Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
Mark said:
F-15 A-D models are grounded again..

Now I just hope I actually get to see F-15s operational with the 104FW @ Barnes come January.

At the very least, since they aren't expected to fly missions until the beginning of the year and all of the birds are hangared, maybe they can get a head start on any fix ........


Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
TinEar said:
1421: ROYAL 50 (C-17A, 07-7170, 436th AS Dover) to Dover CP with arrival message...arriving 40 past the hour, will park on taxiway Charlie to offload two vehicles...A-1...349.4

1515Z/1015L : 238.900 ROYAL 50 & POWER 31 in AR212. Also used 282.700 2ndry during set-up. ROYAL passed 07-0170 originally, then corrected to what Tin posted. They split up around 1630Z/1130L. I'm thinking POWER was from Niagara, since they headed W thru Utica.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0800: JOSA 124 (C-21A, 84-0119, 458th AS Scott) on approach to ADW's runway 19L w/TRACON...119.3
0802: JOSA 124 to ADW Tower reports 8 miles out for ILS runway 19L, full stop...118.4
0817: A C-32B (02-4452, 227th SOF NJ-ANG McGuire) airborne from McGuire (missed callsign)...ZDC
0828: _____ 77 to NAS Oceana Ops with arrival message...ETA 1345Z, need a belt loader...284.9
0834: German Air Force...GAF 449 (A-310, 10+26) climbing out from Dulles...TRACON...125.65
0839: GAF 449 handed off to ZDC-Swann and checks in at FL 190...told to maintain 280 knots for spacing purposes...cleared to FL 230...134.5
When GAF 449 was handed off to Swann, he was just about 4 miles south of BWI on an 80 degree course.
0841: BLACKJACK 1 (HH-65C, US Coast Guard) with DCA Helo Control...120.75
0843: GAF 449 turned to a 50 degree heading direct Woodstown/OOD, J42 by Swann controller...134.5
0844: GAF 449 handed off to ZDC-Woodstown and checks in at FL 230...cleared to FL 350...125.45
GAF 449 was just about to enter Delaware at a point due east of MTN when handed to Woodstown.
0850: GAF 449 handed off to a ZNY controller. He was in NJ about 5 miles east of Philadelphia at that point...125.45 (Dropping coverage)
Can you tell it's a slow morning in the MilAir world? So far, at least.
0858: WILD 1 (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews) flight of two off the deck at Andrews w/TRACON departure...climbing, climbing and eventually cleared to 15,000 feet...348.725
0858: WILD flight on interflight...143.6

