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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: 41st AS


The current list is correct - the 41st AS is now located at Little Rock AFB.


TinEar said:
1409: PUMA 67 (C-130J, 06-4634, 41st AS Pope) to Andrews CP to report takeoff time as 1906Z...time at destination 2245Z...378.1
This same aircraft came into Andrews on the 15th using REACH 6632. That confused the issue since that would have made his tail number 06-4632. However, in today's message he gave his tail number and yesterday flew as EVAC 4634 which removes all confusion. The only confusion now is where he's stationed. Scramble shows Pope...the newest C-130 list shows Little Rock.)
About 15 minutes earlier, a PUMA 917 was heard arriving at Andrews. That one should be tail 06-4631, another C-130J form Pope - or Little Rock.


Jan 5, 2004
Got some really weak comms on 333.3 right now. Sounds like intercept training, hearing TOI info passed. First time I've received this freq. Anyone able to hear who it is?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
10 p.m. on Discovery High Def channel they'll be showing Red Flag exercises from Nellis AFB.

JR, if you were recording, an E-6B (164410, VQ-4) was in the area at 2200.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
And another E-6B departs Patuxent a minute or so after 1300. It's 163918 from VQ-4. He took off to the south and is making a short turn to the northwest which is a little unusual. He made the turn, climbed to FL 260 and headed directly for Brooke (BRV). I can't find him on the ZDC freqs.

A quick check of the MilAir band early in the 1300 hour indicates DC-ANG F-16s active - SCARY on 139.15 interflight, through the ZDC UHF freqs to W-107 w/Giant Killer on 255.0 and then to 337.225 for their work. A WILD flight is also up on interflight 143.6 working the Patuxent area and also with various Pax advisory and BayWatch freqs.

PA-ANG A-10s from Willow Grove are also up working an exercise simulating activity with the Brit MAGIC E-3D AWACS aircraft. UGLY is working 143.25 and FLYER on 141.725 interflight. Primary activity on 143.25.

Therer are also Langley F-22A fighters working out in W-386 with Giant Killer. FURY 61 flight heading out of W-386 and heading for Langley at 1337. RODEO 51 flight reprots RTB at 1344. Langley interflight freq 252.775 active.

