(CBS) The Secret Service tells
CBS News that there were eleven violations of temporary flight restrictions around Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, on Sunday.
There's one glaring error in this short story that you'll spot immediately.
Turns out there are lots of stories about all the airspace violators. Latest count seems to be a dozen (violators, not stories.) Each and every story reports that F-16s were the planes doing the escorting of the violators and some quote NORAD as giving them that information. We know better. Most of the stories also carry these paragraphs:
The Federal Aviation Administration says a dozen planes violated a temporary airspace restriction Sunday between 9 a.m. and noon while President Bush was speaking at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Emmitsburg. The North American Aerospace Defense Command says four planes were escorted out of the area by F-16 fighter jets and landed at nearby airports. The Secret Service says its agents then followed up with the pilots.
The FAA says the pilots could face penalties, including possible license suspension.
First shift in the CAP this morning shows HARASS 61/62 (F-15, 71st FS Langley) and TANKER 08 (KC-135E, 59-1446, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor)
Primary freq with HUNTRESS and for refueling is still 260.9.
At 0930, HARASS 64 and TANKER 09 (KC-135R, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh) both trying to contact HUNTRESS but aren't being heard.
0934: TANKER 08 released by HUNTRESS to RTB to Bangor....260.9
0935: TANKER 08 is contacting Potomac on 126.55 to pick up his clearance back to Bangor...126.55
0936: TANKER 09 makes contact w/HUNTRESS on 260.9 and is also told to use 126.55 for Potomac. (Rather than the usual 135.525)
0939: TANKER 09 checks in 10 minutes early with Potomac...126.55
0952: HARASS 63 and 64 into the area on interflight 360.15, with Potomac on 350.25 and then to HUNTRESS on 260.9 (HARASS 61/62 return to Langley, TANKER 08 to Bangor)
1250: TANKER 09 and HARASS 63/64 have had the CAP since shortly before 1000. It has been uneventful - unlike yesterday. CAP is scheduled to end at 1300 local.
1255: HUNTRESS tells HARASS 63/64 and TANKER 09 they'll be leaving in 5 minutes and to start working clearances...260.9
1256: HARASS 63 calls Potomac on 350.25 and TANKER 09 on 126.55 and both say they'll be leaving in 5 minutes to RTB...work up the clearances guys!
1300: HARASS 63/64 released by HUNTRESS....63 tells 64 to get in 2-mile-trail....TANKER 09 is also released...260.9
1301: TANKER 09 to Potomac to pick up clearance on route 518 to Indianhead...will depart the area at FL 250...126.55
1302: HARASS 63 checks in with Potomac...says fighters are holding hands and ready to RTB...350.25
1302: HARASS 63/64 set up on interflight for chat on the way home...360.15
1303: HARASS 63/64 cleared along a route to Andrews, Nottingham, Harcum, direct Langley at FL 210...350.25
1306: HARASS 63/64 handed off to ZDC-Calvert and check in at FL 210...281.4
1307: TANKER 09 Heavy handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown and checks in at FL 250....134.15
1310: TANKER 09 will expedite down to FL 210...134.15
1310: HARASS 63/64 cleared down to 10,000....281.4
1313: TANKER 09 Heavy handed off to Center freq 124.4....134.15 (And this is where I drop his ATC progress)
1315: HARASS 63/64 handed off to Norfolk TRACON (West) and check in at 10,000 feet direct Harcum and Langley...360.6
And I'm calling this CAP over and done with. Must admit, yesterday was the most interesting day in CAP history as far as I'm concerned. And I only got to hear the first half of the violator parade.
From 1222-1230 there has been an aircraft calling on 139.15. He's not getting a reply to his calls. His transmissions have been:
"PANTHER, this is EASY 105 on 139.15" On the last call at 1230, he gave the callsigns and then added, "transmitting on 139.15 and 260.9" I never heard him on 260.9 and I was monitoring that freq because of the CAP.
At 1231, he's back to just the earlier call, "PANTHER, this is EASY 105 on 139.15."
1236: EASY 105 is telling Potomac TRACON on 119.85 that he's been calling JADOC and not getting a reply (PANTHER=JADOC at Bolling AFB I presume)
1236: TANKER 09 responds to someone I can't hear on 260.9 asking for a radio check.
1237: EASY 105 finally makes contact and tells PANTHER he could hear him on Uniform but not on 139.15 in earlier calls...he adds that apparently PANTHER wasn't hearing him on 260.9...139.15 (I don't believe his transmitter is working on 260.9 because he's loud and clear on 139.15 and I should have heard him on UHF if he transmitted there.)
EASY 105 had people talking simultaneously on both 119.85 and 139.15 so he's not a single seat aircraft.
1239: EASY 105 says he has contact with "green and red"....139.15 (So he's up there testing the "Sparkle" laser warning system)
1247: EASY 105 transmitting again on 139.15 but now getting out of range and difficult to hear.