0900: WILD 1 flight handed to ZDC-Calvert and check in at 12,000 heading for 15K...281.4
0902: WILD 1 flight handed off to Patuxent Check In and check in at 15000 feet for R-6609 and put the South Spin area on request...305.2
0903: WILD 1 asks 2 if he's ready...2 says he is...flight leader announces, "Commencing exercise"...143.6
0903: SCARY flight of two DC-ANG F-16s off the deck at Andrews...climbing direct Patuxent...348.725
0903: SCARY is a flight of two and working interflight....139.15
0905: VENUS 21 (C-20B, 86-0201, 99th AS Andrews) reports airborne at 1400Z to Griffin Command at Andrews...says it'll be about a 3 hour flight...378.1
0907: SCARY directly to Pax...281.8
0908: SCARY handed to BayWatch and checks in at 5000 feet for event out at FL 250 for 20 minutes...354.8
0910: VENUS 21 with ADW Tower...approaches at ADW...tell tower they've got their clearance and would like to depart now...118.4
0911: ANGRY flight of two F-16s off the deck at Andrews at 1000 feet, direct Patuxent...348.725
0912: ANGRY flight on interflight...143.15
0912: FLYER Willow Grove PA-ANG A-10 flight up on interflight....143.75
0913: ANGRY flight with ZDC-Calvert...281.4
0914: FLYER flight with Harrisburg A/D...281.525
0915: ANGRY 1 flight over to Patuxent Check at 15K feet, cancel IFR...305.2
0917: ANGRY flight over to BayWatch and check in at 15,000 feet...working for 20 minutes and asking if WILD is in R-6609...say they also want R-6609 and south spin areas when WILD is done with them...270.8
0918: VENUS 42 (C-37A, 99-0402, 99th AS Andrews) with ADW Tower requesting direct RATTA...118.4
0919: VENUS 42 to Griffin Command reporting airborne at 17 past the hour...reason for late departure was ATC...378.1
0921: CADE flight (A-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove) to Patuxent Approach to check into the area...told to use 305.2....314.0
0923: CADE 1 flight calls BayWatch and checks in at 5000 feet...305.2
0924: CADE 1 to BayWatch checks in at 5000 feet asking for R-6609 from 3500 feet on up to 20,000...270.8
CADE flight must be using low band for interflight since there's nothing from 138-144 for them.
0925: ANGRY flight heard that...they're pushing down to R-6609...270.8
0926: MARINE 206 (UC-12B, 161206, USMC) climbing out of Andrews w/TRACON...125.65
I've noticed the fighters haven't been using the simulated Iraqi city situated over the town of Vienna MD recently to practice their ground attack/close air support techniques.
0931: SCARY flight already on the way in-flight report to SOF...10 minutes out, both Code 1...139.9
0933: NAVY SD 420 (F/A-18D, 163434, Pax) w/ADC-Irons at FL 220...360.85
0938: Navy 998 (C-130T, 164998, VR-53) w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
0939: SD 420 handed to ZDC-Montebello and checks in at FL 220...284.7
0940: SCARY flight checks in as a two ship at 4000 feet...TRACON Approach...335.5
0942: WILD to SENATE SOF with in flight report...10 minutes out, both Code 1...139.9
0943: WILD flight w/TRACON Approach...335.5
0943: REACH 424 (C-17A, 03-3122, 437th AW Charleston) lifting off from Andrews...TRACON
0945: SCARY flight has field in sight...335.5
0945: DC 41 (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) reports wheels up at 45 past the hour...378.1
0946: SCARY flight to ADW Tower on 5 mile initial...maintaining 2500 for the Gulfstream which they do not have in sight...349.0
0946: ANGRY flight with SOF reporting both Code 1...139.9
0947: SCARY 2 will be full stop, 1 low approach and will go around...349.0
0947: ANGRY flight to TRACON Approach...335.5
0948: WILD flight to ADW Tower...8 miles out...349.0
0950: SCARY 2 down...WILD 1 and 2 touching down...349.0
0952: ANGRY flight to ADW Tower report 5 miles out for initial...349.0
0953: SCARY 1 touching down...349.0
0954: ANGRY flight reports, "gear, base, stop, left" and both touch down...349.0
Done with the WILD/SCARY/ANGRY flights. Short and sweet missions and can now put a checkmark on their training charts beside "ACM Training."
0957: SAM 2033 (C-20B, 86-0204, 99th AS Andrews) deparing Andrews and climbing out w/TRACON...121.05
0959: SUMMIT 21 (C-130H, 94-7321, 731st AS AFRC, Peterson AFB CO) reports off the deck at 1437Z...4 calls, no replies...378.1

1001: RIDER 75 (C-17A, 06-6168, 436th AW Dover) climbing out from Dover. (Missed freq)
1004: PACER 01 (C-21A, 84-0118, 457th AS Andrews) reports off from Andrews at 1458Z...378.1
1008: PACER 01 with TRACON climbing to 17,000 feet...118.95
1009: PACER 01 and U/I aircraft chatting on JOSA Common freq...283.75
1010: NAVY 692 (C-20D, 163692, VR-1) w/Patuxent Check in...305.2
1011: BOLAR 70 (C-5B, 436th AW Dover) to Dover COmmand Post explaining something about his scheduled tankers (rest blocked)...349.4
1013: PACER 01 and PACER 12 (C-21A, 84-0077, 457th AS) are the two on JOSA common freq discussing a problem with one of the aircraft and the possibility of getting a replacement...PACER 12 then calls Caribou Ops and discusses the problem...283.75
1014: SWIFT 01 (C-21A, 84-0128) with arrival msg to Griffin Cmd...378.1
1018: MAPLE 15 (F-16, VT-ANG Burlington) calling ZDC-Cape Charles...x2, no joy...256.8
1020: CADE flight ready to RTB from Patuxent Smyrna, direct Willow Grove...354.8
1021: MAPLE 15 to ZDC-Cape Charles checking in at FL 220 with a request (which he doesn't state)...256.8
1022: MAPLE 15 to his Ops reporting Code 1 and 15 minutes out...138.0
1029: MAPLE 15 to Norfolk TRACON (East) for approach to Langley...cleared to 12,000 feet...370.925
1029: CADE 1 flight with ZDC-Kenton at 11,000 feet on the way to Willow Grove...354.15
1037: CADE 1 flight handed off to Philadelphia TRACON and check in at 11,000 feet....269.25
1041: CADE to OPs...reports 10 minutes out, CADE 1 is 11210...CADE 2 is 11200...343.0
1041: CADE 1 cleared down to 5000 feet....269.25
1043: CADE 1 flight handed off to another Philly TRACON freq...check in passing 6 for 5000...319.15
1045: CADE 1 to yet another Philly TRACON freq...check in looking for a straight in to runway 15...291.7