1404: TBOLT 11 flight (Langley F-22A) to Giant Killer and checks into W-386 A-J to work with FURY flight...249.8
1410: SCARY, flight of 3 F-16s, departing W-107 to return home to SENATE SOF with in-flight report...SCARY 1 and 2 are Code 1, SCARY 3 is Code 2...139.9
SCARYs back to interflight 139.15.]1413: SCARY w/ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1414: SCARY handed off to Potomac TRACON (Chesapeake area)...317.425
1417: RAVEN Ops at Martin State talking to aircraft on the ground (A-10s) of them was having a problem with his brakes...347.2
1419: RAVEN 1 flight (A-10 MD-ANG) off the deck at Martin State and w/TRACON...317.425
1420: SCARY flight handed off to Potomac TRACON (Mt. Vernon area)...check in at 4000 feet...270.275
1420: ZNY-Atlantic ground controller very readable...354.0
1422: SCARY 3 to ADW Tower...349.0
1424: SCARY 1 and 2 to ADW Tower reporting 5 miles to the east...SCARY 3 on 2 mile initial...349.0
1424: RAVEN 1 handed off to Patuxent Advisory and checks in at 7000 feet, cancels IFR...314.0
1425: SCARY 3 reports, "gear, stop, left"...349.0
1426: RAVEN Ops is still talking to one of the A-10s on the ground trying to troubleshoot his problem..talking about hydraulics (can only hear ground controller, not the aircraft he's talking to)...347.2
1427: RAVEN handed to BayWatch...says they'll be working 20,000 and below and would like to do a PAR at Patuxent if possible...he's also asking about the positions of the other A-10s (from Willow Grove)...354.8
No interflight heard from the RAVEN flight so they're probably working low band FM freqs.
1428: FLYER to Ops asking about a 15 minute extension at Patuxent...343.0
1430: SCARY 2 reports, "base, gear, stop, left"...349.0 (And let's call the SCARY flight done)
1433: FLYER 1 to BayWatch says they's be RTB in about 2 minutes...back to Willow Grove...asking for direct ENO (Smyrna), DuPont, Modena, homeplate...354.8
1434: FLYER 1 reports heading northbound toward ENO...would like 9-10000 feet..354.8
1434: FLYER still working interflight freq...141.725
1436: FLYER handed to Pax Advisory and check in leaving 15,000 for 10,000...305.2
1436: Langley interflight freq active tiwh F-22A activity...262.075
1437: FLYER cleared now to 11,000 feet direct ENO and then MXO (Modena) and home...305.2
1438: UGLY flight still at Pax on interflight freq...143.25
1439: FLYER flight handed off to ZDC-Kenton and check in at 11,000...cleared to 12,000...354.15
1439: FLYERs complaining about how the controllers work at Patuxent...say they use too many abbreviations and spit it all out too fast to the pilots trying to maneuver....they seem surprised at how large the Patuxent area is (must be new to the unit)...141.725
1442: Probably A-10s (Willow Grove?) working with a simulated ground FAC at Patuxent Range as they go in to attack a ground force moving around a tree line....262.95 (Confirmed it's the UGLY flight)
1444: FLYER flight handed off to Philadelphia TRACON and check in at 12,000 feet...269.25
1445: UGLY pilot asking the other if they'll do a PAR at Willow Grove when they get there...they say no, they'll be low on fuel after the 15 minute extension at Patuxent...143.25
1446: UGLY to Patuxent saying he'd like to put their RTB on request along standard routing at 11,000 feet...262.95 (I think)
1447: UGLY 2 to Ops with in flight report...UGLY 1 is 11290 and UGLY 2 is 11270...343.0
1448: STEEL 72 (KC-135R, 59-1467, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh) to STEEL Control with arrival message...A-1, 17K on the fuel...311.0
1450: FLYER cleared to 5000 feet...269.25
1450: FLYERs heading for runway 33 at Willow Grove....141.725
1451: FLYER flight handed to another Philly TRACON freq and check in at 5000 feet...319.15
1452: German Air Force (flight GAF 129, A-310, tail 10+22) in the area (actually been in the area close to 20 minutes but I forgot to log him earlier)....TRACON
1453: FLYER handed to yet another Philly TRACON freq and check in there...291.7 (And that's as far as I can hear them so this flight is done)
1454: UGLY flight checking out of Patuxent w/Advisory...305.2
1454: UGLY flight handed off to ZDC-Kenton and check in there direct Smyrna (ENO)...354.15
1455: UGLY #2 getting combat lessons...flight leader asking him what he'd do under different combat conditions...143.25 (Very interesting session about combat talking about what he'd do with a compressor stall while in a combat zone taking fire.)
1457: SALTY DOG (F/A-18F, 165170, VX-23 Patuxent NAS) at Pax...291.15
1458: SALTY DOG 222 to BayWatch announces RTB...354.8
1459: UGLY 2 giving answer about the compressor stall from his flight manual (he's cheating!...but learning)...143.25

