1000 hour had a FLYER flight of A-10s from the PA-ANG Willow Grove. Caught them with Ops on 141.8, Base Ops on 343.0 and with Philly TRACON 269.25 as they were returning to base.
1200 hour has a DEVIL 11 flight of four F-16s from NJ-ANG Atlantic City heading northwest. Picked them up at 1216 right after takeoff on interflight freq 138.425. Then it was ZDC-Casino 285.4, ZDC-DuPont 307.25, ZNY-Modena 335.6, ZNY-Middletown 322.4, ZNY-Williamsport 338.3 wehre they are now at 1237. Then entire flight has been at 16,000 feet. At 1241, they are cancelling IFR with ZNY-Williamsport and going VFR to a low level route where they'll be out of contact.
At 1222, I also heard a DEVIL 02 trying to check in with ZDC-Shenandoah 270.35, had no joy, so went back to ZDC-Potomac 307.025. He was handed off at 1227 to what sounded like 251.925 but I never did hear them there. Lost that flight.
Langley F-22As are busy out in W-386 with Giant Killer. Today's mission number is V-0404. DAGGER 51 flight into W-386 at 1228 and FURY 51 flight in at 1237. Both flights used 249.8 to enter and both heard with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 prior to switching to Giant Killer's freq.
Fairly steady flow of F-22s into W-386 through the 1200 hour but can't log them at the moment (busy with anothe project).
1302: RODEO 41 flight into W-386 (F-22A)
Not MilAir but interesting activity on 166.4625 (ICE).
1300: DC 42 (KC-135R, 62-3556, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR at ADW with arrival msg...15 minutes out, A-1, 43K on the fuel...requesting to extend the flight until 1330 to give two pilots a chance to do approaches at the field...if the plane has to be prepared for a turn to fly again tonight, they'll forget it....and they get permission to extend flight until 1330...378.1 (With ADW Tower 118.4 at 1313)
1306: TESTER 00 (F/A-18B, 161356, USN Test Pilot School) with Pax on 256.5 to say he's going to be doing some high flight level work...he then switches to "Button 8" and comes up with BayWatch on 354.8 to repeat the message and is now climbing to FL 400.
1308: WILD 1 flight of DC-ANG F-16s from Andrews with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 climbing from 14K to 17K and then cleared to FL 190....then to FL 230 at 1311....to FL 260 at 1314 (No interflight freq active so this may be a single ship flight.)
1317: WILD 1 flight handed to ZDC-Norfolk and checks in at FL 260...327.8
1319: VENUS 41 (C-40B, 01-0041, 1st AS Andrews) for full stop landing at Andrews w/Tower...118.4
1321: EASY 491 landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4
1322: BULLY 1 flight of F-16s from DC-ANG Andrews now up with ZDC-Calvert climbing out...eventually cleared to FL 250...281.4
BULLY flight working interflight freq 139.15
1327: BULLY flight handed to ZDC-Norfolk...check in and then request lower for weather...get FL 240...327.8
1335: BULLY flight handed to Oceana (Norfolk Radar), call "Oceana" and check in...report squawking 3607 and descending to FL 190...266.8
1337: DEVIL 11 flight handed off from ZDC-Casino 285.4 to Atlantic City Approach (North) where they check in 25 miles northwest of the field at 9500 feet VFR. Heading for a full stop landing at ACY...385.5
Foreign flags today...
0815 IRISH 251, flight IRL 251, tail 251 (how's that for consistancy?) Gulfstream IV from the Irish Air Corps' 102 Squadron departed Andrews
1043: Canadian Air Force, CANFORCE 3004, CC-144, tail 144618 in the area and then again at 1139.
1243: Brazilian Air Force KC-137, tail 2402, into Andrews.
END OF LOGGING...Site has gone into slow mode again and page is taking forever to load after an edit. Can't put up with this.
Gonna try to sneak one more batch in here....
1340: DC 99 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) departs Andrews...TRACON
1353: REACH 9743 (C-17A, 97-0043, 437th AW Charleston) overhead the area at FL 340...ZDC VHF
1357: Coast Guard 1502 (HC-130H, 1502, CGAS Elizabeth City) with Dover Tower for landing...126.35
1357: JEDI 11 (U/I) with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and then to Norfolk TRACON 370.925 where he checks in at 17,000 feet. (No idea on this one...it's not a C-17A JEDI from McGuire and sure didn't sound like an F-22A JEDI from Langley)
1357: VENUS 23 landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4....funny thing is that the only aircraft I've got in the pattern at Andrews preparing to land is a KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th ARS. Seems I logged a VENUS aircraft once in the past with the same scenario - a KC-135. Strange but - what the hell - they can do it if they want to.