Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Nice link BMT! missed that one...
I saw Dover's latest C-17 on web pic from Boeing Long Beach Cal the other day.
It is tail #07-7169 the first of the 7 tail series.
Figured it was due at Dover soon but didn't hear myself coming in yet.

Also the last couple days ROGUE 40 C-5B #87-0040 has been in and out of Dover.
This is or was Travis C-5B and probably coming off the elect cockpit upgrades out of Lockheed ,Warner Robins Ga.
Probably will end back at Travis AFB but who knows.Seeing KWRB is so close to Dover
it is better for those guys to wring it out at Dover before delivery to Travis or elsewhere.

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi guys,

A bit of listening yesterday...

PT = Potomac Consolidated TRACON
ZDC = Washington ARTCC


1319Z 118.950 PT DEP - PAT 1267 (C-12T 85-1267 OSACOM VA RFC) - deps Davison AAF @ 900' for 2000' dir BRK QSY PT APP 124.650.
1325Z 125.650 PT DEP - MARINE 767 (UC-35D 166767 MASD VMR-1 Det. Andrews) - deps ADW QSY PT DEP 124.550.
1335Z 119.300 PT APP - VENUS 7 - dir RATTA for the hold req. 19R app.
1336Z 119.300 PT APP - ENERGY 12 - 19R app.
1342Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC) - deps rwy 32 QSY PT DEP 118.950 1000' for 3000' dir BRK.
1343Z 348.725 PT DEP - BRAVE 61 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - climbing to 14000' QSY ZDC-Calvert 281.400.
1344Z 281.400 ZDC-Calvert - BRAVE 61 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - checking in @ 14000' cleared to 15000'.
1345Z 139.700 121st FS CAP Ops - BRAVE 61/62/63 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - establishing practice CAP operations.

1804Z 349.400 Dover AFB CP - REACH 1175 - w/ arr. msg.
1812Z 125.650 PT DEP - NAVY 377 (C-37B 166377 VR-1) - QSY PT DEP 124.550.
1816Z 128.350 PT APP - TITUS 52 (pres. C-130T VR-52 NAF Andrews) - dir OTT for the ILS rwy 19R at Andrews - 8000-7000' then to 3000'.
1822Z 128.350 PT APP - FENDY 30 - 6800' for 3000' requesting the ILS rwy 19R at Andrews QSY Andrews AFB TWR 118.400 for the landing.
1824Z 118.950 PT DEP - NAVY 7C 224 (UC-12B NAS Oceana NFD pm shuttle) - 6000' for 4000' dir AMOKY for the GPS rwy 14 at Davison AAF QSY Davison AAF TWR 126.300 for the landing.
1832Z 119.300 PT APP - VENUS 01 - @ 2000' for the app. to rwy 19L at ADW.

QTH: 6 nm. S KIAD/mobile around Northern Virginia
Radios: BCD396T, PRO-97, PRO-2055, BC3000XLT
Antennas: Maldol AL-500H, Watson W-901, Watson WSM-1900, RS Mobile, Comtelco Mobile


Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Hi Guys:

Heard Marine767 yesterday around 14:00 do an approach at CHO, 132.850 and tower 124.500, and then a circle to full stop. Don't know the acrft type, didn't see it. Heard tower tell them to taxi to the ramp.

Edit: I see Tony has 767 listed in his report, now you know where it went.

Earlier in the day I saw a shiny looking new dark blue helo with some stripes around the middle. He was over the city and turned toward Gordonsville it looked like. Didn't look like any of the usual medical helos that come to UVA. Don't know if it was related.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Marine 767

(Heard Marine767 yesterday around 14:00 do an approach at CHO, 132.850 and tower 124.500, and then a circle to full stop. Don't know the acrft type, didn't see it. Heard tower tell them to taxi to the ramp.)

Yes saw that Marine UC-35 6767 at Andrew's airshow this past May.
Still had a pic...Sharp looking aircraft.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Over the past couple of days I've noticed some PITT callsigns. When looking up their tail numbers on Scramble, they show as belonging to the 185th AS of the OK-ANG. I just confirmed all three of these C-130H transports have been transferred to the 758th AS/911th AW AFRC based at Pittsburgh. The three tails are 78-0809/78-0811/78-0812. These were the last three C-130s from the OK-ANG. They'll be changing to a KC-135 mission in the future.
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Jan 5, 2004
FAST-71 (NY ANG) ZDC-Hagerstown>ZNY-Big Flat

