Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Let's try again and see what happens....

Couple of aircraft in the pattern at Andrews at 1535 which are BOXER 734 (C-38A, 94-1569, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews) and SAM 1875 (C-40B, 01-0041, 1st AS Andrews)...actually SAM 1875 is just leaving Andrews and about an hour later just flying off the coast of Massachusetts headiing overseas I guess.

There's also a couple of C-130J types from the MD-ANG at Martin State...CRAB 51 (97-1351, 135th AS MD-ANG) and CRAB 54 (97-1354, 135th AS). With CRAB Ops 385.9 and with Phillips AAF 126.15 doing drops.
1546: CRAB 54 tells Phillips AAF he's completed his drop, is entering the racetrack pattern and will be behind CRAB 51...126.15
1552: CRAB 51 tells Phillips they're cleared to Delta and will return at 2015...126.15
1602: CRAB 51 and 54 both landing at Martin State...121.3 (Maybe they meant returning to Phillips for drops at 2015 local time rather than Z time.)

At 1525, RIDER 75 (C-17A, 06-6168, 436th AW Dover) gave arrival message to Dover after a training flight which was only 75% complete because of weather. He was A-2 condition for an emergency power switch. He also wanted a Boeing rep to meet him when he landed.
[I think the RIDER callsign is used for AFRC flights by crews of the 512th AW and ROYAL is used by regular Air Force crews of the 436th AW. Since I'm not positive of that yet, I still label them all as just 436th AW.]

Let's see....oh yeah, Belgian Air Force, BAF 626, C-130H, tail CH-12 of 20 Squadron) came into the area at 1430.

1534: Coast Guard 101 (C-37A, 01) with TRACON...climbing out from either ADW or DCA...125.65 (This is the plane of the head of the CG.)
1559: MARINE 767 (UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2) w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4

1603: REACH 647 calling Andrews CP, no joy...378.1
No ID yet...searching but can't see him.
1612: REACH 647 makes contact with Griffin Ops at Andrews...25 minutes out, through cargo, 2 pax which are also going through, needs lav and fleet service and parking...378.1
1612: Have an AL-ANG KC-135R, tail 63-8007 from the 106th ARS zipping overhead at FL 430...ZDC VHF (thought this was the REACH acft at's not.)
1617: REACH 647 adds that he's got 1 rolling stock, 2 pallets for 16,300 pounds, repeats his parking spot of 13A and says he does need crew transportation...378.1
Believe I've got him...REACH 647 (C-17A, 98-0054, 62nd AW McChord)...I was doubting this was him for a minute or two but it is.
1625: VENUS 23 up again and again it's a KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th AS Andrews) arrival message to Andrews..4 crew....378.1
1626: CRAB 51 back up again and working with Phillips AAF...126.15
1629: REACH 647 with ADW Approach...119.3
1631: REACH 647 to ADW Tower for landing runway 19R...gear down...118.4
1633: CRAB 51 now with MTN Tower and cleared to land...121.3 (Haven't followed closely enough to know if he's doing touch-and-goes or doing a full stop)
1636: NAVY 7N-501 (UC-12B NAF Washington) heading into Andrews w/TRACON...128.35
1640: NAVY 7N-501 to ADW tower for runway 19L...118.4
1641: VENUS 23 w/ADW Tower for full stop landing this time...118.4...and it's definitely the KC-135R
1643: Wow...this guy is loud...Lufthansa 417 Heavy (A343, D-AIGY) climbing out from Dulles and on TRACON 125.65 (saturating my audio) (flying just about directly overhead at 1649 so I'm not sure why he was so loud 6 minutes earlier)
1658: PACER 66 (C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews) to Griffin Command with arrival info...10 minutes out, IDs as home station C-21A, tail A-1, wants his maintenance notified he'll be in about 10 after 5, needs transportation from 9 Row to Building 1420...says he did an "out and back" with about an hour, 10 minutes on the ground...378.1
1659: Heard a C-5A, tail 68-0222 who I believe was heading into Dover...349.4 (Scramble shows this bird to belong to the 337th AS at Westover but, as far as I know, Westover doesn't have any A models these days so this one might just belong to Wright-Patterson.)

1700: E-6B, 162784, VQ-3 climbing out of Patuxent to the south...310.15
Once he crosses the Potomac into Virginia, he starts turning to the west. I just can't ever seem to find these guys on the ZDC freqs to get callsigns. As mentioned, I generally hear them talking to SHADOW Maintenance at Patuxent where they just use the last three of their serial number. I've got a dead spot for listening right in that area too which doesn't help me when they make the switch to ZDC. From just about Pax to 40 miles or so south of there I'm deaf. Once I get beyond that point I'm okay down into NC.
He eventually climbed to FL 240 and was heading due west by 1712.
1713: SAM 1467 (C-20B, 86-0204, 99th AS Andrews) w/TRACON.... 128.35
1717: GOT HIM!!! ARRAY 19 calling HUNTRESS and says he's approaching joy w/HUNTRESS yet...364.2 (This is our E-6B)
1719: JOSA 031 (C-21A, 84-0102, 458th AS Scott) to Griffin Command first on 141.55 and then 378.1 where he makes contact...10 minutes out, A-1, needs 2500 pounds of fuel, has an A-4 plus 3 pax, will release seats on the outbound flight...departure time will be 2200Z....says he can take the 5 Space A pax and wants them at the aircraft 20 minutes before departure...378.1
1725: JOSA 031 with ADW Approach 119.3 and then ADW Tower...cleared to land runway 19R...118.4
1725: NAVY 600 (C-37B, 166378, VR-1) climbing out from Andrews....TRACON
1727: SAM 1467 w/ADW Tower forlanding...cleared to land...118.4
1730: Have a couple of KC-135E tankers from the 108th ARW climbing out from is tail 62-3527 and I can't get the other one...and they were followed out by a KC-10A, tail 85-0032, from the 305th AMW at Mcguire...ZDC VHF
1739: AR freq 252.8 IDs on the players yet.
1740: DC 99 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) that I reported departing Andrews at 1340, is currently flying overhead Phoenix....not bad for four hours....ZAB VHF
1744: JEDI 51 (C-17A, 04-4137, 732nd AS/514th AMW AFRC McGuire) flying overhead this area...ZDC VHF

By the way, that BIG BIRD aircraft has been up most of the day today on 139.075 transmitting in P25 mode as usual. Still in a surveillance mode but we still don't have him identified.