1500: UGLY flight descending to 12K...354.15
1503: UGLY flight handed off to Philly TRACON....check in at 12,000 feet...269.25
1504: UGLY cleared to 5000 feet...269.25
1503: UGLY 2 to "PHILLY Ops" to report they'll be 5 minutes late and gives sequence report...UGLY 1 is 21300 and Code 2 for CMS...UGLY 2 is 11290...343.0
I still don't know how to break down those sequence reports. I know the first digit is their maintenance code but the other 4 digits are a mystery. Anyone know?
1507: UGLY flight cleared to 4000 and handed off...269.25
1508: UGLY flight to Philly TRACON (Button 6) and check in approaching 4000 feet...319.15
This sounds like it's the first (or one of the first) flights for the pilot of UGLY 2 - at least in this area and he's definitely a rookie.
1509: UGLY 1 reports Willow Grove is 30 miles off their nose...143.25
1510: UGLY changes to Button 5 (another Philly TRACON freq) and checks in heading to 3000 feet...291.7 (And done with them although I hear more chat on interflight about a minute later...still done though)
1511: RAVEN Ops talking with WARPIG (A-10) who tells him he's 10 minutes out and Code 2...347.2 (Hearing ground better than the aircraft)
I never heard WARPIG land at MTN...unless he snuck past me by using VHF Tower freq which I wasn't monitoring at the time.
1519: RAVEN 1 to RAVEN Ops to report 10 minutes out, two Code 1s...347.2
1519: RAVEN flight checks in with Potomac TRACON heading for Martin State...ground tells flight they're landing runway 33 at MTN...317.425
1520: RAVEN getting point outs - first to a med helo at 600 feet and then a Cessna...handed off to MTN Tower...317.425
1521: RAVEN flight checks in with MTN Tower...12 miles out...297.2
1522: PAT 061 to Langley PTD...says he's Citation, 20 minutes out, wants Ops notified so they can come in, pick up their passenger and get out quickly...141.75
1523: RAVEN asking Tower if R-4001B is active...297.2
Tower is the only ground controller I can't hear at Martin State ..CD and GC along with Ops controllers are all readable.
1524: RAVEN 1 tells Tower that #2 will be full stop...#1 will be in chase, low approach and then full stop after that...297.2
1526: RAVEN 1 reports, "base, gear, stop"...297.2
1527: EVAC 60419 (C-130H, 86-0419, 95th AS Milwaukee) to Andrews to report takeoff time was 2025Z (Newest C-130 list shows this aircraft assigned to Pittsburgh, Scramble shows it at the 95th at Milwaukee and I'll go with Milwaukee since this aircraft came into Andrews with a BREWER callsign.) (NOTE:Tony)
1528: EVAC 3116 (C-17A, 03-3116, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) to Andrews w/arrival message...ETA at 2100Z...litter and ambulatory patients, 1 attendant, 3 crew, needs transportation and Customs...378.1
1537: Navy interflight freq 342.9 active...might be VFA-81 from NAS Oceans. (Very weak from here)
1542: Same Navy flight changes to ZDC-Azalea and checks in as a flight of three (never heard callsign)...263.1
1548: THat Navy flight is still chatting on the interflight freq but I still haven't heard them use a callsign (or I just missed it somewhere in the middle of multiple radio chatter)...342.9

Ref Below: Thanks for trying Brian. He came right across your area, just to the west of Martinsburg if he stayed on that course.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TinEar said:
And another E-6B departs Patuxent a minute or so after 1300. It's 163918 from VQ-4. He took off to the south and is making a short turn to the northwest which is a little unusual. He made the turn, climbed to FL 260 and headed directly for Brooke (BRV). I can't find him on the ZDC freqs.

Not a peep out of him on the freqs I normally monitor. Had my scanner on all day too for once and still missed him!

Edit to add - The only ZDC freqs I monitor are UHF.
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Dec 13, 2007
TinEar said:
10 p.m. on Discovery High Def channel they'll be showing Red Flag exercises from Nellis AFB.

JR, if you were recording, an E-6B (164410, VQ-4) was in the area at 2200.
Tin I am reviewing "ALL" my audio now. Will try to remeber to focus on this time frame when I get that far. Note this stuff is all from recorded audio here:
12/17 1032-1538: 267.0 (AM) Had BlackJack 144 & BJ 333 up on this freq doing some sort of comms testing. They would come up this freq. Stated 3 by 3, 4 by 2, etc then swtich 275 (FM). Specifically stated everytime it was in FM mode. I did not have the 275.0 freq in but I do now. Not much more gained from listening.
12/17 1340-1510: 283.35 Had at least 2 stations, heard both both weak. The comms appeared to be flight test related but they were so weak/short I can associate them directly with PAX. Heard things like. "Try Postion C in ECHO" "Switch Position A in DELTA" ETC.
12/16 & 12/17: 301.75 Have a Definate local HAM station eating me up on this freq. Before I get frustrated and lock it out I wanted to ask. Is this freq good for anything MILAIR wise for this area???
12/17 1449: 305.3 Just a quick coms check between 2 unknonw stations, heard both L&C. Likely PAX but unsure.
12/18 0828-0943 260.9 NORAD. JAWS 11 up apparent coordinating a couple of training excercises.
I had alot more stuff from the file but not enough detail on anything else really worth noting.

Ok, Gonna take a break and run to the store. Tin, the next file I will be reviewing should be the one we are looking at for your VQ-4 stuff and I'll try to locate that audio first before reviewing the whole file. IT'S BIG!!! 4,284 audio clips in 2 days
1527: 291.15 UNID AC up with PAX. Heard both sides. He is in the areas. But unsure as to who. The recorder should get him. OK Out to the store.