Time for a break...back later.
ka3jjz/Mike said:
I just checked the 126.75 and 291.625 pair and as of 8:25 they're still up. Nil on 342.425. Perhaps they're testing a new pair, but not yet ready to make the change. The PCT website doesn't list the new 132.775 freq either - of course, seeing it's the government, they could be behind the times (nothing new there)...anyway, the new PCT website is here

Gotta change the Wiki back...grrr...

Mike, you might have just run into the nighttime consolidation of freqs which is why you were still hearing 126.75/291.625. This morning, the 132.775/342.425 pair is operating again. I'm fairly sure that's the new posted freq pair for the Potomac ADIZ East area of the Chesapeake Region of Potomac TRACON (or whatever the title is for them.) At night, they seem to only run one approach and one departure controller - and sometimes just one for both when it gets very late.
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Jan 5, 2004
FALCON-96 flight of three inbound to ADW. 322.3 > 270.275
FALCON-01 flight of two is about three miles behind.
1546- NIGHTHAWK-01 with Davison I think.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Very quickly here:

2005Z PAT 2401 with PT DEP 118.950 900'-2000' dir GRUBY and 5000' QSY PT APP 126.400.
2013Z TITUS 52 with PT APP 119.850 @ 6000' req TACAN 19L @ ADW QSY PT APP 128.350.
2035Z ROCKET 531 with PT APP 128.350 @ 12000' descendng into ADW.
2036Z FALCON 96 flight with PT APP 118.675 X AML @ 8000' QSY PT APP 322.300.
2036Z FALCON 01 flight with PT APP 118.675 X AML @ 9000' QSY PT APP 322.300.

2155Z NAVY 7N 939 with PT APP 128.350 descending into ADW.

2215Z SAM 2033 with PT APP 118.675 @ 15000'.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Very busy this evening. F-22A activity out in W-386 with Giant Killer. STUD 41, four ship, along with TRAP 51 flights are out there. STUD 41 flight has been doing some reduced lighting, orange flare dropping activity. STUD 41 just told Giant Killer he'd like to be notified when FORCE 45 shows up (KC-10A from Mcguire.)

There's also an OPEC 48 (KC-10A McGuire) that was looking for ELVIS 31 - a C-5A from the 164th AW at Memphis. He contacted Dover CP who had to relay through McGuire to reach the 164th. Reply was that ELVIS 31 is in the green.

1815: TRAP 51 and STUD 41 flight are both on GK's tac freq 391.2 talking about the AR op...they've apparently hooked up with FORCE 45.
A few minutes earlier, REACH 611 was calling ETHYL 90 to start their AR but was on the wrong freq. He called on 305.0 which is Giant Killer's W-105 freq. He probably wanted to be on 305.5 for AR-20.
1819: TRAP 51, two ship reports heading for the tanker...391.2
1822: FORCE 45 and the Langley F-22As are now working 238.9 in AR-636 for the refueling op.
1824: STUD 41 reports now as a two ship ready for refueling...249.8
1824: REACH 9165 to ETHYL 83 to set up for their AR op...REACH 9165 reports he's running about 4 minutes late...305.5
ETHYL 83 = KC-135R, 58-0104, 136th ARs NY-ANG Niagara Falls
REACH 9165 = C-17A, 99-0165, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA
1827: STUD 41 with FORCE 45 on AR-636 primary freq...238.9
1827: And now we've also got REACH 331 on the AR freq...305.5
REACH 331 = C-17A, 01-0189, 437th AW Charleston AFB
1828-31: SWIFT 10 (C-21A. 84-0102, 458th AS Scott) calls Griffin Command several times before establishing contact to report takeoff time was 2326Z...378.1
Andrews having their old problem again all day today on 378.1 - not hearing aircraft even when right on top of them.
1830: Very weak transmissions on AR freq 228.0 (AR-777 probably). REACH 331 and a KC-10 from McGuire (83-0079) are in that area now which could account for those transmissions.
1845: TRAP 53 to Giant Killer requesting direct AR-636 at this time...he's cleared direct ATLIC...249.8
1849: TRAP 53 reports to GK he'll be rejoining with TRAP 51...249.8
1858: REACH 7170 (C-17A, 07-7170, 436th AW Dover) to Dover CP with arrival pax, no cargo, A-2 for APU inop, need crew trans and fleet (service) the blocks in 20 minutes...gets parking spot Xray...349.4 (He has given his tail number 3 times to the controller...guess he's not used to this new one yet. It didn't take long after arrival to put it to work.)