1836: Following a POISON 44 (T-38, 68-8205) from ZDC-Blue Ridge 285.6 to Potomac TRACON Shenandoah 254.25 to Potomac TRACON Chesapeake 307.9, then 317.425. He's been slowly descending from 15,000 to current 11,000 foot altitude at 1850.
1845: JOSA 031 got off from Andrews a bit early....said his departure time would be 2200Z but got off the deck at 2145Z
1849: DC 43 (KC-135R, 62-3556, 756th ARS Andrews) trying to call Griffin Command with no joy...he's just off the deck at ADW at 2248Z....378.1
1854: POISON 44 asks the weather at Dover...then is handed off to Dover Approach 323.0
1855: DC 44 (KC-135R, 58-0075, 756th ARS Andrews) reports airborne...378.1
1856: DC 43 has a problem and is going to return to Andrews....378.1
1857: POISON 44 heading for the ILS for runway 19 at Dover...descending to 3000 feet...323.0
1859: POISON 44 reports at 1700 feet on runway heading...323.0 (And as he approaches the runway, he fades away. I guess he went over to tower on 279.625)

1909: DC 43 back at Andrews with Tower and reports gear down, cleared to land...118.4
1914: POISON 44 didn't stay at Dover very long....must have been a touch and go...he's now with Potomac TRACON descending toward Andrews...270.275
1918: POISON 44 to ADW Tower...checks in 5.5 miles out looking for full stop...cleared to runway 19L...says he should be able to land and taxi to park without delay...349.0
I'm suddenly hearing the Potomac TRACON ground controller on 128.35. This is a first for me. Not sure where his transmitting antenna is located but it isn't close. DCA perhaps? Right now he's as loud as the BWI located TRACON controllers (3 miles away)
1925: EVAC 23508 (KC-135R, 62-3508, 99th ARS) to Andrews...30 minutes out, A-1, 20K on the fuel, 7 crew, 6 med attendants, 5 Space A pax. needs 10K fuel upon arrival...378.1
1930: REACH 647 off the ground from Andrews....TRACON...125.65 (Arrived ADW early 1600 hour...see above)
1941: REACH 9002 (C-5A, 69-0002, 68th AS) to Dover CP for a phone telephone number and asks they be notified arrival time will be 0310Z with 4 pax...349.4
1945: EVAC 23508 with Potomac Tracon for approach to Andrews....119.85
1946: REACH 9167 (C-17A, 99-0167, 62nd AW McChord) calling Andrews Metro...344.6 (That's a waste of time...they answer no one for any reason)
REACH 9167 is just humping through the area at FL 330.
1956: EVAC 23508 with ADW Approach 119.3 and then over to ADW Tower 118.4 for landing runway 19R...and he's cleared to land.
1959: BATON 20 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW, PA-ANG Harrisburg) reports he's been off the ground for 4 minutes now...then he's called by OPEC 91 (KC-10A, 84-0192, 305th AMW McGuire) to talk about refueling...they'll be at 9000 feet for the AR at a speed of 210 knots....395.1
Then, BATON 20 is called by OPEC 2 on 295.8. Not sure if this is the same OPEC KC-10 or a different tanker. Seems this will be the AR freq. The IP for the refueling op is at the 325 degree radial, 14 miles from THS (St. Thomas VORTAC in PA)

2020: Couple of quick reports here and then it's dinner time....that same KC-135R, tail 58-0001, from the 351st ARS at RAF Mildenhall is back in the area somewhere. He was QID 99 last time we heard him.
At the same time, I also have EVERGREEN 1403 calls McGuire CP on 134.1 to say he's diverting into McGuire because of weather at Dover. Says he has sensitive cargo. He needs Customs/AG since he's arriving from Gander and Ramstein before that. His ETA is 30 past the hour. Says they just made the decision to divert - explaining why he's doing so on such short notice. Now he's revising the ETA to 45 past the hour.
2028: EVERGREEN 1403 to ACY Approach to report at 7000 feet, direct Coyle...124.6

Ref below:
jmhayes said:
FWIW, they use VHF out here, even when talking to BEAVER.
They do here too Jordan...for the most part. I'll occasionally hear them on UHF but not often.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
10.04.2007 am

Hi guys,

Just two from this morning's drive in...nothing much from the afternoon, too busy to get much listening in. Had some Spad activity on 315.85 around 1514Z, LJ35 N71PG with Andrews USAF PTD 372.200 with an arrival msg at 1521Z, and some tankers up on 252.800 with a receiver asking for the primary freq.; he was sent over to 235.100.

NAVY JS 167 descending into Andrews at 1603Z on 128.350, and SAM 1875 up on 119.300 with a practice app before heading out of the area at 1909Z.

PT = Potomac Consolidated TRACON
ZDC = Washington ARTCC

10.04.2007 am

1140Z 118.675 PT DEP - PAT 269 - QSY ZDC-Azalea 135.400.
1149Z 119.850 PT APP - OTIS 21 (KC-130 VMGR-252 MCAS Cherry Point) - QSY Andrews AFB TWR 118.400 for the ILS app to rwy 1R @ ADW.
1154Z 119.300 PT APP - OTIS 21 (KC-130 VMGR-252 MCAS Cherry Point) - back up @ 2000' after executing missed app due to wx.