Ok Tin just did the best I could for them.. Nadda. The flight last night was an Inbound. I have quite a bit on that. I did not seem to have anything at all for any outbounds. But I have not listened to the whole file and Doubt I will becuse I messed around and recorded EVERYTHING for PAX. The comms were so busy it appears that 90% of what I have are partial transmissions so I need to narrow down the possibilites and lock out the stuff I am sure is totally unrelated to this. Will get R done though

12/18 LIVE @ 1642: getting weak hits on 234.5
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JR: Re the 301.75 freq...nothing I know of there. My advice...lock it out even if it is good. No sense listening to ham yak. It just gets frustrating. I have to do the same thing with the 257.875 freq used by both Potomac TRACON and Dover Approach because of constant static. Good activity heard on it but I can't put up with the crud there.

The 291.15 at Pax has been busy all afternoon...ECHO Control freq.
The JAWS 11 flight will be F-16s from the VT-ANG Detachment at Langley.
Just to recap...The two E-6B flights were 2200 last night and 1300 this afternoon.

Brian: Those E-6Bs use VHF on ATC almost exclusively which is why it's so difficult to pick them out of all the commercial stuff on those freqs.
1551: EVAC 33116 Heavy (C-17A, 03-3116, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) to ADW Tower for landing on runway 19L...118.4
1552: REACH 6036 (KC-10A, 86-0036, 305th AMW McGuire) to McGuire CP on 319.4 and then with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 descending to 8000 feet.
1554: REACH 6036 giving a bunch of minor writeups to CP...319.4
1554: Baltimore Helo Channel with a lot of chat by PD helos about a chase with a mook that stole a couple of cars, ran into strange houses, back out, grabbed another car, etc...123.025 (Helo pilots are amazed at this guy's exploits. I know one of the PD helos is Baltimore County Air 3 - N808CP, a Eurocopter)
1556: EVAC 192 Heavy (C-17A, 01-0192, 437th AW Charleston) w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4

Had a couple of other aircraft overhead in the past few minutes that I couldn't keep up with...among them were REACH 7047 (C-17A, 97-0047, 437th AW Charleston), JALOP 15 (C-21A, 84-0082, 76th AS Ramstein AB Germany/USAFE), REACH 9165 (C-17A, 99-0165, 62nd AW McChord), BACKY 91 (KC-135R, 57-1437, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson), ARMY 01053 (UC-35A, 00-1053), a couple of MUSSEL helos - MUSSEL 8 is one of them... and others. Call me swamped.

1611: VENUS 43 (C-20C, 86-0403, 99th AS Andrews) w/ADW Tower for landing 19R...118.4
1612: MUSSEL 07 [female] also w/ADW Tower...118.4
1618: LOCKHEED 99 calling Dover Command Post...134.1 and then 349.4 (This might be C-5M, 86-0013 who is somewhere in the area)
1620: LOCKHEED 99 broadcasting in the ETA as 2145Z...then fades away...349.4
1621: REACH 6412 (C-130H, 86-0412, 758th AS Pittsburgh) lifting off from Andrews...TRACON (Believe he arrived ADW as an EVAC flight)
1623: MUSSEL 08 landing ADW...w/Tower...118.4
1625: Coast Guard 102 (C-143A, 02, USCG DCA) flying somewhere in the area...TRACON
Coast Guard 101 and 102 with the top Coast Guard poobahs never let up. They fly the hell out of those two planes.
Speaking of taxpayers' dollars...the FAA's N3, a C560 is also overhead the area.
1633: BOXER 32 (C-38A, 94-1570, 201st AS Andrews) to TRACON to let them know he'd be working in the Andrews pattern doing some NDBs and approaches...128.35 (Immediately a bunch of commercial pilots pop in to ask what are NDBs, another saying Andrews has no such thing, etc. BOXER pushed some hot buttons among the pilots.)
1648: REACH 192 Heavy (C-17A, 01-0192, 437th AW Charleston) departs Andrews...w/TRACON...125.65 (Came in as EVAC 192 Heavy around 1600 so he sure didn't stay long...must have dumped his patients on the tarmac and kept rolling)
1652: BOXER 32 back and forth between TRACON 128.35 and ADW Tower 118.4 as he works the pattern.
1654: Just heard an ANVIL 47 on Andrews Navy PTD freq ...251.5
1656: ANVIL 47 calls Andrews CP...says something about couldn't get the Navy to answer...IDs as a fuel needed...378.1 (Let's call this one a C-130H, 94-6707, 130th AS WV-ANG...thought it might have a been a Coast Guard HC-130H that was in the area at first since he used the Navy's ADW PTD freq.)
1658: Navy freq active...sounds like a couple of fighters...callsigns DOG 1 and DOG 2 getting ready for ACM activity...365.7
1659: ANVIL 47 again...251.5

1703: PAT 896 calling Quantico (Base Ops)....355.3
1706: BOXER 50 (C-40C, 02-0201, 201st AS Andrews).... w/TRACON
1711: ANVIL 47 landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4
1713: BOXER 50 w/ADW Tower for the option...gear down, option...cleared for the option...118.4

Chow time...end of log for now.

