Let's try again and see what happens....
Couple of aircraft in the pattern at Andrews at 1535 which are BOXER 734 (C-38A, 94-1569, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews) and SAM 1875 (C-40B, 01-0041, 1st AS Andrews)...actually SAM 1875 is just leaving Andrews and about an hour later just flying off the coast of Massachusetts headiing overseas I guess.
There's also a couple of C-130J types from the MD-ANG at Martin State...CRAB 51 (97-1351, 135th AS MD-ANG) and CRAB 54 (97-1354, 135th AS). With CRAB Ops 385.9 and with Phillips AAF 126.15 doing drops.
1546: CRAB 54 tells Phillips AAF he's completed his drop, is entering the racetrack pattern and will be behind CRAB 51...126.15
1552: CRAB 51 tells Phillips they're cleared to Delta and will return at 2015...126.15
1602: CRAB 51 and 54 both landing at Martin State...121.3 (Maybe they meant returning to Phillips for drops at 2015 local time rather than Z time.)
At 1525, RIDER 75 (C-17A, 06-6168, 436th AW Dover) gave arrival message to Dover after a training flight which was only 75% complete because of weather. He was A-2 condition for an emergency power switch. He also wanted a Boeing rep to meet him when he landed.
[I think the RIDER callsign is used for AFRC flights by crews of the 512th AW and ROYAL is used by regular Air Force crews of the 436th AW. Since I'm not positive of that yet, I still label them all as just 436th AW.]
Let's see....oh yeah, Belgian Air Force, BAF 626, C-130H, tail CH-12 of 20 Squadron) came into the area at 1430.
1534: Coast Guard 101 (C-37A, 01) with TRACON...climbing out from either ADW or DCA...125.65 (This is the plane of the head of the CG.)
1559: MARINE 767 (UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2) w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1603: REACH 647 calling Andrews CP, no joy...378.1
No ID yet...searching but can't see him.
1612: REACH 647 makes contact with Griffin Ops at Andrews...25 minutes out, through cargo, 2 pax which are also going through, needs lav and fleet service and parking...378.1
1612: Have an AL-ANG KC-135R, tail 63-8007 from the 106th ARS zipping overhead at FL 430...ZDC VHF (thought this was the REACH acft at first...it's not.)
1617: REACH 647 adds that he's got 1 rolling stock, 2 pallets for 16,300 pounds, repeats his parking spot of 13A and says he does need crew transportation...378.1
Believe I've got him...REACH 647 (C-17A, 98-0054, 62nd AW McChord)...I was doubting this was him for a minute or two but it is.
1625: VENUS 23 up again and again it's a KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th AS Andrews)...giving arrival message to Andrews..4 crew....378.1
1626: CRAB 51 back up again and working with Phillips AAF...126.15
1629: REACH 647 with ADW Approach...119.3
1631: REACH 647 to ADW Tower for landing runway 19R...gear down...118.4
1633: CRAB 51 now with MTN Tower and cleared to land...121.3 (Haven't followed closely enough to know if he's doing touch-and-goes or doing a full stop)
1636: NAVY 7N-501 (UC-12B NAF Washington) heading into Andrews w/TRACON...128.35
1640: NAVY 7N-501 to ADW tower for runway 19L...118.4
1641: VENUS 23 w/ADW Tower for full stop landing this time...118.4...and it's definitely the KC-135R
1643: Wow...this guy is loud...Lufthansa 417 Heavy (A343, D-AIGY) climbing out from Dulles and on TRACON 125.65 (saturating my audio) (flying just about directly overhead at 1649 so I'm not sure why he was so loud 6 minutes earlier)
1658: PACER 66 (C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews) to Griffin Command with arrival info...10 minutes out, IDs as home station C-21A, tail 40075...is A-1, wants his maintenance notified he'll be in about 10 after 5, needs transportation from 9 Row to Building 1420...says he did an "out and back" with about an hour, 10 minutes on the ground...378.1
1659: Heard a C-5A, tail 68-0222 who I believe was heading into Dover...349.4 (Scramble shows this bird to belong to the 337th AS at Westover but, as far as I know, Westover doesn't have any A models these days so this one might just belong to Wright-Patterson.)
