Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
Thanks for the info Alan.

Brian, here is the list I have of C-5A types assigned to the 167th AS/167th AW WV-ANG at Martinsburg...


SquelchKnob said:
Just spent the better part of an hour reviewing all the Message traffic from yesterday on the C/D and DEP CTRL freqs from NHK. I was not able to key into anything specific for VQ-4 aircraft.

But most of the handoffs are going to POTOMAC. I have a bunch of stuff to do today and hope to get a bit better organized for this while at it. Do you have a good list of callsigns these guys might pick from? Kinda hard to listen for them without that on these ATC freqs. They are busy as heck.

I guess I'll plug in that Maint Freq, and see what else I can find directly associated with them. I have a feeling the best way I am going to be able to do this is catch them live, prior to take off at engine starts and follow them through the whole process. Doable, I just need to get better organized first.

The Scantenna is up and connected with LMR-400 in a temporary fashion but it's only about 7' lower than what I envision as a permanent position. I am able to get repectable coverage of the vehicles on the airfield on 138.975 FM so I am optomistic about being able to grab VQ-4's Maint Freq and may be able to have advanced warning of plan for engine starts and taxi. I'll likely have to focus on the Maint Freq, get used to their routine then catch them live and follow them out. Should not be to difficult once I get this palce put together a bit better.

Oh, adding an afterthought here. Is 310.15 their OPCON freq as well? Trying to figure out what to be listening for. And are there any other known freqs for them. Up to an including and Handheld freqs for Manintenance?

The 310.15 freq seems to be just maintenance requirements and idle chat between aircraft and ground - at least the parts that I can hear. I've been told that's also their OpCon freq but all I hear is chat with "Maintenance." I imagine there's a lot more going on that is out of my range when they're on the ground preparing for takeoff and after landing. I think I mentioned that I never hear their callsign while on the 310.15 freq. They simply use the last three digits of the BuNo. I've heard them on Pax Approach freqs also just using the last three digits. It's after they get to the ATC system that they switch to the callsign. They use one time callsigns so there's no sense in compiling a list of them.

I didn't have any E-6s yesterday - one of the very few dry days for them - but, of course, I'm not listening 24/7. When I do get indications of them being active, I'll give you the time frame so you can go back and check your recordings - assuming you were recording at the time.


Dec 13, 2007
TinEar said:
The 310.15 freq seems to be just maintenance requirements and idle chat between aircraft and ground - at least the parts that I can hear. I've been told that's also their OpCon freq but all I hear is chat with "Maintenance." I imagine there's a lot more going on that is out of my range when they're on the ground preparing for takeoff and after landing. I think I mentioned that I never hear their callsign while on the 310.15 freq. They simply use the last three digits of the BuNo. I've heard them on Pax Approach freqs also just using the last three digits. It's after they get to the ATC system that they switch to the callsign. They use one time callsigns so there's no sense in compiling a list of them.

I didn't have any E-6s yesterday - one of the very few dry days for them - but, of course, I'm not listening 24/7. When I do get indications of them being active, I'll give you the time frame so you can go back and check your recordings - assuming you were recording at the time.

I'll be recording till we define this.. Will be a good way for me to find my way around the freqs used here. In the middle of seting up a BC780 to work nothing but PAX. Will put 310.15 in a Pro-26 and just have that sitting on the freq and then will have the 8500 working any freqs relevant to this tasking as well as recording all. Should have all this done in the next couple of hours if the friggin coffee pot would quit calling my name.

It's gonna be a monster to do this via recorded audio on the ATC freqs unless I can catch them live. From what I can tell PAX seems to Simulcast on a good 8-10 APP/DEP freqs, The DEP CTRL freq is among them.

I did have audio from a CAPLAIN 91 (sp) taking off last night about 0300. Was using 121.0 then once off the deck was handed of to Potomac on 335.5.

1256: 310.75 Getting an image from Ham Operators. Just friggin great. N3JTN for the callsign.
1306: 384.1 Just went active, female voice. Have not IDed the freq yet. 2 Transmissions. All I have caught is "124"
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
SquelchKnob said:
I did have audio from a CAPLAIN 91 (sp) taking off last night about 0300. Was using 121.0 then once off the deck was handed of to Potomac on 335.5.

1306: 384.1 Just went active, female voice. Have not IDed the freq yet. 2 Transmissions. All I have caught is "124"

I wonder if that callsign in the middle of the night might have been CAPITOL 91. There was an F-16 from the DC-ANG Andrews that made an emergency landing there due to a fuel indicator problem. Once fixed, he would probably go back using their transit callsign - CAPITOL 91. That 335.5 freq is also the Andrews Approach (Potomac TRACON) freq he would use for that short flight - then to tower on 349.0.