Early in the 1500 hour, there was a FAME 88 that I'm fairly sure departed Andrews. I believe that was a C-21A from Keesler AFB MS. He was heard about 1630 in the Atlanta area so he's at least heading in the right direction for Keesler. I just saw the note I made when I heard him earlier but never logged it for some reason.

Ref Below: Travis, I believe that was JALOP 15, the C-21A from Europe that I have in my note above. I didn't hear the transmission you quoted but the timeframe was correct for it.
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Jan 5, 2004
Anybody hear the flight asking Langley Metro for WX at KBGR at 2230Z? This was about 1605. Suffix was definately 15.
It was JALOP-15 that I heard.

1643- Someone on 235.1 preparing for AR in 328. 100mi from Pulaski, 12 minutes out.
1700- PAT-896 calling Quantico Ops. No reply for either the man or woman that have been calling. 355.3

1913- MUSSELL-06 heading to Mt Weather. Clears Leesburg 122.975 then calls BLUEGRASS OPS, 10 minutes out, get WX report. 241.0
This is the clearest I have ever received BLUEGRASS.

1916- NIGHTHAWK-25 with Quantico Tower 118.6 A little while ago NIGHTHAWK-11 was near Davison heading that way. Also had some weak comms on 318.9.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
12.17-18.2007 pm


Yesterday afternoon's logs:

12.17.2007 pm

1929Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - SAM 2087 (C-37A 99-0402) - deps rwy 30 QSY PT DEP 125.050 then over to 119.850 for the app. into Andrews.
1940Z 118.125 Giant Killer - NAVY 692 - for event # V1716 QSY 125.375.
1941Z 125.375 Giant Killer - NAVY 692 - repeats info above and 1A 1C.
1944Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - COTAM 1283 (A319CJ F-RBFB) - lands rwy 1R.
1948Z 131.875 IAD Signature Flight Support - COTAM 1283 (A319CJ F-RBFB) - looking for the Follow-Me truck...:cool:

2023Z 119.300 PT APP - MARINE 151 - 5000' for 2000' vis. rwy 1R at Andrews.
2025Z 119.850 PT APP - JOSA 212 - req. ILS rwy 1R @ Andrews.
2034Z 378.100 LIBERATOR CP - DC 99 - 20 mins. out A2 31K fuel 4 Space A's, maintz. writeups.

...and this afternoon's logs in between errands and picking the boys up...

1950Z 311.000 STEEL Control - STEEL 72 - status A1 17K fuel, mentions fuel offload figures for their two AR receivers.
1951Z 126.400 PT APP - SUNNY 582 - checking in 2 6000'.
1957Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 22 - landing rwy 32 for maint. check.

2010Z 125.650 PT DEP - ARMY 60112 (C-12J 86-0112) - @ 6000' req. vis. rwy 32 @ Davison.
2011Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 061 - deps rwy 32 QSY PT DEP 118.950 2000' for 5000' then 6000' dir GRUBY.
2023Z 141.750 LFI PTD - PAT 061 - IDs as a Charlie-12, inbound for a CW4 pickup. Loud and clear reception.

2155Z 118.950 PT DEP - VENUS 01 - cleared dir LDN + 17000' QSY PT APP 118.675 13600-17000' then over to ZDC-Linden 133.550 to FL190 and where he req. FL310 as a final for maintz. checks, then will RTB Andrews.
2156Z 118.950 PT DEP - PAT 1267 - 6000'-4000' cleared for the vis. to rwy 32 at Davison.

2158Z 372.200 Andrews PTD - ANVIL 47 - Charlie-130 20 mins. out "will stay with you then".