1700: E-6B, 162784, VQ-3 climbing out of Patuxent to the south...310.15
Once he crosses the Potomac into Virginia, he starts turning to the west. I just can't ever seem to find these guys on the ZDC freqs to get callsigns. As mentioned, I generally hear them talking to SHADOW Maintenance at Patuxent where they just use the last three of their serial number. I've got a dead spot for listening right in that area too which doesn't help me when they make the switch to ZDC. From just about Pax to 40 miles or so south of there I'm deaf. Once I get beyond that point I'm okay down into NC.
He eventually climbed to FL 240 and was heading due west by 1712.
1713: SAM 1467 (C-20B, 86-0204, 99th AS Andrews) w/TRACON.... 128.35
1717: GOT HIM!!! ARRAY 19 calling HUNTRESS and says he's approaching Gordonsville...no joy w/HUNTRESS yet...364.2 (This is our E-6B)
1719: JOSA 031 (C-21A, 84-0102, 458th AS Scott) to Griffin Command first on 141.55 and then 378.1 where he makes contact...10 minutes out, A-1, needs 2500 pounds of fuel, has an A-4 plus 3 pax, will release seats on the outbound flight...departure time will be 2200Z....says he can take the 5 Space A pax and wants them at the aircraft 20 minutes before departure...378.1
1725: JOSA 031 with ADW Approach 119.3 and then ADW Tower...cleared to land runway 19R...118.4
1725: NAVY 600 (C-37B, 166378, VR-1) climbing out from Andrews....TRACON
1727: SAM 1467 w/ADW Tower forlanding...cleared to land...118.4
1730: Have a couple of KC-135E tankers from the 108th ARW climbing out from McGuire...one is tail 62-3527 and I can't get the other one...and they were followed out by a KC-10A, tail 85-0032, from the 305th AMW at Mcguire...ZDC VHF
1739: AR freq 252.8 active...no IDs on the players yet.
1740: DC 99 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) that I reported departing Andrews at 1340, is currently flying overhead Phoenix....not bad for four hours....ZAB VHF
1744: JEDI 51 (C-17A, 04-4137, 732nd AS/514th AMW AFRC McGuire) flying overhead this area...ZDC VHF
By the way, that BIG BIRD aircraft has been up most of the day today on 139.075 transmitting in P25 mode as usual. Still in a surveillance mode but we still don't have him identified.
1836: Following a POISON 44 (T-38, 68-8205) from ZDC-Blue Ridge 285.6 to Potomac TRACON Shenandoah 254.25 to Potomac TRACON Chesapeake 307.9, then 317.425. He's been slowly descending from 15,000 to current 11,000 foot altitude at 1850.
1845: JOSA 031 got off from Andrews a bit early....said his departure time would be 2200Z but got off the deck at 2145Z
1849: DC 43 (KC-135R, 62-3556, 756th ARS Andrews) trying to call Griffin Command with no joy...he's just off the deck at ADW at 2248Z....378.1
1854: POISON 44 asks the weather at Dover...then is handed off to Dover Approach 323.0
1855: DC 44 (KC-135R, 58-0075, 756th ARS Andrews) reports airborne...378.1
1856: DC 43 has a problem and is going to return to Andrews....378.1
1857: POISON 44 heading for the ILS for runway 19 at Dover...descending to 3000 feet...323.0
1859: POISON 44 reports at 1700 feet on runway heading...323.0 (And as he approaches the runway, he fades away. I guess he went over to tower on 279.625)
1909: DC 43 back at Andrews with Tower and reports gear down, cleared to land...118.4
1914: POISON 44 didn't stay at Dover very long....must have been a touch and go...he's now with Potomac TRACON descending toward Andrews...270.275
1918: POISON 44 to ADW Tower...checks in 5.5 miles out looking for full stop...cleared to runway 19L...says he should be able to land and taxi to park without delay...349.0
I'm suddenly hearing the Potomac TRACON ground controller on 128.35. This is a first for me. Not sure where his transmitting antenna is located but it isn't close. DCA perhaps? Right now he's as loud as the BWI located TRACON controllers (3 miles away)
1925: EVAC 23508 (KC-135R, 62-3508, 99th ARS) to Andrews...30 minutes out, A-1, 20K on the fuel, 7 crew, 6 med attendants, 5 Space A pax. needs 10K fuel upon arrival...378.1
1930: REACH 647 off the ground from Andrews....TRACON...125.65 (Arrived ADW early 1600 hour...see above)
1941: REACH 9002 (C-5A, 69-0002, 68th AS) to Dover CP for a phone patch...gives telephone number and asks they be notified arrival time will be 0310Z with 4 pax...349.4
1945: EVAC 23508 with Potomac Tracon for approach to Andrews....119.85
1946: REACH 9167 (C-17A, 99-0167, 62nd AW McChord) calling Andrews Metro...344.6 (That's a waste of time...they answer no one for any reason)
REACH 9167 is just humping through the area at FL 330.