The 384.1 frequency is CRAB Ops used by the C-130J MD-ANG types at Martin State Airport. Their eight aircraft generally use CRAB 51-58.


Dec 13, 2007
TinEar said:
I wonder if that callsign in the middle of the night might have been CAPITOL 91. There was an F-16 from the DC-ANG Andrews that made an emergency landing there due to a fuel indicator problem. Once fixed, he would probably go back using their transit callsign - CAPITOL 91. That 335.5 freq is also the Andrews Approach (Potomac TRACON) freq he would use for that short flight - then to tower on 349.0.

The 384.1 frequency is CRAB Ops used by the C-130J MD-ANG types at Martin State Airport. Their eight aircraft generally use CRAB 51-58.

Re CAPLAIN vs CAPITOL. I don't think so . The audio was pretty clear. Clear enough that my only concern was whether or not I was spelling it correctly.

Thanks for the 384.1 Input.. I'll get this area down eventually.

1345: 254.3 active, weak.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
SquelchKnob said:
I'll get this area down eventually.

For such a short time in the area, you're way ahead of the learning curve already.

Ref below: Guess I should have turned on a radio or two today. Enjoying peace and quiet for a change.
Mark, that REACH 9027 you had into Dover last night showed up at Ramstein this morning.
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Dec 13, 2007
TinEar said:
For such a short time in the area, you're way ahead of the learning curve already.

Ref below: Guess I should have turned on a radio or two today. Enjoying peace and quiet for a change.
Mark, that REACH 9027 you had into Dover last night showed up at Ramstein this morning.

Standing on the shoulders of Giants so to speak. All cut and paste stuff so far. Hopefully next week I'll have the PCR 1000s set up for auto searches. Might find a few new ones for us once I get into that mode. Still gonna be a bit handicapped on the antennas. Trying not to daisy chain muticouplers but I don't see any way around it till the new COAX gets here.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JohnFB said:
This Oct 2006 issue of the Patriot gives a time-line for Westover transitioning to B models.

As of Jan 2007, there were 11 B models & 5 A models - the plan is to have 16 B models by 'early 2008.'

Accoding to jbaugher's site, these B's are @ Westover.


Add these 'B' models to your list for Westover (KCEF) John:
My newest C-5 list shows no 'A' models remaining there. We have 13 identified of the 16 they're supposed to have by "early 2008."


Dec 13, 2007
CitationJet said:
UHF side to PT APP 118.675 and also a reported Dover APP freq.

Welcome to the Forum JR!

Thanks Tony.

Will be glad when I can get all my freqs into one spreadsheet. Until then your likely to see me posting anything as I am still trying to figure out what I have going on down here.

I'll say this though. That Patuxent Complex wiki list seems to be pretty accurate. That is helping me out quite a bit. I have not had a chance to focus on many of the other lists yet as it's the weekend and things seem slow.

Well, Just heard the Beep. The Patuxent River Scanner is programmed now. Figured I would set one scanner up just for that since I get so much from there.

One problem I forsee is that I am behind some NMCI firewall at work. I am used to being able to access my home setup remotely from work. Guess I'll have to talk to the IT guys and see about a workaround. My software lets me have full control of any of my radios remotely. I guess I have been kind of spoiled and have to figure something out.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
SquelchKnob said:
Trying not to daisy chain muticouplers but I don't see any way around it till the new COAX gets here.

I'm not sure what type multicouplers you use JR but I'm doing that with Stridsberg active multicouplers (8-port and 4-port to provide 11 outputs.) I asked John Stridsberg about daisy chaining them and he advised it wasn't at all a problem. I wish I still had his last email response to share but it's long gone. Anyway, no loss doing it was his bottom line response.


Dec 13, 2007
TinEar said:
I'm not sure what type multicouplers you use JR but I'm doing that with Stridsberg active multicouplers (8-port and 4-port to provide 11 outputs.) I asked John Stridsberg about daisy chaining them and he advised it wasn't at all a problem. I wish I still had his last email response to share but it's long gone. Anyway, no loss doing it was his bottom line response.

I have 3 8 port Stridsbergs, 2 4 port and 3 ICE 4 ports, All active.

Signal loss was not really a conern. But I figured I might be amping up the signal just a bit to much. Should be safe and I am going to roll with it anyway. But I doubt I will be putting the search scanners through the daisy chain. My confidence in the freqs found will be low.