2200Z 119.850 PT APP - ANVIL 47 - ELDEE @ 8000' req. vis. to rwy 19L @ Andrews then requests the ILS.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
SquelchKnob said:
But I have not listened to the whole file and Doubt I will becuse I messed around and recorded EVERYTHING for PAX. The comms were so busy it appears that 90% of what I have are partial transmissions so I need to narrow down the possibilites and lock out the stuff I am sure is totally unrelated to this. Will get R done though

I can sympathize with you on this. It took me awhile to weed out some of the freqs in my area that usuallly don't amount to too much. Once I did that it cut the number of files that ARC records to a manageable level. I usually dump them to a mp3 player (it took me awhile to find one that will handle wav format). It's sure alot more interesting to listen to than whats covered in some of the meetings I go to!



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Hagerstown/Thurmont notam 7/8069

Effective 1600 Utc 12/21/07 (1100 Local 12/21/07) Until 1530 Utc 12/26/07 (1030 Local 12/26/07)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
And, of course, another E-6B slipped out of Patuxent. He went out around 1845-1850 and this one headed northeast. It was 164410.

1922: REACH 5002 (C-5B, 85-0002, 436th AW Dover) to Dover CP...arriving in 20 minutes, needs crew transportation for 11, jetside service and is A-3 for nose gear that is slow to extend. He'd like a "jacking space" to park to work on that nose gear...gets Spot-R...349.4 (He called for several minutes before getting a reply. Then he made contact, gave his entire message and got no reply from Dover so had to repeat the message a couple of minutes later.)
1931: Heard a couple of HUSKY aircraft from New Castle County Airport. One of them was HUSKY 50 and I didn't get the other suffix. They are both C-130H models, 90-1057 and 84-0206, from the 142nd AS DE-ANG...working with their Ops...343.0 (Now sounds like there may be a third HUSKY up with those two. Confirmed - 84-0213 is also with the other two.)
1937: REACH 5002 with Dover Tower on a 5 mile initial for runway 19 full stop...126.35
1938: SKIER 87 (C130H, 83-0487, 139th AS NY-ANG Schenectedy) to Andrews CP...15 minutes out, coming in to pick up pax, wants confirmation they'll be on the Air Force side...ADW asks them if they can accept 5 Space A pax...they can and will...378.1
1951: SKIER 87 w/Potomac TRACON heading for ADW's runway 19R...119.85
1952: PAT 866 landing ADW w/Tower...landing runway 19R...118.4
1956: SKIER 87 over to ADW Approach (TRACON)...wants to intercept the localizer for runway 19L...cleared from 5000 down to 2000 feet...119.3
1956: Coast Guard 101 (C-37A, 01, USCG DCA) overhead w/TRACON
1956: RIDER 80 (C-17A, 06-6167, 436th AW Dover) departs Dover...climbing to altitude...w/ZDC VHF
1959: Coast Guard 102 (C-143A, 02, USCG DCA) also flying yet again...w/TRACON

2001: SKIER 87 w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
2003: JEDI 31 (EA-6B, 161118, VAQ-209 Andrews) w/Potomac TRACON climbing out from Andrews..cleared incrementally over the next 3 minutes from 1 to 17,000 feet....348.725
2007: JEDI 31 handed off to ZDC-Calvert and checks in there passing 15.5 for 17K...281.4
2008: JEDI 31 reports level at 17,000 feet but then adds that since they're "popeye" they'd like to climb to FL 240...cleared to 240...281.4
2013: JEDI 31 handed off to ZDC-Norfolk and checks in there level 240...327.8
2017: F-22A activity on Langley interflight freq...233.525
2017: Coast Guard 101 w/TRACON...119.85
There's also F-22A activity w/Norfolk TRACON (East) 370.925 and Langley SOF 383.2
2019: REACH 8050 (C-17A, 98-0050, 62nd AW McChord) overhead area at FL 290...w/ZDC VHF
2021: French Air Force...(Flight COTAM 1283, A-319-115X, 1556/F-RBFB) departs Dulles...TRACON (Heads northeast - eventually up to FL 340 around Philly)
2028: F-22A Raptor activity on Langley interflight freq...257.075
Raptors are working out in W-386 w/Giant Killer...249.8
2033: REACH 0467 (C-5A, 70-0467, 155th AS/164th AW TN-ANG Memphis) lifting off from Dover.
2038: SAM 2058 (C-20B, 86-0206, 99th AS Andrews) landing ADW w/Tower...118.4
2040: GHOST 53 (C-20G, 165153, US Marine HQ) landing ADW w/Tower...118.4
2043: TBOLT 32 (F-22A Langley) w/Giant Killer requesting RTB Langley through HEELS...249.8 (Same flight using interflight 257.075. The rest of the flight is still there. 32 is going home because of a problem.)
2049: TBOLT 33 to Giant Killer reporting at FL 290, squawking 5564, RTB pushing for Langley...249.8
2055: TBOLT ?32? with Norfolk Radar...353.7