1208Z 139.300 Andrews USN PTD - OTIS 21 (KC-130 VMGR-252 MCAS Cherry Point) - detailing multiple attempts to land in fog. O/c down to 200 feet on final.
1217Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - OTIS 21 (KC-130 VMGR-252 MCAS Cherry Point) - still trying to get in.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Thurmont area

ScanManQSL said:
NOTAM issued

Issue Date : October 03, 2007 at 2104 UTC
Location : Hagerstown/Thurmont, Maryland near MARTINSBURG VORTAC (MRB)
Beginning Date and Time : October 06, 2007 at 1300 UTC
Ending Date and Time : October 08, 2007 at 1700 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : N/A
Jump To: Affected Areas
Operating Restrictions and Requirements
Other Information
Affected Area(s) Top
Airspace Definition:
Center: 23.7 nautical miles from MARTINSBURG VORTAC(MRB) on the 055 radial (Latitude: 39º38'53"N, Longitude: 77º28'00"W)
Radius: 10 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including FL(180)
Effective Date(s):
From October 06, 2007 at 1300 UTC (October 06, 2007 at 0900 EDT)
To October 08, 2007 at 1700 UTC (October 08, 2007 at 1300 EDT)

This has been replaced by Notam 7/9215 because of a time change:

From October 06, 2007 at 1235 UTC (October 06, 2007 at 0835 EDT)
To October 08, 2007 at 1700 UTC (October 08, 2007 at 1300 EDT)


Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
1959: BATON 20 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW, PA-ANG Harrisburg) reports he's been off the ground for 4 minutes now...then he's called by OPEC 91 (KC-10A, 84-0192, 305th AMW McGuire) to talk about refueling...they'll be at 9000 feet for the AR at a speed of 210 knots....395.1
Then, BATON 20 is called by OPEC 2 on 295.8. Not sure if this is the same OPEC KC-10 or a different tanker. Seems this will be the AR freq. The IP for the refueling op is at the 325 degree radial, 14 miles from THS (St. Thomas VORTAC in PA)

BATON 20 and OPEC 2 worked until about 2100. I did not have the 295.80 in my PRO-60 so I was listening to OPEC and BATON work with Cleveland Center on 126.725. When they were wrapped I heard Center report BATON 20's position as about 16 miles NW of the Clarion VOR and BATON was given direct to Binghampton VOR (NY). Based on that I figured he might fly close to my house and sure enough, about 15 minutes after this, a large turboprop went over. It was dark and could not make it out but I would bet it was our BATON 20. Anyway, OPEC 02 stuck around and worked with STEEL 63 on AR220 primary freq of 274.45 until about 2200 and then headed home.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
dparana said:
BATON 20 and OPEC 2 worked until about 2100.

Nice follow up Dave. Thanks for that. That OPEC 91 I heard right at the beginning was puzzling. With the 91 suffix he should have been a cross-country flight - and might have been. I just don't know why he was talking to the BATON 20 aircraft at all unless he was just getting and relaying info for OPEC 02.
Best I could do today was a short form recap of what was flying in the area and heard from my corner of the world. This is it:

C-37A, 97-0400, 99th AS Andrews
C-9B, 160049, VR-52
C-130H, 80-0324, 144th AS AK-ANG
C-20G, 165093, VR-48
UC-35A, 00-1053, PAT
KC-135R, 58-0075, 756th ARS Andrews
C-17A, 03-3126, 305th AMW McGuire

1000 Hour:
UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2
C-9B, 160049, VR-52
EC-130J, 99-1933, 193rd SOW PA-ANG
C-20B, 86-0206, 99th AS Andrews
C-17A, 04-4133, 305th AMW McGuire
C-5B, 85-0002, 436th AW Dover
C-21A, 84-0092, 457th AS Andrews
UC-35D, 166474, MAW-4
C-5B, 87-0041, 337th AS Westover
C-40B, 01-0040, 76th AS Ramstein

1100 Hour:
C-5B, 87-0040, 60th AMW Travis
UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2
C-9B, 160047, VMR-1
C-130J, 99-1431, 143rd AS RI-ANG
A-310/304, 10+23, GAF 412, German Air Force FBS
C-20B, 86-0206, 99th AS Andrews
Gulfstream II, N950NA, NASA

1200 Hour:
KC-135R, 57-1437, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson
C-37A, 97-0400, 99th AS Andrews
C-40A, 165830, VR-59
C-5B, 87-0027, 436th AW Dover
KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th ARS Andrews
C-17A, 00-0183, 62nd AW McChord
KC-135R, 58-0075, 756th ARS Andrews
C-5B, 87-0040, 60th AMW Travis
C-130H, 89-1185, 105th AS TN-ANG
C-21A, 84-0118, 458th AS Scott
C-37A, 97-0401, 99th AS Andrews
C-5A, 69-0008, 105th AW NY-ANG

1300 Hour:
C-32A, 98-0002, 1st AS Andrews
UC-35A, 99-0103, 228th Aviation
C-17A, 99-0167, 62nd AW McChord

1400 Hour:
C-37A, 01-0065, 65th AS, Hickam
C-37A, 97-0400, 99th AS Andrews
UC-35D, 166474, MAW-4
C-40A, 165830, VR-59
KC-135R, 62-3508, 99th ARS Robins
C-9B, 159117, VR-56

1500 Hour:
UC-35A, 00-1053, PAT
UC-35A, 01-0301, PAT
C-9B, 160046, VMR-1
C-21A, 84-0092, 457th AS Andrews
C-17A, 03-3126, 514th AMW McGuire
C-17A, 03-3115, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson
C-5B, 85-0005, 436th AW Dover

1600 Hour:
C-21A, 84-0140, 458th AS Scott
C-130/C3, XV304, ASCOT 5146, RAF Lyneham, Royal Air Force
C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews
C-9B, 159117, VR-56
C-17A, 04-4128, 305th AMW McGuire
C-130J, 05-8158, 815th AS AFRC Keesler
C-20D, 163692, VR-1
C-130H, 89-0155, 105th AS TN-ANG
Gulfstream 4, N1, FAA

1700 Hour:
UC-12B, 161511, NAS Willow Grove
C-37A, 97-1944, PAT
C-130H, 78-0812, 758th AS AFRC Pittsburgh
C-5B, 87-0027, 436th AW Dover
C-17A, 05-5139, 729th AS March
C-9B, 160049, VR-52
C-9B, 160046, VMR-1
KC-10A, 83-0076, 60th AMW Travis

1800 Hour:
C-17A, 03-3115, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson
C-9B, 159119, VR-56
C-130/C3, XV294, ASCOT 5140, RAF Lyneham, Royal Air Force
C-20B, 86-0203, 99th AS Andrews

1900 Hour:
C-5B, 84-0061, 436th AW Dover
HC-130H, 88-2102, 102nd RQS NY-ANG

Ref Below:
Mark said:
Lot of LBE's today TIN! Good catches.Must be Friday for those folks and time
for LB's to get out of the Pentagon and home for the weekend....LOL

Heard your Navy RY-860 C-40 VR-59 into Andrews earlier,mentioned departing hour later.
Also ASCOT 5141 arrived Dover 2300z,req overnite parking.

