until about 15 minutes after you posted your message.

2011: QID (QUID) 99 (KC-135R, 60-0350, 351st ARS USAFE) through the area at FL 350...ZDC VHF
Had this same aircraft coming in from the UK last Thursday.

2040: Can't ID this one...ARMY 23328 to Atlantic City Approach...reporting eastbound...124.6 (It's not a helo)
Yes I's an ARMY C-12R, tail 92-3328, 2/228th Aviation (aviation something - regiment, battalion?) Thank you Scramble - only took two tries, first with year 02 and then 92.

2106-09: REACH 9743 [female] (C-17A, 97- 0043, 437th AW Charleston) arriving as an AirEvac mission...30 minutes out, A-1, litter and ambulatory patients and requests supplies and transportation for those patients, needs 40K fuel...Customs/Ag requested to meet plane...141.55
That's a strange callsign..first, it's an AirEvac mission but not using EVAC callsign...second, the 4 number suffix with the REACH callsign doesn't follow the usual method of using the last number of the year and last three numbers of the serial. It should be REACH 7043 or EVAC 70043. I realize REACH aircraft sometimes use mission numbers that are not comprised of their tail numbers but this one just doesn't fit that scenario because of the AirEvac mission it's carrying out. Maybe they've made a change to the numbering system. Only way to know is to wait and watch future EVAC missions.

2124: CRAB 55 (C-130J, 98-1355, 135th AS MD-ANG) with Phillips AAF Tower....126.15
2128: REACH 9743 with ADW Tower for landing on runway 1R...gear down...118.4 (appears they had a missed approach and are going around again...turning inbound again at 2134)
2129: ROYAL 50 (C-17A, 06-6165, 3rd AS/436th AW Dover) calling Dover CP...x3, no joy...349.4
2132: ROYAL 50 to Dover CP to request they call Base Ops to have NVG lighting ready for them in about 30 minutes...349.4
2135: REACH 9743 difficult to hear due to low altitude at ADW but they may be having a landing gear problem and are going around so someone can confirm the gear is down (at least that's what I think I got out of it....anyone closer can confirm???....they don't need a problem like that with all those patients on board)...118.4
2139: CRAB 55 with Martin State Tower...requesting an option on approach...121.3
2139: REACH 9743 reports gear appears to be down and locked now...118.4
2145: ROYAL 50 to Dover Tower...requesting the lights be turned down now...say their tanker cancelled so they're back early and want to get everything completed...126.35
2146: CRAB 55 doing yet another approach at Martin State w/Tower...121.3

2201: 404 to SHADOW Maintenance (E-6B, 164404, VQ-4) telling them he'll be there in a bit (to Patuxent)...310.15 (Coming into Pax from the northeast - from the New Jersey area)
This E-6B left Patuxent around 1800 for a four hour mission flight.
And another E-6B, 164407, also from VQ-4, left Pax a few minutes later around 1820.
A third E-6B, 164386 left Pax at 1500.

2355: REACH 9743 leaving Andrews already...TRACON
2357: JEDI 44 (C-17A, 04-4135, 6th AS McGuire) calling McGuire CP and makes contact to say he's 20 minutes out, A-1...319.4
And this tells us the 319.4 freq is indeed working again.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
That's a strange callsign..first, it's an AirEvac mission but not using EVAC callsign...second, the 4 number suffix with the REACH callsign doesn't follow the usual method of using the last number of the year and last three numbers of the serial. It should be REACH 7043 or EVAC 70043. I realize REACH aircraft sometimes use mission numbers that are not comprised of their tail numbers but this one just doesn't fit that scenario because of the AirEvac mission it's carrying out. Maybe they've made a change to the numbering system. Only way to know is to wait and watch future EVAC missions.

I was surprised also to hear that EVAC Load message also.Maybe they got pressed
as last minute tail swap so rather than file new flight plan they stuck with that callsign.
Checking past posts of this aircraft and I had it back in January and March of this year
it was also REACH 9743.
The only reason I can figure history of that tail callsign is that there is also a C-5 from Dover 87-0043 that uses REACH 7043 from time to time so maybe to avoid confusion in Air Force computer system that particular C-17 uses 9743.

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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 08092007

1024 - 1028 -- flight of two working Montebello > Brooke, one's a female. Then showed up on 350.25 calling center. Interflight of 141.75 then active with the female being directed to contact Leesburg radio to find out the center freq for the area.

Typo fixed
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