1902: MAITAI 11 flight (F-22A Langley)to Giant Killer for work in W-386 on mission V-3003...will be MARSA with a VOODOO flight...will be using reduced lighting and flares...249.8
1904: Langley interflight freq active with F-22A activity...233.525

Break time...

1925: DC 42 (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4
1926: Langley interflight freq active with F-22A activity...TRAP flight...315.85
1929: TRAP 51 to GK to report TRAP 51 and STUD 41 will be operating in A-F (W-386) with reduced lighting and flares...249.8
1930: TRAP 51 reports they'll be using orange flares...312.3
1930: STUD 41 operating on GK's tac freq...391.2
1932: STUD and TRAP announce "fight's on with reduced lighting"...312.3
1933: DC 42 did not land...he's doing touch and goes...says he'll be in the pattern for 45 minutes...378.1
1934: CRAB 54 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG Martin State) reports airborne at 30 past the hour to CRAB Ops...says he'll see them later and "decal is in the mailbox" (No idea what that means)...384.1
1936: HUSKY aircraft report airborne at 33 past the hour to the 142nd AS DE-ANG Ops at New Castle airport...not sure which one made the report...343.0 (three of their C-130H transports took off...84-0206/84-0209/84-0212)
1944: Couple of aircraft on AR freq setting up for their of them said he had some problems while still in the IDs heard...295.8
1946: One of the aircraft on 295.8 is STEEL 01 (KC-135R, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh)...receiver tells him they'll take fuel on the first hookup...0101Z at the IP...295.8 (STEEL 01 is either 58-0054 or 58-0060..not sure which) (This freq probably indicates the op will be in AR-631)
1946: CRAB 57 (C-130J, 98-1357, 135th AS MD-ANG) also airborne and w/CRAB Ops...384.1
1952: TRAP 51 to Giant Killer to say he's 40miles east of Snow Hill and will call back in 2 minutes for RTB...249,8
1954: DC 42 to LIBERATOR about the crew van...the only one available tonight is the white step van...378.1
1954: TRAP 51 reporting 30 miles east of Snow Hill (probably to STUD flight)...pushing 11...312.3
1956: TRAP 51 to ZDC-Cape Charles...reports heading Cape Charles, Langley...256.8
1957: U/I aircraft on AR freq reporting 12 minutes late...238.9
1958: FORCE 45 (KC-10A, 86-0036, 305th AMW Mcguire) to ACY Approach reporting at 8000 heading to McGuire...124.6 (This was tanker for STUD/TRAP F-22A flights in AR-636)
1959: STUD 41 flight announces RTB...14,000 at HEELS...249.8

2000: STUD 43 (and probably 44) are still working out in W-386...312.3
2003: STUD 41 tells Giant Killer that 43 will RTB in about 5 minutes and that 41 is on his way down (to 14,000 feet) now...249.8
2012: STUD 41 reports RTB with STUD 43 35 miles in HEELS, TURET...249.8
2027: JOSA 293 (C-21, 84-0140, 458th AS Scott) 15 minutes out, no pax, A-1, needs 2500 pounds of fuel...on the ground for a little over an hour and picking up an A-3...378.1
2030: REACH 0520 (MD-11, N271WA, World Airways mil contract aircraft) through the area at FL N. Virginia just southeast of Brooke (BRV) on a course of 45 degrees...ZDC VHF