Yeah, Fridays are usually packed with LBE flights - as the LBs get away to home or exotic spots on the globe at taxpayer expense. After a tough 3-day work week, they deserve it. </sarcasm>
Those two ASCOT C-130s I logged today were not together. The last one, XV294, came from out west somewhere. I know he was heard in the Phoenix area. The XV304 in the 1600 hour came from down south - heard in Atlanta before I grabbed him. He kept heading northeast after coming through this area. I'll check in the morning to see if the Brits heard him going home.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Lot of LBE's today TIN! Good catches.Must be Friday for those folks and time
for LB's to get out of the Pentagon and home for the weekend....LOL

Heard your Navy RY-860 C-40 VR-59 into Andrews earlier,mentioned departing hour later.
Also ASCOT 5141 arrived Dover 2300z,req overnite parking.



Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
I heard nothing out of the ordinary, so I'll just copy Tin's post and fill in a few callsigns from the ones I saw:

1600 Hour:
Gulfstream 4, N1, FAA - NOVEMBER 1

1700 Hour:
C-37A, 97-1944, PAT - ARMY 1944
C-130H, 78-0812, 758th AS AFRC Pittsburgh - PITT 12
C-17A, 05-5139, 729th AS March - REACH 5139
C-9B, 160049, VR-52 \__ one of these was LOBO 01 (didn't see -'twas 0046, thanks)
C-9B, 160046, VMR-1 /
KC-10A, 83-0076, 60th AMW Travis - REACH 365 [w/45 pax and 9 crew]
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Finally got a hit on Weather Metro 356.200 just a bit ago.

Req wx at KFOK,KISP and KCEF for 0100z.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Funny situation today with that REACH 365 (the KC-10A, 83-0076) arriving here in the 1700 hour that flew cross-country west to east) and REACH 365T (C-5B, 85-0002, that flew east to west during the same time frame.) Wonder if any controllers were at all confused?

Matt, you made me realize I had a typo on that PITT 12 bird that I didn't notice until I saw what you had copied from my message. I listed it as the 756th rather than the 758th AS. Fixed now.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 10062007

0802 local -- HARASS 33 reporting to HUNTRESS that he is contact with Potomac on 257.2 --- 260.9
0803 - HARASS 33 with Potomac stating flight of 2, requesting Guard Dog cap be activated - 350.25
0804 - HARASS 34 checking in - 260.9
0804 - HUNTRESS told HARASS 33 that TANKER 01 is not yet airborne - 260.9
0804 - HARASS 33 inquiring as to where TANKER 01 is originating from, HUNTRESS replies Pittsburgh - 260.9
0805 - HUNTRESS stating they're currently using DC as the bullseye - 260.9
0812 - HUNTRESS told them they will be working block 21 to 25, 1235 to 1735 - 260.9
0815 - HARASS 33 requesting position of TANKER 01 - 260.9
0815 - HUNTRESS reports tanker at 330, 112 miles - 260.9
0823 - TANKER 01 reporting level at 250 - 135.525
0829 - HARASS 34 reporting tanker is in sight, HUNTRESS requests 260.9 be used as boom freq, 34 and 01 copy - 260.9
0843 - 34 tanked then 33, 33 is back on station in the cap, no tail numbers given on boom freq - 260.9
0844 - HUNTRESS telling 33 to use the original bullseye point - 260.9
0844 - HUNTRESS requesting pirep from 33, 33 reports clear above 5000 feet - 260.9
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: LOBO 01

Hi Mateo,

LOBO 01 would have been 160046 which is actually operated by USMC VMR-1 not VR-1 (which is a Navy unit at NAF Washington).

See above, you just missed out on the "M"...

Best regards,


Mateo said:
C-9B, 160049, VR-52 \__ one of these was LOBO 01 (didn't see)
C-9B, 160046, VR-1 /


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
10.05.2007 pm


Just a few from the drive home yesterday afternoon...

10.05.2007 pm

1904Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1267 (C-12T 85-1267 OSACOM/VA RFC Davison) - lands rwy 32.
1904Z 128.350 PT APP - NAVY 365 - descending to 3000' for the ILS rwy 19L at Andrews.
1907Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - JEDI 31 - lands 19L "we're on the Navy side..."
1914Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PACER 34 (C-21A 84-0092 457th AS) - #40092 20 mins. out status A1.
1918Z 125.650 PT DEP - ARMY 301 (UC-35B 01-0301) - deps ADW 1200' for 3000' dir PALEO QSY 124.550.
1922Z 128.350 PT APP - PACER 34 - @ 12000' req. loc 1R circle 19R app at Andrews.
1932Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - LOBO 01 - 7 nms. out on the ILS rwy 19L.
1934Z 128.350 PT APP - WAMO 1 - 12000' on the descent into ADW rwy 19L QSY TWR 118.400.
1943Z 128.350 PT APP - EVAC 33115 - @ 4000' for the vis. to rwy 19R.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Hi Mateo,

LOBO 01 would have been 160046 which is actually operated by USMC VMR-1 not VR-1 (which is a Navy unit at NAF Washington).

See above, you just missed out on the "M"...

Best regards,


Actually, that was my mistake. Matt just copied what I posted for that hour and I had the typo. I repaired it. When that aircraft was here in the 1500 hour, I had it listed correctly as VMR-1 and then dropped the 'M' in the 1700 hour listing.