1956: EVAC 23508 with ADW Approach 119.3 and then over to ADW Tower 118.4 for landing runway 19R...and he's cleared to land.
1959: BATON 20 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW, PA-ANG Harrisburg) reports he's been off the ground for 4 minutes now...then he's called by OPEC 91 (KC-10A, 84-0192, 305th AMW McGuire) to talk about refueling...they'll be at 9000 feet for the AR at a speed of 210 knots....395.1
Then, BATON 20 is called by OPEC 2 on 295.8. Not sure if this is the same OPEC KC-10 or a different tanker. Seems this will be the AR freq. The IP for the refueling op is at the 325 degree radial, 14 miles from THS (St. Thomas VORTAC in PA)
2020: Couple of quick reports here and then it's dinner time....that same KC-135R, tail 58-0001, from the 351st ARS at RAF Mildenhall is back in the area somewhere. He was QID 99 last time we heard him.
At the same time, I also have EVERGREEN 1403 calls McGuire CP on 134.1 to say he's diverting into McGuire because of weather at Dover. Says he has sensitive cargo. He needs Customs/AG since he's arriving from Gander and Ramstein before that. His ETA is 30 past the hour. Says they just made the decision to divert - explaining why he's doing so on such short notice. Now he's revising the ETA to 45 past the hour.
2028: EVERGREEN 1403 to ACY Approach to report at 7000 feet, direct Coyle...124.6
Ref below:
Couple of aircraft in the pattern at Andrews at 1535 which are BOXER 734 (C-38A, 94-1569, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews) and SAM 1875 (C-40B, 01-0041, 1st AS Andrews)...actually SAM 1875 is just leaving Andrews and about an hour later just flying off the coast of Massachusetts headiing overseas I guess.
There's also a couple of C-130J types from the MD-ANG at Martin State...CRAB 51 (97-1351, 135th AS MD-ANG) and CRAB 54 (97-1354, 135th AS). With CRAB Ops 385.9 and with Phillips AAF 126.15 doing drops.
1546: CRAB 54 tells Phillips AAF he's completed his drop, is entering the racetrack pattern and will be behind CRAB 51...126.15
1552: CRAB 51 tells Phillips they're cleared to Delta and will return at 2015...126.15
1602: CRAB 51 and 54 both landing at Martin State...121.3 (Maybe they meant returning to Phillips for drops at 2015 local time rather than Z time.)
At 1525, RIDER 75 (C-17A, 06-6168, 436th AW Dover) gave arrival message to Dover after a training flight which was only 75% complete because of weather. He was A-2 condition for an emergency power switch. He also wanted a Boeing rep to meet him when he landed.
[I think the RIDER callsign is used for AFRC flights by crews of the 512th AW and ROYAL is used by regular Air Force crews of the 436th AW. Since I'm not positive of that yet, I still label them all as just 436th AW.]
Let's see....oh yeah, Belgian Air Force, BAF 626, C-130H, tail CH-12 of 20 Squadron) came into the area at 1430.
1534: Coast Guard 101 (C-37A, 01) with TRACON...climbing out from either ADW or DCA...125.65 (This is the plane of the head of the CG.)
1559: MARINE 767 (UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2) w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1603: REACH 647 calling Andrews CP, no joy...378.1
No ID yet...searching but can't see him.
1612: REACH 647 makes contact with Griffin Ops at Andrews...25 minutes out, through cargo, 2 pax which are also going through, needs lav and fleet service and parking...378.1
1612: Have an AL-ANG KC-135R, tail 63-8007 from the 106th ARS zipping overhead at FL 430...ZDC VHF (thought this was the REACH acft at first...it's not.)