1539- 284.7 ROMAN-61 Montebello>Dominion 14mi south of RIC enroute to Oceana
1547- 378.1 ????-6702 15min out, 7crew need trans, fleet garbage, need 15k
1700- 241.0 NIGHTHAWK-11 landing at Mt WX, departed at 1712 will be back in a few hours
1749- 378.1 AVALON-85 C-9A Scott AFB 6 pax to offload, needs 5k fuel
1854- OSPREY-31 (I think that's the #) on 249.65
1920- ROMAN-65 ZDC-Franklin>ZDC-Calvert
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
1547- 378.1 ????-6702 15min out, 7crew need trans, fleet garbage, need 15k
1749- 378.1 AVALON-85 C-9A Scott AFB 6 pax to offload, needs 5k fuel
1854- OSPREY-31 (I think that's the #) on 249.65

Travis, the 6702 guy was EVAC 46702 (C-130H, 94-6702, 169th AS IL-ANG). He's been in and out of Andrews a couple of times now on EVAC missions.
AVALON 85 (C-40C, 05-0932, 73rd AS Scott) departed Andrews at 1920.
Who belongs to that 249.65 freq?

Ref Below: Thanks Travis. I haven't run into that one before. I mean I have it the same way you do as Osprey Ops but didn't know what unit it was assigned to there at Pax.
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Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
New NOTAM issued

NOTAM issued

Issue Date : October 03, 2007 at 2104 UTC
Location : Hagerstown/Thurmont, Maryland near MARTINSBURG VORTAC (MRB)
Beginning Date and Time : October 06, 2007 at 1300 UTC
Ending Date and Time : October 08, 2007 at 1700 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : N/A
Jump To: Affected Areas
Operating Restrictions and Requirements
Other Information
Affected Area(s) Top
Airspace Definition:
Center: 23.7 nautical miles from MARTINSBURG VORTAC(MRB) on the 055 radial (Latitude: 39º38'53"N, Longitude: 77º28'00"W)
Radius: 10 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including FL(180)
Effective Date(s):
From October 06, 2007 at 1300 UTC (October 06, 2007 at 0900 EDT)
To October 08, 2007 at 1700 UTC (October 08, 2007 at 1300 EDT)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2230: There's an EA-6B from VAQ-209 (163884) doing touch-and-goes at Andrews. He's with Approach (TRACON) 119.3 and ADW Tower 118.4. The only significant thing about this is that he's using callsign JEDI 21. I've never heard this unit using that callsign prior to this. They have normally used the COBRA callsign. He was airborne from Andrews at 2045.

2230: And an E-6B (162784, VQ-3) landing at Patuxent. He departed Pax around 1700...310.15

Had a German Air Force C-160D, tail 50+54, in the area this morning at 1154.
Forgot to log this one earlier...last night, Irish Air Corps, Gulfstream IV, tail 251, 102 Squadron, using callsign IRISH 251 landed at Andrews at 2217. Heard on 119.85 and 118.4.

freqhopping said:
AUDREY-13 Is this milair? Heard him with Pax approach.

New one for me. Have never heard that sounds like something I'd confuse with OSPREY.

Ref below: I have nothing for that 318.9 freq either.
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Aug 25, 2007
Fairfax, VA
Hearing pair of aircraft on 318.9

I don't even remember why I programmed 318.9 into a scanner, but between 9PM and 10:25PM EDT, I've been hearing two aircraft intermittently on it.

A search thru all of RadioReference doesn't find the freq anwwhere in any posts. The aircraft have been barely audible at times, and at other times have been a little more clear.

Anybody with any ideas on 318.9?


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
jethunder said:
I don't even remember why I programmed 318.9 into a scanner, but between 9PM and 10:25PM EDT, I've been hearing two aircraft intermittently on it.

A search thru all of RadioReference doesn't find the freq anwwhere in any posts. The aircraft have been barely audible at times, and at other times have been a little more clear.

Anybody with any ideas on 318.9?

An old reference of mine has that as being an air to air freq for the Blue Angels.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1000 hour had a FLYER flight of A-10s from the PA-ANG Willow Grove. Caught them with Ops on 141.8, Base Ops on 343.0 and with Philly TRACON 269.25 as they were returning to base.