The RAF C-130/C3, tail XV304 that flew through this area yesterday: I said I'd check to see if he was on his way home to the U.K. He wasn't. No one there heard him.
The other C-130/C3, tail XV294, that went into Dover yesterday was up and flying again this morning in the 1000 hour. No idea where either of them are now. There were several RAF C-130s providing assistance to Belize after the hurricane damage. They were staging from Patrick AFB FL.

A couple of MD-ANG C-130J transports from Martin State have been in Europe on REACH missions and are on their way home - or at least on the way back to the U.S.
97-1353 (REACH 171) and 98-1355 (REACH 669) are the two that would normally be CRAB 53 and 55. They're about 20 minutes apart and hit the coast of Massachusetts within the past half hour. (Time now is 1150)
1236: REACH 171 with Martin State Tower for landing...121.3
1246: REACH 669 with Martin State Tower for landing...121.3

An E-6B, 162784, VQ-3, departed Patuxent about 1225...looks the same as yesterday, took off to the south and them made a big, sweeping turn to a 270 degree heading during his climb to FL260 and rides off into the sunset...310.15 for SHADOW Detachment at Pax and nothing on ZDC yet.

1242: Belgian Air Force flight BAF 626 (C-130H, tail CH-12, 20 Squadron) in the area...TRACON

Just for the record keepers....the ID for TANKER 01 in the CAP this morning is KC-135R, 58-0117, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh. (Just adding tail to what Brian already posted.)
1245: HARASS 35 flight on the way to the CAP...ZDC-Calvert...281.4
1246: HARASS 35 flight on the normal interflight freq for the CAP...trying to contact his joy...360.15
1248: HARASS 35 trying to get his wingman on both AUX freq 360.15 and ZDC-Calvert 281.4
1248: HARASS 35/36 now talking on IRON Ops freq 357.1....36 thinks he's got a problem with his #1 radio...flight leader says to "Push 5 AUX to see how we do on that one"...they come up on 260.9 as expected and have good comms there.
1251: HARASS 35 tells ZDC-Calvert controller they've got a couple of radio issues but are "good to go"...281.4
1253: HARASS 35 checks in with HUNTRESS as fragged and reports weapons safe...says they need to do a boom check to make sure their systems are operable...260.9
1254: HARASS 35 flight handed off to Potomac and check in there "to work Guard Dog for the next four hours"...350.25
1258: HARASS 35 reports at angels 240 as he's cleared to contact the tanker for his boom check...36 cleared to the left wing of the tanker...260.9

1301: HARASS 33/34 getting back in formation to prepare to leave the CAP...260.9
1304: HARASS 35 reports on station and ready...260.9
1305: HARASS 33/34 released by HUNTRESS...switch to Potomac to pick up clearance back to Langley as a two ship in standard formation...routing Nottingham, Harcum, direct (LFI)...350.25
1308: HARASS 36 back on station after refueling...260.9
1309: HARASS 33/34 check in on interflight for the trip home...they're pointing out the big hangar at ADW...360.15
1310: HARASS 33/34 handed off to ZDC-Calvert and check in as a flight of two at FL 210...281.4
1314: HARASS 33 tells 34 he'll put him in non-standard formation when they begin their descent into Langley....360.15
1316: HARASS 33/34 cleared to descend to 16,000 feet...request non-standard two-mile-trail at this time...281.4
1317: HARASS 35 tells 36 to "go to active channel 18 at this time"....I couldn't find them after that...checked all the known interflight and command freqs for Langley but didn't find them.
1318: HARASS 33/34 cleared to 10,000 feet...281.4
1320: TANKER 01 asking HUNTRESS if he has any info on TANKER 02...260.9
1322: HARASS 33/34 handed off to Norfolk Approach (TRACON West) and check in in non-standard formation as they descend into Langley....360.6
1325: TANKER 01 is released by HUNTRESS to RTB...260.9 (He's been on station for five hours)
Currently, no tanker on station.
1334: Believe I have TANKER 02 flying toward the's a KC-135R, 62-3542, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson at FL 250...confirmed - it's TANKER 02.
1338: TANKER 01 calling STEEL Control at Pittsburgh with arrival message...311.0
1343: TANKER 02 calls HUNTRESS to report 7 minutes out as fragged at FL 250...260.9
1343: TANKER 02 calls Potomac to report he's at FL joy to first two calls...135.525
1346: TANKER 02 trying again to contact Potomac reporting at FL 250...two more tries, still no joy...gets him a minute later...135.525
1350: HUNTRESS 35/36 sent by HUNTRESS to freq 362.3 (known NORAD freq) for a radio check...they twice, make it joy so back to 5 AUX...362.3
1352: HARASS 35/36 back to HUNTRESS to report no joy on 362.3....260.9

1257: LIFTER 25 (C-17A, 94-0070, 437th AW Charleston) to McGuire CP with arrival message....319.4
1302: LIFTER 25 with ACY Approach descending from 11 to 8000 feet on the approach to McGuire...124.6
1333: REACH 365 (KC-10A, 83-0076, 60th AMW Travis) departing Andrews....TRACON
1348: JOSA 177 (C-21A, 84-0102, 458th AS Scott) w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4

1647: HARASS 41/42 into the CAP...going for boom check...41 gives his tail as 84-022 and 42 is 82-019...260.9
1651: HARASS 35/36 form up and head toward Nottingham for the first leg of the trip back to Langley...want to keep the normal altitude block 210-250 and say they'll be at FL 210 when they leave the confines of the CAP...350.25
1656: HARASS 35/36 handed to ZDC-Calvert and check in at FL 210 direct Nottingham, Harcum, Langley...request lower altitude when able...281.4
1658: HARASS 35/36 cleared to FL 180...281.4
1702: HARASS 35/36 cleared to 10,000 10 miles north of Harcom...281.4
1705: HARASS 35/36 handed off to Norfolk TRACON (West)...360.6