And that's enough logging for today.
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Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
TinEar said:
1452: German Air Force (flight GAF 129, A-310, tail 10+22) in the area (actually been in the area close to 20 minutes but I forgot to log him earlier
I had him w/Gander @ 1229Z 08879.0 HF USB posit rpts hdg W: selcal BMQR

Also for those who collect serials:

2114Z : ETHYL 66 [63-7981 107ARW KIAG] wkg RCH 0165 [poss 99-0165 C-17] on 305.500 AR20NE Note: ETH kept calling him RCH 404 during initial call-ups.

2140Z : RCH 0467 [poss 70-0467 C-5A] hdg S thru ZBW Victor

And for those who don't read northeastmilair:

1757Z : BLUE ANGEL 7 hdg N [Canada?] ZBW 360.600 => 348.700 => 251.075


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Unusual Flight: A KC-135R (57-1479) from the 756th ARS at Andrews is flying an EVAC mission this morning. Heard shortly before 1000 as EVAC 71479. Even more unusual, this same aircraft was flying last week on a trip to Europe as SAM 1964. This is the first time in my memory a 756th aircraft has been assigned an EVAC mission and it's certainly the first time as a SAM mission.

Heard early in 1000 hour...RAVEN flight of two A-10s from the MD-ANG at Martin State and a pair of CADE A-10s from the PA-ANG at Willow Grove both working through the Harrisburg App/Dep freq 281.525. At 1024, the CADE flight was handed off to "New York Center 285.65." I put that in quotes because it's exactly what the pilot repeated. I've had some people tell me that's not a ZNY freq since I first recovered it about a year ago and put the ZNY label on it.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 12192007

1041 local - 167th C5A 70-0452 copied with MRB tower on ground freq 121.800 reading back flight plan. Direct MRB>SWANN>BRASS (??) J42 to Robinsville then continue as filed. Callsign on the ground is DECOY 52 HEAVY. Takeoff is emminent.

Edit to add - squawk is 1356
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
1041 local - 167th C5A 70-0452 copied with MRB tower on ground freq 121.800 reading back flight plan. Direct MRB>SWANN>BRASS (??) J42 to Robinsville then continue as filed. Callsign on the ground is DECOY 52 HEAVY. Takeoff is emminent.

Edit to add - squawk is 1356

Got him here at 1058 Brian. However, I got his tail as 70-0463 -- DECOY 52.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland,15240,158588,00.html

Hopefully they will keep those C-17's coming...

BLUETAIL 01 (VAW-120?) with ZDC 256.800 1155 local.Surprisingly loud and clear here..
GREYHAWK 03 was earlier doing work at Dover.
1724z REACH 7169 C-17 inbound Dover from overseas with CP 349.400
1732z REACH 957 C-5 68-0226 arriving Dover from MildenHall UK with 12 rolling stock.
Tribute to GREYHAWK crew of #620 that was lost this past summer in our area.

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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Northern Lights

1353 - 1355 local -- NORTHERN LIGHTS ground station loud & clear on 364.200. Didn't copy the aircraft side. Must be through Potomac Tracon.


Dec 13, 2007
1446: 142.3 active. No C/S yet but I have the freq listed for MD-ANG. Talking about going to DOV for some PAR approaches. AXEMAN 01 Flight.
1456: AXEMAN flight comes up 250.3 PAX APP/DEP CTRL. Requests DOV for Practice Approaches. Also request a victor. Come up 127.95 PAX APP.
1501: Osprey 71 with PAX TWR, 343.65. Request areas and switch to BAYWATCH, 264.55
1537: WARLOCK 08 at the hold short at PAX ready for take off
1531: Osprey 71 with TWR 343.65. For the Downwind to the 109 HELO pad
1717: Just sitting back down here. 1st FW up. 315.8. No C/S yet. Also getting hits on 233.7 weak.
1721: 391.2 GK active T-BOLT 5
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