End of log
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
A little closer to home - the previously reported Potomac 342.425 is quiet as I write this; I've heard one or two a/c calling in on 'Potomac approach' 132.775 but no one answers. However, an interesting pairup is now active - tower on 119.4//257.8 which I haven't heard this strong in a long time. 73s Mike


Jan 5, 2004
NIGHTHAWK-11 heading into Mt Weather 241.0. IDed as an H-3. Heard him earlier (hour ago?) with DCA tower. 4 miles to the southwest, gets WX report, cleared to land on Mike-4. Says he'll just be doing a low approach. NIGHTHAWK-12 is due in also per BLUGRASS, 11 confirms that 12 is about 20-30 minutes behind.

1856- Departing
1905- NAVY TANGO PAPA-02 single F-18 wants to go back to Pax. 118.675
1908- TRACON says he can't ID him, told to contact app on 121.05 as they should be able to hear him better. I can hear him and TRACON just fine. On 121.05 TP-02 is barely audible.
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Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
TinEar said:
1018: MAPLE 15 (F-16, VT-ANG Burlington) calling ZDC-Cape Charles...x2, no joy...256.8
1021: MAPLE 15 to ZDC-Cape Charles checking in at FL 220 with a request (which he doesn't state)...256.8
1022: MAPLE 15 to his Ops reporting Code 1 and 15 minutes out...138.0
1029: MAPLE 15 to Norfolk TRACON (East) for approach to Langley...cleared to 12,000 feet...370.925

0957L : MAPLE 15 290.350 ZBW IGN20
0957L : MAPLE 15 290.350 ZNY JFK56 [with the usual 'no joys']
1000L : MAPLE 15 350.300 ZNY ETX42 Rqst FL280 direct SBY LFI
1004L : MAPLE 15 bck w/JFK56 rpts rqst

It amazes me how often I hear the VT guys transiting down thru ZNY & getting repeated no joys. When the A-10s used to head down to Warren Grove they never had the same problems, regardless if they were IFR or VFR.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Mussel flight in early this morning...should be landed by now (0740)

Since it appears he will be heading by air...flight should depart about 9:15 am...If you have DCA's "final approach" freq....they will announce a "stop" and cancel all landings just prior to his leaving.

DCA: 119.85(WEST) 124.2(EAST); CLEARANCE DELIVERY: 128.25

BM82557 said:
This should prove quite it will be a beautiful day out (weather wise)....30nm will include Frederick, Carroll County and Gaithersburg...maybe even York!


Side note: Anyone monitoring the local PD will find that the town of Mt Airy actually resides in THREE separate counties...Frederick, Carroll and Howard...PD coverage comes from a Resident Maryland State Trooper which receives calls on the Frederick MSP channel (39.400), fire response will be heard on Frederick first, followed by howard, carroll and montgomery counties.
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Jan 5, 2004
Bunch of MUSSELL flights have been around over the last hour. 03 was doing approaches at Mt. WX.
Heard an evac flight with SAM command. Someone IDed as a C-17 and I just saw one crossing AML. JEDI and BOBCAT-1/3 flights are working UHF approach freqs. 335.5 >270.275

1614- Must've been REACH-4138 I saw.
1626- About 5 minutes ago I saw some sort of 747 passing near Armel. I thought he was going into Dulles until I realized which runways they are using. He's apparently heading into ADW. I think I just had him on 119.3 but couldn't make out the callsign.
It's an E-4B I saw.
1633- He's gear down. I think 40 may be the last part of the callsign.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I'm not sure what types those BOBCATs were. I had BOBCAT 11 flight as the last one in. Before that was BOBCAT 38 and what sounded like BOBCAT 4x that was very garbled. They all came in on the IRONS-4 arrival. Funny that they used UHF for TRACON and then went to VHF 118.4 for Tower and never questioned it or asked for UHF.

AT 1624, I heard GORDO 77 Heavy with TRACON 119.3 followed by Tower 118.4 at 1627. He was an E-4B, 73-1677, 1st ACCS. (That's who you had Travis)

Travis, that EVAC flight you heard was EVAC 33117 (C-17A, 03-3117, 183rd AS MS-ANG). It was followed by REACH 4138 (C-17A, 04-4138, 729th AS) and REACH 451 (C=17A, 93-0603, 62nd AW McChord). there were also several others in the pattern at the same time including BOXER 16 and VENUS 24, VENUS 44, a Navy JT685 (C-9B from VR-52) and others that I didn't bother to log.