1808: TANKER 02 getting low on fuel...has 15K left to give...260.9
1822: TANKER 03 (KC-135R, 63-8038, 133rd ARS NH-ANG) calls HUNTRESS to say he'll be in the area at 2244Z...260.9
1829: TANKER 03 reports 15 minutes away...260.9
1832: TANKER 02 tries to get his clearance from Potomac on 135.525, can't get a reply there so moves over to 350.25 and gets his reply...wants clearance to Richmond and then GSB (Seymour Johnson).
1841: TANKER 03 checks in with (Potomac) Guard Dog at FL 250...135.525
1844: TANKER 03 checks into the area with HUNTRESS at FL 250, heading for 240...260.9 (Right on time)

1950: HARASS 43/44 heading toward the CAP...350.25
1951: HARASS 43/44 working interflight as they head toward the CAP area...360.15
1952: HARASS 43/44 checking into the CAP area with HUNTRESS at FL 230....260.9

2327: TANKER 03 requesting clearance back to Pease NH...135.525
2327: HARASS 33/34 requesting clearance back to Langley...350.25
2330: TANKER 03 released by HUNTRESS...260.9
2330: TANKER 03 to Potomac to get his clearance and he's gone...he's cleared direct Pease and is handed off to ZNY 133.475...135.525
2330: HARASS 43/44 released by HUNTRESS...260.9
2331: HARASS 43/44 to Potomac to get their clearance and scoot back to's Nottingham, Harcum, Langley for routing...350.25
2331: HARASS 43/44 check in on interflight to chat their way home...360.15
And the CAP is suspended until 0600.
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Dec 19, 2002
San Francisco
CitationJet said:
LOBO 01 would have been 160046 which is actually operated by USMC VMR-1 not VR-1 (which is a Navy unit at NAF Washington)
FWIW, LOBO 01 just went (Pacific) oceanic from Travis a few minutes ago ... this was 160047 ...


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
N544PA LifeGuard arrive Andrews 1920z,req 28 volts DC ground power
and offload patient at Air Force side and req 550 gallons of fuel.

BOBBY 21 and BOBBY 31 Tankers arrive McGuire at about 2050z.

HARASS 41 with Andrews metro 344.600 with pirep."We are single F-15 visibilty

REACH 394 KC-10 #79-1712 arrive Dover 0100z.




Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
First shift Sunday morning in the Guard Dog CAP is by HARASS 45/46 (Langley F-15s) and TANKER 04 (KC-135R, 61-0298, 126th ARS WI-ANG Milwaukee). Primary freq with HUNTRESS and for refueling is still 260.9.
HUNTRESS is loud and clear from here this morning - a very unusual event on this freq.

0843: REACH 6168 (C-17A, 06-6168, 436th AW Dover) is departing Dover. Dover's newest and fifth C-17 (07-7169), hasn't been noted flying since the delivery on October 2nd. All the others were put to work immediately.

0930: TANKER 05 (KC-135R, 58-0117, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh) checks in at 15 minutes out from the CAP...260.9 (Same aircraft was TANKER 01)
0938: HUNTRESS tells TANKER 05 to enter at FL 250...he also lets the tanker know that HARASS 46 isn't squawking...260.9
0940: TANKER 05 to Potomac for clearance into the CAP area...135.525
HUNTRESS is considerably weaker now than he was an hour ago.
0946: TANKER 04 tells HUNTRESS he still has 13,000 pounds of fuel to give before he is let go...260.9
0947: TANKER 04 is released by HUNTRESS...260.9....picks up clearance and starts a climb to head back to Milwaukee...135.525
0952: TANKER 05 to HUNTRESS to report descending to angels 24...260.9
0954: HARASS 51 flight with ZDC-Franklin 290.425
0955: HARASS 51 flight handed to ZDC-Calvert and checks in at FL 0957 FL 230 is requested and approved...281.4
0957: HARASS 51 and 52 using the usual interflight freq...360.15

1000: HARASS 51 tells 52 to "Push 5 AUX" and they check in with HUNTRESS as fragged...260.9 (Not hearing HUNTRESS at all now)
1001: HARASS 51 and 45 exchange wx info for Langley...260.9
1001: HARASS 51 tells 52 to "Push 15 Prime" and come up with Potomac to enter the CAP...350.25
1002: HARASS 51 gives pointout to the tanker...also gives authentication to HUNTRESS...260.9
1004: HARASS 51 asks Potomac for squawk for 52...gets 4331...350.25
1006: HARASS 51/52 head for TANKER 05...51 will go to the boom and 52 will take the right wing...260.9
51 is using the boom intercom apparently so no info heard to recover tail numbers
1011: HARASS 51 reports "no flow", TANKER 05 says he took 4k...51 reports on station to HUNTRESS and 52 heads for the boom...260.9
1013: HARASS 45/46 released to RTB by HUNTRESS...first wants to make sure 52 has good fuel flow...52 says he's taking gas at this time so 45 hits the road...260.9
1013: HARASS 45/46 move to interflight...360.15
1014: HARASS 52 passes his tail in the clear...83-0048....260.9
1016: HARASS 45/46 handed off to ZDC-Calvert and check in at FL 210...down to 200 at 1018...281.4
1023: HARASS 45/46 down to 16,000,....then cleared to 10,000 feet...281.4
1030: HARASS 51/52 given a TOI, get the BRA, start chasing and then are told by HUNTRESS to "skip it"....260.9
End of coverage for now.
1047: HARASS 51 requesting to move 15-20 miles east of Thurmont in the block 15-18,000 to go after a TOI...350.25
1048: HARASS 51 cleared to 17000....350.25....told to headbutt TOI to east...IDs it as a DC-9...260.9 (The DC-9 was not the target)
1049: HARASS 51 requesting to use flares...260.9....tells Potomac he'll be headbutting an aircraft that's 10 miles off his nose at 15,000 feet...350.25
1050: HARASS 51 reports "tally TOI"....told to headbutt TOI southeast, flares are authorized...IDs target as single engine prop....releasing one flare...TOI in left hand turn to the south...260.9
1052: HARASS 51 reports TOI heading 090...260.9
Of course, just when I need to hear HUNTRESS, he has faded completely.
1053: HARASS 51 says quickest way out of here is to the east and TOI is heading 090...260.9
1054: U.S. Air Force being called by Experimental 54RD...says he must have wandered into a restricted area...says he has an F-15 hovering over him....says he's over DMW...121.5
1056: HARASS 51 says TOI is eastbound....also says he called on 243.0 and got no answer....260.9 (It's a civilian...needs to call on 121.5)
1058: Experimental 54RD (N54RD) says he doesn't know the airspace he's not supposed to go into...121.5
1059: N54RD says, "Oh, it's a TFR?"....121.5