1617: REACH 647 adds that he's got 1 rolling stock, 2 pallets for 16,300 pounds, repeats his parking spot of 13A and says he does need crew transportation...378.1
Believe I've got him...REACH 647 (C-17A, 98-0054, 62nd AW McChord)...I was doubting this was him for a minute or two but it is.
1625: VENUS 23 up again and again it's a KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th AS Andrews)...giving arrival message to Andrews..4 crew....378.1
1626: CRAB 51 back up again and working with Phillips AAF...126.15
1629: REACH 647 with ADW Approach...119.3
1631: REACH 647 to ADW Tower for landing runway 19R...gear down...118.4
1633: CRAB 51 now with MTN Tower and cleared to land...121.3 (Haven't followed closely enough to know if he's doing touch-and-goes or doing a full stop)
1636: NAVY 7N-501 (UC-12B NAF Washington) heading into Andrews w/TRACON...128.35
1640: NAVY 7N-501 to ADW tower for runway 19L...118.4
1641: VENUS 23 w/ADW Tower for full stop landing this time...118.4...and it's definitely the KC-135R
1643: Wow...this guy is loud...Lufthansa 417 Heavy (A343, D-AIGY) climbing out from Dulles and on TRACON 125.65 (saturating my audio) (flying just about directly overhead at 1649 so I'm not sure why he was so loud 6 minutes earlier)
1658: PACER 66 (C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews) to Griffin Command with arrival info...10 minutes out, IDs as home station C-21A, tail 40075...is A-1, wants his maintenance notified he'll be in about 10 after 5, needs transportation from 9 Row to Building 1420...says he did an "out and back" with about an hour, 10 minutes on the ground...378.1
1659: Heard a C-5A, tail 68-0222 who I believe was heading into Dover...349.4 (Scramble shows this bird to belong to the 337th AS at Westover but, as far as I know, Westover doesn't have any A models these days so this one might just belong to Wright-Patterson.)
1700: E-6B, 162784, VQ-3 climbing out of Patuxent to the south...310.15
Once he crosses the Potomac into Virginia, he starts turning to the west. I just can't ever seem to find these guys on the ZDC freqs to get callsigns. As mentioned, I generally hear them talking to SHADOW Maintenance at Patuxent where they just use the last three of their serial number. I've got a dead spot for listening right in that area too which doesn't help me when they make the switch to ZDC. From just about Pax to 40 miles or so south of there I'm deaf. Once I get beyond that point I'm okay down into NC.
He eventually climbed to FL 240 and was heading due west by 1712.
1713: SAM 1467 (C-20B, 86-0204, 99th AS Andrews) w/TRACON.... 128.35
1717: GOT HIM!!! ARRAY 19 calling HUNTRESS and says he's approaching Gordonsville...no joy w/HUNTRESS yet...364.2 (This is our E-6B)
1719: JOSA 031 (C-21A, 84-0102, 458th AS Scott) to Griffin Command first on 141.55 and then 378.1 where he makes contact...10 minutes out, A-1, needs 2500 pounds of fuel, has an A-4 plus 3 pax, will release seats on the outbound flight...departure time will be 2200Z....says he can take the 5 Space A pax and wants them at the aircraft 20 minutes before departure...378.1
1725: JOSA 031 with ADW Approach 119.3 and then ADW Tower...cleared to land runway 19R...118.4
1725: NAVY 600 (C-37B, 166378, VR-1) climbing out from Andrews....TRACON
1727: SAM 1467 w/ADW Tower forlanding...cleared to land...118.4
1730: Have a couple of KC-135E tankers from the 108th ARW climbing out from McGuire...one is tail 62-3527 and I can't get the other one...and they were followed out by a KC-10A, tail 85-0032, from the 305th AMW at Mcguire...ZDC VHF
1739: AR freq 252.8 active...no IDs on the players yet.
1740: DC 99 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) that I reported departing Andrews at 1340, is currently flying overhead Phoenix....not bad for four hours....ZAB VHF
1744: JEDI 51 (C-17A, 04-4137, 732nd AS/514th AMW AFRC McGuire) flying overhead this area...ZDC VHF
By the way, that BIG BIRD aircraft has been up most of the day today on 139.075 transmitting in P25 mode as usual. Still in a surveillance mode but we still don't have him identified.