1200 hour has a DEVIL 11 flight of four F-16s from NJ-ANG Atlantic City heading northwest. Picked them up at 1216 right after takeoff on interflight freq 138.425. Then it was ZDC-Casino 285.4, ZDC-DuPont 307.25, ZNY-Modena 335.6, ZNY-Middletown 322.4, ZNY-Williamsport 338.3 wehre they are now at 1237. Then entire flight has been at 16,000 feet. At 1241, they are cancelling IFR with ZNY-Williamsport and going VFR to a low level route where they'll be out of contact.
At 1222, I also heard a DEVIL 02 trying to check in with ZDC-Shenandoah 270.35, had no joy, so went back to ZDC-Potomac 307.025. He was handed off at 1227 to what sounded like 251.925 but I never did hear them there. Lost that flight.

Langley F-22As are busy out in W-386 with Giant Killer. Today's mission number is V-0404. DAGGER 51 flight into W-386 at 1228 and FURY 51 flight in at 1237. Both flights used 249.8 to enter and both heard with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 prior to switching to Giant Killer's freq.
Fairly steady flow of F-22s into W-386 through the 1200 hour but can't log them at the moment (busy with anothe project).
1302: RODEO 41 flight into W-386 (F-22A)

Not MilAir but interesting activity on 166.4625 (ICE).

1300: DC 42 (KC-135R, 62-3556, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR at ADW with arrival msg...15 minutes out, A-1, 43K on the fuel...requesting to extend the flight until 1330 to give two pilots a chance to do approaches at the field...if the plane has to be prepared for a turn to fly again tonight, they'll forget it....and they get permission to extend flight until 1330...378.1 (With ADW Tower 118.4 at 1313)
1306: TESTER 00 (F/A-18B, 161356, USN Test Pilot School) with Pax on 256.5 to say he's going to be doing some high flight level work...he then switches to "Button 8" and comes up with BayWatch on 354.8 to repeat the message and is now climbing to FL 400.
1308: WILD 1 flight of DC-ANG F-16s from Andrews with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 climbing from 14K to 17K and then cleared to FL 190....then to FL 230 at FL 260 at 1314 (No interflight freq active so this may be a single ship flight.)
1317: WILD 1 flight handed to ZDC-Norfolk and checks in at FL 260...327.8
1319: VENUS 41 (C-40B, 01-0041, 1st AS Andrews) for full stop landing at Andrews w/Tower...118.4
1321: EASY 491 landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4
1322: BULLY 1 flight of F-16s from DC-ANG Andrews now up with ZDC-Calvert climbing out...eventually cleared to FL 250...281.4
BULLY flight working interflight freq 139.15
1327: BULLY flight handed to ZDC-Norfolk...check in and then request lower for weather...get FL 240...327.8
1335: BULLY flight handed to Oceana (Norfolk Radar), call "Oceana" and check squawking 3607 and descending to FL 190...266.8
1337: DEVIL 11 flight handed off from ZDC-Casino 285.4 to Atlantic City Approach (North) where they check in 25 miles northwest of the field at 9500 feet VFR. Heading for a full stop landing at ACY...385.5

Foreign flags today...
0815 IRISH 251, flight IRL 251, tail 251 (how's that for consistancy?) Gulfstream IV from the Irish Air Corps' 102 Squadron departed Andrews
1043: Canadian Air Force, CANFORCE 3004, CC-144, tail 144618 in the area and then again at 1139.
1243: Brazilian Air Force KC-137, tail 2402, into Andrews.

END OF LOGGING...Site has gone into slow mode again and page is taking forever to load after an edit. Can't put up with this.

Gonna try to sneak one more batch in here....
1340: DC 99 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) departs Andrews...TRACON
1353: REACH 9743 (C-17A, 97-0043, 437th AW Charleston) overhead the area at FL 340...ZDC VHF
1357: Coast Guard 1502 (HC-130H, 1502, CGAS Elizabeth City) with Dover Tower for landing...126.35
1357: JEDI 11 (U/I) with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and then to Norfolk TRACON 370.925 where he checks in at 17,000 feet. (No idea on this's not a C-17A JEDI from McGuire and sure didn't sound like an F-22A JEDI from Langley)
1357: VENUS 23 landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4....funny thing is that the only aircraft I've got in the pattern at Andrews preparing to land is a KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th ARS. Seems I logged a VENUS aircraft once in the past with the same scenario - a KC-135. Strange but - what the hell - they can do it if they want to.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: DEVIL 02

Hi Tin,

Heard this one too on ZDC-Potomac 307.025 @ 1624Z - he was handed off to ZDC-Bryce 251.900 in the end.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
At 1222, I also heard a DEVIL 02 trying to check in with ZDC-Shenandoah 270.35, had no joy, so went back to ZDC-Potomac 307.025. He was handed off at 1227 to what sounded like 251.925 but I never did hear them there. Lost that flight.
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