N-number : N54RD
Aircraft Serial Number : 701A4412
Aircraft Manufacturer : X TWELVE LLC
Model : CA 12
Engine Manufacturer : HONEYWELL
Model : TPE331-14GR
Aircraft Year : 2007
Owner Name : XTWELVE LLC
Owner Address : 3511 SILVERSIDE RD STE 105
WILMINGTON, DE, 19810-4902
Type of Owner : Corporation
Registration Date : 02-May-2005
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Experimental
Approved Operations : Research and Development

1058: HARASS 51 requests to descend to 16,000...told to switch to 335.6...350.25
1059: HARASS 51 over to ZNY-Modena to reports he's following a TOI and is at 16,000 feet....335.6

1101: HARASS 51 requests to head back to the CAP...335.6
1101: Meanwhile, HARASS 52 now getting a pointout to another TOI...260.9
1101: HARASS 52 reports he has a lock on TOI at 196/20/3000/track 20...."is that the TOI?"....260.9
1103: HARASS 51 to Potomac to report at FL 210 heading back to Guard Dog...350.25
1103: HARASS 51 reports his TOI was single engine prop holding 9-10 passengers, no tail number...260.9 (But I got it if he wants it)
1108: HARASS 52 on a TOI...told to headbutt it to the southeast....260.9
1108: HARASS 52 requests descent down to 3000 feet....says he'll take any heading from west to north...350.25
1110: HARASS 52 tells Potomac he's trying to intercept an aircraft 4 miles east of him...requesting course 110...350.25
1110: Air Force trying to call an aircraft on Guard...121.5
1111: HARASS 52 cleared from 13,000 to 3,000 feet....350.25
1111: HARASS 51 tells 52 he has a tally off his (52's) nose at 3 miles, eastbound...260.9
1112: HARASS 52 reports tally at 2 miles...260.9
1113: HARASS 52 reports tally single engine prop...260.9
1114: Have the TOI on Guard freq but he's too weak to copy....(sounds nervous)...121.5
1114: HARASS 52 reports TOI turning south....260.9
1115: "Military aircraft on 121.5"....that's the TOI calling but doesn't give his own ID....121.5
1117: HARASS 52 reports it's a Bonanza but can't get the tail number....says he's west of him by one mile....260.9
HARASS 52 relaying info to HUNTRESS about the TOI but at 3000 feet he's too weak to copy all of his transmissions...apparently the TOI is landing...he's faded on HUNTRESS' radar...52 requests to return to the CAP...260.9
I'm not sure why the HARASS aircraft were using 243.0 Guard freq to try to contact the TOI. Both civilian aircraft were up on 121.5 where they should have been.
1120: HARASS 51 tells HUNTRESS the first TOI had a blue stripe on it...appeared to be a Beechcraft but larger than a normal Beechcraft...260.9 (Apparently, he's not reading this thread to get a full ID on the target. :) )
1125: Both HARASS F-15s back in the CAP...well, almost - 52 still climbing back up to altitude....52 will take the north while 51 will go to the tanker....260.9
Everything settled down now so coverage will end until the next bonehead violates the expanded airspace currently in effect.
1126:'s another one...HUNTRESS giving another BRA to a TOI...this one is also at 3000 feet....260.9
1128: BRA to TOI now 029/30/6000...51 tells 52 to check tape's on...51 going after it, puts 52 in 10 mile trail...260.9
1130: HARASS 51 gives his tail number as FF 83-0026 (I'm not sure why but he did)....260.9
1131: There are now three TOIs....52 is monitoring 1 and 2 and 51 is taking #3.....51 tells TANKER 05 he'll be coming to him in 10-15 minutes after he takes care of the TOIs....260.9
This is getting crazy!
1132: HARASS 51 gives BRAA for #3 as 069/33/1000/track 240.....260.9
1132: HARASS 52 wants HUNTRESS to confirm #2 TOI is track 30010 (On his datalink display)....260.9
Air Force is trying to call someone on 121.5 Guard freq but he's too distant from me to be able to copy info...121.5
1134: HARASS 51 reports lost lock on #3....52 reports BRAA for his #2 TOI is 017/28/8000/track 270...260.9
1137: HARASS 51 asks HUNTRESS if he said to skip TOI #3...apparently, he did...260.9
Five violators in the space of just a few minutes. Guess no one bothers to read NOTAMs or TFRs anymore.
1138: HARASS 52 reports he's dropping TOIs #1 and #2....260.9

And now I'm taking a break even if the sky falls.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
I didn't see it mentioned, so, courtesy of the AOPA:

"On Sunday, there will be a large 30-nautical-mile-radius temporary flight
restriction (TFR) centered on the EMI VOR's 317-degree radial at 19.9 miles,
extending up to Flight Level 180. It will be in effect from 9:10 a.m. local
until 12:35 p.m. local on Sunday. Also, there will be a smaller 10-nm-radius
GA no-fly zone in effect within the larger TFR during that time frame."