1836: Following a POISON 44 (T-38, 68-8205) from ZDC-Blue Ridge 285.6 to Potomac TRACON Shenandoah 254.25 to Potomac TRACON Chesapeake 307.9, then 317.425. He's been slowly descending from 15,000 to current 11,000 foot altitude at 1850.
1845: JOSA 031 got off from Andrews a bit early....said his departure time would be 2200Z but got off the deck at 2145Z
1849: DC 43 (KC-135R, 62-3556, 756th ARS Andrews) trying to call Griffin Command with no joy...he's just off the deck at ADW at 2248Z....378.1
1854: POISON 44 asks the weather at Dover...then is handed off to Dover Approach 323.0
1855: DC 44 (KC-135R, 58-0075, 756th ARS Andrews) reports airborne...378.1
1856: DC 43 has a problem and is going to return to Andrews....378.1
1857: POISON 44 heading for the ILS for runway 19 at Dover...descending to 3000 feet...323.0
1859: POISON 44 reports at 1700 feet on runway heading...323.0 (And as he approaches the runway, he fades away. I guess he went over to tower on 279.625)
1909: DC 43 back at Andrews with Tower and reports gear down, cleared to land...118.4
1914: POISON 44 didn't stay at Dover very long....must have been a touch and go...he's now with Potomac TRACON descending toward Andrews...270.275
1918: POISON 44 to ADW Tower...checks in 5.5 miles out looking for full stop...cleared to runway 19L...says he should be able to land and taxi to park without delay...349.0
I'm suddenly hearing the Potomac TRACON ground controller on 128.35. This is a first for me. Not sure where his transmitting antenna is located but it isn't close. DCA perhaps? Right now he's as loud as the BWI located TRACON controllers (3 miles away)
1925: EVAC 23508 (KC-135R, 62-3508, 99th ARS) to Andrews...30 minutes out, A-1, 20K on the fuel, 7 crew, 6 med attendants, 5 Space A pax. needs 10K fuel upon arrival...378.1
1930: REACH 647 off the ground from Andrews....TRACON...125.65 (Arrived ADW early 1600 hour...see above)
1941: REACH 9002 (C-5A, 69-0002, 68th AS) to Dover CP for a phone patch...gives telephone number and asks they be notified arrival time will be 0310Z with 4 pax...349.4
1945: EVAC 23508 with Potomac Tracon for approach to Andrews....119.85
1946: REACH 9167 (C-17A, 99-0167, 62nd AW McChord) calling Andrews Metro...344.6 (That's a waste of time...they answer no one for any reason)
REACH 9167 is just humping through the area at FL 330.
1956: EVAC 23508 with ADW Approach 119.3 and then over to ADW Tower 118.4 for landing runway 19R...and he's cleared to land.
1959: BATON 20 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW, PA-ANG Harrisburg) reports he's been off the ground for 4 minutes now...then he's called by OPEC 91 (KC-10A, 84-0192, 305th AMW McGuire) to talk about refueling...they'll be at 9000 feet for the AR at a speed of 210 knots....395.1
Then, BATON 20 is called by OPEC 2 on 295.8. Not sure if this is the same OPEC KC-10 or a different tanker. Seems this will be the AR freq. The IP for the refueling op is at the 325 degree radial, 14 miles from THS (St. Thomas VORTAC in PA)
2020: Couple of quick reports here and then it's dinner time....that same KC-135R, tail 58-0001, from the 351st ARS at RAF Mildenhall is back in the area somewhere. He was QID 99 last time we heard him.
At the same time, I also have EVERGREEN 1403 calls McGuire CP on 134.1 to say he's diverting into McGuire because of weather at Dover. Says he has sensitive cargo. He needs Customs/AG since he's arriving from Gander and Ramstein before that. His ETA is 30 past the hour. Says they just made the decision to divert - explaining why he's doing so on such short notice. Now he's revising the ETA to 45 past the hour.
2028: EVERGREEN 1403 to ACY Approach to report at 7000 feet, direct Coyle...124.6
Ref below:
They do here too Jordan...for the most part. I'll occasionally hear them on UHF but not often.jmhayes said:FWIW, they use VHF out here, even when talking to BEAVER.
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