It has been an extremely busy Milair day from this morning until now and no signs of it letting up. The ZDC freqs have fighters moving all over the place and are busier than I've heard them in quite a while. Transports and tankers have been very busily moving around the area.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1952Z TEAL 08 (WC-130J) 378.100 SAM CP ADW
1959Z TEAL 08 (WC-130J) 118.675 PT APP
2005Z ARMY 1778 (C-37B) 128.350 PT APP
2013Z CRAB 53 (C-130J) 120.025 NHK APP
2014Z ARMY 01052 (UC-35) 128.350 PT APP
2048Z VENUS 01 (VC-25A) 118.675 PT APP
2058Z REACH 4138 (C-17A visual) 118.675 PT APP
2110Z GORDO 77 (E-4B visual conf.) 118.675 PT APP
2137Z VENUS 44 (C-37A) 128.350 PT APP
2143Z PAT 1264 (C-12T) 139.400 DAVEY OPS
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Seems the Navy VFA-137 "Kestrels" are scheduled for Saturday's Army Navy game.
Check box at right under nicknames... "Flying Butt Cheeks"?
Could be Army Wiki sabotage... LOL

What the heck is a Kestrel anyway?


A falcon - especially one that hovers and hunts for prey. Fits.
Butt-cheeks has to be a hack by an Army guy.

Oh yeah...someone told me an Army flight posted its flight plan showing callsign "Army 50-0" and actually filed it that way. Someone I know was not amused.

And, Tony, I was reminded of something when you posted the TEAL 08 hit. When I heard him call the first time just as he lifted off the ground, I heard STEEL 08 but he had that distinctive C-130 sound and I was really puzzled. Then he called again when he got a bit higher to report his takeoff time and I realized it was TEAL but he had me going for a bit. (WC-130J, 06-8159, 53rd WRS Keesler)

1921: VADER 03 (C-130H, 89-9103, 757th AS AFRC Youngstown) called SHORTSTOP (Willow Grove AFRC Ops) but had no joy x2...351.75
1923: VADER 03 to Willow Grove Ops, made contact to report 15 minutes out, no fuel needed, picking up pax only...told to park under base ops tower...306.8
1955: REACH 291 (C-17A, 06-6162, 60th AMW Travis) to Griffin Command...has 1 baggage pallet, 13 or 19 pax (he reported both numbers) A-1...378.1
1959: VADER 24 (C-130H, 92-3024, 757th AS Youngstown) through the area at FL 180...ZDC

2016: REACH 291 to ADW Tower for ILS to runway 19R, gear down...118.4
2016: VADER 03 has lifted off from Willow Grove already and is climbing out (missed freq)
2058: REACH 564 (C-17A, 02-1101, 437th AW Charleston) lifting off from Andrews...w/TRACON...118.95

Tried to post this earlier but the site went on strike and I kept getting that "database has a problem" message. At 1855, I had a Saudi Air Force 217 (I think) (C-130, tail 1624) that I believe was calling McGuire on 134.1. He was extremely difficult to understand but I caught that he was 20 minutes out, needed Customs and parking. The rest of his message was just plain garbage.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
A falcon - especially one that hovers and hunts for prey. Fits.
Butt-cheeks has to be a hack by an Army guy.

1955: REACH 291 (C-17A, 06-6162, 60th AMW Travis) to Griffin Command...has 1 baggage pallet, 13 or 19 pax (he reported both numbers) A-1...378.1

Guess they couldn't call it a Falcon as the USAF has that callsign tied up. :)

REACH 291 heard going into McGuire 0310z, ...Thanks for tail Alan.

TIN wrote: (At 1855, I had a Saudi Air Force 217 (I think) (C-130, tail 1624) that I believe was calling McGuire on 134.1. He was extremely difficult to understand but I caught that he was 20 minutes out, needed Customs and parking. The rest of his message was just plain garbage.)

Had a IAF (Israeli Air Force) into Dover same time also on 134.100 and appch/tower etc.
I think that was it.

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