Just got several Radio Shack discones free. Stopped down there a while ago for another handful of fuses (don't ask). Was talking with the manager and telling him I would probably be in a lot over the next few weeks. Told him about my scanners and what I do and he goes in the back and pulls out this big box of large Discones. Unassembled. Said people keep stripping off the threads when trying to assemble and bringing them back. He does not turn them back into Radio Shack. He just throws the parts into a bin in the back to replace peoples broken parts after windstorms and such. I bet he gave me enough parts to make a good 3-4 whole antennas.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
New Frequencies for Potomac Consolidated TRACON
FAA Posting 14 December 2007

Potomac TRACON - BINNS Sector:
133.0/288.35 Added
Frequency Use: APCH/P

And where is BINNS you may be asking?
39-47-06.220N / 077-00-39.580W

They did not delete any freqs so these appear to just be additions to the whole mess known as Potomac TRACON.
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Dec 13, 2007
1537: 121.0 BlackJack 405 up with PAX APP
1540: 250.3 BJ 405 now requesting the straight in to RWY 06
1544: BJ 405 handed off to TWR 123.7 Requests landing at the NAWC PAD.

OK Just got finished making up a scanner programmed with everything except for the ATC freqs for :

Off the top of my head I figure those bases should be most of the major players for this area. I have the ATC freqs for each programmed up for a PCR-1000 and can swap those files out on as as needed basis. Those bases should give me an adequate bunch of stuff to listen to until I get a feel for the area. Did I miss anything obvious? The A-A freqs, CPs, PTDs for the various squadrons and activities at each base are all programmed into a BC785. Then the ATC freqs for each are a separate file I can pick for the PCR-100 on an as needed basis.

16:29 Tin, Be advised Fuel truck is now on way to VQ-4.

Folks thanks for the VA tip I did not catch that when programming this stuff. Easy enough to fix. Now I gotta figure out what to put in that bank.

And Hello Nick
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Okay...listening for the E-6B at some point.

You sure lucked out at Radio Shack. Unfortunately, with the price of coax these days, the antenna is the cheapest part of the installation - at least since we collectively decided LMR-400 has to be up there. I'm one of the lemmings that joined that parade too.

1615: Italian Air Force C-130J, tail MM62187 into the area...apparently landed at Andrews.
1634: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, 135th AS MD-ANG) in the area with CRAB Ops...384.1
1653: CRAB 56 lands at Martin State w/Tower...121.3

1701: REACH 6632 (C-130J, 06-4632) w/TRACON on approach to Andrews (I think)....128.35 (My newest C-130 list shows this aircraft stationed at Little Rock. Scramble shows it at Pope)
1702: MARINE 758 (UC-35D, 166474, MAW-4) calling Andrews Command Post...141.55
1709: EASY 442 w/TRACON ...128.35
1713: MARINE 758 landing w/ADW Toweer ...118.4
1714: EASY 442 landing ADW w/Tower...118.4

Just before 1700, I had a Nigerian Government aircraft, flight NGR-1, type CRJ2 (Canadian regional jet POS), tail 5N-FGT that appeared to be departing Dulles and heading due south.

If anyone (Mark?) heard REACH 5003 in the area early in the 1500 hour, it was not 85-0003. The mission was flown by 87-0027, a C-5B from Dover. Must have been a replacement aircraft.

JR, the VA-ANG no longer has any aircraft at Richmond. They were forced to get rid of their F-16s and the pilots were shifted to Langley, trained on new aircraft and are now flying with the 1st Fighter Wing although still assigned to the 149th Fighter Squadron of the VA-ANG. So..if you programmed all those 138-144 plus Command Post freqs for them, you can dump them.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
RE: Major bases


Not much happening at Richmond now that the 192nd FW pulled out earlier this year.


SquelchKnob said:

Off the top of my head I figure those bases should be most of the major players for this area.


Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
SquelchKnob said:
I hope to do Ok with it. Looks like I am around 5 miles away from it. Maps don't show anything elevation wise I am sweating. I am thinking a rooftop at about 20' off the deck should get me respectable reception of the ground based stuff. I'll go higher if needed but wanna try to avoid it for lightening reasons as I doubt I'll be putting in a decent ground system till the spring.

Good to see we have someone close to PAX. I live in Richmond, VA and I receive the offshore areas around Langley fine, but PAX is dead for me. (except for App/Dep, and high altitude stuff). I'll be looking forward to your logs!


Edit: Yes, Richmond is pretty much dead as the VA ANG left and moved to Langley. The only thing military wise you'll hear is the Presidential Airlift Group doing practice approaches, PAT aircraft, and National Guard stuff.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TinEar said:
Brian, here is the list I have of C-5A types assigned to the 167th AS/167th AW WV-ANG at Martinsburg...


I had all of them in my list except for 68-0211
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