This is for the ceremony at Emmitsburg. 30 miles is pretty big....This TFR encompasses Frederick (FDK), Hagerstown (HGR), Carroll County (DMW) and York (THV). This should make for some interesting General Aviation violations during this time frame.
TinEar said:
HUNTRESS is loud and clear from here this morning - a very unusual event on this freq.
Huntress was barely audibile up my way last night, this morning they are loud and clear.
Also, I heard BlackJack 1 check in at about 0830 on 139.7000

0944 Helos checking in on HMX Freq, But couldn't hear what they were saying other than "3 minutes" 273.9500
0944 First GA violator at 1 1/2 miles SW of FDK...Guard Dog requesting they exit Immediately to the SW 121.5000
TinEar said:
HUNTRESS is considerably weaker now than he was an hour ago.
Huntress is still loud and clear up my way and Guard Dog is BOOMING!
1015 Second Violator near FDK...Contact FAA Imediately ... 121.500
1100 "3876H" over flying FDK field at 3000....That's your TOI.... 122.7250
1115 3876H is calling both Guard and "Military Aircraft"..."Lookin for me?"....121.5000

Aircraft Description

Serial Number 24-0971 Type Registration Individual
Manufacturer Name MOONEY Certificate Issue Date 05/22/2002
Model M20J Status Valid
Type Aircraft Fixed Wing Single-Engine Type Engine Reciprocating
Pending Number Change None Dealer No
Date Change Authorized None Mode S Code 51074175
MFR Year 1980 Fractional Owner NO

Registered Owner
Street 12514 BISCAYNE DR
City PHILADELPHIA State PENNSYLVANIA Zip Code 19154-3015

I have not heard a word out of BlackJack 1.....
1124 New Violator...North of Franklin County Airfield...Squaking 1200...Entered Restricted Zone...Exit Immediately 121.5000
1126 NEXT VIOLATOR....West of Carlisle, 6500ft...Entered Restricted Airspace...Exit Immediately 121.5000
1130 Carlisle and Franklin COunty are one and the same...same violator
TinEar said:
1131: There are now three TOIs....52 is monitoring 1 and 2 and 51 is taking #3.....51 tells TANKER 05 he'll be coming to him in 10-15 minutes after he takes care of the TOIs....260.9
This is getting crazy!
Yeah...I had a feeling this was gonna be a lotta fun....was thinking they were going to need Extra Tankers and some more Fighters this morning to keep up with it...30NM is quite unusual...and no GA is expecting it.

1138 Next up....Unudentified Aircraft at York....4 miles (sw i think) 2500ft 100knts 121.5000
1141 Carlisle Violator has made it to Chambersburg Municipal...Heading 250, 130 kts, 6500 ft...Exit Airspace 121.5000
1143 Huntress calls harass...monitor TOI at 8500ft...this is the one near Chambersburg 260.9000
1146 Guard Dog still calling at 8000 ft 121.5000
1149 Huntress to Harass...Skip it..skip it 260.9000
1150 BlackJack 1 up, but only heard him say his call sign 139.7000
1154 Harass 51 1 mile visual with the tanker...nose cold 260.9
1155 Harass 52 to Huntress "I have the CAP" 260.9
1157 Harass 51 to Tanker...tail number is FF 830026 260.9
1211 Next Call...Aircraft 7 miles west of Carlisle Heading 290, 80kts, 3000ft...Entered Restricted Airspace..Exit immediately 121.5000
1212 Huntress to Harass 51 Monitor TOI (See above) at 3400 ft
1213 Guard dog still calling Unid'd aircraft now 4000ft 87 kts
1214 Harass 51 to 52...calls out Track info 260.9
1215 Huntress to Harass 51 monitor Group 010 at 1200 ft
1215 Huntress to Harass 51 monitor new Group...5000ft
1216 Huntress to Harass 51 monitor Group 010 at 1200 ft....Monitoring two groups
1217 Harass 52 monitoring south group (the one at 1200 heading 010 260.9
1218 Huntress to Harass 51...expect Head Butt on Northern group 260.9
1218 Harass 51 to Potomac app..request clearance to Head Butt Unid's 17 miles west of Thurmont at 4000 ft 350.25
1220 Huntress to Harass 52...continue monitoring Southern to the east 260.9
1221 Harass 51 to Potomac App says target is at 1500 ft...3 miles off his nose 350.25
1222 Harass 52 skip it skip it...Huntress will monitor 260.9
(I can't type this fast)
1223 Harass 52 told to monitor southern TOI at 5300 ft 260.9
1224 Harass 51 told to Headbutt to the west 260.9
1225 Guard Dog makes call out to Unid'd ...121.5 (I can hear her in the same room with Huntress controller)
1225 Harass 51 given OK to Headbutt 260.9
1226 Harass 51 advises he will headbutt south to west 260.9
1226 Harass 51 advises 5 flares released at 6000 ft 260.9
1226 Harass 52 given NEW TOI to monitor 260.9
1227 Guard dog calls to exit....hear Unid'd talking to Guard Dog...says he was told P40 was standard size and he was outside to zone
1228 Unid'd (Possibly 9494U) Do you want me to land at HGR? 121.5
1229 Huntress to Harass 51 authorized to release 4 more flares 260.9
1230 Unid'd still asking if he is to land 121.5000
1231 Huntress tells Harass 51 Plane expected to land at HGR per FAA
1231 Harass 51 asks whether or not to continue headbutt to the west...Huntress says stand by...waiting on word from the "back burner" 260.9
1232 Huntress asks 51 to ID the Unid aircraft
1232 Huntress advises aircraft is in contact with FAA...still awaiting word from FAA "back burner" 260.9
1234 Harass advise to continue to monitor till aircraft is out full stop at HGR then return to CAP....51 will circle field at 6500ft
1236 Harass 51 asking for location of Unid'd...Huntress give 2 mile final to HGR
1237 Harass 51 reports TOI landed at HGR on Rnwy 12
Havent heard a word out of BlackJack 1
1238 Helo Comms on 273.95 but couldn't make it out

Well the 30nm CAP was to expire at 1235....guess we'll see if things return to normal

1250 Huntress 51 back in the CAP...headed for the tanker 260.9

Wife is dragging me off to a festival....enjoy
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: LOBO 01

Yes, all fine and dandy Tin, but young Mateo should know the difference between a USN C-9 and a USMC C-9 BuNo by now...;-))


TinEar said:
Actually, that was my mistake. Matt just copied what I posted for that hour and I had the typo. I repaired it. When that aircraft was here in the 1500 hour, I had it listed correctly as VMR-1 and then dropped the 'M' in the 1700 hour listing.
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